Minutes 1953-01-26 ,
~ 236
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i~.s a~ainst the gener~l-Fund for L~~_~
and the water Fund for
were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business appestring and upon mot n the meeting Was ad~ourned
to Monday Janus~ry 26~ 1953, at ~:00 PM. ,
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January 26,1953
The City ~onncil met in ad3ourned session with Councilms~n Waiters
presiding in the ~bsenee of Mayor Simpson, ~ouncilman present were Wa~.tera, ~Cerr~
Hurt and Sturges. ~
The puapose of the meeting was to disBUSa the budget and decide if A
new car was to be purchased for the Police Dept.
Councilman Sturges reported on the budget so far and there xas a lengthy
discussio~ about the receipts and expenditi~uea and budget balances.
Counci].m~an Kerr moved and `'ounciln+ar? Burt seconded the motion to s?dver-
tize for a bid on a nex police car~ bids to be opened February 10, 1953, ~ 8sOQ PM.
~ motion by ~ouncilmAn Sturges seconded by Councilman Kerr Iuthorising
Mr. Anderson to attend a Building ~o~ference meeting in ~an Jose, February !t; and
a meeting on Cor~ruction of roads and to be held in Berkelep ~'ebruary lt,5,and 6. ,
No more business appea ing the m~eeting ~as ad3o ed.
CI C ~
~ The acting Mayor asked if anyone present wished to appose the chang~ in zoning
as shown on the Map and no one present apposed. It ~?as agraed to continue the
heAring on the change as Mr. ~rris Was not present with the Ordinance on the change.
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