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Minutes 1935-10-16
M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ krropa dran~ds,0aliioxais Ootobsr 16,1856 ' Cit~ Co ail ~st ia rsgvler seesion with Itsyor ~.~'.~~r~ ~ pree3din~. ~ ; Qn roll cali Covuoii~en Yoore,Pool~,Phi111p~A~td -c~ib~on r~rt ~d pr~~ en~. Co~uoila4a Brisoo~ .oa~~ 3~ ~atd.: . Th,~,i aiat~;t~s oi the pr~~ious ,meeti~ were rsad an4 ap~ro~'sd ar rfa. . ~ A lstter trom the Ditisio~ oi 8lghwe~y• couoerning tb~~aatella~i#+ , atio~ ot ~ighwsy rout• ~igus ws~ -rsard aad ordsred ii2 ?'~a 3r~s~tigation of th• gra?der otlered dt duotioa by th~ eta~~ o! Oa~~torais,wa•~os~~rNl. Tbe Ohi~t oi Pol,ic~ waar ozd~red to put a aotio~ 3a th• pe~per r~sardist~ disturbe~no~s on HsilowN~: ~:r- . Th~ 8tr~~t 8up~. was o~rd~rsd to innsstigat~ aaa plaa~ sA ord~r , fos ia~~ano~ va ths ~r ~crd. d~ tsuo~. Th~ BtzN~ ~up~. suggest~d fiuing th• onlvert a~ar th~ Hig~ Bohool ia? ord~s tq~esp ths dirt tro= wa~h3a oa t~~t •ts~~t d~aria~ w~t w~sth~s'~ Th~ wo~t ws~ ordsred don~. Th~re t»ia~ no turthes busin~rs,an ~otioa,tti• aeetia~ ws~ ad~ou~ed. ~ B. ~'.6taxart,Qity Olsrk ' Ar ~ t 8tswart~Drputy ~ttiqtcVV ~9`~b Yayor . « ,