R 2293 ....,'~......'UIl1U nc:uut~ltU tfyr"'~~{llYify (1 . .,,--.. -- -- . - . . - . \'''iE~ RECORDED RETURN TO: nlOt1 I,') 01 . C CJ t01'4; C/ i-riL. G(j ! REroIlJl'lCN m. 2293 .. 165<12 DOC. NO. t OFFICIAL RECORDS A HESOWI'lCN oJ 'lJIE CI'1Y a:uNCJL OF 'UIE SAN LUIS OBISPO CO.. CA : CI.'ly OF AHIVYO GIW<<F. 1ILu;p1'.uG lWJCEL 1 MAR 2 1 1989 OF PJ'IHC2L HAP In 87-203 F1UI HID FRANCIS M_ COONEY <nIlSI' I1\NI) a:tU>ANY 1IND OIIIEIS County Clerk.Recorder TIME 8:00 AM WI IERFJ\S , the County of San illis Obispo has elected to subdivide one parcel of lard into three in the city of Arroyo Grame; ariI WlIERFJ\S, the County oi San lids Obispo has entered into an agreement with MidOJast Land ariI others to exchange properties; am WlIERE/IS, a comition of the exd1ange is transfer of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. AG 87-203 by Mid OJast lan:! to the city of Arroyo Grame subject to certain comitions; NCM 'IHEREFOHE, BE IT RFSOLVED, that the city council of the City of Arroyo Grame does hereby a=ept on behalf of the public Parcel 1 of AG 87- 203, subject to deed restrictions 'statirg that city of Arroyo Grame covenants ariI agrees that' the property shall be developed for municipal office space use only am the property shall be conveyed to the Calmty of San wis Obispo if not developed within ten years; ariI -. BE IT FUlmIER RFSOLVED, that Parcel 1 of AG 87-203 shall be described as shawn on attached exhibit A"'with comitions stated thereon in the form of transfer of interest fran Mid OJast Land ani others, BE IT FUImIER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be submitted to EscrcM for concurrent recordation with rE!(X)rdation of Parcel Map No. AG 87- 203 ariI other documentation deemed appropriate to guarantee title to said l\oIrce1 1 in favor of the City of Arroyo Grame. ^ certified copy of this rE!$o~ution shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors ariI Ticor Title in EscrOw: for the city of Arroyo Grarile. On I1'Otion of Council Member Dougall , secomed by Council Member Smith, ariI on the followirq roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dougall, Smith, Olsen and Mayor Millis NOES: None /IIJS'I'/1,J:N: Council Member Moots the foregoirq resolution was passed ariI adopted this 14 th day of March, 1989. , ..~;}fA. ,,~ A'l'l'ES'r: . (/ e.~ 7L ci./"",<-~ 3-f).Q- J5 vm :1?R!1plr.r Rn . . , f' TO: ~ d . \ \ VeJ1.. yoUJt. 1t.e.qu.eA.t \~fO~ ~oW' LK'orooatLO~ 'Io~ &iL~ l \ folt. youJL .6LgrtatuJLe. ,... 1'W14~ o.etu"" ~ ~ \ \ . ~ t .. . . , . ,. .'