R 2257 351 RESOLUTION NO. ?2.57 RF.50LUTlON or 'ftill crn COUNCIL OF nlE CI1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING 111E SOLIi'll SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANn\'I'ION DISTRICT TO ALLOCATE WASTE WATER EFFLUENT TO MEMBER AGENCIES \'IIIERlJ\S , this City Council is cognizant of all I,ater sources as being important; and II~ IEREi\S , I,ater supply during conditions of drought such as we h,JVe experlcncell in the last fel' years lIictates that all sources must be considered; anll IIHEREAS, the South San Luis Obispo County S:lI1it::Jtion District discharges 2.77 million gallons of treated effluent daily into the Pacific Occan; and WIIEIU:AS, this treatell effluent could be a resource of water for future use when statutes and lack of alternative l';lter supplies render such application as healthful ::Jnd economic to satisfy demand. NOIV 'nJEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this City COlU1cil goes on I'ecorll respectrully requesting the South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District to :.Hocate a fair portioll or its wastel>ater effluent to the agencies controlling the District anll its contractors. On motion by Council ~lember Johnson , seconlled by Council Member Moots , and by the rollol,ing roll ca 11 vote, to I,j t: AYES: Council Members JOhnson, Moots, Millis, Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None 'the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 11th day of October , 1988. ~~..L "l.~ ~~ ~ WOR _' i\TrEST: ~a.~ CI' L ,RK ' I, NANCY A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No, 2257 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 11th day of October, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 12th day of October, 1988. CIT~t a. Qz,-/;JL)