Minutes 1945-01-03
~ J8
' .~rrayo Crande ~ Ca.lif
. ~
December 24~1944.
The City Caunc~il met in re~ular sessior~ with ~i~yor ~.S.Gibson
Upon rnll call ~~~neilmen Phillips,Schnyder~~enriy and Lierly
rex?orted ~resent.
The rninutes of the previous meeting 8ere read and approved
as read.
Communications were read and plaeed on file .
A notice fr'om t~e Ia.ng;endorF I3akery Company saying they had
discontinued their truek route in the City in August wc~s ree-
eived and np~n a motion by Couneilman Phillips,seconded b
~ouneilman Schnyder motion carried to cancel license # 46~6.
T:he matter of par~llel parkin~ o}~ the main street ~as dis-
cussed and also a time limit on ~~rking and aFter talkin~ it
aver it v~as agreed to wa3t until f~~ther di5eussion.
N'o f't~rther business appearin~ and upon motian the meeting
was adjourned.
, .
~ttest:l~,~A,~ ~il • ~
City Clerk ayor
~rroyo ~r~.nde ~ Calif .
JanuarY 3i1945•
The City Council r~et in re~ul~.r session v~ith ~:~ayor J.S.Gibson ,
presidin~. ~
T?~on roll c~.ll ~ouncilmen Phillips~5chnyder~PyGen~y and Lierly
reported present.
The mirnates of the ~revious meeting were read and approved
as read.
The eommunieations were read and placed on file.
The licensing of pii~ball machines and eard t~bles was dis-
cussed and the ~ttorney ~aas asked to look into the way it was -
bein~ handled in the other cities around.
~ ~.r Fw:ing repo'rted on receiving bids for ~asoline for the
coming year :nd'it was decided to use ~as f'rom the Union 0i1 Co.
Claims a~ainst the General F'und for ~865 • 55 ~ the t~tater Fund ~
for $6~1.62~the ~.~'ater~,Deposit Fund for ~2Q.('~~the Street Assess-
ment Fund for$44.40 and the Inevme Tax r^und for $ 238.60~vuere
audited~approved and ordered paid.
There was some discussion on retirement fund for the Cit~
employees ~.nd Attorney Farris was asked to ~et some inforr~a.tion
on the sub~ject.
rTo further business a~pearin~; and upon motion the meetin~ v~as •
adjourned. .
.~ttest: .
City lerk o l~ayor ~