CC 2016-06-28_10b Urban Water Management Plan UpdateMEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: GEOFF ENGLISH, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BY: SHANE TAYLOR, UTILITIES MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE DATE: JUNE 28, 2016 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Update. IMPACT TO FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: Urban water suppliers are required by the State of California to adopt and submit to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) an Urban Water Management Plan to be eligible to receive drought assistance or financial assistance from the DWR. The City secured the services of Water Systems Consulting, Inc., at a cost of $35,000 to prepare this State mandated five-year document. This amount was approved by the City Council in the FY 2015/16 Water Fund budget. Approximately 20 to 30 hours of staff time was required to assist with the preparation of the Urban Water Management Plan Update. BACKGROUND: The California Water Code requires urban water suppliers within the State to prepare and adopt Urban Water Management Plans (UWMPs) for submission to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The UWMPs, which are required to be filed every five years, must satisfy the requirements of the Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMP Act) of 1983 including amendments that have been made to the UWMP Act and other applicable regulations. The UWMP Act requires urban water suppliers servicing 3,000 or more connections, or supplying more than 3,000 acre-feet (AF) of water annually, to prepare an UWMP. The purpose of the UWMP is for water suppliers to evaluate their long-term resource planning and establish management measures to ensure adequate water supplies are available to meet existing and future demands. The UWMP provides a framework to help water suppliers maintain efficient use of urban water supplies, continue to promote conservation programs and policies, ensure that sufficient water supplies are available Item 10.b. - Page 1 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 2 for future beneficial use, and provide a mechanism for response during water drought conditions. The City last updated the Urban Water Management Plan in 2010. ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Population projections and land use information utilized was based on the City’s General Plan, as amended by the 2015 Housing Element Update. The Urban Water Management Act requires the 2015 Update include projections of water demand and supply to the year 2035. Current development including projects under construction is factored into the overall growth rate. The City’s UWMP contains information on water supply, water use, and existing and required conservation programs. The water supply section of the plan focuses on ground water, surface water, recycled water, supplemental water, and supply projections to the year 2035 including a 3-year worst-case water supply estimate. The water use section focuses on past, current, and projected water use to the year 2035. The water conservation section focuses on the City’s adherence to the 7 Demand Management Measures (DMM) established by the Department of Water Resources. The draft UWMP includes all information necessary to meet the requirements of the California Urban Water Management Planning Act. The City is required to update it UWMP every five years. The existing plan was last updated in 2012. The following key changes were made from the previous plan: ▪ document format including recent requirements from DWR ▪ revision of demand management measures, including water conservation ▪ revision to the projected water demand based on projected build out ▪ revision to the projected water supply The Department of Water Resources will review each plan in the order that they are received from each urban water supplier. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council’s consideration: 1) Approve staff’s recommendation; 2) Do not approve staff’s recommendation; 3) Modify as appropriate and approve staff’s recommendation; or 4) Provide direction to staff. Item 10.b. - Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE JUNE 28, 2016 PAGE 3 ADVANTAGES: The UWMP is a valuable planning tool used for multiple purposes including:  Serves as a valuable resource to the community and other interested parties regarding water supply and demand, conservation and other water related information  Meets a statutory requirement of the California Water Code  Provides a key source of information for Water Supply Assessments (WSAs) and Written Verifications of Water Supply  Supports regional long-range planning documents including City and County General Plans  Provides a standardized methodology for water utilities to assess their water resource needs and availability  Serves as a critical component of developing Integrated Regional Water Management Plans (IRWMPs)  Provides a resource for regional involvement in the California Water Plan DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The Agenda was posted in front of City Hall on Thursday, June 23, 2016. The Agenda and staff report were posted on the City’s website on Friday, June 24, 2016. No public comments were received. Attachment:  Urban Water Management Plan (distributed to Council under separate cover; document is available for public review on the City’s website at www.arroyogrande.org) Item 10.b. - Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING AND DIRECTING THE FILING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN REVISION WHEREAS, the California Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 797 during the 1983-1984 Regular Session of the California Legislature (Water Code Section 10610 et. seq.), known as the Urban Water Management Planning Act, which mandates that every urban supplier of water providing water for municipal purposes to more than 3,000 customers or supplying more than 3,000 acre feet of water annually, prepare an Urban Water Management Plan, the primary objective of which is to plan for the conservation and efficient use of water; and WHEREAS, AB 797 required that an initial Plan be adopted by December 31, 1985, after public review and hearing, and filed with the California Department of Water Resources within thirty days of adoption; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande did prepare and file said Plan with the California Department of Water Resources after adoption in December, 1985; and WHEREAS, AB 797 requires that said Plan be periodically reviewed at least once every five years, and that the urban water supplier shall make any amendments or changes to its plan which are indicated by the review; and WHEREAS, the City is an urban supplier of water providing water to more than 17,600 customers, and has therefore prepared and advertised for public review a draft Urban Water Management Plan Update, in compliance with the requirements of AB 797, and a properly noticed public hearing regarding said Draft Plan Update was held by the City Council on June 28, 2016, and a Final Plan was ordered; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has completed the revisions requested by the Department of Water Resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1.The Revised Urban Water Management Plan Update is hereby adopted and ordered filed with the City Clerk; 2.The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to file the Revised Urban Water Management Plan Update with the California Department of Water Resources within 30 days after this date, in accordance with AB 797; Item 10.b. - Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to implement the programs as detailed in the adopted Revised Urban Water Management Plan Update, including development of recommendations to the City Council regarding necessary procedures, rules, and regulations to carry out effective and equitable water conservation programs; On motion of Council Member _____________, seconded by Council Member _________, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this ____ day of June, 2016. Item 10.b. - Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 _____________________________________ JIM HILL, MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________________ KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: _____________________________________ GEOFF ENGLISH, ACTING CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: _____________________________________ HEATHER WHITHAM, CITY ATTORNEY Item 10.b. - Page 6