Minutes 1947-12-17 _ 375 ~rroyo Grande~C,aliforni~ December 17~1947 The City CQUncil met in re~ular session v.~ith 1~~=ayor H.R. Phillips ~>residing. t;!non ro~I call Counc~.l~nen Schnyder9~"enny, Lierly anci Rountre~ rep~rted present.. The T~~inutes of the nrevious meeting vrer~ read a_nd apnroved as read. The communic~_t~ons ~;=ere re~d :~~nd pl~ced on ~'ile. i'he of~'er of the l~lphonzo E.Eell ro. to ~ive a ruit clairn ~eed to t'~e ~ortion of th~ ~ailroad Right of `;''ay from the 1C~I ni~hv.~y a~on~ the Jor~es Subdivisionfor ~j 250.CC~ was discussed ~nd Councilman Lierl.y made motion,secon.c~ed ~y Councilman ~ountree authorizin~- the City ~ttorney to ~~et the auit claim deed for m 250.GC. t4"rs :ielen P,'atts a~~peared vo see if the City would ~ccept .=z nersonal bond v:~itho~t si,~rners for a ~icense ~"or second hand. It was moved ~r:d seconded th~t a bo~id be acce~te~ from I~~~rs FTelen T:"atts for a second hand license. 'lh~ bids ~or the trunk line ax~d lateraZs ~r~ere opened and vrere ~s fol~ows: Trunk Line~ ??rov~n ?I7d DOko~~ 1Q~~61.10~ :"Tm.Lyles Co, ~ 22~~~6.40 and L.L. Craig ;S 1~~68Q.OC?. For the Laterals : Lrown and Doko, ~5~8~'~5.00~~'~m.LylesCo~ 6~699.30 .and L.L.Craig~~5,']00.00. I.'_r Conrad su~~~;ested the bids be ~'iven Y urther stt~~.y and it v~as d.ecided to meet on rriday ni~Yht December 19th at '7P.b~.for an ~d~,ourn- ed etin~. Councilrian ~ountree ma:_le a motion~seconded by Councilma.n I:ierly to acce:~t tjze securi ~y bond of n;r B.A .~.oss for a second hand license. ~ i~O~,UTIOI~' NQ, 174- A~,~~OL??TI~I~T~ adonting an a~;reement for rsa~ ntenance of State Hi~-h~v~y in the City of Arroy~ Gr~nde. Passed and adopted by the follot1~ing roll call vote: _qYES: Counc 1r~en Fhillips~Schnyder~l!:~enny~ Lierly and Rour~tree. l~TQES s None . ~BS~!?T: rTone. P,~ayor Phillips su~gested a stop si~n be placed at the top of the hill in front of P;Ir Hearns as he thought it mi~ht help to pre- vent someone runnin~; into the barrl_c~de. There ~rras a discussion about the night watchm~.n and it Vras decided to hire an extra man ~'or 30 d~ys and it v~~~as left up t~ ~he Chief of Police to hire the man. The Ordin~nce on nlumbing hookups v~as read and it UraS decided to hold the Ordinanca over until the~next meeting. r?o further business appearing the meeting ~:r~.~ a~:journed until `7 P.~,'. ~'rid~y December l~ ~ ,.g47. ~ ~t ~ r'~~ ~ • ~ ~ ,t'~ Attest:,~!,~h ' fl ~~.~-r'~'~~~~`~---- City Clerk ~:?a~~or'~ ~rroyo Grande~California December la~lg47 The C,ity Council met~ in zn adjourned re~ular meeting with Pv~ayor H.R.Phillips rresiding. Upon roll c~.ll Councilmen ~chnyder~ P"enny~Lierly and Rountree re~orted present. ~'.:~aC~LUTIC?l`T '_`T0. 175 A R~SOLt1TI0N~ to re~;ect any and all bids for the Trunk Line and Laterals~~for the Sewers from `ti';estern ~d~ition on the basis th~t the bids were all;~oo high and authorize the work to be don~ by day • labor under ~he direction of T.Pr Conr~.d the City Ehgineer and that materials and su~~plies be purchased on the open market. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: A~~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~.ienny~Lierly and Rountree. TT~~ : None • 4BS~TT: None . ~.~r Conrad discussed the nroposition of layin~ the Trunk line through the NT~_neau and Loomis Subdivision and he was to t~.ke the matter up with ~ti~ineau & Loomisand ~et prices for labor and matPrial f or the s ev~rer work . It was moved and seconde<~ th~.t T:Tr Hackler be allowed ~ 25.00 per month for the use of his car. The subject of a High ~ost of' Living Bonus to the City ~mployees v~~as discussed and Councilman L~i.~rly made a motion~seconded by Courr~ cilMan Rountree to give a$ 15:00 per month raise from the General F Fund to alI City r'~nployees st~~tin~ with the salaries paid for anu~.ry .