HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-09-15
~:4`2 ~
Arroyo Grande~ CaliPornia C~7
s~ptemb~r ~5~ 193? ~
~ity Council met iA-regcilar sess~~ ~rith P~:layor J. S. Gibson
in th~ c2zsir. '
Upon rall egll Cou~cilmen Gibaon, Phillips, Schr~,y~der~ ~iitloek
and WoQd ~~ported preaent. ~lbsent none.
~linu~e~c of previc~us meeting read and appr4ved as re~d.
, Commcznieatioms read and placed on file.
Petition oP I~rs. Gert,rt~de Stewsrt, G. e. LaMarBno~Albert P. ~
I.aboridie and ~rs. .APra Richmo~E~ .~ting ~that they would psry $2~00
per month for ~tat~r, with the idee of . the City layirig a nerr line
Por them~ was ,r, a~d .and di s~us~ed. Superf n~~nclent Ewring iastructed
to notify petit3oners that they wil~.~ ,have ta furnish~ th~ir own pipe
line &nd aekntt can be pe~td ~`or thrau~h the use of water. Said pipe
line must be new pipe and subject ta the approv~l af the vrater
Superintendent, if the City is event~~lly going to pureha~e same.
Claim against the ~eneral Fund in the amaunt of $2~.0~ was
audi~ed~ approved and,ordered paid. . '
Moved~ ~econded an~ unanimous~ly carried that City Li~ens~$
Nos . 1g02 ~ul 1915 be esuaa?~eled due to tl~e reeent Opini oa oP the
Attorney Ge~eral that th~y are entirely un~er tbe ~juri~di~tion of
the Stat~ xa3,~road Commfs~~.4n and not subj~et to Municipal License.
Cit,,;r Clerik granted t~r~ ~ree~s vacatipn beginning f~tober 4th.
No ~urther business appearing and upaa motion th~ meeting
wgs ad j c~ed.
AT~'T t . ~ '
City lerk yor
~oyo Grande, California
October 6, 1937
Cit~ Couneil met in regul~r session with &Iayor J. S. Gibson
in the chair.
Upon roll ca11,.Councilmen Gibson, Phillips~ Sch~yct~r and
'~Yhitlock reported preaent. Councilman Wood absent.
Minutea of pre~rio~s meeting read and approved as read.
No communications.
Street and ~Nater Superintendent granted va~ation.
Claims against the General Fund in the amount of $~76.16 and
the ~Nater Fund in the a~ount of $1~3.6~a were audited, approved
and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
_ May or ~
t Clerk