R 2235 . 301 RESOLUTION NO. 2235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING REVISED SAFETY/LOSS CONTROL POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (Municipal Code 7-2.01) . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Those certain City of Arroyo Grande Safety/Loss Control Policy and pro- cedures, including the proposed revisions in the attached exhibit, Section III.D. and Section III. I., are hereby adopted as the City of Arroyo Grande Safety/Loss Control Policy and Procedures. The adoption of the Policy and Procedures supersedes previously adopted Safety/Loss Control Policy and Procedures (Resolution No, 1521, February 9, 1982). On motion of Council Member Porter ,seconded by Council Member Johnson I and on the following foll call vote, to wit: ","_ AYES: Council Members Porter, Johnson, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of June, 1988. )t -~. ~--.u"~~", I\~,,~.-,"...- MA YOR - ATTEST: ~ a. ~ CITY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury tha~ the foregoing Resolution No. 2235 is a true, full and correct copy 0 said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 14th day of June, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 21st day of June, 1988, ~ a ~ CI Y LERfl . uO"_"'_ . .. -.. .__...._._-,-----_._....__._--------_._--~.._--.'_._-_.---,....--....- - -...-.-...". - .__d -' . .-..-..- - .-,-.--. ----~~~_.- -.-..---------.. -~--.-~--- ---------- ---_..--~-- 302 I I OF I \ , ,~~:~~~t I I SAFETY/LOSS CONTROL POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTENTS AUTHORITY, POLICY AND RESPONSIBILITY Page. 1. A, AutHority 1 n. Policy' 1 C. Responsibility 1 ,- II. MISSION AND ORGANIZATlrnl 2 A. Mission 2 .:!) 8, Span of Control 2 , C. Organization 2 ,~ III. SAFETV AND LOSS CONTROL PROGRAM A, Loss Preventi on 4 )-. 8, Accident Reporting 5 l,) C. On the Job Ilness and Injuries 8 ~ D, Corrective Action 9 _1 E. Safety Training 10 0 F. Inspections 11 D.., G, Protective Clothing and Equipment 1. Head Protection 11 , 2, Eye Protection 12 )-. : 3. Heari ng Protecti on 13 1- 4. Respi ratory Protection 13 \ 5, Hand Protection 15 1'-1 6, Foot Protection 15 1t., H. Early Warning and Visual Protection 15 <( I 1. Employee Safetf Rules 16 iT) , I , , . 303 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Safety/Loss Control Policy Procedures I. Authority, Policy and Responsibility A. Authority . : Authority for programs to prevent accidents involving harm to people and property with respect to the City of Arroyo Grande is pro-v-ided by law in the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973. B. Policy It is the policy of the City of ~rroyo Grande to prevent injuries to its employees, protect its property from damage and to provide for the safety of the public in connection with its operations and when using its facilities. C. Responsibility 1. City Management Safety/Loss Control Responsibility The City Administrator exercises the authority of the City for carrying out the provisions of Federal, State and Municipal safety requirements placed upon the City by law. The City Administrator assigns the staff authority to, and responsibility for, the effectiveness of the safety/loss control mission of the City to the ~ublic Works Superintendent or his authorized designee. 2. Staff Safety/Loss Control Responsibility The City Attorney's Office provides legal advic~ and serves the eafety/loss control function on matters of law as needed. Other staff managers participate actively in support of programs to reduce operating errors and managerial oversights that produce accidents/incidents, psrticularly when the causes fpll within the area of their program responsibili- ties. 1 . ..u__ __.....m__' _.__..______________._.________.__ .._"U'_ _......- ---. 304 - 3. Line Safety/Loss Control Responsibility Concern-for the safety of employees and the public must ultimately rest with the City Administrator who may properly delegate the implementation of it down to other managers. This responsibility cannot be passed from one line official down to another until it becomes onl)' the duty of the first line supervisor. The appointment or formation of a "safety committee" to give advice anh counsel on safety/loss control matters does not relieve the ba"jc responsibilities of any line manager of his/herresponsibititles to safeguard employees nnd the general public from harm at all times. a. Department Heads Safety/Loss Control Responsi- , bility Department neada, because of. their poaitlo" of authority, are a key element in assurinl\ that safety/loss control programs are implemented. The allocation of time and money ordinarily rests with this level of management. Without these elements, the first line supervisor's role Is hampered. The department head's roles is one of support and insistance Oil the control of loss by means of reducing operating mistakes. b. Supervisory Safety/Loss Control Responsibility As the line manager closest to the problemA of operations, the line supervisor has an added duty to seek out and correct work errors, mechanical defects, malfunctioning property. substandard work conditions, and unacceptah1e - environmental problems. 