HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1944-07-05 291 ~rrayo Grande~Calif. June 21~1944« The City Couneil met in re~ular session with 1~Iayor ~.~.Gibson presiding. Upon ro~l c~ll Councilmen Phillips,~chnyder~:R~enny and Lierly reported present. i~"inutes of the previous meetin~ were read and approved as read. RE~OLUTION # 1.2 ~ Resolution adox~ting budget approvi~ memorandum of , agreement far expenditures of 1~~4 centga~ tax allocatedfor Streets of I~ajor Importance. . Passed and adopted by the following vote on ro~l call: Ayes.CouncilmenGibsan~rhillips~~chnyder~Menr~,y and Lierly. - Noess None. , Absent: ~'one, Notion regularly seconded and carriedto ~charge ~7~.00 per month of the C"hief of Police S~lary from the ~~otor Vehisrle in Lieu ~'ees. There was further discussio~. on the colleetion of lieenses and Chief of Police C.A.~Iekenzie ~a.s instructed to eollect 7icenses from the operators of the auto courts. Upon motion by Councilma.nPhillips~seconded by Couneilman I~~ienny~past Mayor J.~.~ibson va=as unanimously elected to con~inue ixi that capacity. tTpon suggestion~of Councilman Phillips the board looked over the books and records of the City. No further business appearirig and upon mo~ion t~e~meeting was adjourned. , Attest: /~'I,~,,o ~1. 6~ City C1Prk. ~iayor. µ,rroyo ~r~.nde, ~~.lif . c;,,Z13r ~ ~ ~ ~a4 , `i'he Cit~r Co~~ncil :~et in regular session ~°~th ~~ayor ri?~G~r. ;~re~;_c1in~. r'°~on roll cal2 Co~~ncrylmen ?hi~Izp~~~chn,y~er,"Tenny and Lierly r~r. ortec~ present. The min~~t~~ c~' the ~?r. ?vious meetin~ ~r~ere re~d anc~ approvQd ~s read. ~ =1 coznmunic~tior °rom tre Lea~ue o~° Cali~'orni,a t°ities in ' re~~rd to t?~ie ~t~te post?zrar rund ~1=~s discussed. T?ze Cities ~ ~llocation _°or ~lans ~:~s ~1~21.CC an~ ~~15.C0 for s ~te~ ~a total o~' ~1^3b.OG. Street ~uperirrtenc?e~.t ~win~ ~sked a?~out G~zrf~cin~ Grand avenue to Ciereg~ ~oad ~~ft~r discu~si ~ot~on by Counc3l~- m~n '~chryder, se~or~ed. by Counc3.lman L~_~^ ti:~as~instructed to proceed t~,~ith th~ t^rork. `~N~,~~r.tmer.t of t~e fol~o~~~n~ four C.ommittees ;n,~s announcec? by ~~ayor ~.~.Cibson. ~i n~.nc e : Councilmnr_ Philli~s ~nd P..'enny. Streets ~ Park ~.r~ To~r.fi ~`roperty : CoT~r.cilmen Lierl,y a~?~? T°enn,y. I Poli~e ; ~'ire and ~ ~il: ; Counc~lMen ~`?chnSTde» an~ Lierly. ter Jept : i _ Councilmen ~'hillirs~~chn,y~er and P~enny, t'ills ~~ai.nst the renera_1 ~'ur~c~ ~'or. ~~?04.42,the :`'~.ter Fund i>E?9•10,t'~n ~'Tater ~3e-~osit ~'und ~ 52.CC~ and the Incorrie T~x Func~ $1~5.OC ~.~~dite~ 'an~rover? ?nr~ or~erPd ^=~~.d. ?`To further bu~iness apnearin~ ~ on r~oti on the meetin~ ~r~ s ~a~curne~. • I ~ 4t~est• ~ ~ ~ , - ~ , ~ ~~~~~~~r ~ ~ ~ City Clerk. ~ ' yor. i