CC 2016-01-26_10a CUP_15-006Item 10.a. Lot Merger 15-002 and Conditional Use Permit 15-006 Merger of Four (4) Lots into One (1) for an Approximately 45,000 sq. ft. Medical Office Building 1 Background Council consideration on November 24, 2015 and continued for the applicant to address three items: the revision of the Fair Oaks Avenue entrance; the impact of traffic with revisions to the Fair Oaks entrance; and Further explore the interoperation of the proposed project with the hospital including parking impacts 2 Project Location/Site Surrounding uses include: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital to west Residential to north and south Phase I (residential) of mixed-use project Subject Property Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Walnut Grove 3 Zoning District and Overlay The project site is zoned Office Mixed-Use Primary purpose is to provide areas for the establishment of corporate, administrative, and medical offices and facilities Also covered by D-2.20 Overlay District Purpose to provide sufficient land for the orderly development of Arroyo Grande Hospital and functionally related medical facilities Requires area for office use that is compatible with the anticipated needs for the AG Hospital. 4 Proposed Project Merge four (4) existing lots into one (1) 103,850 sq. ft. lot Construction of approximately 45,000 square-foot medical office building Three (3) stories Total building height approximately 47’ from average finished grade to height of mechanical screening 190 parking spaces 8 motorcycle spaces 5 Building Height Building height proposed at approximately 40’ Average grade to roof deck, ~7’ architectural extensions AGMC § 16.48.080 allows 45’ buildings for schools, churches, and hospitals Coordination with AG Hospital and lease by AG Hospital addresses the intent of the Code OMU limits to 35’, but may be increased through development review -   Since the site is a large lot, increased setbacks are accommodated in exchange for the height increase AGMC § 16.48.030.B.5 also allows for 15’ above 35’ for architectural projections, screening and aesthetics Architecture The applicant has indicated that the building height has been reduced seven and a half inches (7.5”) as a result of grading being done to raise the average finished grade. The applicant also indicated that grading work concealing the raised foundation on the south and west sides makes the building height appear reduced more than it actually is.   The following provides additional clarification on the issue of building height to ensure clarity of the Municipal Code. The maximum height standard for the Office Mixed-Use zoning district is thirty-five feet (35’), which is measured from average finished grade to roof deck for a mansard roof building.  The Municipal Code includes three provisions applicable for the increased height requested by the applicant. These considerations include: Does the structure count as hospital facilities given the building will be approximately 50% leased by the Arroyo Grande Hospital? If so, the maximum building height may increase to forty-five feet (45’) in accordance with Municipal Code Section 16.48.080. If the building is not considered hospital facilities, the height may still be increased through the discretionary review conditional use permit (CUP) process. The Municipal Code requires an increase in building setback by one foot (1’) for every foot of building height allowed above 35’.  Since the site is a large lot, increased setbacks can easily be accommodated in exchange for the height increase. Lastly, there is the Municipal Code consideration for “architectural projections” to exceed the thirty-five foot (35’) height maximum by up to fifteen feet (15’).  While this does not cover the extra five feet (5’) of building that is above the 35’ limit, it does address the issue that the features above the roof deck extend up to forty-seven feet (47’). 6 Access and Traffic Three entrances to the site Two from Woodland Drive, one through Hospital Traffic Commission recommended primary access from Fair Oaks Avenue, Planning Commission recommended lower driveway align with Walnut Grove Applicant has indicated access from Woodland is necessary due to emergency access, site circulation, grading issues, and using private property not owned by applicant for primary access Planning Commission also discussed realigning Fair Oaks entrance through Hospital Traffic Impact Study completed by Stantec 1,461 average daily trips ( 96 AM, 144 PM) Level of Service for all studied intersections remained at LOS C or better – no impacts Development meets parking requirements of Municipal Code Planning Commission discussed removing motorcycle parking in favor of standard vehicles Access The project site continues to contain two (2) public access points from Woodland Drive on the northern portion of the site, adjacent to the Woodland Drive curb extensions. At the Council’s request, the applicants have revised the main entrance from Fair Oaks Avenue to eliminate the angled connection between the project site and the Hospital site. In doing so, this has necessitated the removal of four (4) parking spaces on the hospital site; however, the applicant states this revised connection has increased driver safety by limiting the need for drivers to turn their head to such a degree as the previous alignment to see oncoming vehicles. The City’s traffic consultant has reviewed the proposed driveway alignment and agrees that the proposal is a more favorable alternative.   The project proposes to include pedestrian connection between the project site and the Hospital, located in the middle of the western lot line. The site plan also includes a striped pathway on the Hospital site in areas where the route traverses the parking and drive areas. The project has been conditioned to include decorative paving where this connection crosses drive aisles. 