Minutes 1952-04-02 1~0 ~ ~ ~ Nlayor Waiters appointed Councilman Conrad to get any information and ~ ~,I copies of ardinances on e~,~Q signs, to see if an ordinance cauld be drawn up t I ~ to meet out needs. , ~ It was moved and seconded to advertise for bids on 5~0 feet of 8 inch I and 2000 feet of 6 inch transite pipe, bids to be opened on April 16, 1952 $t 8:0o P. M. Mr. Hart asked about getting an Air ~ompressor for the Water Departr~ent ar_d was told to see if it could be put in next years budget. Bills against the General Fund for ~ 1,371~•85 ,~d the Water Fund . for ~ 1~12.80 , were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing and upon motion, the meeting was adjourned to N~ch 20, 1952 at s:00 P. M. ~ , ATTEST: City Clerk ~ ~ Mayor LL -0- , ~ Arroyo Grande~ Galifornia April 2~ 1952 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Waiters pre~iding. Upon roll ca11 Councilsnen Furcell, Dixson, Dammann and ~onrad Reported present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting ~aere read and approved as read. : The Council ad3ourned at this time to interview several applicants for the Police Department and one for the Inspector and Engi.neering Department. Council reconvened and Iir. Carmichael was informed that the Attorney had the amencL~nent to the Zoning Ordinance reac~y, Mrs. Gail Covert was informed that Mr. Harris had the Deed. prepared for the ~ark property. A motion was made by Councilmaa? Dixson, seconcied by Cauncilman Purcell to grant a per~;t to the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., for a ter:l~orar^J Camp vetween Ide Street ~:zd Allen St~°~et or: t;he ~'acific Co~st Lumber Company property. The letter of resignation from the Chief of Police was read and Council:~an Da.mnann made a motion, seconded by Councilman Conrad to accept the resignation effective April 7~ 1952. ~9~ The letter from tbe Fire Chief, in regard to ordexing 500 feet of 22" fire hose and a raise i.n pay for the Fire Chief was discussed and told to order the fire hose and the raise was to be discussed, when the n~w bud~et was to be made up. Mr. Harris read the urdinance amending the Zoning Ordinance for the first time. I~Ir. H~ris ha,d the lease fo~ the propGrty at the well and Mr. R.oy was to look it over. Councilman Conrad. mov~ed and Councilman Dixson seconded the motion to accept the bid of rianson Equipment ~ompany for the Hough Loader, the financing arrangement to be approved by the City Attorney. Mayor Waiters appointed ~ouncil- man ~onrad to check on the financing arrangements. The matter of a sign Ordinance was to be referred to tY~ Plarming Conunission for their study and recoiranendations. ~ Councilman Purcell said the High School atudents ~ould work on an amergency first aid mobile unit for Civil Defense, if the City would furnish the pipe and s ome lumber, a motion was made by Councilman Purcell, seconded by Councilman Conrad to furnish the material. It was moved and seconded that the City Clerk contact the proper authorities, in regaxd to taking a new census. Mr. Thrasher asked about Caution or slow signs by the Grammar 5chool and also Crosswalks on ~herry and ~rchard Avenue. The Council agreed to have School signs ordered and installed for the Gram;r~ar School ~d the New High School. Bills against the General Fund for $~2,756.25 , the Water ~lznd ~ 686.3l~ ~ ~nd the Water Deposit Fund for ~p l~.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid. Warrant No. 5l~6 for ~ 76.10 payable to L. A. Brisco, was held up for investigation. Mr. Haxris agreed to prepare an agreement to be attached to the Deed to the Waman's Club for a reversion to the City, if th ey did not improve the property and if it had been improved ar.d they decided to sell, the City to have first option to purchase the property. The Council grantsd the re quest for use of the City ~ark property for Sunrise services, Easter Sunday. No further business appeaxing and upon motion the meeting wae adjourn~d: . , _ ATTEST: CITY CIE ~ l/ • _ ~IAY