R 2243 ./ RESOLUTION NO, 2243 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDER- STANDING WITH S.E,I,U, WHICH CONTAINS A SALARY SCHEDULE, POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY STEPS WITHIN THE RESPECTIVE. RANGES OF THE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR 1988/89 AND REPEALING RES- OLUTION 1979 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this Council deems it to be in the best interests of the City of Arroyo Grande and its various employees that minimum and niaximumcompensation be fixed for various classifi- cations of employment in the various departments of the City of Arroyo ~rande as hereinafter provided, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a Memorandum of Under" standing is agreed upon with S.E,I.U. and adopted for fiscal year 1988/89." Terms contained within such Memorandum of Understanding and repeal of Resolution No. 1979 are effective retroactive to July 1, 1988. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minimum compensation as of date of employment and intermediate and maximum compensation for such employment shall be as hereinafter enumerated, and that said employees shall be assigned to salary steps within the respective pay range of the position classification as set forth in the at- tached Memorandum of Understanding, and, further, that the Memo- randum of Understanding attached hereto is made a part hereof by reference, all of which"are hereby adopted; On motion of Council Member . ~ohn~o~ ' seconded by Council Member Pnrt~r ,an on t e following vote to wit: AYEs:Counci1 Members Johnson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins NOEs:None ABSENT:None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of July, 1988 , ~~~/~~ ATTEST: ~a.~ CI L I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No, 2243 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 26th day of July, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of July, 1988. ~ a ' ~~6J:" J CI Y CLER . 1988189 ~ . . S.EJ.uJCITY rE AMOYO GRANDE .... :0' > I.' I. ..... . ;', v:' .; ':'~.' ':. . MEMOIWOJM Cf LtURSTANDING . . , " TABLE rE CCWTENTS " '. ' ' ARTiClE SUBJECT wt; , . ARTI~E ',SUBJECT ' ~ , ,:. '.' . . : ,I. ~, .." , . , .' .. 1. Term of M.O.u. 1 . ' ,: 27. :~:;~L Riuhta 10 , 2. S.lry Schedulll 1 28. No S,trll~./No, LOCkouL . 11 3. Vac.Uon L.IVI 1 29. RtUromont .' " 11 4. Holiday' Llavt 2,' "30;' ',~s, 0' Prlvat.l Vthl~ltIMIl.. 11 ',I" ".'. "5. Sick LIM 3 31.' .-ollCl'lmlnaUon ' 11 6. HourI or Work end CMrUme 3 32. PII'IOMII Fill. " 7. SLandby PlY . 4 . 33. RnlgnaUon 11 8. Call Dick PlY 4 34; OUtside Employment 12 ' 9. Uniform RenLa' ~ 35. POIIUon Vacanclls 12 10. ,Sar.Ly Shot. '. 4 36i PoIIUon ClaulncaUon 12 11. P.ychecks 4 37.! ,.' ProblUonary Period 12 . , . ",,' . 12. 8treavemtn~ L.ave 4'" ", ,,38. "Trnfers" 13 13. Fllnlly Leav' .' .5 :59. ,PromoUon .,. 13 14., EclucaUonal PlY , . 5 ,~. ' PromoUonaI Oppor&anIlu 13 15. L'MS of Absenc. 5 41. ' DtmoUon 14 16. Jvry DuLy 5 42. Layoff" 14 17. Outs DtducUon 5 43. flex Time Schtdules 15 18. Union SLlwards 6 44. M.o.u. Impl......Uon ' 15 19. Union AceDS Lo Work LocaUons . 6 '45. Ne. PoIIUons 15 20. Use or CILy FaclllUes 7 46. MtdlelllnsurlRCl 8tntt1L1 IS 21. RtprtaanLlUon 7 47. Vision Cart Plan 15 22. P.EA.s. RtUremenL CoNrlbuUons 7 48. ur. ~i Plan 15 '23. Grlwanc. Procedure 7 49. . StiLi Disability l...-.net 15 24. AdVInetmtnL In Salary , 9 SO. Dentallnsur'lRCI P\aI:a 15 25. ConvnuUng RelmbursemenL ,9 51., HuUh CommIUtt 16, 26. ContracUng OUL ' 9, 52. DtnnlUona \6 " ' . " "'i:(;':;'::,:::" ,',. ' ',' ", :: :", ..:- , "',':.' ;'>::";,' ."._._,--~"_"-~--- --- .- .. .1' . MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE CHAPTER OF lOCAlB17. SERVICE EMPlOYEES IH'ItRNA TlONAL , UNION. AFl-CIO. FeR THE'EMPLOYEES COf1'RISING THE RECOGNIZED EMPLOYEE CMANlZATICN FeR THE GENERAL SERVICES UNIT AND SUPERVISORS UNIT. STATING IN WRITING A MEI'1CRANIUt OF UNDERSTANDING. ARTICLE 1. TERM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The ltMn or the Mtmorlftdum or Undel'SLlndlnt lhanbe f'rom the dlle thl. M.O.u. I. 'Ipd by , the Protsldent. end Slewll"d or S.U.U. unlit June 30. 1989.. thtrt.ner ..11 conUNII ""'"' ~ to ye... EfU\tr perty may requesl mod,neeUon by Mlrch 15. 1989. In which MIlL. meeUnt Iftd conrerrlng sh.n cornrnence no liter thin AprI11S. 1989. . ARTIClE 2. SALARY SCHEDULES. : " , The CUy and the Union agree that.n cl.sslneallons rernsenled by the \kIlonshtn recelw s.larles IS I'fPf"tStnltd In ExhlblLs A CSalry CllSslncallons).1M B (1988189 Salary Schedule) which Ire .lllched Ind Incorporlltd IS I part or this M.O.U. ' ARTIClE 3. VACATION LEAVE A. The purpose or IMU1I YIC.Uon leM Is to enabl. e8eh eligible employee to ...l1y relurn to his work mentally end physlc.lly ref'rtshed. B. Each eligible employ"' shIn be required to hM stMd the equtYllenl or One VI" or conUnuous servtce In the City In 0I"der to be .lIglble I'D\'" hlslher run annuli vacltlon leM. Howewr. . In the MIlt. 1ft employee 10 chooses. shtlht mey. .n.er ,Ihe continuous months of 1If"IIct. tIk, . YICIUon I.M not to exceed nve (5) working days with the SuperYlsor's 1PPf0Yl1. C. Employees who ltMnln.1t 'employmenl. and upon return or .11 Clly-OwMd,...........v In iood condlllon. she" be paid In . tUCftl) sum tor .t11Ccrued welUon leM urntd prtor to the dete or termination. " ' D. Vacation 'eM wtth PIV shan be .erntd by employ", In eccordance wtth the fbliowtng sehedul.: Arter: 1 yeti" 10 days 6.67 hours per month 2 . 12 8.00 3 13 8.67 4 14 9.3~ S 1S 10.00 6 1S 10.00 , 7 16 10.67 8 16 10.67 9 1'7 11~ 10 17 11.34 . 11 1B 12.00 12 18 12.00 ' 13 19 , 12.67 14 19 12.67 15 20 13.34 ' . SE1 U HOU - PAG-E: I -~.~._~._-_.._-' E. If for Iny ruaon In employ.. becomes lick during. YlClUon. or In the CIII when . holiday r,nl cklrlng . YIC.Uon perlo4. the .((ecLld employ" _II be tnUUtd ~, uUllz. IUCh Mlllbl,' lick or holldly I'Mln lieu or yacaLlon IllY.. The YICIUon perlo4 may be apPropriately IXLlndlclupon approval or the Suptrytsor. F. VacaUon IIIYI may be LakIn II IL '""*. Vac:aUon IhaII be IChIcIu1Id . tMdiscrtUon and convtnllftCl or .ach IndlYldual employ.. with the conaenL of 1M superylaor within thlllmltaUona nec.SlltaLld by the l.gIUma....oper.Uonal MICII or the CILy. ' ',0. . . .., G. In 1M MnL &haL thelChlduUng pr.f...... of Lwo (2) or mar. empIoyeu connlcL. the prtrnnctl or the more unlor employ" f'rom cia'" qr blr. IbIII tovem, barring ,My &DIIUII " clrcumsLlncl.. " '. .' ,'. .. .,. \". .;:::. ~ ....".. '.' H. All employ.. musL UIt . minimIIn or 501 YlClUon 11M tImtCI _ing IICh CIIencIIr YIII' during thIL 11IM ClllndIr y.... The blI.. or the YICIUon 11M .......Inlng ~ ...... &haL 11IM c.11ndIr Y'" may be accrued. bcepUon Is made ~ Vall....... ror .I.I'MW employ... commencing CILy _IoymenL .ner December 31 sL of elCh YIII' so tbaL Uwt II no requlrtmtnL upon I' new employ.. t.o UIt . mlninun or ~Ol of YICIUon 11M tImtCI by Lbt'f1rIL Dtcemw 31.L after employmenLcommenc.s.' ." '.' .' '.'.' ".: .' . " . ," "'. . I. Employ- rnlY ICCI'UI VleIUon 11M up Lo the _clmum hours listed below. dIptndtftt Upon y.... of IINICI..I ...,.1.. full-time employ..:. v..... of SIrYIc. Maxlnunvicauon HOurs W1\lch' . on InYDtctmbtr31sL '~.~~_~(On:"'1nUII'Y '. ..:,',..... '. :'.'.~". 1 ..~ 2'" '. 80'" ,.'.. '....';.. .': . , . .... t, . t ....,). :.. .,' .,',,I.d,' 'I.. I, 3+ - 4 100 . ' . 5+ ~ 7 120,,; " 8+ - 9 .,,, ,_ . . .,. ._-., 140 ,,_.