PC Minutes 2014-01-07ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2014 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Presiding Officer Keen called the Regular Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Presiding Officer Keen welcomed new Commissioners Tom Goss and Randy Russom. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners John Keen, Jennifer Martin, Lisa Sperow, Tom Goss, and Randy Russom were present. Staff Present: Assistant Planner Matt Downing, Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Assistant City Engineer Mike Linn, Deputy City Attorney Jon Ansolabehere, and Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Sperow led the Flag Salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Memo dated January 7, 2014 addressed to the Planning Commission from Teresa McClish, Community Development Director regarding modification to traffic flow and signage for Item 8.a. 7. CONSENT AGENDA Action: Commissioner Sperow moved, and Commissioner Martin seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item 7.a. December 3, 2013 minutes, as submitted. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Sperow, Martin, Keen, NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Goss, Russom 7.a. Consideration of Approval of Minutes Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular Planning Commission meeting of December 3, 2013 as presented. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2014 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS PAGE 2 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 12 -002, VARIANCE 12- 004, AND AMENDED VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12 -001 (T2713); LOCATION — 880 OAK PARK BOULEVARD (APNs 07- 771 -053, 007 - 771 -062, AND 007 - 771 -076); APPLICANT RUSS SHEPPEL Assistant Planner Downing presented the staff report recommending the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit No. 12 -002, Variance Case No. 12 -004, and Amended Vesting Tentative Tract Map Case No. 12 -001. Assistant Planner Downing responded to questions from the Commission regarding the proposed project. Presiding Officer Keen opened the public hearing. Steve Rigor, Architect, indicated he worked with the City on the proposed project and presented the project to the Commission. Mr. Rigor also responded to questions from the Commission on the proposed project. Russ Sheppel, stated that he already has an entitlement to build on the site; this is the best plan he could put together for this site with lowest demand for parking; and indicated the Planning Commission issues from the October 2013 meeting have been addressed adequately. Kevin Kennedy, indicated he had not been invited to any of the meetings with Mr. Bunnell, Mr. Sheppel and Deputy City Attorney Ansolabehere; he has a 24' easement; and asked the Commission not to approve the proposed project and that it be sent back to the drawing board. Fred Glick, attorney for Mr. Bunnell, stated the problems have not been worked out; the parking easement cannot be moved without Mr. Bunnell's consent; Mr. Bunnell has a complete access easement; if Mr. Bunnell does not relocate parking easement they cannot build; and said the project needs to be redesigned. He further stated that the project approved in 2006 shows condominiums facing the other way and should be done that way and stated parking is a big problem. Dan Scarrey, representative for Mr. Bunnell, stated he is concern with the easements and desire to preserve the easements. John Belsher, attorney representing Russ Sheppel, indicated Mr. Kennedy's access will remain; the desire to park trucks buses is not realistic in the existing easement; the easement issues involve private parties and will not get resolved by the City; it is the use that requires the least amount of parking; and asked the Commission to approve the project and send it to the City Council. Hearing no further comments, Presiding Officer Keen closed the public hearing. Community Development Director McClish clarified to the Commission that the assisted living facility would need one parking space per employee, which would equal twenty spaces. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2014 PAGE 3 Deputy City Attorney Ansolabehere stated that if a dispute arises, the City has a responsibility to process the permit, although as a matter of good planning, the City would want to approve a project that could be built. Conditions can be made on the forefront. Assistant Planner Downing stated if we did not consider driveway parking the project would still come in under their maximum 20% parking reduction for mixed uses. Commissioner Goss provided the following comments /concerns: the facility is much needed for the area; parking is an issue for this property; the purpose of the setback for the creek is to try to maintain and repair riparian features, this project is encroaching upon that; critters will not be able to go through the wrought iron fenced off area; tandem parking for the townhomes is not acceptable; agrees with the requirement of 20 spaces for the assisted living employees; townhomes are not a good fit and should be redesigned; the 8 spaces on the westerly end by the care facility should be set up for ingress /egress; would like to see as much vegetation maintained; and overall is in support of the project but would like to see underlying problems fixed (i.e. easements, townhomes). Commissioner Sperow provided the following comments /concerns: the easement is a matter between private parties; tandem parking should not be counted; the townhomes are not a good fit; likes the assisted living facility; would like townhomes removed; and when considered as a whole, is not in favor of the project. Commissioner Russom provided the following comments /concerns: the creek setback needs to be conditioned; fence openings should have reasonable spacing for wildlife; ok with the proposed access off of James Way due to safety concerns; placement and inclusion of townhomes is consistent to what is across the creek and provide needed higher density housing that is more affordable; and parking allotments restricted for the townhomes (i.e. garages) should not be included in calculating total Plaza parking. Commissioner Martin provided the following comments /concerns: the parking issue must be considered in view of the whole complex not just the proposed project; overall the project looks good and is a nice addition to the community; ok with townhomes there; ok with the 35' creek setback; it is important that the documents are depicted accurately