Minutes 1933-06-21 3~ . c~ ~ ~ Arroyo arand~ Cdliiorni~, Ju~as Slet, 19$3, Cit~ Couricii met in r~gulnr sess ion with ~syor J. A. Itoore prseiding. On poil oail, Councilmen Yoars, Poole sad ~ibsoa. ssported prsseat CounaiL+aen P'hiilips and Arisco, absa?t. • thiappro~r~d miaut~~e rsad and approv~c! ss redd. ~ lir. E. L. 1Poyes appeared betor• th• Cot3aoil ~ astsd to haw ths olosing seo~icm ia th~ danoin~ ~rdi- nedoe •li~ainated, lcr. A. Harrie alao asksd to halrt ~ the olo~3n6 hour al~anged, It was the ord~r oi th~ Counoil that th~ Chie~ o! Polio~ disregard that ssctica~t. !or th• - pr~ssnt, ~?nd ~ee if the dano~~ ar~ oo~duoted 3a s mos• aatifltot4r~ mannsr thsn 3a tb~. past. , lt~ss Ruth Paulding a~ad~ applicatio~ tor a bai~d~t~ permit, for a small stor• oa~ Trsi!-1o ~s~. " A Qoa~taniodtio~? frqn th• Yidlaad Connti~s. Publi~ 8~rnic» ~orporat iou, iastruoting tD• Clerk to !il• a writ~t~a aot io~ to hari th• Eleotric Power cut oi! at the wrll~: Th• Clerk we~e iastruated to file appliostion :ws,~h th~ ~ ' Bosrd of 3uper~isor~ . for worr !or two pro~eots, th• CrNt euid tbe Hewsom~ road. l~ fur~her busit~~s~r appearing the m~eting was sl~~~usr~~d. . er . . , • ltt~~t, . "~aqor. . . . f . , , ~ ~ 'o ~ ~ . . . i ' . s .