PC R 15-2235RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 15 -003; LOCATED AT THE 230 SOUTH RENA STREET; APPLIED FOR BY STEPHEN & DONNIS HOBBS WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Conditional Use Permit 15 -003 to construct a 1,000 square -foot secondary dwelling unit with separate vehicular access as the main structure and construction of a 1,972 square -foot RV garage with 1,500 square -feet of second story storage space above; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has found and determined that the project is exempt per Section 15332 (In -Fill Development) of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed the project at a duly noticed public hearing on September 15, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Conditional Use Permit Findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted within the subject district pursuant to the provisions of this section and complies with all the applicable provisions of this title, the goals, and objectives of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City. Second residential dwelling units are allowed in the MF zoning district per Section 16.52.150 of the Municipal Code and a secondary residential dwelling is allowed to exceed standards while remaining consistent with the purpose of the MF zoning district, which is to provide for a variety of residential uses, encourage diversity in housing types with enhanced amenities, or provide transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses, with the approval of a conditional use permit. 2. The proposed use would not impair the integrity and character of the district in which it is to be established or located. The proposed project is allowed in the MF zoning district per Section 16.52.150 of the Municipal Code and will not impair the integrity and character of the district as infill residential development and increased intensity on the site is consistent with the General Plan and the purpose of RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 2 the MF zoning district, which is to provide for a variety of residential uses, encourage diversity in housing types with enhanced amenities, or provide transitions between higher intensity and lower intensity uses. 3. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed. The site is suitable for the secondary dwelling unit, garage, and personal storage area as the development meets all applicable development standards in conjunction with approval of the conditional use permit and implementation of conditions of approval. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure public health and safety. The project is located adjacent to all necessary public facilities and will not negatively affect the adequacy of those facilities. 5. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. The design of the proposed multi - family residential project will not cause any serious public health problems due to being in compliance with applicable development standards in conjunction with approval of the conditional use permit and implementation of conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 15 -003, as presented to the Planning Commission and shown in Exhibit "B ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Martin, Keen, George NOES: None ABSENT: Fowler- Payne, Mack the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 15th day of September 2015. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 3 ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGE SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: T S CCLISH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR LANG E, CHAIR RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 15 -003 230 SOUTH RENA STREET This approval authorizes the construction of an approximately 1,000 square -foot secondary dwelling unit and construction of a 1,980 square -foot garage. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit Case No. 15 -003. 3. Development shall conform to the Multi - Family zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 4. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of September 15, 2015 and marked Exhibit "B ". 5. The applicant shall agree to indemnify and defend at his /her sole expense any action brought against the City, its present or former agents, officers, or employees because of the issuance of said approval, or in any way relating to the implementation thereof, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his /her obligations under this condition. 6. All conditions of approval shall be printed on construction plans and included in construction drawings 7. This approval shall expire on September 15, 2017 unless a building permit is issued for the project prior to that date or an extension is granted pursuant to Section 16.12.140 of the Development Code. 8. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans, including those specifically modified by these conditions. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 5 9. Noise resulting from construction and operational activities shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Municipal Code. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday. No construction shall occur on Saturday or Sunday. 10. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water and energy usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. 11. All conditions of this approval run with the land and shall be strictly adhered to, within the time frames specified, and in an on -going manner for the life of the project. Failure to comply with these conditions of approval may result in an immediate enforcement action. If it is determined that violation(s) of these conditions of approval have occurred, or are occurring, this approval may be revoked pursuant to Development Code Section 16.08.100. AESTHETICS 12. For projects approved with specific exterior building colors, the developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48 -hour notice is required for this inspection. 