on site plan; it would be helpful if all the changes are consistently depicted on all plan sheets; the easements in dispute are not in Planning Commission realm. Commissioner Keen provided the following comments /concerns: he likes the project; want to approve because of the assisted living; 35' creek setback is a good fit; against tandem parking; the bottom drive is necessary to keep as ingress only; looking at the topo, it only makes sense that the townhomes were placed as proposed and if you turn them around it does not work architecturally as well; pavers may not be a good material in a care facility patio walkway; and parking is a problem and should not worsen with the project. Action: Commissioner Martin moved to adopt a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 12 -002, VARIANCE CASE NO. 12 -004, AND AMENDED VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO. 12 -001 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 55,000 SQUARE -FOOT, 69 BED ASSISTED LIVING /MEMORY CARE FACILITY AND EIGHT (8) TOWNHOMES, LOCATED AT 880 OAK PARK BOULEVARD (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF OAK PARK PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2014 PAGE 4 BOULEVARD /JAMES WAY INTERSECTION); APPLIED FOR BY RUSS SHEPPEL ". as modified to add the following Conditions of Approval: vehicular access through the lower (eastern) driveway be limited to ingress and emergency vehicles due to safety concerns; proposed directional sign #1 be modified to state that only emergency vehicles may exit through the lower driveway; proposed direction signs #4 and #6 be removed; the parking requirement shall include 20 parking spaces for the employees at the memory care facility and the parking in the townhome garages not be counted toward total parking. Commissioner Goss seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Martin, Goss, Russom, Keen NOES: Sperow ABSENT: None The Commission took at break at 8:40 pm and reconvened at 8:50 pm. 8.b CONSIDERATION OF STAFF PROJECT 13 -007; RESOLUTION AMENDING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT (D -2.11) — TRAFFIC WAY AND STATION WAY Assistant Planner Downing presented the staff report recommending the Planning Commission recommend the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the Design Guidelines and Standards for the Traffic Way and Station Way Design Overlay District (D- 2.11). Assistant Planner Downing responded to questions from the Commission regarding the proposed project. Presiding Officer Keen opened the public hearing and upon hearing no comments closed the public hearing. Action: Commissioner Sperow moved to adopt a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING STAFF PROJECT 13 -007; AMENDING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR DESIGN OVERLAY DISTRICT (D -2.11) — TRAFFIC WAY AND STATION WAY ". Commissioner Russom seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Sperow, Russom, Goss, Martin, Keen NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. NON - PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 9.a. Election of Officers Presiding Officer Keen presented the staff report and recommended that the Planning Commission elect a Chair and Vice Chair to hold office effective its second meeting in January 2014, and continuing until its second regular meeting in March 2014. Presiding Officer Keen nominated Jennifer Martin as Chair. Commissioner Sperow seconded. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2014 Commissioner Goss nominated John Keen as Chair. Commissioner Keen declined. PAGE 5 Action: Upon hearing no further nominations, Presiding Officer Keen moved to close the nominations, Commissioner Martin was elected as Chair upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Keen, Goss, Martin, Sperow, Russom NOES: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Goss nominated Lisa Sperow as Vice Chair. Action: Upon hearing no further nominations, Presiding Officer Keen moved to close the nominations. Commissioner Sperow was elected as Vice Chair upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Goss, Keen, Martin, Russom, Sperow NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE DECEMBER 17, 2013 This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must be appealed or called up for review b v the Planning Commission by a majority vote. Case No. Applicant Address Description Action Planner DR 13 -014 Mark & Ingrid Kovacs 307 Myrtle Construction of a single- A K. Heffernon Street family residence in the Cherry Creek Subdivision PPR 13 -010 Edward Chadwell 104 Traffic Way Conversion of second -floor A M. Downing office space for residential use, resulting in mixed -use development ARCH 13 -003 Chadwell Family 116 W. Branch Fagade modification on The A M. Downing Partnership Street Arden Building PPR 13 -013 Comfort Market 116 W. Branch Establishment of a cafe /light A M. Downing Street fare market in the Village Core Downtown district 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Martin asked staff to make sure documents going forward to City Council get updated at some point. She would like full set of Grading Plans for easier review for most projects. In response to Commissioner Keen's question, Community Development Director McClish stated there will be design modification needed so trash company can access the garbage bins at Panera Bread. Commissioner Russom appreciates the screening on the roof of Panera Bread. In response to a question from Commissioner Russom, Community Development Director McClish stated staff will request the developer to provide digital copies of submittals. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2014 PAGE 6 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Planning Commissioner 2014 schedule for Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and Historical Resources Committee (HRC) meetings. Community Development Director McClish clarified that attending the HRC meetings are optional. The Commission concurred with the schedule. • It was the consensus of the Commission that Commissioner Russom and Commissioner John Keen (alternate) represent the Planning Commission for the Bridge Street Bridge Committee Stakeholders Group. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2014 @ 8:30 am. 13. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Commissioner Goss, seconded by Commissioner Martin and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGER J SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Approved at PC Mtg January 21, 2014) JOHN KEEN, PRESTDING OFFICER