-,:, . .' _, . ,_10+..- 14_: - - _ '-_". ...-'> ". -, '. . ,_'. -. .... 160.,1, '. '_<'_'. :__" .; -.--.-.,15+. , ;. -.:_: ._', " ,_...200 ,';"<.., "_, .', '.._ .'. ~..... ,'.. .' '. . .,: ;'. ,. ~ .;... , .. .', .." 1 . ; .". In 1M MnL an _loVII" ICCI'UICI wcaUon 11M .... the mIKinUn .allow". In P..... 1. &he employ" IhIII H PllIIIL blllhtr ~ JIlL hourly will raY ~or &bile bNI accrUldlnlXClllot&hlrnmdmumIUoWIbI.. ....!" .,". ,'. '.' '.." ' . . . . ."'. ' '" . -. :' .. , '. ,,' ARTICLE 4. HOLlO... V LEAVE I . . . . The follo.wlng claYI shall be paid hollclaya for ....IOV.;:..' .. I. Indtpendence D.y Mon. tIuIy 4.1988 .. . b. Labor DIY . Mon., SlpL. 5. 1988. t .:. . ... " c. Colurnbul Day . .: ;.. . Mon,. OcL. 10. 1988. . ' . d, V.LII'ans'D.y . .. Fri.. Nov. 11.1988 " . . .:',' , .: \' I'" -, .' ", .. Thankiolvlng Thurs.. Nov. 24. 1988.' . . . f. DIy'ollowlng . .. . . ., ,....- . ThanklQMng , . Fri.. "",25,1908 .". " .... . ,.. . 9. ClrlsUna' Eve . "'''' '.' 1,' " ~If dav Frl,. Otc, 23.1988 ,..,.. ". ., .. b. Clrls&mas Mon.. Dec. ~6.1900 ....... .. '. .' . I. H.w v....'s EYe One-hllr dlV frl.. Dec. 30. 1908 J.' HIw v.....S Dav Mon.. Jan. 2. 1989 SEIU MOU - PIgI 2 : :. :'., .. . -~~._,_.. '-"'~______'_'_ '_______. __n "-"'-.--.-.- P"d Holidays conUnued: . k. LIncoln'! Birthday Mon.. Feb. 13. 1989 ' . '- Washington'! Birthday ". Mon.. Feb. 20. 1989 m. MtmOt"Ial Day Mon.. MI)' 29. 198~f n. One day al Employee cholCt with SuptrYfsor """,M' In lieu ot mlst.....IIgtous celtbraUonsor holldeys such IS HarUn Luthe,. King Day ". FIOIUnt . . ., .' . '. .' . o. Ewry day dnlgnltld by the President., GMrftOl" or Mayor tor public obstrYInCt ti I IllICIt' non- . rtCUI"r'lnt s'ngle ewnt., such IS the de.th or. n.Unll.ld.... or end or '.WIr. , . When any or the above-1IstJd holidays' ,.11 on S.turdl)'. Il will be roeeognlZH on Friday. It It rails on SUnday. Il win be r~IZtd on Monday. For In employees who ...,,1..ly.weft.on SIbrdIy and/or Sund.y. then the holiday witt be speclned by the aboYe-1lsled dates. In the cttI that a holldly tills on an employee" I't9Ulrly tcheduled day 6". he/she shen hM the opUon lo like such I holldl)' on an .It.",.te day IS s.lecled by the employee and epproyed by the Dtpll"trnenl Dft"tCw. . ARTICLE 5. SICK lEAVE A. An rull-llme. permanenl employees shll1leCM1t one WOf"k'nt day or slclt 11M with PlY f'or' eech month or stf'Yfce with unllmlt.ed IICCUI'ftUIIUon. Upon retirement., an employee may choost to be , paid tor. 50" or unused slclt leM to . m8JClrnum or 360 hours Il hlslher CUlftftl",lt or PlY or'l1 or . : poI"lIon or the foregoing enUlIerntnllo hi''''''" P.E.R.s.rellremenl program. Althe end of tICh ytII" In employee hIS the ",lion or being paid strItvhtUme rOf' 25" or thel,. unused stet I.M or thIt. yeII'. transr.,.,.Ing Itlo Vlettlon or I,lYIng It In sick I.M. . . 8. Employees may transf... sick lelYe on I wluntry blt!s to I rel10w emplOytt who hn ,xheusled .n of hlslhe,. sick leM and we.lIon 11M due \0 an txlendtd t11nen or In)ry. The trlnsrer shall be blted on ,ach employ"" hourly rltl or pay end shill not. tlCCttd twenl.yfOll" (24) hours or sick lelYe bned on the hourly rete of PlY or the I"tCtlYtnt employee. The trenster ...." be . r,quesled on I form prcMded by the City lo be compleled.by both employees who mu\ul1Iy NCIUtI\ such transf'er end submitted ~ ~1 t.o "Islher department held ""' the City l18nager .f'oIt "nel . ,1PPI"OYI1. The receNtng employee shan no~ be Ob1l01ltd lorepIY any transr....... leM II the contrlbuUng employee and contributing employee undersltnds lhat. such transf'er sIt.n bi deemed . If . used and wilt be subJectlo In other proyIstons applicable. ARTIClE 6. HOURS ~ WORK AND OVERTIME , The normll working schedule or rul1-llme employ"' shen be eight (8) hcMr. per day or rorty (40) hourS per wHit. All IUlhorIZtd lime wart,d In excess or forty (40) hours pet" week or . holldly . ,.,c.lzed In this Memorendum or UnderstIndIng, shan be c:ompenstltd ror Illhe I"Ilt or one end one- h.rr ( 1-112) Urnes the tmCIloyee's ...,,1.. base hOurly !"Ile of PlY. Time worted tor computation of . owrllme sh.n Include holidays. Jury duly. .Ick leM. bertMrntnll'M and prt'Itous1y tcheduItd YlCltlon end compensatory time orr f'oI" purposes or this peregreph, end shan be c.leulllec1 It . mlXlmurn or eight (8) hours per day. OYerUme shan be c:ompultd.t the nereslhtlrUI2Jhour. Al the request or eny employee eligible tor Ml"Umtpay. hlslher suPlf'Ylsor win provide thl\.1n lieu or ttCh payment for any CMl"lIme htIsht may hIYIthe choice or lime orr with PlY It the Ntt or one IncI one-hatt (1-112) hours for ttCh hour or MI"ltme worked. Cornpensllory time 0" shin be tile", It the ",Uon or the employee with the consenl of lhIlUPtl'Ylsor. . SEIU MOO - PIgt 3 -- --,...-----....,..-------..'.' .,'.' ........--....- . ARTICLE 7. STANDBV PAY . Standby duty Is denned IS that clrcumst.lnc. which r.qulr.. an employ.. 10 assigned &.0: t. Bll'tIdy to r.spond Immedl.tely to . call for WYlc.. 2. 8t rucmy avallabl..L.II houri by tel.phone. "- An employ.. 10 ...IQnld to ltand-by duLy ShIll rtClIvI $1.50 per hour to bIQln IL the end of aM rI9UI...ly IChtCIuI.d work day or work week. or oU\lr employ.... It.end-by Un. .. end IL &hi Itrt of &hi nexL rtiUl...ly IchIduIId work day or the beglMlnQ of another imploy.... Itlnd-iy Umt. '. ARTICLE 8. CALL. BACK PI. V . . , . ..~ .. .. . . Call bICk Is denned as that ctrcumstlnct which........ an ....loVII to unuped.Id1y rtLlrn Lo work In.r the employ.. his 1.1\ work.tthe end of the employ.... work dIV or work ~ttk. All,' , employ.. callld In ....Iy t.o start his/her work sbll\wlthouL prior reasoniblt noUct wUl.... rtCIiW Un and one-half (1-112) owrUrno Ply for .11 exLr.hon worked. with I minimum call out. or two (2) hours. . .....1, ... . - ,- ARTICLE 9. ,UNIFORM RENTAL . . . '.1 .'. The CILy .gr... t.o furnish OVl (5) IbIrLl, InCI ftVl (5) pairs of PIRtI per wltk for ......yetlln the followl", ,I_,"caUOI\I:, " ' ' , ' , ' BuIlCllng MlI~Lenanc. Person MechInIc ........ ConaNUon InlPlCw '., . Pirkl forepnon Custodian Public Works SupervIsor' Equipment Operlt.or LMdperson ' .' ' . MllntlnlnCt Worker I. II SporLs flClUUIS "ntance Person MechaniC I. II . WILlI' SerYlcepenon Employ... hired t.o nil Mwly-cnaLld claslncaUona will lllOrtCtM unlformlundtr UdlIICUOn. ,It U\I wewtng .f. ""form II ....,arid. Unlrorma for U\l1Iaovt-U'Lldn.ld pWI.OIIMI ...to be worn durl", work. and may be worn t.o and from work. '", ' ".,' : ' ARTICLE 10. SAfETY StUs ' .. . ,,- . During the t.trm or ~ ~ the City IhIn pay to .n unit em,IoVtlle . lilted In ~I. 9 and U\I ,I..IIncaUon .f Dundl", \nIptCLor:. 175.00 I*' y... toWIN .1Ch PlIr of IIMv ... purchUed. Tht ..r.ty shOt musL be worn ckrIng .n workl", houri WhIrl thin II' MId ror ..r.tv sholl or required bV 1M cltpart.mtnL hlld car 1M City Slf,Ly CoIN'nlUt.. ARTICLE 'It. PAVCHECKS , , ,,' The CILv win Ply ...1.. chIckI on. bl-w_IV balts._ conUNat payron deducUon fOl' the County-CILy Employ" Crt41\ ~Ion when so cItslrtcl by employ"'; '" : '. . . , , :" \ - . --- , . '.' ..~. ~ ." 'J J . . H\ . ARTICLE 12. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE, :., ....., . I. ....:.j". " '. _ .;.. . i 1....;. . '.4 .. ',",' ~ -.. .:. .. "..,\..~..'....,.t~... \ ~.:.