R 2360 . w_~.'~. ","'''~'-~.~--- --_.~ - -- ~ ... - .... 180 ~. RESOLU'1'ION NO. 2360 A U80LU'I'ION OP 'lH. ClIft GOUNCIZL OP 'I'D CI'1'Y or ARROYO ORANDI DISAPPROVDO OINERAL PLAN ANBNDMIN'1' 89-1 RILA'l'INO 'l'O '1'BE EX'1'ENSION OP JANES WAY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande baa considered Oeneral Plan Amendment No. S9-1 ~atUig to the extelUliDn of James Way between Tally Ho Road and Highway 227; and WKBRBAS.the Planning Commi.a,,!on hall held a pubUG hearing and acc:epted -.. testimony, and ncommenda that OPA S9-1 be disapproved; and WKBRBAS, the City Counal1 fiDda that the foUowing c:ircumatanoea eJd.at: ,.., 1. AlternaUvea A, B, and C presented in the Final EIR prepared for the projeat will have an adverse effeot on the envkonment. 2. 'l'h. Pl:'o;leGt: doe. not: .ubatantia117 improve tcaftia =oulatLon on Ballt Branch street (according to triP pro;Jectiona prepared by t.he traffic consultant) when constructed with or without the proposed Highway 221 by-p... (under study by the Area Coordinated Counc:il). 3. The cost of the projeat would be al.9nifl.cant and the City's limited funda .hould be applied to pc-ojecta with 9c-eater poaIt.ive impaeta on tcaffic c:irculatiDn and safety. 4. The project only promotes minimum rec:luotion in ta.ps to. and from the VjJ!age from James Way via the Tally Ho-Le Pointe street "s-" curve. NON, 'l'BBREPORE, BB rr RESOLVED that the City Counc:il of the City of Arroyo Orande hereby disapproves General Plan Amendment No. S9-1. On motJon by Coundl Member Smith . aec:ondecl by Coundl Member Moots . and by the fOllowing roU call vote, to wit: AYES: COUncil Members smith, M:x>ts, Dougall, Olsen and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSaN'!'l None . the foregoing Resoiution was adopted tIWI 2tIl day of .1"nl1"TV . 1990. :Js~). jfJL MAYOR . ATTES'!': . APPROVED AS '1'0 FORM: , , .. '71 1Uu'/ir.11. t::Jn~. NMCY A. D S CITY CLERK .... -- --------.-----,,-.---