CC 2015-08-11_08b Sewer Main Repair_Lift Station 1MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: GEOFF ENGLISH, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WOR~ BY: SHANE TAYLOR, PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR -UTILITIES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO FUND SEWER MAIN REPAIR PROJECT AT SEWER LIFT STATION N0.1 DATE: AUGUST 11, 2015 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize the appropriation of $75,000 from the Sewer Fund balance to repair the 8" sewer main at Sewer Lift Station No. 1. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: A cost estimate to replace the section of sewer main was prepared by R. Baker, Inc. in the amount of $62,320. Based on this estimate, an informal bid process will be required along with some engineering specifications and drawings. Adding 20% to the estimate, an amount of $75,000 may be required to complete the project. Currently the pipe is compromised and requires preventative maintenance cleaning on a monthly basis at a minimum. BACKGROUND: Sewer Lift Station No. 1 was built in 1973 and is our largest sewer lift station. The station pumps approximately 350,000 gallons/day of sewage from the location in front of Carl's Jr. up West Branch Street to the movie theater, then under Highway 101 to El Camino Real. The station was rebuilt in 2007, and part of the project was to slipline a section of sewer main from a· new manhole to the lift station wet well, which is 25' in length. The pipe is 20' deep. When the main was lined, an offset joint caused the line to cure in an oval position so that the flow was restricted. Over the years this has caused some issues, including two (2) overflows into Meadow Creek. A separate float alarm was installed in the manhole and this has worked in notifying department personnel prior to an overflow occurring. The restriction in the pipe is getting worse and may lead to serious problems, such as a complete pipe blockage. Item 8.b. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO FUND SEWER MAIN REPAIR PROJECT AT SEWER LIFT STATION N0.1 AUGUST 11, 2015 PAGE2 ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The replacement of an approximately 15' section of 8" sewer main is a relatively simple job. The challenge at this location is that the main is very deep and will require large equipment and specialized trench shielding. In addition, when the lift station was rebuilt a new manhole was installed in the sidewalk on West Branch Street. The contractor at that time encountered groundwater and had difficulty installing the manhole. It is our hope that the current drought has caused the groundwater level in this area to drop which would make this excavation easier. If not, the project becomes difficult as a dewatering system would be required. Regardless, it has become imperative that this main section be replaced to prevent a serious sewer overflow event into Meadow Creek. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: Approve funding the sewer main repair project and appropriate $75,000 from the Sewer Fund balance; Do not approve funding the sewer main repair project; or Provide direction to staff. ADVANTAGES: The funding of this repair will prevent the possibility of a complete pipe blockage and sewage overflow, which could result in a threat to the public health and safety and large regulatory fines. It will also eliminate the need for monthly preventative maintenance and cleaning. DISADVANTAGES: The cost to replace the section of sewer main will cost approximately $75,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, August 6, 2015. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City's website on Friday, August 7, 2015. Attachments: 1. Budget Numbers for Pipe Repair at Lift Station No. 1 (R. Baker, Inc. dated 7/16/2015) Item 8.b. - Page 2 Date: Co: To: From: Re: R. BAKER, INC. PIPE LINE AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION Post Office Box 419 7/16/2015 Arroyo Grande, California 93421 Contractors License No. 372751 Phone 805-489-8711 Fax 805-489-1653 Email: gregsherer@charter.net Pages 1of1 City of Arroyo Grande Shane Taylor Greg Sherer Budget Numbers for Pipe Repair at Lift Station No. 1 Here is what I have come up with: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pothole Excavate, Shoring, Dewater, & Repair Backfill & Compact Clean Up & Replace PCC Sidewalk 2,025.00 37,850.00 15,935.00 6.510.00 Total 62,320.00 These budget costs are based on being able to truck excess spoils and store them onsite on city property near the Woman's Club at West Branch and Old Ranch Road. Depending on excavation conditions, these numbers could go much higher due to ground water and if there is a lot of gravel to deal with from previous backfill operations. With that being said, if conditions are good, these budget costs could drop considerably. We just know until we begin excavating and see what the conditions are. Please Note: This is not a bid or proposal. These are only budget numbers. We would consider doing this work on a Time & Material basis only. Sincerely, Greg Sherer R. Baker, Inc. Estimator ATTACHMENT 1 Item 8.b. - Page 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Item 8.b. - Page 4