CC 2016-06-28_10a AGTBID Annual Public Hearing MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DEBBIE MALICOAT, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DATE: JUNE 28, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: 1) Hold a public hearing to receive testimony regarding the City Council’s intention to continue the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District (AGTBID) and levy an annual assessment for fiscal year 2016-17; 2) Determine whether a legally sufficient number of protests have been made; and 3) If a legally sufficient protest is not made, adopt a Resolution levying an annual assessment for the AGTBID for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. IMPACT TO FINANCIAL OR PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Based on the anticipated year-end results for FY 2015-16, the total assessment expected to be collected totals approximately $185,000. In FY 2016-17, the AGTBID projected revenue is $205,000. Of the projected revenue, $3,000 is budgeted to cover the City’s administrative costs associated with collecting and disbursing the assessment. The City has also budgeted $5,000 to contribute toward the tourism efforts. Therefore, it results in a net cost of $2,000 to the City. BACKGROUND: In May 2013, the City Council adopted an Ordinance establishing the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District. The District was formed under the Parking and Business Improvement Law of 1989, Sections 36500 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code and incorporated into the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (AGMC) in Title 3, Chapter 3.46. In accordance with the provisions in the Streets and Highways Code and AGMC Section 3.46.100, the City Council appointed an Advisory Board. Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 36533, the Advisory Board is to prepare an annual report, which is to be submitted to the City Council for its review and Item 10.a. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 2 approval. Accordingly, the AGTBID Advisory Board submitted the attached annual report to the City Council for consideration at its May 24, 2016 meeting, which was approved. AGMC Section 3.46.060 also provides that the assessments for the AGTBID are to be reviewed annually by the City Council based upon the annual report of the Advisory Board, and after approval of the annual report, the City Council is to follow the hearing process outlined in Streets and Highways Code Section 36534 for the annual assessment for the upcoming fiscal year. A public hearing is to be held in order to receive any written or oral protests against the continuation of the District. Accordingly, on May 24, 2016, the City Council adopted a Resolution setting a public hearing for June 28, 2016. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The AGTBID has been in effect for almost two years and has been very successful. A tourism website and other marketing efforts have been developed and implemented. The efforts are coordinated by a Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee and approved by the AGTBID Advisory Board. The Chamber of Commerce has administered the program so minimal staff time has been required by the City. The AGTBID Advisory Board recommends extending the assessment and continuing the program. Today’s public hearing will allow lodging businesses subject to the assessment an opportunity to submit comments, voice concerns, and protest the assessment. As set forth in Sections 36524 and 36525 of the California Streets and Highways Code, the City Council has the ability to continue the AGTBID at this public hearing, unless written protests are received from lodging businesses that pay 50% or more of the proposed assessments. In that event, the Council cannot consider continuation of the AGTBID for at least one year. Streets and Highways Code Section 36535 provides that at the conclusion of the hearing, a Resolution confirming the Advisory Board’s report may be adopted. The statute further provides that adoption of the Resolution constitutes the levy of the assessment for the fiscal year. A Resolution has been prepared for City Council consideration and adoption if there is no legally sufficient protest. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1. Approve staff’s recommendations; 2. Do not approve staff’s recommendations and terminate the AGTBID; 3. Direct staff to make modifications to the AGTBID and schedule another public hearing; or 4. Provide staff other direction. Item 10.a. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: The recommendations will enable the City to extend the AGTBID, which provides a mechanism to generate funding to promote lodging stays and tourism in the City, which increases transient occupancy tax revenue and supports local businesses. DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages with the recommended action are identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The City Council Resolution of Intention to continue the AGTBID, to continue the basis for and to levy the assessment for the District, and to set a date for the public hearing on the District and the assessment for Fiscal Year 2016-17, was published in The Tribune on Friday, June 10, 2016 pursuant to Streets and Highway Code Section 36534. On Friday, June 17, 2016, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Tribune and mailed to each lodging business located within the City. The Agenda was posted at City Hall on Thursday, June 23, 2016 and the Agenda and staff report were posted on the City’s website on Friday, June 24, 2016. Attachments: 1. Annual Report Item 10.a. