Minutes 1955-11-15 ~V~ Arroy~ Grande~ Calif~rnia N~vember 15, 1955 The City ~ouncil met in regular session with Mayar Burt presiding. Up~n r~ll call Councilmen Lee, Pence and Brennan reported present. Absent C~uncilrnan Dixson. The minutes.of the previ~us regular meeting were read and approved as read. Mayar Burt asked iP there was any~ne present who wmuld like te discuss the appeal sf Mr. Benjsur. There was ne ene.ss a mctian was made by* COUncilman Pence, seconded by C~uncilman Lee t~ deny the appes~l of Mr. B~n3mur and on rmll call vete Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence and I3rennan voted to deny the appeal. Absent Conncilman Dixson. Councilman Pence stated he felt the Planning C~~{ssian was a duly auth~rized body and thay had made a study and their recommendations shsuld be upheld. Z'here was further discussion on the Whiteley and Poale Street sewers and resurfacing of the portion ~f the street where it would be torn up. Webb (%on- struction had agreed to give a 30 day extensien on their bid. Letters were t~ be mailed t~ all preperty owners. ':Mr. ~;nderson rep~rted there xas no sh•rta~e of Water ~n Netap~rt Street. Mayor Burt app~inted ChieP Mize ta be S-D Day Director for this year. Councilman Brennan reported an the Santa. Barbara meeting on Streets and Highways. They stated s~me counties ~rere using gas tax meney to helt take care of main roads leading in and out of the cities. Councilman Brennan felt the meeting waswell w~rth while. Chief Mize asked permission t~ attend a zene meeting in Fresne Friday N~vember 18th and Councilman Lee made a m~tion seconded by C~uncilman Brennan t~ grant the request. Motian carried. It was agreed to have Mr. Harris ~rrite a letter ta the Divisien of Highways asking when they were going t~ finish construction an Vernon Avenue so the city cauld finish the street above. The clerk ~aas given permission to take her vacat~.mn Nevember 18th t,~ December 2nd. ~Bills against the General Fund fer $1~10.50 and the Water Fund f~r ~900.51 xere audited appreved and ordered paid. N~ further business appearing the meeting was ad3ourned. ~ ATTEST: ity lerk y~r