- :.; ~ . ,"~ '., \ ' It, thrh (3) day I.M wlUa PlY shall be IYInlble \0 employ... whQ suffer the dNUa .r. r.laUVI (denned u: spoust. parent.. chtld. slsw. brOLMr. ,,1NSp1r. 01' "lnCIchIld, Ind the SEIU MOU - (0119' .. ". . , , .. - . '. .. corresPOnding rei aU", by merrl.) ror U. purpose or aUendlng the """,.1 and m.ld", other , errangtments .L the Ume the loss Gears. this 'tM Is nol cMrttlbtt .InsllCCrutd lick 'tM. ARTIClE 13. FAMILY LEAVE ,-' An employ" mey lIkt 1ft unllmlltd ImOUnL of sick 11M If .....,rtd Lo btlWlY ftoom the Job lo personany cere ror . member of "'s/her' Immedlltt rernt1y IS dtnned In Article, 12. 8nMmenl :, LtM. subJecLto apprtYIl of the, superytSOl' end verlncallon or need. . ,'( ~"; : .... , . ARTICLE 1<4. EDUCATIONAL PAY " ....t.. . .. . , . A. The EduclUonal PlY Progrn Is Inlended lo promole the IrtItI'MmeI1lof employtt emtlency end the ldYIncemenL or employees lo poslUons or higher sknts, .. .... ' B.' Employeesmey qualitY for ldYaftCemenL or one salary' range .... their 'poslLIoI\ cl.lntel range upon recelpL of en A,sodeled Arts 0.,... In , neld ...I,Uvelo their Job cl.lnCII.... from an . ICCI"tdlted Junior Con.Of or con., 01' upon "",Inv I S1)ecl.1 "tense or certlncale. dettMd lo be .qulvalenl to en AI. d.,... In vel,", to the Cllyand 1ft tnhRemtnl to the pt"OducllYlly or an,employee In hls/her Job. upon ,~ommendatlon or the depertlnenl held end IPPI"OYII by the City MInIger. C. Employees mlY QU'UtY ror .dYlnc:ernenl or Lwo Sllary renges IbM thel,. position clesslntel renge upon rec.lpl or . Blchelor of Sclencel8ac:helor or Arb D.,... In I neld ...lllM lo thtIt' job . tllSs,ncIUon. t'rom en KCredlltd eon.. upon recommendaUon of the departmenl held and_MI by ,the City Mlnlger. D. ExcepUons: Wh.... Job cllSllncllIons 01" requtrements Include 1ft Assod,led Art.s 01" 8.chelor of Scl~'lBlChelor of Arts Degree, SecUon 8. end Secllon C. IbM will not .IV. E. No .ddlUonll educlllnl PlY "In be mede fOl" dupUClle 01" mort than one AA ...... 8A d... or _"cable cerUnclles. .. " , , I ARTIClE 15. LEAVES OF ABSENCE . \ A. Medical LeM , " ' " - . , , . . , , . , ' " Medlcellt"" without PlY mey be grenlecl tor' the pur'p9SI or 1"tC0'ItI"Y from prolonged InMsI or Injury or to res lore he.,lh 01" ror Pf't9RInCY. upon employee'! wrltlen requesllo IRd .. OVId by, lht Clly Maneger. subJectlo submlsston of mtdIcIIlYldtnct sltlsractory n "lIbltshl", the employee'! medlc.1 need. Durlnv the .pprMd 11M period the City win not pay employee blfttnts: howtYtr. the employee mey 811eL to matntlln City medlcll tnstrane. CMr. fOl" employee and , dependents .t employee'! sole cosl. If such CMrIgl or 111lndMduals Is tn effect Slxly ,_ ""01' to leM appllc.Uon to.the City MIntgtr. ' , ". .... , ", -, B. Emergency LeM Emergency Ie"" wllhout DIY may be gr'enttel lo my """anent employ.e who upon wrtllen rtCIUestlo. and epproyed by. the City ManIQtr dtmonSt.rtles that the leM Is necessary tor' persona' rmons beyond hlslhtl- controlor' win StM to Improyt hlslhtt- ability IS 1ft employee or the CILy., Emtr'9IftCY 'eMS mey be rented up to I mmmum of one (1) year,' Upon _Irlllon or 1ft.. 0Yed Emergency LeM. lht tmltloyee shl11 ~ ...tnsllled In the poslUon held Il the lime leM WII grenltd. The 'eM pertod Shin. not be Cl"tdllId to employee senlorlly or erteIlled lowerds lime seMel with the CIty.. F.nurt on the pert or the employee on 'eM to reporl prornpl1y Ilthe IttYI'sexptrlUon thin be clUSe for dlschrgt. Durl", the ,.... period the CIly wUl nol pey employee btnenb: hoWMr. the employee may elect to mllntlln CIly medlclI Insurenct CMf. tor employee and dtpendIntt It. SEIU MOO - PIGI S . .mploV"'s sol. ~. If such COYtI'Ig. or .11 individuals Is In .ffecL slxLV cStv' prior to 11M IPPllc.Uon to the CI~V Manager. ARTiCLE 16. ~V OUrv Eml>>loyltllhl1l be gr.m.ca 11M wlUa ruu PlY . no 1011 1ft benltua whIR CllIed for Jwy My I' the emploV" remlw Jury ,.tlnc.lweI I'll' Mh JUry duty. The _Ioy.. IMY N&aln IU &l'M1 PlY 01' UlI.~ Plygrll'lLld by LhI court bee.... or LhI _Ioy.... Pll'UdPlUon In Jwov duLy. The _Ioy..shln be responslbl. for nourylng blllher supervllot' II soon II poul~l. upon nc.lvlng I\OUCI ~ IPPW' fOl' Jury duty. mau MrY rtIIOnIbl. .ffort. ~ kHp his/her supII'ViUr ICMIId .. to thell'lUclPltAd l.ngUa or service. and rtWrn ~ work Immtdl.t.ely foUowlng the end or Jwv My HrYiCl. '.,' ; ARTICLE 17. DUES DEDUCTION .,- ........, ",.. ,.. . , RIqunta fOl' chIngta In and clRCln.uona of Irion ....a other.unlon NIa&M"UoMlhIlI be processed by the Union IL the employ.... requnL. OIducUons_U be made twlc. men&hly and remittAd ~ &be umon monthly, .......&.1 I'll' dtcIutUona shlU "applied fOl' on CILy""""" -" authorlz.Uon cards In accordanc. wlUa IPPIlClbI.staLe.llw. .~. . The Union .... to IndtIMlry and hold the CILy hll'mllll from lI'Iy IIIbIUU.. whlc:b may arllI II I r.sult or LhlappUclUon or tN. ArUel.. ARTICLE 18. UNION STEWARDS A. The City IUUaorlz.. the N'royo er.. ChlpLer or the SeMce Employ...lnWnlUwt Union to appolnL Un. (3) -unIon Stew"'. end one (1) .,LtrnlLe. .,Uw or whlc:b IMy ........t 11'I .mplov" uJecL to u.. CILy', 9MMnC. proetclurt WUcl. 23). ". :.. 8. The Union shall prcMdI the City Mll'llger with I list of .n IUthorlz.d union ,t.eWarGl.1I'Id the IIIL shall be k.pt currenL. ,.'. . C. An employ" and 101' hlsIhtr -unIon SLeward- r.pr.senLaUvt may. whIR.. to the.~L MClaury. ~ omcl,1 CILy Ume without lOll or cornpnauon In 01'_ ~ perUcIpI&e In LhI "" InvesUoaUon and proc.sslng or. grltYll'lCt IS prGYtdtd for In ArUel. 23. upon nouncaUon Iftd approval or the Irnmtdl.... IUPIMIot' 01' blllher dill"". ....". .wI. .,', \ ..;, ' , . . D. The CILy MInIger wUl apprM .Ioy.. lNUor Union St.eward taking official City ume to . IMSUgaLe II'Id proe'lI . orl.vanc.. whIR and to tM .xLenL MClssary and only If It will In no Ml\L advtrstly affect the optI'aUonal. security or IIl.Ly requlremen&.l or tM CiLy. ..,,' . , E. It Is undtrIt.oocI that the employ..lAdlor ~Ion SLewll'Clshall make Mf'Y rtaIORIbl. .ffort to perform "''I orthllbOYt ICUYlU.. on o"-duty Ume. . : . ARTICLE 19, UNION ACCESS TO WORK LOCATIONS . ..' '. .... ,A. The City agr.es that an authorlz.d union sta" member shall be grlRLtd ICCtII to wort loe.Uon ~ parUclPlLlln I"",stlg.Uon and proc:.alng or VIMnCIS per the grllYlftCt proctdurt (,VUel. 23). or to obsorw working conditions. upon apprOYlI or the City Manager When lAd t.o the .xLlnt necessary. . B. ThtUnlon shin prOYidt the City Manager with IUS\ or .lIauthorlZtd sLaff reprtsentaUYls and the list shan be kept current by \he ~Ion. SEIU MOU-~6 ". . :. . . . ,. ., . . . ; , ' , '. . .. " ' . , . .. " . ' - , C. Upon' nollnc.lIon and ,ppr0Y81 or lhe Clly Mlnaoer or hl5/her deslpe, 11\ luthorlzed union . ,urf member is'perrnltled to communicate with emp1oy", flfld/or union l\fN...dI on .met.1 City Llmt , wlthoul s.ld trnplOyee(s11ftd/or.unlon s\ew...ds' losl or,-compensaUon. 1\ I' notlhe'lntenL 0' this : , secllon \0 .nOW:9~ral union ","Ungs. ~ CI\y lime: bul.r.lthei" to anow Inwslt9lUon'.,nd cftseussion or worklno condIU~s; grl~es end safely li""s':' ,. ',V '.' >,:, . ...n , .". ' '. . ' . " . ' .. ,t ... "" to ':. ..' It ,,: t, "," ", : .. ...". '. -, _. ..' :' " . I" .. .~.'... -, : . . . ..' .. D. Ills underslood \h.~'MryreaSonabli irrort,shan ,be made ,to pertol"m Uit IbM ICUvtlfes.. , on orr-dulY,Ume, ,: ,,' "", ,: ' ..... . " ' " ".", . ARTIClE 20. USE OF.CITY FACILITIES, , ." 't: ' . A. The Union mey. wt\h priOr approval or \he ClLy M~'ger,; be ~ant.ed lheVSl or CI\y '. . r,emu" ror metUngs or City trnployees, prGYtdtd 1PIC"Js..