Minutes 1943-08-04 ~ ~ i+~rroyo C"~ande ~ Calif . , Ju1y 2I,S943. The e~ty eouneil met in re~ular session w3.th ~tayor - J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Se'hnyder and Menxry reparted present.~bsent Couneilman ~helander. B~inutes o~ previous meeting re~d and approved. There were no com~unication~ to be r~ad at thi~ me~ting. ~9r.E..~.Seharer appe~red to protest excess water charged to him.This matter resulted 3n a lim3.ted diseussion oP various v+rrater problems. Mr.Frank ~ontgomery appeared ta inquire ~he sentimen~ of the Coune3.1 in regard to a plan that he proceeded to outline~relativ~ to ins~talling a Taxi 5ervice in this City. The Couneil indieated approval of this idea. No f'urther busin~es appearing and upon motion the meeti~ was adjourned. r~ W. ul. o ~ITTEST. CI TY C . ~4.YOR ~ a ~#rroyo Grande~Calif. ~ug.4,z943. ~ The ~ity Council met in regular session with ~da~ror J.5.4ibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Thelander and l~enng reported present.~Absent none. Minutes oP previous meeting read and approved. Cozn~nications read and ordered filed. City Auditor ~rs.Florence Carnes pregented the Ar~x~ua2 Report and upor~ motion by Councilman 3'helanderlseconded by Councilman Phi113.ps and unanimo~sly carried,the Counci~ ordered that this report be approved and aecepted. ~r.Burrell~representing the Arroyo Grande Gramrnar Sehovl appeared to discuss with the Couneil the subjeet of City contribution to the pay of a crossing ~uard.The Council ~greed to take this ~atter under advisement and to render a decision in th~ near P''uture. Claims against the General Fund in th~ amount of ~~3~9 • 18, the ~Uater F'und in t~e amount of $ 453 • 83 ~d the Water Deposit Fund in the amo~flt of $ 8.00 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. I~o f'urther businesa appearing and upon motion tb~~t meet3.ng was adjourned. , ~ • ' 9~TTEST. CITY, CLER . MlAYOR. ? ,