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE LEVYING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE ARROYO GRANDE TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR THE 2016-17 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989, sections 36500 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code, authorizes cities to establish business improvement districts for several purposes, one of which is the promotion of tourism; and WHEREAS the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District was established in May, 2013 and incorporated into the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code in Chapter 3.46; and WHEREAS in accordance with the requirements of Streets and Highways Code Section 36530 and Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 3.46.100, the City Council appointed an Advisory Board to provide oversight, guidance, and recommendations regarding the use of the assessment funds; and WHEREAS the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989 requires the Advisory Board to prepare and submit an annual report stating proposed changes, improvements and activities for the fiscal year; and WHEREAS the Advisory Board annual report was considered and approved by the Arroyo Grande City Council at its May 24, 2016 meeting; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures contained in Streets and Highways Code Section 36534, on May 24, 2016 the City Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to levy an annual assessment for the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District for the 2016-2017 fiscal year and set a public hearing for June 28, 2016 to consider the annual assessment and hear any oral or written protests; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed Public Hearing on June 28, 2016 to allow for protests, as required by Streets and Highway Code Section 36524, and, sufficient written or oral protests were not received from lodging businesses in the District which pay fifty percent or more of the assessment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby continues the established Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District in accordance with Arroyo Grande Item 10.a. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 Municipal Code Chapter 3.46 and California Streets and Highways Code Sections 36500 et seq. (Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989) and levies assessments for fiscal year 2016-17 as further contained herein. SECTION 2. The report of the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District Advisory Board is hereby confirmed. SECTION 3. The location and boundaries of the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District are the boundaries of the City of Arroyo Grande. SECTION 4. The assessment levied by the Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District shall be used for activities and programs promoting lodging businesses in the District through the promotion of scenic, recreational, cultural and other attractions in the District as a tourist destination, and as further set forth in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 3.46.030. SECTION 5. The assessment will be levied and allocated by the City of Arroyo Grande. SECTION 6. The assessment is to be levied on all “lodging”, as that term is defined in Arroyo Grande Municipal Code section 3.46.020. SECTION 7. The assessment for fiscal year 2016-17 shall be levied on all lodging businesses within the AGTBID boundaries and shall be based upon two percent of the rent charged by the operator per occupied room per night for all transient occupancies. The assessment shall be collected quarterly, based on two percent of the rent charged by the operator per occupied room per night in revenues for the previous quarter. SECTION 8. New lodging businesses shall not be exempt from immediate assessment. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. Item 10.a. - Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 ___________________________________ JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: ___ KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: _____________________________________ GEOFF ENGLISH, ACTING CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 10.a. - Page 6 ATTACHMENT 1 Item 10.a. - Page 7 Table of Contents 1. AGTBID Highlights ................................................................................................................................. 3 2. Visitor Profile......................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Performance and Results ...................................................................................................................... 7 a. Targeting Customers in Each of the 5 Travel Buying Cycles ............................................................. 