Minutes 1945-09-05 J 1 ~ Arroyo Grande~California September 5~1q45 The City Council met in regular session vu~i~Gh Pfqayor~ J.S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menny and Lierly repo~ted pres~nt. The minutes of the previous meeting were reac~ and-<<~pprov~ci as read. R.B.Mineau was present in response to the invitation to building contraetors and business houses which sell buildin~ materials to meet with the Council and talk over the building permit problems. There was some discussion but no new aetion taken. R.B.h~ineau also thanked the City for the work done on the street in front of the hardware store and asked if something could be done about caring for the water at the fi1l.Supt. of Streets B.E.~ing was instructed to take care of the matte~. Mr Clarence Burrell appeared to see if anything more had been done ~bout slowing the traffic on the Highway at the Sehool crossi~g and the Clerk was instructed to contaet fi~r. Dalliver of the State Highway and see if he could come down and help with any suggestions. J.C.Cluek as~ed permission to have a cafe and dance hall in connection wi~th it if he should purchase the lots on the c~rner of` the State Highway and Cienega Road in Western ~:dd*n. The Council agreed that as long as it was operated in a legal and proper way it would be permitted. Two building permits were granted one for L.E.Schultz to put a new foundation under his house far $ 175.00 and one for J.W.Edwards to construct a Real Estate Office £or $ 450.00. The Clerk asked about obtaining help to type the tax bills and was ins~ructed to get the neeessary hel . Bills against the General F'~ind for $ 92~.43c~the Water Fund for $ 1127.78 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~ 20.00 were audited ~approved and or~ered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ _ - Attest: City ~lerk ayv . , I I , ~ .