7 Woodland Drive Gate Council directed investigation of Woodland Drive gate being opened for Phase II of the project Traffic Study indicates some neighborhood traffic would utilize the opening, reducing trips to other intersections and increasing at Fair Oaks/Woodland Did not quantify projected cut through traffic due to no quantifiable data being available SAC supports opening Woodland – open circulation network and neighborhood connectivity TC and PC oppose opening Woodland due to design of residential neighborhood, pedestrian traffic, and potential cut through traffic 8 9 10 Parking Parking 1/250 square-feet of building space. The 45,517 square-foot building requires a total of 182 spaces. Modifications made to the Fair Oaks Avenue driveway alignment, the project site has increased available parking to 190 spaces, including eight (8) motorcycle spaces. (The project’s previous iteration provided 184 spaces) Bicycle parking remains unchanged in the updated proposal with fourteen (14) bicycle parking spaces that are provided to meet the Municipal Code requirement. Loss of four (4) spaces on the Hospital site. The applicant has indicated that with the medical office building receiving some of the hospital’s services, such as outpatient radiology, pre-surgery registration, and laboratory specimen collection, the demand for parking on the Hospital site will also be transferred to medical office building site, thereby alleviating the perceived parking congestion on the hospital site. The applicant asserts this will lessen the impact on hospital parking even with the reduction of the four (4) parking spaces lost due to driveway realignment. 11 Parking 12 Trees and Landscaping Skyline eucalyptus trees proposed for removal Tree Guild of Arroyo Grande recommended mitigation of 2:1 skyline replacement during Pre-Application – applicant has revised plans Landscaping will be drought tolerant and comply with draft landscaping ordinance Mitigation measures provide protection for nesting raptors Trees and Landscaping The applicant has indicated that the landscape plan has been revised to include a 2:1 replacement for all the eucalyptus trees proposed for removal as part of the building. Staff has reviewed these plantings and they are consistent with the Municipal Code.   13 Environmental Review Staff has reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) to reduce any significant impacts to levels of less than significance 14 Recommendation The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt a Resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Lot Merger 15-002 and Conditional Use Permit 15-006 15 Advisory Committee Reviews SAC – March/April (PreApp), October 28, 2015 Site and utility access, emergency access, opening Woodland Drive In support of the project Conditions of approval included in Resolution ARC – April (PreApp), September 21, 2015 Site planning, architecture, building height and massing, landscaping and mitigation plantings, pedestrian safety Members in support of project Conditions of approval included in Resolution 16 Advisory Committee Reviews TC – October 26, 2015 Traffic Impact Study, site access, emergency access, opening Woodland Drive In support of the project Recommended primary access from Fair Oaks Avenue and not opening Woodland Drive to through traffic PC – November 3, 2015 Concerns with trash, sight lighting, traffic, building height, site access and circulation, and parking In support of the project and recommended approval with additional conditions included in Resolution Recommended Woodland Drive gate remain closed 17 16.48.080 - Height limitations. In any district with a height limit less than forty-five (45) feet, public buildings, schools, churches and hospitals permitted in such districts may be erected to height not exceeding forty-five (45) feet; provided, however, the front, rear and side yards shall be increased one foot for each one foot by which the building exceeds the height limit established for such district. All other uses shall not exceed the height limits established in the applicable district and in Section 16.48.030 regarding accessory structures. AGMC § 16.48.080 allows 45’ buildings for schools, churches, and hospitals AGMC § 16.48.030.B.5 also allows for 15’ above 35’ for architectural projections, screening and aesthetics 18 ARC Conditions Incorporate a textured walkway crossing the parking lot off Fair Oaks Avenue and connecting to the hospital Retaining wall details return to ARC for consideration 19 Condition No. 133. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Shared Parking Agreement for the provision of after-hours parking on the project site for residents of the adjacent Walnut Grove development to the Community Development Department for review and approval by the Community Development Director and the City Attorney.  The Shared Parking Agreement provisions shall include: The Walnut Grove HOA shall submit requests to use parking spaces for overnight parking to the subject property owner. The Walnut Grove HOA must provide proof of residency for each request and the resident must execute an agreed upon statement that protects the property owner from any/all claims. Upon receipt of the request and copy of the required documents the property owner will issue a parking sticker that must be visible at all times when the car is on the property. Residents parking on the project site is restricted to the hours of 6 PM to 7:30 AM. Any cars on the property before 6PM of after 7:30 AM are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.   20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Architecture 28 29 30 31