7 Stage 1: Dream ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Stage 2: Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Stage 3: Buy ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Stage 4: Experience ............................................................................................................................... 9 Stage 5: Share ....................................................................................................................................... 9 4. Cost Efficient Online Paid Advertising Methods ................................................................................... 9 a. Ad Words .......................................................................................................................................... 9 b. Facebook Ads .................................................................................................................................. 10 5. Website ............................................................................................................................................... 10 a. Newsletter ....................................................................................................................................... 10 b. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... 10 c. Redesign and Launch ...................................................................................................................... 11 6. Social Media ........................................................................................................................................ 12 a. Benchmarks ..................................................................................................................................... 12 7. Search Engine Optimization ................................................................................................................ 12 8. Giveaways and Promotions ................................................................................................................ 13 9. Significant Partnerships ...................................................................................................................... 14 10. Plans for the Next Year ................................................................................................................... 15 Booking Tool ........................................................................................................................................... 16 AARP National Event Sponsor and Exhibitor Shows ............................................................................... 16 Budget ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Travel & Adventure Show – Expo ........................................................................................................... 17 Budget ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Booking Tool .............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District ............................................................................ 19 Item 10.a. - Page 8 1. AGTBID Highlights The objective in the initial RFP was to “Turn Heads into Beds” and RG Pacific team achievements are explained in a thorough manner in the sections below. We will inform the AGTBID Committee how we collected data to target potential Arroyo Grande tourists through social media, search engine optimization, paid advertising, improved website design and content. Item 10.a. - Page 9 2. Visitor Profile Since we started tracking data in July 2015, we have been gathering and monitoring the incoming data using Google Analytics tracking. The data acquired by the previous AGTBID did not have demographic Item 10.a. - Page 10 info. The graphic created by the RG Pacific team shows the data we acquired from July 2015 – March 2016. STAY: Which hotels are visitors looking at the most?  9 out of 20 of the most viewed pages on the website are related to booking and accommodations. This means that 45% of all website page views come from people that are interested in staying in Arroyo Grande.  We achieved this by incorporating SEO to these pages with terms like: Arroyo Grande hotels, Arroyo Grande accommodations, lodging in Arroyo Grande, bed and breakfast in Arroyo Grande. These SEO keywords make it easier for people to search for accommodations and find our website.  We know how much traffic VisitArroyoGrande.org referred to hotels in Arroyo Grande even though we can’t track reservations. DINE: Which restaurants are the most popular with visitors? During the month of January, RG Pacific boosted a post on Facebook asking followers to tell us which local restaurants are their favorite. This specific post was in anticipation of California Restaurant Month, and to help us incorporate our audience’s favorite restaurants to the newly redesigned Dine page. The redesigned page is based on the profile we compiled. We noticed that people were visiting the first three pages of the five on the website. With the new page, our development team incorporated a filter that lets visitors find a restaurant based on type. Additionally, our designer created new images for each Item 10.a. - Page 11 restaurant listing that was more appealing to visitors. This has resulted in more page views