Minutes 1950-05-25 fJ ~ ~h~ Clerk was instrue~ed to eall l~r. P~tersan and inf'orm fiim that the CaECincil agreed to ~o ahead with survey at his ~erms. RTo further business a~pearing ~tl~e meeting evas ~rdjourned. ~TT~ST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r1:~° City Cl~~k &~ayor Arr~oyo ~rande~ California ~5~ ~950 8:0o p.~~ ~n inforrr:al meeting of the eouncil vv~es held~ to _,s~r.idy a garbage Ordinance~ and after reading and diseussing the Ordinanee, ~om Pismo Beach~ it was agreed that ~ouncilman Clark take it to ~~r. Fiarris and discuss several sections. All Councilmen ~res~nt exeept Councilman Dammann. Na further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adj~urned. , ~ ~TTE~ST' - • ~~~~~~~~C,~C,k~t,a Clty Clerk ~fayor _ . ~ -o- ~i , Arr~oyo ~rande, ~aliFornia ~~ne 7, I.g~'0 'I'he City Couneil met in reguZar session with ~~ayor ~~aiters presiding. ~Tpon roll call Co~_~ncilrnen ~ixsc~n, Da.mr~ann and ~orn°ad re~orted presen~. ~bsent Councilman Clark The minute~ of the previous regular adjourned and special meetings v~ere read and ap:~roved as re~.d. Cor~znications ~a~re read ~nd the follawing action t~kens l. T~e recommendation of the ~rroyo Grande Planring Commision in regard to the E`xtension of ~rand ~venue was a~s~us~~a and a motion was made and seconded to have the plans and ~peeificatians for the Grand Avenue Extension prepared. It was c3ecided to ~a:it until after the adjourned meeting, to be held June 8~ lg~~ at 8: P.M. to discuss calling for bids on the job. 2. The Ietter from the Hi~h sehool v~as to be ref~rred to the ~ity Attorney, ~~r. Har~~~is. He a~reed to prepare the le~al papers when he ~ot the deseriptic~n. _