~n'ble. No use ," wI~be cMrged. ,. .. "0' . , '. .~. .1":,,,,, :" '.' " .. .... .... ..t..........~. ,.,.- '\""~' ", ....~-, ;;. " . ' 8. ,The Cii~:~Ji~~sto rumISh'iN"~Un i>>O.:d..i oj;.e~lbl_sl~ 'rOl" ..u~,'orUl'tlon ma~,I'IS. ,:,.,:\/y., " :' " .,; .:,.: ':' . . .' , .,:,: ': : ,.... " '. ': ,,': ... · ~.' Thi''Clly'sh.I1.,,-oYtde:..i,no cosl \0 the Union. ,'cOpy "rtteh City Council Attnd. ,,' , (SUmrnri Form). 8y btlng'1M'"DYldtd the agend' the Unl"" acknowledgeS' \hIt \he Clly his met Its ' obllVIUon or nou.ncaUon or mal~ bI' Issues within' the ~ of r.esentllton on the Cad' ... ARTIClE 21. REPRESENT A TI~ , ' , .. . ' . . ' ...... , . ' -With rt,,*t (otht meeL end confer process, t.hrM (3) unlOft r'tH'tsentaLMi"lhin btlhe . m.lmurn numb", or employees .lIowed to meet wI\h 'CIty representaUyes on City U""...."" thel.. normal w,orktng hours tor the ~ or "",Unt and COftf'errlng 1ft 900cI ralth wlthouI.._ or PlY or my benenls. ' . ' ARTICLE 22. P .EJts. RETIREMENT C<mRIBUTI~S , ,. .. .' . ' , The Clly shan pay on -behltr or .8th, emPloyee In eritount equ.l to sewn pirctnt (11) or \hil . emplOYM" wages Ptld by the """lGyM to hlslher P .EAS. rtUremen\ progr.. '. . - , , ARTICLE 23. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE , . ~.:' i, . " A. This 9"lmnce proetdur't Ihln be the excluslYe Procell \0 resolYe ""MUt.. n the term :. I' denned he,..'" &flow. B. The purposes or this proetdur't ....: 1. To mOM grlMnees Inrorm,"y .t the lowesl tMI. . ,- . 2. To prOYlde 1ft orderly procedUre ror rtYtewtng end rtsoMnv gi-twanctS prompl1y. . . . . . , ' Dennlllons: A. Grievance means. compl.lnl by an emplirfee concerning \hi Int..,ntallon 01" IPPllcaUOn or . ' the pMMslons or,\h15 M.O.U. or or rules or "gulellons geMming personnel pracUces GP COIfdlUons wtde" compl.tnl h,.s not been resolved saUsflctorl1y In In Intormat manner between lhe employee and . hlslher Immedllle sut)lt"Yisor. ' . B. As used In this procedure the term -Irnmedlelt ~sor. men the IndMduilso SE~ MOO - 'Pep? --..--------- -_._- ~...._... --- _...,-"._----_.~--~~~._--" ,'"". . deslgnaLed bV CltV Management who assigns. reviews and directs the wort.ot an emploV", Time Limits: ',' , .' ,-, Each llriV Involved In a grlmnctlhalllCL QUIckIV 10 thaL the ,.Imncl may be resolwcl prompUV. Ewrv IrrOl'L'lhould be madll.o compllLe acUon wUhln the Ume IImlla con&.IIMd In &hi grlevancl procldurl. but with the wrltt.en consenL of all parU... the Ume IlmItlUon fOl' MV aLep may be IXt.endId. St.ep 1: . ..~;, The grllYlnCllnlUllIV IhaII be ...lIy dllCUIIICI beLw.' &hi ImpJoV- _ hailbel' . Immedl.... supeMIOI'. Within IIVIR (7) dlYI. the IrnmedlaLe IUPlf'Yisor IhIlIglve hllIbIr dIcIIIon or I'IspORII~' . '... '. '. ...... .'. . SLep 2: A. If the grlMRCIl1 noL lnformallV I'IIOMclI.o the IIUlfacUon of UtI grlMRL In St.ep 1; a . formal grlmncl may bllnIUat.ed. It. formal ,.Imncl musL bllnlU.Led no la"'" thin: . . . .', . ~ ';", .' '.:' ,." ,'t, ~. ... .... '. ., , . ," ,-,", . '''.' -' . 1. ThIrLV (30) dlVI.Rer the MnL of ~~tanc~ ...Ion!.no the.grI~'i 01' 2. Within IMn (7) cal"'" dlVI of the SLIp " cIICIslon rendtnd In the Informal. grlMnC' procedw'l. whlchlVlr Isla...... . . .... ., . . . '. .' 8. HowMI'. If the St.ep 1 Informal grlMnCI procedure II noL InlUILed within thI period IptClnld In IUb-slc:Uon ( 1) IbM. the period In which 1.0 bring the ,.Imnc. shall noL belX~ bV. IUb1ICUon ~) IbM. , . l " . " ., C. A SLep 2 grllYancllhall be IniU.Led In wrlLlng on a form prucrIbIcI bV the CILV _1haI1 be nlld with the persons cltslgnaLld by CILV ManagemenL IS the nrsL IMI of appeal. The employ.. may be I'IfII'IMnLed. bV a rtprl5IRLaUve or hillher *Ice. D. TM "IMAL shill ctLl the specttlc provIllontl) or thll"tImorIndum or UndInLandIng. nlnincl, rtlOluUon or wrlLt.en rull claimed 1.0 haw bien vlolaLed In .ffecL IL IUCh Ume the II" . IncldlnUs) occurred, ilL forth &hi taeLl thlL purporLedIV consUWLe such'llolaUon. and the spectRe : remedv soughL. E. Within IMR (7) claVI aner thelnlLllUon of the SLIp 2 grtmncl, the nnL lMI of..,1 IhIII IIMIUQlLI ~ grlMnCI, and gl'it blllMl' deClllon In wrlLI", Lo. the ,.IMRL. . '" . ..' ',',-'.' ... .. I.' ',,'. '.. - .... SLep 3: '. ,', . -' ... "j ,', . " '" , t' .: -' ,..':. . . ":r< ,'- 'A. Jr LhI grlevanL II noL IIUlnld with the declllon rendlrtd pursuanL 1.0 SLIp 2. "".... may apptal the dlclllon within IIYIR (7) dlY11.o the C.lLy Manager or hlsllw dlllgnaLed .........taUw. Thelmploy.. may bt rlPl'lIlnLed b~ .1_ rtPl'lIIRLlUYt~r blll~ cholcl~.... '.; . 8. The CILV manager 01' hll cIIslgnaLld rlprtllRLaUW.lhJn rupond In wrlUng within IMR ~7). . claVI Lo the grlIYlRL. If the CILV MInager ~ hll/her dlllgnaLed reprtltn\lUvt dlLIrmInIs IL II ':" " ...... 'r. ."."1 ... dI~lrlbll. M/nlhall hold confer_l(s) 01' otherwise IfMsU9I~ tht ~u.er.'. . ~, . ~.. '.: SLep 4: .:. .....,. I A. If the ,.IMAL Is noL sauinld with the decision rtndIrld purlUlRt. Lo SLIp 3. ""she may SEIU MOO - Pagl 8 , . . . ..'.. ',' . ....; ,-, '.. . ,. ; ....1 U\e decision 'WIthin IMn (7) dIys to the Clly Councl1. The emp10y" rney be represented by a rtprtStftlaUYI or hlslher cholct. 8. ThtdlLtMnb"Uon or ti,. CI(V CMcn shan be the nnltlnd blncH"9 ...., or the ....MftCt pt"OCedur. . ARTla.E 24. ADVANCEMENT IN SAlARY . The SlIary 1"1"9' IS sel rorth tor elth e1l11lneaUon II dMded Into five (SJ IteI>>s 'WIdth 1ft.1I be Int.erprllad IInd ,"lied IS ouUlnId 1ft thl, rUctt. Sllary step IncrttltI. IS PNYfdld htrttn, ... not. eutomaUc, bul blSed on perrormtnC. end merll. Emp10yees sh.n be pllCed on_the s\eD Ind ",nfy tor InertlSl In compenslUon for edYIncement to the next hlgtwr slap or the ply r""" In the....... ron"""9: A. The nrsl s18p Is the minimum rate and norma11y sha11 be the hiring ..,18. '. . -. B. The second slep IS grenlH to' employ"s who ...i' .,lglbl. ror tt.'s'IdJuslrntftl arter compI.Uon or six (6) rull c.lendar months ors.u,reelory ItI"YIct 'n I cllSstncaUon, or It. thecomplttlen or the pr"ObaUonery ",,"Iod. The adJustmenl shan be made only It granted by the deprtmenL held_ IUbjtct to the tpprMI or the Clly Mager or hlslher des'"". . , . C. Thtthlrd 'slepshan be. gr....led LO 1ft imploytt who his proyeft runy QUl1Ined In . gMn c11SslneaUon tor- one (1) t\lI1Idd1Uonal ye.. from ,....tlng or pl"eYlous slap lnerttst. only It grlftled by the dtptrtrntnl htId end subJeello the apprMI or the Clly MIntgr or hlslhtl- cItsI.... D. The rourthstlp." be ,rlftled lo... employee 'Who his """"" Ibow ......In .9fYIn 'elnslne.lIon tor- one (1) t\lIIIddIUonIl ye.. by the ...trntnt. htId Iftd 'Wtth the .. MI ., the City M",ager or hls/her designee. E. The nr\h slep shill be gr'lftltd lo 1ft tmpl.. 'Who hlt'conllnued to dtmonItrItIlbOYIlYtt"I9t pertormance end hIS demonstrated conUnued gI'OWth In . glYln cllSslnc.tlon ror one (, ) run IddlUonII YI.. by the d.pll"tmtnt. held IIMI 'WIth the .,...Mt or the Clly M.,.. or hltIhtr ~.... F. A perrOMntnC. report. on .ech tl'ftploytt r'ecommendtd ror ulery IdYInctinenl' shin. be . prepared and submllled by the deplrlmenL head lo the City MIftIgeI" prior lo nntl ecUon on such ., recommendation .l each slep. . . G. An ernplo.,.. musl.twl'fS tonllnut lo malnhln en .eetpleb1.ltw1or'Ptrl'orm.nc,"and sh.n be evalu.ted by hlslhero deplrbnenl held ennuetty. If the VlrlUen MluaUon by the department held dots not supporot. . continued .cceplabt. .<<ort. en IndMdu.1 mey be reduced by the dtptr\ment. held with the IPPl"MI or the Clly Mlnlger or hlslher destgnee. . ,., . .. .