Minutes 1935-02-20 ~ct ~ !J r . _ i ' d k.~ . _ . . ~ Arroyo Grand~, Calidornia, F~bruart a0, ~'93b• City Coi.mail r.!~t in r~gular s~ssion with btayo~r ~f. Movr• pr~sidirrg. On roll oall, ^ow~cilm~n ~4ocjr~,, Gibsorr, Phillips and Rri~co, r~port~d prsssrr.t, Pool• abs~nt. Unapprowd minut~s r~ad and approv~d as rsad. Rill• again~st t~• G~n~ral fw~d in th~ sum of . ~78.00, and th• ~at~r fund in th• stmi of ~9.00 w~r~.~rad by th• Cl~rk and allow~d and ordsrsd>paid. + r!r. ?~orton of th• Fost~r and K1~ is~r Co. app~ar~d b~fort th~ ^ouncil and ask~d~ to hav~ tht Coua~cil rs~cind ~ ths order pa~~~d at th• r~~~tin-~ ot th• Counoil on Fst~. 6th, r~~ ~ot i~g th~ applioatio~ of th~ Fost~r & Kl~is~r Company, to ~r~ct bill board~s on th• I.O.O.F. propsrty fromting on Traffia ~Pay, Aft~r a discussion of th~ plan and on ~'otion it wa• ord~r~d~that th~ said ordsr b• rss~ci~d~d, and th• Fost~r and Kl~issr Cotnpany, ~r~ gru~t~d a p~rmit to •r~et a board at that placi.. Th~ qu~stion of a stand by pumping plan7t w~ns disvuss~d at ~om• 1~mgtY~,, and bidr a?~r• r~cstiv~d from r~~~ral Pump ^ompani~s, but aotioa w~s d~f~rr~d to th~ n~xt m~~tia:~. ~ • No furth~r b usin~ss~ appsaring and on, Mot ioa t2~• a~~ting ws.• adjaurn~d. ~ , , , y •r . Att ~st ,~.~rG~~i ~'~~1~~Ya~'•