13. All electrical panel boxes shall be installed inside the building or in a manner that is screened from view. I IrHTINC; 14. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. All lighting shall be of energy efficient material (e.g., LED) SPECIAL CONDITIONS 15. A deed restriction shall be recorded with the County Clerk Recorder prohibiting the storage area from being converted to habitable space in the future. 16. Total building footprint shall be reduced by approximately 150 square -feet to ensure compliance with the site's lot coverage per the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION BUILDING CODES 17. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of all California Codes, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 6 FIRE FLOW /FIRE HYDRANTS 18. The project shall have a fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 19. The new fire hydrant shall be per City Standards. FIRE SPRINKLER 20. All new buildings, and existing buildings located within ten feet (10') of new buildings, must be fully sprinklered per Building and Life Safety Division guidelines and per the California Fire Code. ABANDONMENT /NON- CONFORMING 21. Prior to map recordation, issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non - conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 22. One week prior to scheduling of final inspection or any issuance of certificate of occupancy, a project inspection by the Building, Planning and Engineering Divisions and Public Works Department is required. 23. Any review costs generated by outside consultants shall be paid by the applicant. FEES 24. Pay all required City fees at the time they are due (for your information, the "Procedure for Protesting Fees, Dedications, Reservations or Exactions" is provided below). 25. Water Meter, service main, distribution, and availability fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 26. Water neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 27. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 28. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 29. Sewer hook -up & facility fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 7 30. Building Permit fees, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 31. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) fee and State Green Building fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance in accordance with State mandate. 32. Park Development fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 33. Park Improvements fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 34. Community Centers fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 35. Fire Protection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 36. Police Facilities fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. PROCEDURE FOR PROTESTING FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR EXACTIONS: (A) Any party may protest the imposition of any fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project, for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities related to the development project by meeting both of the following requirements: (1) Tendering any required payment in full or providing satisfactory evidence of arrangements to pay the fee when due or ensure performance of the conditions necessary to meet the requirements of the imposition. (2) Serving written notice on the City Council, which notice shall contain all of the following information: (a) A statement that the required payment is tendered or will be tendered when due, or that any conditions which have been imposed are provided for or satisfied, under protest. (b) A statement informing the City Council of the factual elements of the dispute and the legal theory forming the basis for the protest. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 8 (B) A protest filed pursuant to subdivision (A) shall be filed at the time of the approval or conditional approval of the development or within 90 days after the date of the imposition of the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions to be imposed on a development project. (C) Any party who files a protest pursuant to subdivision (A) may file an action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the imposition of the fees, dedications reservations, or other exactions imposed on a development project by a local agency within 180 days after the delivery of the notice. (D) Approval or conditional approval of a development occurs, for the purposes of this section, when the tentative map, tentative parcel map, or parcel map is approved or conditionally approved or when the parcel map is recorded if a tentative map or tentative parcel map is not required. (E) The imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions occurs, for the purposes of this section, when they are imposed or levied on a specific development. ENGINEERING DIVISION Post Construction Stormwater Requirements Performance Requirement No. 1 : Site Design and Runoff Reduction Projects that create and /or replace 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface must: 1) Limit disturbance of creeks and natural drainage features. 2) Minimize compaction of highly permeable soils. 3) Limit clearing and grading of native vegetation at the site to the minimum area needed to build the project, allow access, and provide fire protection. 4) Minimize impervious surfaces by concentrating improvements on the least - sensitive portions of the site, while leaving the remaining land in a natural undisturbed state. 