- -, ' ARTICLE 25. . CM1UT1NG REIM8URSEMENT_ I ' .- The City sh.n deduct.' emPloy.. prfrOl1laxts as rlqutredby uie Unlled Slates or America end lh. Stlte or Cel/rnta rOl" use or ctr'laln CllyYlhlclu In lr'MI lolnd rroom employee ....Idtnces. The Clly 5"'11 pt"OYIde rorrns lo .11 employees lo document such commullng use In City speclned IUtomobnes and plck-up tnlc:ks. Upoi, docUinenltlfon by en employee. end connrmaUon lhtl such use occumd for empJoyer.....qulred puroposes, such IS stIndby duly, the Clly sha1lrelmburse the.emptoyee t2.oo pet' commute tor employ" .commuter lax. peymtnls. ARnCLE 26. CON'mACTlNG cur The Clt.y ...S to cornmunlc.le 'Wtth the Union upon r'tqutSt.ln regll"d to the tonowt", ml\len: -. , . '. SEIU t10U - P.a. 9 1. Ally propoHd subcontracUng of MMel. which wouldrllUlL In the IUmlnaUon or ""L m.mber's Job. , . 2. ChIng.. Inservlc.s which would r.sult In the ~UmINlUon or unit mimbtr's Job. ARTICLE 27. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS - . The CILy reLllns .IIILs excluslw rights Ind authority under rederal. llatt and rulclplll.w 1M Ixprluly and .KCluslwly rlLlins Its InIRIgIIMnt rights. which Include. but ... not limited to: - the exclusive riGht to cltWmlne ,the mlulon of U. consUt.uent dlplrtmenLl. , commissions. boIrds: . . , - SIt ILIndIrds lAd IMls or SII'YIct: . . - - determine the procedures lAd st.lndlrcls or SlltcUon for employment Ind promoUon: -, ..r : - directs IL tmployltS: ' . ..;,' .'. '\ ; h. :; -, .- dotermlne the mtthods Ind ~ to rtJlM Itsemp10YMl &om duLy btcIuIt or lICk or , work or o&her Ilwful 1"1IIOI\I: .'. . , '. ' ' - malnLlIn the .melency or gowrnmental opnUona,: - determine the me~. men_ numbn ~ kinds of..... by which gMI'NnInL oper.Uonall" t.o be concauct.td: ' '" - determine methods or nnll\dng: , :~ determine sLyl. aNvor LyPtl orCILy-l1lUld ...Ipment to be UIId: - clttermlne alor chIngt the feelltUn. mtthods. &Ichnology. mea. arpnIzaUonaI SLrucbrl Ind composition or the work fore. lAd .lIoett.l IIId IIItgn work "y which the City oper.Uons.... t.o be conducted: . - dltermll'lt _ chInge tMrunbIr or locaUons. relocaUona .. Ly.... or ...Ua. procllSll Met ""LeMaI, to be used In carrying eM III City funcUons.lncIudIng. but not IImiLld to. U\I righL to conti-eeL for or 1UbconLt1Ct. "'., work or operlU_ or the ClLy: - to ullgn work to IRd IChtdult employ_In ICCorCIIftca with .............. . determined by the CILy end to es~ltah and c:hIngI work 1ChIdu1,,_ ISIlgnments upon r'uoneDl. noUct, , . . . o. -,'. '," ..;..."U. Ind modify procIuctMLy Ind perf'0MnInCI progrII'RI end ILIndIrcII: , ' - dlschll'ge. susPend. demoLe. nprtmlnd. withhold IIlry Incrtun INS benefit... or , " o~rwl" discipline _IOYNSIn eecordlncl Wlth_II~IbIII'w~ ., " - , The Union recOGnlz,. that the CILy baIRd will conUnue to retain. WhIther txtrCtIICI or not. the unll.......11nd IxclusM right to .......ICIm&n&...... IRd manIgI ILl munlclPIIltMctI1Nt work fore. performing those SlMCOS In.1I rt5l*t.lIUbJteL to Uti. Memorandum. provided. hoWMr. &hat &he .wd.. of such rights dots not preclude emplOYb' or &heltrtprtsenLaUvta from coni...."" or rll,lng grlmnc. IbouL U\t precUc.' consequences thlt decisions on these maLLers may hive on w.'. houri end oUW Lerma lAd condiLtons of employmenL. SEIU MOU - Peg. 10 .. . . . ..... ... -. --- . . . -. ARTIClE 28. NO STRIKEINOLOCKOOT . The Union .grees Lh.l during the lerm or lhls Memorendum or Undersllndlng. neither the Union or the employees Il represenls will engtgt In. encourege. SInCUon. SUDPPorl r ....l "" strikes. The employer egrees Lh.l Il wnt nollock out my or Ils employees during the lerm '" this t1emorindum or UncIerst.endlng. . . . .. . ARTICLE 29. RETIREMENT -,. ' " , .. , The CIly I. I conlracU"9 I9'fICV wtth the Public Employees ReUrtmenl Syslem or the Stili or c.llrornll.to which the CIly end the """'ovee bolh contrtbute. ThIs Is c:l\"rtedon In COftjftUon wtlh Socl.I Securlly. PrUelplUon I. mendltory for .n ""H.lme CILy employees. ReUremenllt..,. 70 I. rtCIUlred of .n employees. . ARTIClE 30. USE r6 PRIVATE VEHIClEIMllEAGE RATe No worker shen be requtred IS . condlUon of oblalnlng or conUnutng CIly emptoyment. to possess or provide I prlvete vehlcte for use In conntCUon with hi.""" CIly employment. The ClLy ,hln relmburs. employees .ll rete of 22.S cenls (lwtnlyt.wo polnl nw eenls) per mat tor uit or personll ""'Icles when I\ICh employees ... to such use upon staled request. or the City. . TrlMPOl"lallon to Iftd rrorn work shin nol be reimbursed. . , ARTIClE 3 I. Na4-DISCRIMINA TlCH The CIly shin pursue I policy of .mrmetlveacUon. 'eQUll opportunity end .1 proomollonll opPortunity ror In workers In lCCOMIence with IJ)ptlClble lew. No unll member shln'be dlscrlmlneled I9IInsl by the'Clty beelUSl ofhlslher .fforls In elrrylng out Lhls M.O.U.. or beceusl or po1lUe.'. religious. Union or non-Unlon Ifft1IIt1on 01" bell,f. r.ce. color, .ge, sex, nlUnl origin. hlndlCIP. .....lal 01" military slatus. 01"...1 ....rerence. ARTICLE 32. PERSONNEl FILES .An .mployee or hlslher desl,," m.., Inspect hlslher personnel nl, Ind obtiIn copies or rny ,and..1t Items In Lh.L nil .Llmployee expense. .An employee mey hMpllCed In hlllhr personael nle any signed and d.led slalement or elr1ncttlon 01" dls.eemenL to "" llem 01" rUe1. contained wlthtn hlslher penomel nle. ' . . ' . ,c '~'. .,. . ", . - . . Personnel. nles Int'ucle . those nlei m.lntalned by the Irnmedl.ll stlPtf'Yfsor or'othtr' admlnlslrllors/superylsors Irwo1Yed In emplovee MlutUons. . wen . the ctntrII peflOunel nl,. , , A suptrYlsor's personel notet shin not be considered. prt of the pnonne~ .nl... . ..,. ARTICLE 33. RESIG~Tla4 . ' An .mployee Wishing to Iei'll hlslher employmentwllh the Clly In"goOd stlndl",'shllt nt. with hlslher supervisor. wrlLlen reslgnetlon stlLlng the IrreellYt dill or hlslher .......Uon end the rtlSOfts for 1.lYIng.'.' . , ' . . . , . ., .... .... " . . : ~. . . , . The resigning Individual shin nl. such written reslgn.Uon .t lelsllwo (2) 'wttki ,~.1dYenct or the e"ecllYe termlnallon date end perllcfp.lI In 1ft exlL Inlel"Ylew conducled by the ClLy prior to Issuance or the nnll PlY check. SEIU Mtll- DAM 11 ...-" ..-.--- ARTICLE 34. OJTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ~ full Ume employ" shin englg. In outside ""Ioyment or an enterprise tbI1 htllher depertmtnL held may nnd unsultabl. and in confllcL with their municipal duU.. or reaponsibUlU... or which 1.lsenl their .trecUwnoss II I City employ... . ' ARTICLE 35. POSITI~ VACANCIES " . , . .....-. ;. ... ,.,.. ).. , ShoUld the CILy determine thaL I VlCancY will noLbe nllld~ such dlLtrmInau~ shall be ... within 4S wor~ing days of the datt upon which the worker YlClLIcI the poalUan. Upon" deLermlnaUan. the City win noUf'y the workers in the ."tetlel deparunenL _ the ~on. ' "\ ' : '" .. ..~,' , i: '~-. .~-: ;;, ,.;'~ " . , " . ARTIa.E 36. POSITI~ CLASS'f'CATI~ " '" "..:.,' , .. . ',' ,'" :. .... .. . CI.sslnc.tlon Ch.na8s. During tho course of &his tt.OoU.. the aLy shall noUf'y the tmPIovee concerned Ind the Union In Cllt of conLtmpllLtd chIngeIln Job contenL llconLaInld In U\t clUltncaUon ",' cltscrlpUons which w.... In ."teL IL the beglMlng or ""agreemenL. " .;" - , : . . ,. . . t,' "'j. " ~ ; " '", :' . .:,-',;,' ':" : ., '; " . .~ >-." , ~: (:. '. Worldn9 out 0' C1.