CC 2014-10-14_08.d. Cancel Nov 11 2014 Council MeetingMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER, SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF THE NOVEMBER 11, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 14,2014 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council cancel the regularly scheduled meeting on November 11, 2014. · IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: There would be a minor savings to the Public, Education and Government Access . Fund by not having to pay to cablecast the meeting. BACKGROUND: The first regularly scheduled meeting in November falls on November 11th, which is Veteran's Day. Veteran's Day is a national and City holiday. City Hall will be closed, as will many businesses. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: At this point, there does not appear to be any upcoming agenda items necessary to address at the November 11, 2014 meeting that could not be delayed until the following meeting. Holding the meeting would require staff to report for work on a holiday. In addition, it could result in criticism to the City for conducting business and not fully recognizing the holiday desig!'1ed to pay tribute to the nation's war veterans. The City Council cancelled the meeting the last time it fell on Veteran's Day. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Cancel the November 11, 2014 City Council meeting; Do not cancel the November 11, 2014 meeting; Item 8.d. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLATION OF THE NOVEMBER 11, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2014 .PAGE 2 Delay the decision until October 28, 2014 meeting to ensure there are no important items that would need to be addressed at the November 11, 2014 meeting; Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: Canceling the meeting will appropriately recognize Veteran's Day, will relieve all staff from· work assignments on the holiday, and will reduce costs of cablecasting the meeting. DISADVANTAGES: It may delay City Council business until the next meeting. No urgent items have been identified, but it could result in heavier agendas for the meetings prior to and following that meeting. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, October 9, 2014 and on the City's website on Friday, October 10, 2014. _j Item 8.d. - Page 2