5) Minimize stormwater runoff by implementing one or more of the following site design measures: a. Direct roof runoff into cisterns or rain barrels for reuse. b. Direct roof runoff onto vegetated areas safely away from building foundations and footings, consistent with California building code. c. Direct runoff from sidewalks, walkways, and /or patios onto vegetated areas safely away from building foundations and footings, consistent with California building code. d. Direct runoff from driveways and /or uncovered parking lots onto vegetated areas safely away from building foundations and footings, consistent with California building code. e. Construct bike lanes, driveways, uncovered parking lots, sidewalks, walkways, and patios with permeable surfaces. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 9 6) Define the development envelope and protected areas, identifying areas that are most suitable for development and areas to be left undisturbed. 7) Conserve natural areas, including existing trees, other vegetation, and soils. 8) Limit the overall impervious footprint of the project. 9) Set back development from creeks, wetlands, and riparian habitats. 10) Conform the site layout along natural landforms. 1 1) Avoid excessive grading and disturbance of vegetation and soils. Performance Requirement No. 2: Water Quality Treatment Projects that create and /or replace 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface must treat stormwater runoff from existing, new, and replaced impervious surfaces on sites where runoff from existing impervious surfaces cannot be separated from runoff from new and replaced impervious surfaces. Water Quality Treatment must be treated onsite using the measures listed below, in order of preference. 1) Harvesting and use, infiltration, and evapotranspiration designed to retain stormwater runoff equal to the volume of runoff generated by the 85th percentile 24 -hour storm event, of 1 inch. 2) Biofiltration treatment systems with the following design parameters: a) Prevent erosion, scour and channeling within the biofiltration treatment system based on the flow of runoff produced from a rain event equal to 0.2 inches per hour intensity. b) Minimum surface reservoir volume equal to the biofiltration treatment system surface area times a depth of 6 inches. C) Minimum planting medium depth of 24 inches. The planting medium must sustain a minimum infiltration rate of 5 inches per hour throughout the life of the project and must maximize runoff retention and pollutant removal. A mixture of: i) Sand - 60% to 70% meeting ASTM C33. ii) Compost - 30% to 40% may be used. d) Proper plant selection. e) Subsurface drainage /storage (gravel) layer with an area equal to the biofiltration treatment system surface area and having a minimum depth of 12 inches. f) Underdrain with discharge elevation at top of gravel layer. g) No compaction of soils beneath the biofiltration facility (ripping /loosening of soils required if compacted). h) No liners or other barriers interfering with infiltration, except for situations where lateral infiltration is not technically feasible.. 3) Non - Retention Based Treatment Systems must collectively achieve at least one of the following hydraulic sizing criteria: a) Hydraulic Sizing Criteria for Non - Retention Based Treatment Systems: i) Volume Hydraulic Design Basis must be based on the 85th percentile 24 -hour storm event of 1 inch. ii) Flow Hydraulic Design Basis must be based on the flow of runoff resulting from a rain event equal to at least 0.2 inches per hour intensity. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 10 GENERAL CONDITIONS 37. The developer shall be responsible during construction for cleaning City streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks of dirt tracked from the project site. The flushing of dirt or debris to storm drain or sanitary sewer facilities shall not be permitted. The cleaning shall be done after each day's work or as directed by the Director of Public Works, the Community Development Director or his /her representative. 38. Perform construction activities during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.) for noise and inspection purposes. The developer or contractor shall refrain from performing any work other than site maintenance outside of these hours, unless an emergency arises or approved by the Community Development Director. The City may hold the developer or contractor responsible for any expenses incurred by the City due to work outside of these hours. 39. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Drawings and Specifications. 40. Submit as -built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Community Development Director. One (1) set of mylar prints and an electronic version on CD in AutoCAD as well as PDF format shall be required. Record Drawings ( "as- built" plans) are required to be submitted prior to release of the Faithful Performance Bond. 41. Submit three (3) full -size paper copies for inspection purposes during construction to the City Engineer. 42. Provide a Licensed Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer to tie -out survey monuments or vertical control bench marks within 24 inches of work. Should any existing survey monument be disturbed or destroyed during construction, it must be reset at the previous location. Should any existing bench mark be disturbed or destroyed during construction, a new one must be set at a nearby, but different, location than the existing, as determined by the City Engineer. For monuments, a Corner Record must be filed with the County and a copy delivered to the City Engineer. For bench marks, documentation of the bench mark and how it was reset must be delivered to the City Engineer prior the project acceptance or sign off of the Encroachment Permit. 