~!lln~aUon. The Ltrm -Working ouL or cl_ifIcaUon~" dlf1nIcIa II1InIgImInL IUthorlzed nU-Ume IiIlgnment. &0 . budgtt.e4 poltUon on . t.tmpanry _il whntn III litniftcanL ' , dUU.I nperformtd by an Individual holding I cl...lncaUon wUhln I lower compnaUon range. Pay for working out. of clollOca"Ion _II bI.. fonowl: , ' . . '" ,; ". ~ .., ~; (a) Employ... appoinLtd \0 unnUtd poliUona an .. .ouL of cl_tncaUon- bIIIl will ralw acUng p.V within th. range 0' the hJgher CllsslnclUon beglMlng \he nrst dIy of the _gnmenL. (b) EmploV..1 appointed \0 I poIIUon fOl'vacaUon. lick 11M 01' other 11M or IbItAct coverag. will rec.lve acLlng pav wlLhJn U\t range of U\t bl. CII.llnclUon IRM Unt conucuUw I work dlYs or .lllgnment In U\t acLing poslt.ion. The ,step within \he range of the higher cl.SllncaUons win be the step IL which the empJov.. would be paid trpermanenUy appolnt.e4.t.o U\at.c\asslnClLlon. " ~t of cl...lfiClUon provisions do noL WlV \0 work IIIlgnmenL per(ormedln connecUoft with tptdRc pr.determlned appren,Llcelhlp or &rllnlng prGgrtma or cltcllttdCondlUORI or emntnCV lItdIor, J d'IIS~. " " " . '. _ _',.. - ,'.,., _.,-,"_.: _l' ~..- ARTla.E 37. PROBA TIONARVPERlOO '. ,! . " .,. ," ,,; - - All original_ promoUonaIappo&ntmtnt.llha1l !at t.tn\aUvt end IUbJteL \0 .praUonary period or six months. The department. head with constnL or the CILy ~.may tNnd the problUonary period for specified CIUSt(s) which shall be prwIdtd In wrlUno \0 the emploV.... The prOblUorary perlocllhl" be ...g..decllI . parL or I conUnuIng teaUftg procip and IhaII be uUUztd (or clolllV obIIrYIng Ute employ.... work. for sacurlng. the mosL ."teUw ad,IuIunenL of an .mploy.. it his or her newly IPPOmt.e4 poaJUan. _ far rtJteUng lilY problUOMty empIoytt whole 'i perrormancl dotl noL me.L the requl...d sLandards or work. The departmenL head. with the consenL of the CILy 1'IInIgIr, may ...1.... . newly htred ',' probaUwry employ.. from City employment. without. cause IL lit.., Ume cI&rIng thtpraUonrv period. The depII'\mtnL head. with \he consent. of the CILy 1'1InIgIr, me.., I'tmM wlthouL cause . trlRS(errld or promoted employ.. ....om the poslUon \0 which promoLld during the probaUonrv I*"lod. In which MnL. thaL .mployee shall be rein&LaLtd Lo his/her original poIIUon from Which origlnany . SEIU t10U - Page 12 <> '':;~ ' -' , :' ..,' ....:. ':' :. ':':', ,.:::::':':.:;',: . - ' . trensferred or promoled. ARTICLE 38. TRANSFERS " . . ~ .. , . ~ Transrer ot an employee to . dlrrerent positiOn wllhln the employee'! c:urrenlrengt shll1 noL .rreeL the employee'! s.try rate.Tl'tnSter of In employe. Lo. poslLlon wtthln. ht_... shin be considered. promoLlon. Transfer of In employee Lo . lower r,enge shan be considered I demotion. ARTICLE 39. PROMOTtON ., : I ".. .~..'. " .... Tren,r,,. of en emplwee to I higher- r.. sh.n ,.esul~ 1ft .ft Increase 1ft salery. The etnDloyee's "'try shan be placed 1ft the IdenUc:.' slep In the higher rll'lC)t whlch.the ,,,,,,10,," enjoyed tft the cltss , from which the employee WIS promoted.PI-omollon of an emp'oyee m.., be made wtth the COftItftl or lhe Clly Mlftl9er wt\hoUt tesUng or _nlng the position for consldftUon or In noIHfftP1oy.... An , cUl"f"en~ employees sh.n be gIven consideration for . posItion opening which wtn be mIld by promollon. An employee promottd 10 . new poslUon shen !1M . she month ,P\"ObIUonery _'N In """ posl~loft, 1ft lhe ewntthe promo1ed parly Is rernovect from Ute poslUon lo which promo1ed. the "",Ioyet shill not be considered demottd. but. "'In be relurfted \0 the ,.... f'roorn which proomoltd, Nt.. tn ,t" shan occur 81 a resutL or 1ft emp'oyee pastng the promoted poslUon P\"OblllOlWY ....od. A promoted , employee shall rellln hi. or her "'ry annlYlrlry d.te held ","101" \0 promo1lon, ' '" . . ARTIClE ~O. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES . . (a) eosllna, Promotlon.1 opportunities ror' cllSsl"clllons wllhln the reprnenllUon ",11 wtn be posted ror .1 l.n1len (10) working days (Monday through Friday) prior \0 selecLlon. -, (b) $eJe(;lIon The s.lecUon procedure ror .lth promollonal openlno wl11 be de1ermlned'. IdrnInl.teNd by (he emoloytng deperlrntn1 In consulleUon wllh the rtCIUlslUonlng d.partmenl. Selection pr'OCIduN .. 'Job descrlpUon 'nrormlUon wtn be 11llched or Incorporlled In10 the Job potung noUce at the umeor posUng. Efforls wl11 be mad. to stand"Ize'tesls and Pf'OCtduf'ts where s\lndll"dlzlUon 't fttI",. tncI epproprlalt. Any tests used shan be reasOftlbly PNdlctlYe of suceess In the c'lstfncatton.."'" tests may not. be bIased wllh respect \0 race. _. renglon. cretd. "nUc.1 amUtUon.color, naUonat origin. ancestry. or 101. SelecUon procedures mey Incl,"" fIftY Of'ln or the ronowtnt phestS:' 1. ~DDtlc.lIon. 80lh Inside and oUtside candld.t.. witt rftakeappllc.lIOns on forms sf)tClned by the employlng~. App1tctUons mISt. be 1Ubm11led to the employlftlJ . deparlment. 2. ~r-Hf"ng~ App1tCIUons ',,111 be lateried by the emP1oyt", _..tment to IICtf'tIIn whether enld.,," "'"" m''''nun rtqufl"lf'fttft\ln ou~lIned In the Job delCt'tpuon. .IlcInlIecrttntd out .t this IMI win NCtM . wrt1ten n... .'"nlng IUCh etlon. -, . 3. ~~fGl"l'nane. TtlltnoJlr-rormance tests. such .. Lyplng. mechlnery. Of' WhIe" operlUon. skills dtmonItraUon. phyIfct' agility. t\c. win bt QUlnrytng, Pan-tll' potnts wtn be announced In 1dYenc. ror ClVllltylng ltslS. 4. Wrllltn Tub. Wrttten IchlevemenL or eplllude ltslS wtn bequl1lrytno. Ptst-tll' polnls will be announcecI In tdYInct tor ...nt'ytng tests. -' -'.' - '. S. IDt.t",!ews. ADDI"lla1. InterYlews m.., be conducted IndMdulny or by l~tlrYltw . SEtU MOO - IS. 13 boIrda tnCI will be QUalifying. Int.erYl.w boIrda wn be eompoud or quatlned tnCI unblatd peopl.. Ir indiYldual InLerYl.wI or 1ft IntMYt.w bOIrd " UIICI, . maJorl"y of \hi INIMdual. It boitd rnembIrI musL ...commend . eendld.te In order ror thI eendldate to quality ror appointment. tc) Reeo,,:,m~nded Candldales . . . . '. . , ' "~ . I, . . Clndlclates who successfully eomp".~'" ~ '.r ~ ..ltcU~ proctdIr. wIU be . tICCImInIndtd Lo \hi appoinUng auU\Qrlty.. . . . ,'..... . ". . (d) ADDolnlmenl The IPPOlnUng auUWI\.y wUl .... appoIn&mtntI.from ImOng thole rtCOIIIIMAdtd CMdIda&II 'i, who ... molt QUllln.d II clttermlned by obJecLIYI revl.w or llleeUon proctcIurt .rtlUltI and blckvouncl maLltl.I.. . ARTIW4'. DEMOTla. A. Tr.r... or 1ft employ" to . low... cllll IhIII relUlL In rtduCUon or IIItrY. The _loy..'lulary shin ~ plac.d In the IdtnUCI1I!.ep In \hi lower elus which &hi employ.. enJoyed In. U\I cl.ss from which demoUon was made. . ." . . I.. 8. DtmoUon CIn ~ made for cut. tIC_ for cIImoUonl from prtbaUOMry ...Iu.s. Cut shin be provided &he employ.. In wrlUno by the department hHcI prior Lo "''I ecUon tilting pIa. DemoUon tor dlsclpUnry rtISORI may be appeal.d UIrough the vr'MnCt procedure bY. the dImOtId . employ... DemoUon ror othor rusqns Is not appeallbl.. ,. .. . . , . . . . . ~ , . . "to " . ' ARTICLE 42. LAVCfFS . . , .. A. Whenever, In the Judgment of tM City, It becGmt' MCessery \0 make 1_ rtductJon In fore., w~ posslbl., Slid reducUon shill beaccompltshed thrOUQh .UrIUon. 8. . Work.... SUbject 1.0 . reduCtion in fore. IhIII be given It l,asL thirty (30) working days' notice prior to the ,"ecLlv. date of the IIYo".1'he Union shall rec.1ve concurrtilL noUc,. and NV be vanLld an opportunl"y 1.0 Int.t and conlult with tht CI\.yl.odl~us.. propoitd. .ILtrnaUwI Lo. , reduction In tore.. .. ..... . . C. When one or mort workers performing In tM SlIM cl.ss In I City cIepartmenL .... Lo face a . reducUon In rorce, that work..... moiL reeln\. annual tv..luaUon and IIftlorlLy ""II be UIId iO d.Llrmlnt th. order .or I.yorr. .. D, The order of layo" shan be .. fonows: 1. Temporary workers In IIMrs. orcltr of senlorl~V tleast nrs~). 