Minutes 1954-12-07 ~~~J ~
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Arroyo Grande, California
December 7, 1951~
The City Council met in regular session with I~Ia,yor Burt presiding. Upon
roll call Councilmen Kerr, Pence and Simpson reported present. Absent Councilman
t~rennan. -
1'he minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. '
`I'he report from the Chief of Police was read ar.d approved, also the report from '
the Fire Chief.
A cor:ununicatiori from ~r~m. 5cott of the Recreation ~ommittee in regard to a i
par1~ site was read and i~~r. Scott was present to discuss the project further. Coun- '
cilman Simpson suggested a letter be written to I~Ir. Fred i~ioore w'r~o is in charge '
of right-of-way for the Dept. of Highways asking him to attend the next Council '
meeting. P'Ir. Hamlin said he would help out and ~,t ~Tas also suggested Senator Erhart !
be asked to attend also. I~
A letter frorn Fred Shaeffer in regard to sewers in Western Addition was read i
and discussed. t~:r, tinderson was to contact A'Ir. Shaeffer and discuss the matter
with him.
Mr. Abel appeared before the Council and asked for some protection to Yiis
property in the creek wtiere the water line had been installed. Councilr-ian Simpson
reported he had looked at tne place under discussion, he recommended that some
pipe an~ hog wire be ~ut along the creek bank and some brush be put along to
protect the bank. `1'here followed a discussion on the matter and Councilman Pence
said he wculd follow the recommendations of the Engineers. Mr. Anderson was to
have the wire installed for approximately 1~0 ft.
The Uouncil agreed to w ork with the Ccunty on grades for drainage along
Halcyon Road.
A number of property owners from the East end of town were present to see
about having wa~er lines extended to their property. The distance was to be
measured and they were to see how many property owners would be interested in the
~nnexation inforrnation was discussed and the committee appointed for the
purpose had not met.
~ouncilrr.an F~ence requested permissicn to leave t~ie state from Dec. 21 to
Jan. 3, 1955. Un motion of Ccuncilman 5impson, seconded by Councilman Kerr and
by unanimous vote his request was granted. .
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Chief Nlize asked for authorization to transfer Mr. Menges from the Water
Dept. to the Police Dept., he would replace NIr. Buchanan who had resigned. On
motion of Councilman Simpson, and seconded by ~ouncilrnan Kerr the transfer was
Bills against the General Fund for ~326l~.03, the water Fund for ~6270.02, the _
Wat~r Deposit Fund for $28.00 and the 5ewer Rental Fund for $101.97 were audited,
approved and ordered paid. It was moved and seconded that vouchers #21tA through
32 be authorized for transfer. -
It was reported ~he committee appointed to check on the ambulance serv~.ce
was to meet at the City Hall 7:30 P.M. Friday Dec. lOth. .
Mr. Anderson reported he would report on information for sewer hook-up
at the Margaret Harloe School at the next Council meeting.
No further business appearing, on motion the meeting adjourned. . .
%~i/ •
AT'I'EST : . ,
L'ity Clerk Niayor
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