43. Provide new vertical control survey bench mark, per City Standard, as directed by City Engineer. 44. Show all existing and proposed utilities on plans submitted to the City. 45. Show the required ADA curb ramp on plans submitted to the City. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 11 46. Show the existing and proposed fire hydrant on plans submitted to the City. 47. Show drainage basin and proposed LID installations on plans submitted to the City. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 48. Improvement plans (including the following) shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or qualified specialist licensed in the State of California and approved by the Public Works or Community Development Department: a. Grading, drainage and erosion control. b. Street paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk. c. Public utilities. d. Water and sewer. e. Landscaping and irrigation f. Other improvements as required by the Community Development Director. (NOTE: All plan sheets must include City standard title blocks, no larger than 24" x 36 "). g. Provide Construction Estimate of all public improvements using unit construction cost as provided by the County of San Luis Obispo. 49. The site plan shall include the following: a. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. b. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. c. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. d. Provide plan and profile with grades for all curb, gutter and sidewalk installations. 50. Prior to approval of an improvement plan the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 51. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right -of -way (City or Caltrans). STREET IMPROVEMENTS 52. Street structural sections shall be determined by an R -Value soil test, but shall not be less than 3" of asphalt and 6" of Class II AB. 53. All street repairs shall be constructed to City standards. CURB GUTTER AND SIDEWALK 54. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk as directed by the Public Works Director. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 12 55. Color any such new facilities as directed by the Community Development Director. 56. Install ADA compliant facilities where necessary or verify that existing facilities are compliant with State and City Standards. All driveway approaches must provide ADA compliant walkway. 57. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter & sidewalk or driveway approach shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 58. Install tree wells with root barriers for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. Provide drip irrigation for all street trees. 59. In compliance with 110 -AG Engineering Standard for driveway approaches, modify driveway widths. Minimum driveway width is 12 feet and maximum driveway width is 20 feet. Provide calculation which total driveway widths are less than 36% of total property frontage. 60. Remove most northerly existing driveway Rena and install new driveway per 110 -AG. DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 61. Street tree planting and maintenance easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all street right -of -ways. Street tree easements shall be a minimum of 10 feet beyond the right -of -way and PUE, except that street tree easements shall exclude the area covered by public utility easements. 62. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. STORMWATER 63. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A ENCROCHMENT PERMIT, the applicant shall submit a Water Pollution Control Plan. 64. Submit a soils report for the project shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 13 65. Infiltration basins shall be designed based on soil tests. Infiltration test shall include a minimum of 2 borings 15 feet below the finished basin floor. Additional borings or tests may be required if the analysis or soil conditions are inconclusive. 66. The applicant shall provide on -site storm water infiltration facilities designed and constructed to ensure that the 100 -year basin outflow shall not exceed the pre - development flow. 67. Applicant must comply with Regional Water Quality Control Board's Post Construction Requirements. 68. Applicant must submit a compliant Regional Water Quality Control Board Post Construction Stormwater Control Plan. 69. The existing drainage inlet is no longer in compliance with standards. The applicant shall update existing drainage inlet to provide for side entry per 300 -AG to the appropriate width /size so that flood waters will not overtop new driveway entrance, or provide sufficient documentation that in the event of mechanical failure, residences will not be flooded and safe overland flow will be achieved. Provide stormwater protection for sediment and debris. LANDSCAPE 70. Provide street trees requirement at 50' minimum spacing per AGMC. 71. The applicant shall not plant turf. Use drought tolerant landscape only. WATER 72. Non - potable water is available at the Soto Sports Complex. The City of Arroyo Grande does not allow the use of hydrant meters. 73. Lots using fire sprinklers shall have individual service connections. If the units are to be fire sprinkled, a fire sprinkler engineer shall determine the size of the water meters. 74. Existing water services to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Public Works Director. .,F\NFR 75. All sewer laterals within the public right -of -way must have a minimum slope of 2 %. 