for restaurants in Arroyo Grande that were left towards the end of the dine page. VISITORS: Where are visitors coming from? We have been targeting the following areas in our paid advertising efforts:  Bakersfield  Fresno  Los Angeles  San Francisco  San Jose  Santa Barbara Our targeting has reached people in Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo, Grover Beach, Oceano and Pismo through Facebook shares and likes. However, the majority of visitors to the website are coming from the Los Angeles area AGE: How old are they? The Baby Boomers represent the majority of Arroyo Grande website visitors, giveaway entries, and Facebook followers. According to a Nielsen study, by 2017 boomers will control 70 percent of the country's disposable income. This demographic has been previously ignored by most marketing firms; however, using the information from Google Analytics and research “Boomers make the most money and spend what they make," concludes the study. This age demographic ignores just about all forms of advertising on social media; however, they don’t ignore advertising in traditional media as much. As a result, we are using the Twitter budget to advertise on Rincon Broadcasting, which broadcasts on iHeart radio stations for a four-week period to reach this demographic. INTERESTS: What do visitors like? Item 10.a. - Page 12 The Arroyo Grande visitor is not active on Twitter. They are mostly on Facebook. The people that follow brands online want to get coupons, promotional offers deals. This is because they make travel and purchasing decisions. The most popular websites amongst Arroyo Grande’s demographic are Travel/Hotel & Accommodations as well as Arts & Entertainment. As a result, the Event page on the website is the second most popular page on the website after the homepage. Desktop and mobile devices are used equally by visitors; however, most use mobile devices to access their social media accounts and view content there. 3. Performance and Results a. Targeting Customers in Each of the 5 Travel Buying Cycles The promotion strategy that we used to “turn heads into beds” was using a pull marketing strategy through social media, online offers, and paid advertising on Google. Stage 1: Dream  We created a mailing list on the site using Mail Chimp mailing services to read our segmented audience.  The e-mail broadcasts reached out to subscribers and encouraged them to visit Arroyo Grande for events like the Labor Day Weekend, Christmas in the Village, Valentine’s Day, etc.  We updated the website Events page by creating a past events category to move events there without having to delete the posts and cause sitemap errors.  Our social media team posted pictures of different activities and happenings in Arroyo Grande on social media using popular travel and activity hashtags. Stage 2: Plan Our team optimize website content because it lacked SEO and pages that most tourism website have. The Directions page for example had generic directions. We wanted to focus on our target audience, so we created two subpages with custom banners. These pages designate different ways to get to Arroyo Grande, which makes it easier for people to plan their trips. Item 10.a. - Page 13 Our ads target the Los Angeles and San Francisco area, and that is where the majority of visitors to the website are. The third most come from Central Coast cities like San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Nipomo, and Atascadero. Item 10.a. - Page 14 Stage 3: Buy Internet searches for accommodations in Arroyo Grande account for the majority of page hits. Our current data shows how many page views the Stay and accommodations pages get (45% of all pages). Stage 4: Experience  Created a deals page for Wine Tasting and for Accommodations. o Our marketing team contacts hotels and wineries to get current deals and offerings. We then put that information together to create banners and graphics for the website and social media.  RG Pacific promotes various restaurants and cafés that are popular amongst visitors to ensure that new visitors have a great experience. Stage 5: Share Our team searches through Hashtag and Geo-location tags for people in Arroyo Grande to like and share their posts on our networks. This has encouraged visitors to share their experience, comment on @VisitAGCA posts, follow and leave reviews on Facebook. 4. Cost Efficient Online Paid Advertising Methods a. Ad Words  Using AdWords we have increased e-mail subscriptions and calls to the AGGB Chamber of commerce.  Paid advertising on Google has increased the number of visitors as well as the number of people that view the website during their search for trips to Arroyo Grande, Wine Tastings, and Tours.  Over 265K people have seen an ad to Visit Arroyo Grande. Item 10.a. - Page 15  The campaign continues to perform consistently within the allocated monthly budget. Our team manages it daily to ensure all search terms are related to Arroyo Grande tourism and wine tasting. Ad words accounts for 16% of incoming traffic monthly. b. Facebook Ads  These ads have proven to be the most effective in reaching people in the demographic because Facebook has more direct marketing options.  We have achieved more post shares organically, and have increased the reach through engaging posts.  