Minutes 1925-02-04 ~ ,krroyo Grande, CaliFornia, F~brus?ry 4th, 19~b. Board of Trustee~c ~et in re~ular s~assion, wi.th Pres~.dent F. E. Benfl~tt in the chair . Un roll c~All, Trustees Bennett, Cox, poole a~nd Canrwd reported, preaent, Trustee Noble asb~ent. UnappraTed m3nutes res?d and ~?ppro~ed as read. The repart of G~.t,y Trea~urer and Clerk read ~how3na a bals~nce - of c~sh in thc Trea~~r~c~af $3f~35.'~1 the reparts were accepted. and placed an f~le . ~ Co~munications re~d and placed on file. The followin~ bills were allowed ~rid ordered paid. ~ No. i529, M.C.P.S.Corp. ~Iydrants and ~cter re~cl~.n~, 10.~0 " 830, Santa Ma,ria Ga~s Co. Street Li~hts, 7~.08 " 831~ Albert Ul.i~er, Street worg, _ 18.00 " fi32, Pa,c. Tcleph~ne Co. Telephane scrTice, 3.40 " 633, Pac. Caast Coal Co. ~ement, ~.20 " 534, R. U. Schillin~, Strcet work, ~4,pp " ~~l5, H. U. Steoen~on, Street work, ~~.~tl " 53R, R. R. Kctahun, Street ~ork, 3g ~00 " b37, Hawkins and Miller, Awrd~rare supplleg, 1~,~f~ " 538, Rs~leigh Dowell, Sur'~reyars h~lper, . " 639, A. Carla.sle & Co. Print~ng bonds eta; 1~4.97 " b4U, Her~ld~Heaorder, Printin~;, w__-.__~.___...._~_____..~ 4.05 " 541, B. F. Stewart, ~~,lary, and postagef 102.30 " b42, P. Ns~zard, fees s~s Yaund l~i~ster, 1.9.6U Total, . Flans far gradin~ Craxn S~reet, wzs pre~ented by ChAS. Schenck, and an Ddotion s~e wa~ s~aceptcd, and ordered filed. No further business s~ppearin~ the ~eetin~ w~s adjaurned. ~ ~ _ C ty Cl erk . Atteat, _G~ ~ ~~,-.?c~_ ~'r~~ident . Y ~ ~ . ~ ~ ; ; 1 A ~ ; ; , ~ , ~ ~ ~ . ~