76. Existing sewer laterals to be abandoned shall be properly abandoned and capped at the main per the requirements of the Public Works Director. RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 14 77. All sewer mains or laterals crossing or parallel to public water facilities shall be constructed in accordance with City standards. 78. If a new sewer lateral is required for addition, that sewer connection shall be made to the sewer main in Dodson Street. PUBLIC UTILITIES 79. The developer shall comply with Development Code Section 16.68.050: All projects that involve the addition of over 100 square feet of habitable space shall be required to place service connections underground - existing and proposed utilities. 80. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all public utilities shall be operational. 81. Public Improvement plans /Final Map /Parcel Map shall be submitted to the public utility companies for review and approval. Utility comments shall be forwarded to the Director of Public Works for approval. FEES AND BONDS FOR ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees, including the following: BONDING SURETY 82. Erosion Control, prior to issuance of the grading or building permit, all new residential construction requires posting of a $1,200.00 performance bond for erosion control and damage to the public right -of -way. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses incurred by the City in maintaining and /or restoring the site. TREE PRESERVATION/TREE REMOVAL PLAN 83. Prior to issuance of grading permit and during construction the applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance 431 C.S., the Community Tree Ordinance. 84. Prior to issuance of a grading or building permit, the developer shall submit a tree preservation and tree removal plan to the Director of Public Works /City Arborist for undeveloped parcels or lots with trees. The plan shall include the location, size and species of all trees located on the lot or on adjoining lots, where development could affect the roots or limbs of trees on adjacent property. 85. All significant trees to be removed as designated by the Director of Public Works /City Arborist shall be replaced at a 3:1 ratio and planted on site. With the approval of the Public Works Director, tree removal shall be mitigated by planting on site, off -site, or payment of in -lieu fees (at the current street tree fee rate for a 15 gallon tree). Larger trees may be required to mitigate tree removal. Prior to RESOLUTION NO. 15 -2235 PAGE 15 issuance of a grading permit, all trees shall be planted or fees paid. 86. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, all trees to remain on site shall be marked with paint /ribbon and protected by a five (5') foot vinyl or chain link fence. The fence shall be located at a minimum of eight (8') foot radius from the trunk of the tree. 87. All trees on the construction site to be preserved shall be protected under the conditions of the Community Tree Ordinance (431 C.S.) which include but are not limited to: a. No mechanical trenching within the drip line of a tree, unless approved by the Public Works Director. b. No storage of equipment, supplies, tools, etc., within 8' of the trunk of any tree. c. No grading shall occur under a trees dripline, unless approved by the Public Works Director. d. A five foot (5) protective fence shall be constructed a minimum of 8' from the trunk of each tree. 88. All trees to be pruned, shall be pruned under supervision of a Certified Arborist using the International Society of Agricultural Pruning Standards ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONDITIONS 89. The applicant shall add second story windows on the west and north elevations of the new structure. 90. The applicant shall have the option to add stone to the main residence or utilize hardibacker on the new structure instead of stone. 91. The applicant shall add trees or shrubs on the west side of the garage to help scale down the structure. PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS 92. The approximately 1,500 square -foot second story storage area shall be eliminated. 93. The recreational vehicle garage shall be limited to a single story. 94. The crown of the roofline of the recreational vehicle garage shall not be higher than the adjacent second residential dwelling unit structure, only as needed to accommodate the fourteen foot (14') tall garage doors. a R a � W w Pci M--I W NOISSIWtl3d N31LtllA1f10HLM035f13810N 1NH5ONtl tl3N01530'MtlNS Atltl3(i0 A1tl3dOtld 3H151 NO3tl3H NOI3tlWtl0iNl llY ONtl LVItld 51111 WOYu615apM2y53�dla('PAMM VJ'3UNMOAONNV '1S VN3tl'S I AVMNOS000 !� 5(1-- -`,0B) SUGOH SINNOO $ 3n31S u6its�ap �e��1uap��IS--a11a = MV HS ANN �NOi 1N3W3iOl3A3a M3N b NOISSI - N31- 1110HLM —A 3810N ll—NV 83NO153O'MtlHS Ab83f 30 Alll3dO8d 3H1 SI N0 383H NOLLtlWtl -111tl 1—dSIH1 woo'u615dPMll�Sl�1J3�'MMM V)'3ONVtlOOAONNV '1S VN3H'S'B AVM NOSOoa Soso ellua s) SSGOH SINNOU $ WIS u6150a le�a1uaUpUis7aa MVHS ,kdd3f I :UOJ iN3WdOl3A30 M3N V ..saa N r Q NOISS -3d N3W —OM OM 3810N 11VHS ONtl b3- S30'MVHS X443F $0 AI—ONd 3H151 NO MN NOLLY —NI lltl ONY1NItld SIN1 w0:)'uElsapme4aG3a mmm NO-M(SOO) YJ'30Ntltl90AOUtlV '15 VN3tl'S9AVM NO5400 u6lsaa lelluaplsaa SS90H SINNOWS WIS MVHS,k883f I :NOd 1N3WdOl3A30 M3N V f V^ ;Zs 5 i F 0 V I I V r I I, � 1 g Ig I� i I I I� Ids ; I I IN91530'MbHS Abtl3! i0 Alb3dOtld 3X151 NO3tl3H NOLLtlWtlOiNI lltl ONtl INMd T�HL UIO7u61lap 11,1111a('MMM VO'30NVN9OAOVdV US eo earesosi VN3N'S9A eo u61sad lefluapisaa SUGOH SINNOO W 3n351S .._. = MV HS kU83f W :a0J IMMOM30 M3N V ,.. ^, 'V^ '^ NVId 3dVOSCINVI IV(UdAONOO p.114-V.d ... p .1 ­HS 4 "— olqqocj yo opueso oAonv J004s euaM V ftM wspoo SSSOH SfNNoa Pug 3A31S ­r9y, lBamis VNDU z 8 A w fit 3 1 i ul 41, 1 sP 0 z U OD -*- 0 OID 4$ Ge o * 0 0 OD -*- 0 OID 4$ Ge o *