The previous marketing efforts only targeted Arroyo Grande. As a result, RG Pacific targeted ad placements in surrounding cities; such as, Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Santa Barbara.  There are more website visitors being referred by Facebook than TripAdvisor.  The majority of social referrals to the website are from people that click the links on our Facebook posts and website link on the page. 5. Website a. Newsletter The website did not previously collect leads or have newsletter sign ups. A contact form was implemented to the website on the contact us page, and newsletter forms were created to segment the lists. RG Pacific acquired a list of 1,000 e-mails in addition to those collected from the giveaway and newsletter forms. b. Maintenance  Blocked referral spam to the website that causes high bounce rate.  Installed Google Analytics  Create and manage Google Webmaster Tools where the sitemap is monitored for errors  Scan the website for issues and malware  Remove malware (if any)  Update Wine and Hotel specials and graphics  Remove closed down restaurants in the Dine page  Update Events by creating a Past Events category to archive posts, and create new events Item 10.a. - Page 16 c. Redesign and Launch RG Pacific created a new design layout for the Arroyo Grande homepage, Sip, Dine, Play and Events page that keeps users engaged longer. Visitors are engaged longer because we used Analytics data to adjust the navigation hierarchy and structure to improve page views per visit, total time on site, and push our specialty pages. Additionally, our team created content pages for Familiarization Tours, Wine Specials, Hotel Deals Swinging Bridge, Clark Center, Museums, and Historic Landmarks. These pages were created based research of travelers and user demand. Now users can go directly to their point of interest and with ease. The redesign is also responsive to meet the demands of users that view the website. This means that the website content and images adjust to fit desktop displays and mobile phones and tablets. The redesigned Visit Arroyo Grande website was launched in February and is continuously worked on by our team to ensure that it is current and engaging. Item 10.a. - Page 17 6. Social Media a. Benchmarks  RG Pacific’s marketing efforts have increased awareness of Arroyo Grande as a travel destination and quick getaway from Northern and Southern California. As of March 10, the Ad Words campaign has spent $6,893.31 Clicks Impressions CTR Cost Conversions 2,430 265,655 0.91% $6,893.31 8  Facebook brings in 95.76% of all social traffic. Social Referrals include: Facebook, Trip Advisor, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Yelp, and Pinterest.  Google and Facebook Adverting referrals have a low bounce rate—4.23 and 5.47% respectively—compared to all other referral traffic visitors. 7. Search Engine Optimization Our team used multiple SEO tools on the website to help increase organic results. We used metadata that included keywords, titles, and descriptions. There was no SEO on Visit Arroyo Grande before we began implementing keywords into the website. We began using keywords during the month of September and since then you have seen a dramatic increase in organic reach. After each month more and more keywords are becoming ranked. This was achieved because specific keywords are incorporated into each page. The graph below reflects SEO from April 2015 (with previous marketing company) to March 2016 where immediate changes are seen. Press releases helped events gain traction on the website and resulted in higher ranked search result listings. We created Press Releases for the Arroyo Grande Christmas in the Village, and the South County Annual Turkey Trot. Our press release for Christmas in the Village was distributed through PRWEB.com and has been seen by over 75,000 people. This contributed to the increased awareness of Visit Arroyo Grande website and event. As shown in the chart above, Visit Arroyo Grande has increased its ranking from 1-5 terms to over 300. The top 100 keywords include misspelling and spelling variations for Arroyo Grande, Arroyo Grande Village, Arroyo Grande Christmas Parade, Bed and Breakfast Arroyo Grande, Premier Inn Arroyo Grande, Where is Arroyo Grande, Things to Do in Arroyo Grande, Arroyo Grande Motels, Arroyo Grande shopping, Hampton Arroyo Grande, Harvest Festival Arroyo Grande, Aloha Inn Arroyo Grande, Casa Grande Arroyo Grande, Stone Soup Music, Motels in Arroyo Grande, and more. Each keyword phrase goes to a page with content related to that keyword. We continuously monitor and track this data to improve ranking each month. Item 10.a. - Page 18 8. Giveaways and Promotions The RG Pacific Team planned and implemented a Weekend Getaway for two in The Village of Arroyo Grande. The goal of the giveaway is to increase traffic to the Visit Arroyo Grande Website and Social Media Pages and to also increase awareness. The giveaway will grant the winner:  A weekend (2-Night) stay at one of the Arroyo Grande Hotels  Complimentary wine or beer tasting for two  A gift card for dinner for two at an Arroyo Grande Restaurant These prizes were decided by the RG Pacific Team. We believe that this is the best possible way to