2. Perman.nt .mploy"s whose mostrecenL annual evalUlUOM w.... below uUsI'ecLory In . 'nvvst order of unlortLy. . , 3. PttmantnL employ", In 1nY..... order of IInlorl\.V~ E. If I 1.ld orf tmf)loy..'s poslUon, or . limn... poalUon Lo which &he CI"y dtLtrmlntl the former employ.. Is suited. becomes Mllabl., wUhln Lwtlvt months or I.yorr. Ntd former emploV" shin be recllled In tM revers. orcltr of I.yorr. If I Job In I low... clasln"Uon btcotntl Mllel. Ind . former ,mploy" II quaUned In the JudgmenL of tM CILy. he/she InIy nn the sloL ",UI hlslher former position becom.s wallabl., If ever. SEIU MOO - Page 14 . , ., "" . .. . ARTIClE 443. FLEX TIME SCHEDUlES Employees for whom necesslly requIres I dlfferenl schedul. then thel gener.11y _lied shall work .ccordlng lo regul.lions preprtd by the I'tSPtCltve supervising omet.,s end IItIIfIYld by the CIly MIneoII'. The clly sh.1I specifY. In wrlUng..n ehenges In work pteet end hours Ind IIN'MI the artecled employees wIth reasonlble noUtt of these ~s. Hours may be IIt.ertcllo permt~ nex Ume. . ARTlClE~. M.O.U. IMPLEMENTATION 80th Itarll" ... thI~ the lerm, of \hI' Mtmorlndurn of UndtI-llandtng .......c.. prwt..... or an othet" resolutions end rules or the CILy Which connlel with provtstons of the Agreemenl. ARTICLE 45. NEW POSITIONS ' " In \he Mnlthe CIly crelltS I new or IddlUonallMftlgemtnl or clesslntel .........., pOIIUon. \he Clly shill Inform Union In wrlUng within 4S days. Union shill hM the rlghllo protest the _Iuslon of the poslllon from Union repr"~tlUon. . ,,\-,'. ARTICLE ~6. MEDICAL INSURANCE BENEfiTS , . Clly wtn prOYlde ernploytfs'ind dependtnlsoppOrluntlv lo prllclpale 1ft In'indlmntly heltth pllft Iftd he.lth m.lntenance orglftt21l1onll hellth plen. , PrllclPIlIng employees shill PlY II1I11"t111Uns for enrollmenl other th.n the Clly'! monthly contrlbullon towards premiums. The City'! centrllJuUon shin nol exceed t "5.00 monthly Dtl"employee for employee only CMl"IgI under .,u.- .'en. The Clly sh.1I contribute en Iddlllonal $90 monthly per employee for those employees,.Iectlng ...........l . cCMrt9'. " ARTICLE ~. VISION INSURANCE ,: Err,ellYl J.nuary 'flM.the Clly sh.n prOytde I Vision Crt Plen for bll"9llnlnt unll membtrs. The Clly sh.lI contribute up to she don" ($&.00) DtI" employee per month lowrdS lilt ....Ioytt only premium Iftd eny Iddlllonal cosl witt be the rl,"",lblll"y of the employe.. The Httlth CemrnlUtt thin study plans end recommend a plan to the City. ARTICLE ~B. LIFE INSURANCE PLAN . " . Clly shan prOYtde a group term I1fl InsurlnCl benenl plen for brgalnlng unit Mtmbtrs Which . shall provide for Len thousand don... (t 10.000.00) nf. ewer. for employee only during the ltrm or their employmenl. . , . ARTICLE 49. STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE. The Clly shill prOYIdeSutl Disability In!\rance. Inlegraltel with slek leM. Premiums will be paid by employees for \he progI"lm'1 nrst. nve yen,(beglnnlng August '985) end the City win cIw9t emproyees .11 tone-lenth of one per etnt) for ,","1m Idrntnlstrlllon. ARTICLE 50. DENTAL INSURANCE PLAN.. A. The Unron shan 'make 'Ml1lbieror ari employees In cl.sslncaUons repre~enltdln this M_andum of Agreement a dental plen or III dIotce. ParUelpanls In the plen shell be responsible for an premiums Iftd costs other then . nneen dotter ($ 15.00) per employee per month crty contribution. B. The CILV'! contribution win be paid dlrecl1y to \he Insuring plan eomplfty. The bltenet or - plln premiums due will be deducted from parUclpaUng employe... peycheckslnd remlUtcI by the Clly - . SEIU MOO - Paoe t 5 , dlr.cUy w thelnsw-Ing plll'l compII\V. C. AlIl'lInIU., task. the H111'" CommIL.... wtll explore various Denta1 PIli'li and recommend a plll'l to the CILy. If. p111'111 rec:0(IVMftdId II'ICIlCCepLed .. a CILy IpORIOI'Id plll'l the CILy con&rlbuUon shan be applied to &hi new plan~.' . .' .,. . . .. . -:,,';\'_::,f~.'-1' ':.. . . ARTICLE 51. HEALTH COMMtmE';', '.:' .'" " . . I'"! . '; : .... A Heal'" CommIUII shall be tsLabUshecI for the pw"pOSI or ICIucaUon IndcOmnUauOn' on . . btnInL 11M. a"ecUng CILy employ.... The commIUIt shall be ICMIory In ftILIn _lhall noLo ;":':' . consUwte . parL or the formallM.L end conrer proc.... There shall be no n:aore thin Lwo' ...'. .. , :.' . r.presantaUYlIIICh from the ~Ion II'Id theCILy. The perU.. wUl encourige oUW employ.. .: :...~';" organlzlUons W PII"Uctpaw on the convntL..... IritUaUy the commtu.. wn.1 s~y &hi tmpltmenLlU~ or I dWal plan. a vision car. pllnll'ld medlcalcOYII'Ig. for ...U....... . ',. ~::.'" ',.,! . ;""0>.:' ':.- . t'-., ", :.l",,' .., ',,!,or ':,~ :.~'~':'" !~, "'.. . ARTICLE 52. DEfiNITION "1 :;;:'. ,'..',';':., . ; ~.~. '.:.. . . , .... . ........ ... .'.'. . ... . . .., For the purpose or administrating &hit ~ u...term .dIpar~ ....,.1hI1I be &hi Nile WorkI DI...ctor. PllMlng Director. ParkS and RecnaUon Director or flnanct DI...ctor ror employ... unw " &heIr JurlsdlCUon. . . j'','''' . ., '.:", \ji;~,'.,.: . . , I - , . : ... ' . :: ~ .: 1. ~ ~ ., .;.': ) .... ,~',' , ,. . ~ ~ ,,' , ... .:'. :': :' ;.'.. ":..;' t.( ,;:"il't../ . , . - .....; ".. ~. . "", _ . '. .."'; ,'- ~~ '1. .'; :,', ~".:'.' '. . ".i- ., .-'" '/~:.I'~";;"-!.'.' :,)''t~., . r . '. '. ", '~..' .' 1! ,,~, '.' ;';:: .t;> ~ REPRESENTATIVE ~ CITY (f ".; . REPRESENTATIVES rI ARROYO 6RANDE 7 .~ I,,'; .., ,,~ ARROYO GRANDE ,.r: CHAPTER StU.u. LOCAL 817' "':""." ..' I',' . .\' ,," . ';,.' . "."~ .'. ~ ~ I ~..I \ . Dltt' Daw' : ...~,' :;:' ~ \~ ;";,", ":";"~~' .' ,', .' " :!I;:.~;.~:'r. " . ,... '. ,,!: ~ ~ ,.;. , .. , '. "', . :;;~. . : ;, ". "',' .;: ,....,.. . .' :.: :,... , . ........' .', " ".1'.':.:(. 'I I .... ..~ . .' , -1,' .., ~..;o .: : ..; -.','., - 'J', '.i. , I I.... I, I I ,. ... ',.' ~ . ", ..... ,;::',::;: :,: r<", ":: !'.' ~.~ :,';. ,:', >,:I,\:,,:'~'~ :...~. \, "',' ''':'.),::::',: c,:, '::.':;", ,"', ,',"..,,";. ,; 'i' ':,.. ' ':'.:~~; ; , :", . SEtU t1QU - p~ 16 ...... '," . ,. .' . 0... . ~::':.: ~~:::' , : '. . . . . .:'~..,::X 1:. '. _.__.___..___,.____._"._._ ._,0 __ . .. . , DHlUIT 'A'::"~.:: :.::.:: '", ,; :,.": "dH ,,: :<;,..", " ",:,.' ,,",',:,' . ...... .:... ,"" "', ' "1988/89" ".., -" CLERICAL AND FISCAL SALARY RANGE "',; '; ,." ,'" .; .:: : . .: . . . ': '0 '; .... ," I'" , ,,'," Accounllng SupervIsor "., ' · ' " '. . , , I :' 28 ".......; , . !!"',L : " , 'r,;,', '. . ..!", ..~. " 1 ""'j :.,"~~'.'."'" j "..., ~.. I .,.~' ."~ ~:..'d':~,.'~ .' '. . ... DepertrnentSec:rttlr"y, ':. ,,',": '.~' ':'1""" "..1.',' "...-,J,19"''':'''~J....I'( ,.J~. . . .- ~. -:'.'..\',':_:~f',., ,"01,. :~.r. . j.. ., I "," ,. "''-1 ; CI",kTyplslll ',>._,,;--.,-;- .I"'''('':~'''';.1:~ _:'''_''''''''''1 .' ....'. ,.19..,. ..1...."....,..' '<\;....."... & II CI 101'1" '. --'-\ -"',~ ......... - - .. :_"" 18.. .- ..-.-:-:'.\ _--',_,.y,.".,';"- -"ecounng er.. ";'~',"I:-,,...:-',.I',_-._, ...:.,_-.~_.,_.,.....",.,_.,..'" d_'.' ", " cl-a.r III . . .'-, . """-' ""--,'15, '-'" ---:--;;':J '-":'. , wrw.. VPI .' ,.",'.' ..{..._....:.,I.III,;:.\...; ~,,;. .,j;'..~... ,~.. <;,\,. .", .'" ,..... .:~.. '. ...~'.~.I.\,.,.,. ,0 .... . . " .,-"!' . - ,AccounllngC1erltl ".'