Minutes 1935-03-12
Q~ 1°'~
krropo Grande, ~~arch 6th, 1935.
City Co~cil met in regular eeeeion with
?~ayor J. ?P. ~:oore preeiding.
Or~ roll call,. Councilmen l~ocrre, Poarle, c~ibnon •
and Phillipe reported preeen~, Arieco abeent.
Tlnapproved minutee raad and approved ae reac~.
Camm. Prom H. K. Caee, Aith a propoeition to eell
a aeeond harnl engins.
Ai1Te agai~at the Cen~r~l fu~d in the a~mm of~(19?Q.30)
,~579.62, and the water furnd 3n the eun of ~B~~xSdSx
On N:o~tion the billa were a1T~?e3 an~ Qrdered pa3d.
Alfred T~oeme~r and G. F. Dixeorr, repreaenting
pump Companiea were pree~ent With eatimate~.
.~~t~ved abconded and carried that the Phc~re be
s remaved fro~ the C,,B• Rranah reeidenee.
~oved and eec~r3e d that the office of Chief of
Poliae ~e euepended, the mame to take effeet om
Apzil iet, 1935, a'otion carried.
hRoved and eeconded that We pay of~~ the i~debeted--
nemQ to~ the Sarr~a Maria Gae Company, amaum~tirrg tcr
~'1751. 68, the ~'ot ion wa-a earried.
~P. S. Ralmaley presented a propoeitior~ ta irretall
a meo~ deeg well pump.
Clerk irretructed to aek Yr. Feeler 'the ~ddre°ae of
the concern~ that had the eee~nd hand Ruda Engirre.
, ATo further bue3neee~ appear3irg and on 2"Qtion the
meet3ng wae adjQUrned to tha
A~ f tne ~ayor.
1 „ y e rk:
Atteet,~~ !~~'°1'~r Mayor.
Arroyo Grande, Calif. Marah I2th, 1925,
^ity Co~rcil met on the call of the I~.~ayor, with kayor
~P. ~"oore preeiding.
I~r. ?~~oore ~atatea ~at objeet a~ ~he 1'!~CC~121~ Aaa to
award the contract for the na~allat ioz~ of a pumping
unit,, or the building ovei~tha Laqne and ~~oaler pu~p
now in ~sll t~o.• 3~ and ae it appeared that T~oemer aud
Roemer were th'e loWeat_ ~idd-era~„ it Wae ~oved and
eeeorrded that the Contraet ~e aqarded to Roemer arrd
Ro~+mer. the ~sotion wae earried by the fQlLawing vt~e,
Ayee, Council~tm.. Moore,. PoQle,. Git~eon Phill'ipa and PrieaQ,
Noee,. l~one arni atJ~ent,, none,
The Clerk wae inetructed tv~ not ify the Poemer ProtheTe~.
rto further buaineea appaaring the meetin~g wsa adjour ed.
1,,~ ~ p er
Atteat,~ffi~ V~`ay~, , I~ayor.