attract both a young and older demographic. The process in getting the getaway to become a reality started with phone calls and emails. We emailed and then followed up with phone calls to local Arroyo Grande businesses asking if they were willing to participate in the giveaway. We emphasized that we would promote their business on all of Visit Arroyo Grande’s Social Media Pages as well as the website. Additionally, we offered to promote any current and future promotions their business even though they chose not to participate. By offering to promote their deals, our followers would reap the benefits of following Arroyo Grande on social media as our demographic analysis states. Although not all companies responded, we managed to acquire partnerships for the giveaway and future promotions. A couple of local wineries and a brewery are on board at the moment. Both Talley Winery and Figueroa Mountain Brewery have agreed to participate and are sending over vouchers for us to use in the giveaway. Laetitia Winery is also interested in participating in the giveaway, but they have not sent over any vouchers or have mentioned how they would contribute to the event. The custom giveaway landing page is easy to fill out and captures leads. Willing participants fill out the form in less than five minutes and are entered into the giveaway. Two spelling variations were created EscapeToAG.com and Escape2AG.com for the giveaway and they both redirect people back to a “Thank You” page on the Visit Arroyo Grande website. The Giveaway Rules page states what the prizes are, but no company names are included in order to provide the best possible giveaway package for winners. The current giveaway began on March 1st and will continue through May 1, 2016. Currently, hundreds of entries have been made and there is still plenty of time to submit an entry. Prizes will be awarded on or about May 2, 2016 and must be used by winner between May 20, 2016 and July 31, 2016. Item 10.a. - Page 19 9. Significant Partnerships The Arroyo Grande Weekend Getaway has opened doors to future partnerships with local businesses. As previously mentioned the weekend getaway was designed to increase traffic to the Visit Arroyo Grande website and social media pages. We wanted to implement wine tasting into the getaway knowing that it is extremely popular in the Central Coast. Some of our first attempts to contact businesses were with the local Wineries and Breweries. Both Talley and Laetitia Winery were more than willing to participate in the Getaway and were excited about it as well. We have been in contact with them throughout the year and have promoted their specials on the Visit Arroyo Grande website under the “SIP” page in the past. Figueroa Mountain Brewery is the only Arroyo Grande brewery that is participating in the getaway. Although this partnership with Figueroa Mountain partnership is new, we feel that it can become something great as the time passes. We know that maintaining strong relationships with these Wineries and Breweries will allow us to use them in future giveaways or contests we have planned. Additionally, the RG Pacific team helped update information for Visit San Luis Obispo County’s new asset management system. This system collects digital assets (photos) from every city in the county that show that cities main attractions and uploads them into a database. The assets are organized in folders and Item 10.a. - Page 20 named properly so they can be easy to ready. The images that we sent over were for the following attractions:  Lopez Lake  Mustang Waterslides  Rotary Bandstand  Swinging Bridge  Talley Vineyards  The Village The images highlight different aspects or events that were hosted on each attraction. For example, under The Village we sent over images that highlighted the Car Show in The Village, The Village Farmers Market, and Village shops and restaurants. This was the same for the other attractions that were sent over. Once the RG Pacific Team was in control of Visit Arroyo Grande’s social media accounts, we made sure to follow other San Luis Obispo County social media accounts to help with our online presence. This gave us a better idea of what worked and what didn’t work in San Luis Obispo County. The Visit Arroyo Grande accounts had a low follower count when we took over and our goal was to increase that number. We shared posts from other San Luis Obispo County accounts that were relevant to Arroyo Grande in order to gain more followers. This proved successful and in the end we were able to increase the follower count dramatically for all social media pages. 10. Plans for the Next Year RG Pacific is preparing for the coming year as our first year of working with Arroyo Grande’s TBID comes to an end. We have a better idea of what works and what doesn’t work when promoting The City. The partnerships that we have made with local businesses in The Village are going to help the RG Pacific team accomplish our plans for next year. Some of the events and plans we have for the Village of Arroyo Grande include:  A Father’s Day Giveaway Package which would include a Golfing Session at a local course and Beer or Wine Tasting at a local Brewery or Winery.  Participate in travel shows as an exhibitor to give potential visitors insight on The Village of Arroyo Grande.  