. '..~,.' ',:':'" ':':""_ ' ,...., ,.15 ":.:'. '. ,. . Swltchboerd Optretor '-r" .,. .' .... . ..- .... 15 . .' .:,... ..,. et.,.lcat Aide " ..' .' 11:'" , .. '., ..,.... .,..,1. ;'. .......': ,",. ., PUBlICWQRKS.PARKSAND~CRiAT1(Jhnd'PlA~ING . / :'::.' ',:1";:":"": .... . " . .~". "',' ....~'!\ . . ._.,';...~. '.~.,.~(\.... ...~.i..'.>~...r. 0.,.' . ~ "" . ';1 ~',', .~'-~ .~. ~.'; ',:"'. ";~'~ '.' " 'j ','~.. .. Current PI.nner .... ", t. ,. .'....r." . .., '" . 39 :': ...... Long RInge Piner '. . . 39 AHocl.le Engineer 39 .' Pub1lc Works .Supervlsor 3S . PII"k Foreperson . 33 RecreeUon SupervIsor . 30. . ,. . \ .: .;' .' BundlngIMPtCtor." . '".,;........ 30'.. "'\'<: '" '., ConslrucUon Inspector,-j.... iJ- ;,; .:1-,;1.:, 30 '.. , . Mechenlc Leldperson" :'.. ..; , 30 . I . . t,1dperson . .' :. r 30' Pubtlc Works Technlclen., 28 ,_.. . We"'" StrYtcn Person .. . . '" . 2S EQUipment Operltor . 24 ' '. " . . Dr.n.sperson .' . ._ .. . . .. . ... 2~.... ,. '. Malntenlftct Person II .. 19 .. .. Cuslodlen . _ 18 .... MllntenanCe 'personl ':'~'-"'. .:....... "........... 17 But1dlng M.lntlnenc. Person ...,. 17 Sports F.cftlUes M.lntenlnc. Person , - .., 17 Rec:rtltton Coordlnltol" 17 , , .- . "- .... . ...... " .. . ...... ...... This Exhlbll-A-Is IUsUng or,certaln poslUons, w/slllf'Y renges. of City or Arnyf"lftdt end fs . 'neorporlled IS I pert. or the HtmorIndum or lhfntIftCI'ftI between local 817. S.EJ.u..1ftd ~Ity or Arroyo Grende. I .- . . " SEIUMOU - PICM 17 wII. ....., , " .... , , . D" _, I ., , ..."" , V. I " . CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 7/08/ea SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES PAGE 1 RANGE ....- '. A._ ,. ....8 _ __..._.C......._.___...-.:.-.D ..~__..._,_.._._.E.__"........~...-..__.~-___._.. . . o 11 1,174 1,233 1,294 1,359 1,427 o 12 1,203 1,264 1,327 "1,393 .. "'1;463' ...,........ -..... o 13 .. 1,23~ ..._._1, ~9.4 .. ..... ll;5~9..___L...4.~'l.____,1-L.UjL .-. .' - o 14 1,264 : 1,327 1,393 1,463 '1,~3~ . . ..... '-r" '0 .... .. - . "0 .... ,.t'.o ........,.... o 15 1,294 1,359 1,427 1,498 1,573 o 1 6 1 ,327 .... ....-1 ; 393 ... .... 1 ~ '463 .. --"-G 536 .-:- '1'~'613 ---~ .........--- o 17 1 ,359 ....' 1 ,427. 1,. 4.9S ..-._..::. t , 5=73 ;..:. ... t, 652_ h .. -..--.:: ~.;_... ......~.. ... o 18' 1 ,393 : 1 ,463 1 ,536 1 i 613 1 ,693 - . . ..-. .....-....--..-. .., ....-.-... -.. . .,--....----....-- .... o 19 1,427 1,498 1,573 1,652 1~735" . ,.' . I . .. . .0 20 1,463 1,536 '1,613'--1';'693-" ..--.1~77B...--;,..--_.._-_."-_... o 21 . . 1, 4"~ ..__....1... ~?~. ,..." \IA~~___tL?~.;i..,..__._LJ21 ~-. o 22. 1 ,536 1,613 1 ,693 1 ~ 77.8 1. . ~6? . ." '. .... .. .., .-. '.. .,.'~ ....' '. ,..._;..~...~.....;.~.:;..:;.;.:.::,;........... ..:--............;.;;.....~.... . o 23 1,573 1,652 1,735 1,821 1,912 o 24'" .._....1,613..--r;693---1~.77S -T";S67'---'-r;96(i) .' .;. .... .. . '; ~. '; -.,'. :, .; .. o 25 1,652. ...1,735 .1,821 ....,...t,?12.....2,(i).~S.~...~.;..~,:......,;...:.:..~.~...::.~. . o 26 1,693 1,778 1,8671,960 2,e58 " ....-.... .... ..... .--.-..----.....-..- ~..- .~. " .... o 27 1,735 1,821 1,912 2,eea . 2, 1~a.. .:.- .:'. ".";t. ..'.. " ~ ',', :,., ;'. o 29 1 ,778' . 1 ,867 1 ,960" ....2,.658.. .. "2,161"..... ..__. ..... ..~_...:.... '-......-:. o 29 ....1., 821.. ___._J.,.?.1.~_.. .._.2,<~tEt_~-U 2..2L4 -.' o 30 1,867 1,960 2,058'..'2.,1.61 .2~~6'...::}...:.'::.'~-..j:.~..>':,:.:.:....: ....... ..,., " .. .,... .... ,- .. .~ .....;;.......... ....... ~.. '-' ," ~ ;. '>. :". ~ ", ~.~~~...........:.......:.....;.~ ;;.'.....~...... - '. o 31 1,912 2,G08 2,1G9 2,214 2,325 . 3,,'- ..H.....1..961,1...-.--.......i!o'*-s. .q._....-2..-1.1.1._.'~..269.~. .:..... '2-3S~-::. .. ..' G or,; , v <If. , Vv , g. . 4'.'. ' . .' ....... .... .- . . . . .... :.. ".:":::,~::,.~,,q ....... :.~.:\:j::~;.;;(.,:,~.:.:..:.::;ri.~..~~.:i.;:.:>..:::. G 33 .. 2,008.. ..._.2, 1.08.._..... ...2,214.:. .., .._:..~ ,~~.~ ....;....... ;.2 L.!~1 .' .........;.,. r '.' .......--,. o 34 2,058 2,161 '2,269 2,383 2,502 ..... . _......' .... . . --.' t'" ......-. . .............-.---. ..._....__._-_....--..~----- --... . e 35 2,108 2,214 2,325 2,4~1 2,563 '.. .' .' ...... . .... of ._........___...... '" ~. -...-.........--..-..---.--.....-.-.... .-. - ,---'. ::::- .;: '.. - -- ' '. .-: . . .. ~ . - .: .': - . '. -'. ..- ': '..- .. . .... I " " S.~,LU. ~&, -,q8~ Q(,~\~'1' . 'B CITY O~ ARROYO GRANDE 7/09/99 SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES PAGE 2 RANGE. A, . _.. . . .. __B. ._..:... . ~ .... C .. ... ....___._ D.. __. ... ._ .. _.E.._...,_.__.__._.._....... G 36 2,161 2,269 2,393 2,502 2,627 G 37 2,214 2,325' 2,441".... 2,563 2,69.'" ... ..:... ..;..._....'.. '" o 39 2 269' 2,393 2 502 2 627 2 759 ...... , - ..-.., . - -.... -.....------. .,_..__.:--._..-,_.....,~_. -..-.-.--:-'-:-;---.. , ...-... G 39 2,325 2,441 2,563 2,691 2,826 '.~ f~' ., J ',',., ':'" ..:I~~:.\~"f'...;.'.. o 40 2,383 2,502 2,627 2,759 2,996 G 41 2,44'... ...2,563..-....-2;69.1--..--:-2;.926.........-..2-;967 . .. --'''--'-'''' o 42 2,502.._2,.!~21: ,. ....2,15~. ...._ 2,.$S!6.. . . .3,j~4J.,~.~~.;.~.:";.31~~'.~. G 43 2,563. 2,691 2,826 2,967 3,11S . - - ...~.. -. .. -...-..., "" .....-...... ......-..- ....... _..-.._._,..__..~_....._--~._,----- -.. --------.....-.-.. -, o 44. 2,627 2,758 2, S96 3,041 3,1 93 .... IO't',:,; ...... .' .. . o 45 2,691 2,926" 2,967' '..~ 3;'115 ..... 3~211 :......~;;..:.........';:>.;._..~~..- o 46 2,759 2,996 3,041 3,193 3 353 . . .,_ .. .. .~ ..... ._... ...._...___ ....... ._._.._. ___ .__.._...... .... .._._..f..___ __.......... . ,,.. . '. 'i' o 47 2,926 2,961 3,11 S 3,271 : 3. <434 .' '. . '" ::;.: ...:,~..::..::. .'. ......' . ... .'l........~.: .. .' ...~\.._..:..,,:'.....>.........~...:~.~~.::...w;i..,.;).."".#,... . . o 4S 2,996 3,G41 3,193 3,353 3,520 e 49'" .....- 2,967.....-.3;.1 r5.--....--":3~.271-.-~3I434.--3;~G6, .:.. . ..-.. .:...; .. G 5(0) 3,041 3, .193 3,353. . .....3,520. .. '" 3, 4t6. .:'. ',. 4....r~. oI.'i::L., :;:~'.:"~;.. o 51 3,115 3,271 3,434' 3.606 3,786 ..-... ......-... .-.. -,_._.__...._--_.~..._.__...._._.. ..-.--.-..----- - . . - - . o 52 3,193 3,333 . 3.520 '. ..' 3, 696 ~ 3, SS1 .::t~:/.::.;....:.:. :.', : '.: --':....... . ~,' ...~..~~.; .~..".: ." ';'''''',' o 53 3,211 3,434'" 3.6&6 "';'3;796 .... 3,'~16'oi.:. ....;;;.....':..:.....:;..._.....,.... e 5~ ....... " 3,353.._........~,.5.2.e__.__,~.I.6cz6_----:..a.,_~.QL____'t/_ttS __.. . ",..' ':'--\~-::{.:" ,: o 55 3,434 3,6&6 3.7S6 ":-3,"6 4,'1.15 :-::-:,~'('.\;:''';:.'l.i.~;;'~.':'. .'.. ,.... ".',.... "~' '.... ......w ~....:. ::~.: ... . .. ,..~:..:;.:~~'.. ~~~:..' .:.:~..~>~.~\C.t.:~~i:.~:.......;:.. ~ o 56 3,520 3,696 3,891 4,975 4,279 (;) 57" 3 '606 .---'...-3...786----...3-976---4-:175 --'--4'-3B~ -. .. ," .: .... --... , .' ."'. .:,..'" .' ':: ..:.;"..:..:.ti:'::':::;.:'::~':'::"'~::::;'~;~>\/:'.. ,/ o 58 3; 696,.~;... 3; a91 ....~.:. ...4.,.f)tS ....~.;;;.~.,.21.!.: ,.... ...~J..~!.3.." ~~j'......;,..._...........~... ..;. o 59 3,796 3,976 4,175 4,393 4,602 .. ........ ..- ..... . ..... ....; ...-...-.-.- .. .-_......~_._~-----:---'._._~_....- -..-.... G 60 3,991 4,075 4,279 4/493 4,71S '.' . . . '. . ... ....... .. ...... ....~:........... ..._._...~._.......-...... ... .. .... ...:........;;....,,~........ ....:.u....__..,.\.""..~......_. ..' .__..---<.._,......,._--~.__..._...... ............-.--'-