Minutes 1933-01-18 ~
. Arroqo ~rande,~ Calif~a.
~ Jau~ 18th, 19~ a.
^ity Couonoll m~t in s~ ¢ular ression
. .
with J. W. ldoor~ re~id .
, ~6
On roll Qall Counoilmsn koor~, Poc~le,
Gibsvn and Pb~illip~, report~d present,
, Co~oilman Prisco, ab~ent.
ttaapprovsd miaute• reud ate~d spprovsd
a~ read.
The City Cl~rk wae instruatsd to c~a-
unioate with tbt Btat• .8lghwaiy Oftio~, ~d
eee what oould b• dou• with th• wat~r a~ t&~
, jua~ction o! Pocrl• Str~st with ths 8tat•
Hi ghway . '
- l~o furth er bus in~~~ appear~~ amci va~ Not icrn
. the meeti~crg wa~.. ad~vm~n~d. ~
y •r .
l~.t t ~s t, ltsyor.
. ,