We would implement Virtual Reality Videos for the Village that would give an outsider an inside look into the city, its landmarks, and activities available.  Promotional and Online Video Advertisements that highlight the Village and its Landmarks, so we could use on the Website and all Social Media Accounts. Item 10.a. - Page 21 Booking Tool Currently, visitors are viewing pages for accommodations and leaving the site to book directly from the hotel or B&B. Our team believes that incorporating a booking tool directly on the website would increase reservations for hotels in Arroyo Grande. This would be a more convenient for website visitors and it would allow us to track conversions better. Visit San Luis Obispo County and Morro Bay are using an affiliate program/booking tool on their websites. Visit SLOC lets users book on their site using Booking.com and displays eight Arroyo Grande hotels. However, it does not list all that are currently shown on the website. RG Pacific would have to keep the current pages and link to the booking tool on a separate page.  RG Pacific suggests implementing an iframe tool and/or a booking tool via an affiliate program. Our data tracks views and clicks, but we can’t track booking conversions once people exit those pages.  Visit SLOC website gives people the option to book hotels in Arroyo Grande using the Booking.com affiliate tool. Similarly, Visit Morro Bay uses an affiliate program called Book Direct that includes Trip Advisor reviews.  To remain competitive, we suggest implementing a similar tool on the visit Arroyo Grande website. Booking accommodations in Arroyo Grande should be a seamless process for travel consumers, and have competitive pricing to increase the consumer’s likeliness of booking one of the ten listed hotels and B&Bs available through www.visitarroyogrande.org Approximately $5,000 AARP National Event Sponsor and Exhibitor Shows Marketing to Arroyo Grande’s key demographic through an AARP Event Expo increases our reach and influence. We will be able to reach the AARP community through their National Event Sponsor and Exhibitor shows. By doing so, Visit Arroyo Grande can enhance its visibility with the 50+ demographic— Baby Boomers and the up-and-coming Generation X. This national event reaches 10,000 members in the span of three days. Allowing RG Pacific and Visit Arroyo Grande to understand our audience better through direct contact with them. It is great exposure as 44% of AARP members are in the retirement state and have disposable income. Many of the AARP members associate brands at the Expo as having Item 10.a. - Page 22 the "Good Housekeeping" seal of approval. We are also able to network and partner with other vendors in addition to connecting with this demographic to provide better services to our audience—like partnering with car rental services for future giveaways. Lastly, AARP allows us to upload local events to their website to increase exposure throughout their network for increased influence. Last year the AARP National Expo took place in Miami during the month of May. AARP holds this event in different locations; such as Miami, San Diego, Boston, Atlanta, Las Vegas and New Orleans. AARP Members interested in travel can plan their trip to Arroyo Grande through AARP destination guides on their website as well. Budget Pricing is based on exhibitor pricing and 3-day event on or about May 2017 using data from the AARP Life@50+ event. Exhibit Fees: $1,700 Products and Services showcase in AARP booklet: $750 Brochures and Brochure Holder (1,000 pcs): $450 Pop Displays: $750 3 Booth Hosts ($10/hour): $160/day Travel, Hotel Accommodations for 2 nights, and dinner Approximately $10,000 Travel & Adventure Show – Expo RG Pacific is proposing that Arroyo Grande participate in the Travel and Adventure show in Los Angeles that takes place on February 18-19,2017 at the Los Angeles Convention center. The proposed budget for the two-day event includes approximate pricing—based on previous years— for exhibit space, banner displays, graphics and brochures as well as tourism hosts for two days. Budget Exhibit Space ($4,000 for 10’ x 10’ booth) includes:  6ft skirted table  2 chairs  Wastebasket  Booth ID sign  Logo  Link on Travel & Adventure Show website Pop Display Item 10.a. - Page 23 Brochures and Brochure Holder (500 pcs): $425.00 2 Booth Hosts ($10/hour): $160/day Hotel Accommodations for 2 nights and dinner Total Costs: $6700 Item 10.a. - Page 24 Arroyo Grande Tourism Business Improvement District FY 2016-17 Budget Detail Revenues Revenue Souce Amount Total TBID Fee $195,000.00 City $ 5,000.00 Chamber $5,000.00 Ending fund balance $118,517.00 Total: $323,517.00 Expenditures Line Item Expenditure Total City $3,000.00 Chamber $20,000.00 Supplies $2,500.00 $25,500.00 Advertising/Marketing Consultant Services $150,000.00 150,000.00 Website Website maintenance $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Memberships CCTC $500.00 Misc. $5,000.00 $5,500.00 Sponsorships Misc. $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Item 10.a. - Page 25 Events Trade shows, etc. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Expenditure Total $251,000.00 Projected fund balance $72,517.00 Item 10.a. - Page 26