4. Employee Safety/Loss Control Responsibility Each employee must observe and follow all work directives and procedures requircd for the tasks assigned orally or in writing for his/her own protection, the ssfety of fellow workers, snd for the well being of the public that may become involved. II. Mission and Orgnnization 2 ..~-- 305 A. Mission Loss control management has for its mission the establishment of a City-wide accident/incident information system for measuring and appraising performance problems. It identifies poor work practices, inefficient work procedures, equipment deficiencies, misunderstandings of procedure an4 policy, evidence of managerial oversights, and the like; having an adverse effect on the best utilization of manpower, property and financial expenditures. B. Span of Control Safety/Loss Control management shall include the following incident elements. .1. On-the-job inju~y 2. On-the-job illness 3. Property damage 4. Motor vehicle damage 5. General liability exposures 6. Contract exposures C. Or!!anization The following individuals and/or group (s) will be established by the City to fulfill designated safety/loss control responsibilities and functions. 1. Safety Officer or Designee a. Duties (assignments) . Attend meetings of Central Coast Cities Safety Committee. . Act as Chairman of safety/loss control committee. . Develop and m.intain- policy and procedures for the conduct of the safety and loss control program. . Counsel with department heads and I employees on matters relating to safety and loss control. 3 , .-....,..- ._...._ .. ..__.___.__.__.m_"" -.-,. . .--.-- __.n. -.--....+-----.---- ,-.--. .-.-- .-.---.-..--. ... .._-,---'~'- - .- --- ---- -- --.-.-.------- -----..---. -----. 306 ~. . Be apprised and conversant on new and current legialation pertaining to safety and 10as control. Title 8 OSHA . Assist departments in developing and administering department safety policies and programs. . Upon request, aid and,assist in the investigation of accidents and/or injuries. I . Assist in training of employees and supervisory personnel in accident prevention, loss control, snd preparation of appropriate forms and reports. 2. Safety/Loas Control Committee a. Composition Shall be composed of employees appointed by department heads and supervisors. The Fire Chief and Chief Building Inspector are mandatory members. Listed below are departments which must appoint a member. 1. Street Department 2. Water/Sewer Department 3. Parks Department 4. Auto Shop/Building Maintenance 5. Recreation Department 6. Finance Department 7. Engineering/Drafting Department '. 8. Administration and Engineering 9. Fire Chief 10. Police Department 11. Building Department - Chief Building Inspector Each Department shall appoint a committee repre- sentative and alternate to attend when the committee member is unable to attend. b. Duties: (assignments) . Provide interdepartmental coordination of 4. ---.-.--.- 307 safety and loss control programs by an exchange of information and procedures. . Inquire into the advisability of new or improved safety and loss control methods, protective devices or equipment, and recommend their adoption to the City Administrator. . Coordinate and maintain an effective safety training program in all departments. . Review all accident reports and recommend effective action on current accident producing condition. c. Meetings . Shall be held monthly on the 3rd Thursday, at 10:00 a.m. at the Corporate yard. 3. Safety/Loss Control Committee Member a. Members shall be appointed by Department Head or Supervisor. b, Duties (assignments) . Consider all safety and loss control problems of the department and report all problems to the Safety Committee. . Conduct department safety and loss control inspections as required. . Encourage employees to submit "Safety Memos" and communicate safety information and foster safety awareness among all depart,nent employees. . Seek means of producing safe practices and procedures. c. Meetings I . Department Safe~y Control Committee Members shall conduct a monthly safety meeting within ., S -.. .-~ ~----------- --- --- -" - - --..---.---....-... - .-.- ..._-~ .- ---_..__.~ ,,-------..- -"- -_.~._--., ---~---- . .---..._~_... . -. ~. _...~....._'. :08 ~, his department on the 1st Wednesday, and report topics and members present to the Safety Officer. III. Safety/Loss Control Program A. ~ Prevention ProRram In accordance with California's General Industry Safety Order 3203, "Accident Prevention Program" the City of Arroyo Grande will inaugurate and maintain an accident '. prevention program which ehell include but not limited to the following: . A training program designed to instruct employees in general safe work practices plus specific instru- tion with regard to hazards unique to any job assign- ment. . Scheduled periodic inspsction to identify and correct any unsafe conditions and work practices which may be found. 1. Department Head Responsibility Each department head or his authorized representative is responsible for the loss prevention program in the department as it pertains to the enforcement of all safety orders, rules, and ordinances. 2. Supervisors Responsibility a, Unsafe acts by employees shall be immediately pointed out by the foremen and supervisors aad the proper safety procedure discussed. Unsafe -' acts by employees may be cause for disciplinary action. b. Suggestions regarding safety and loss control shall be given prompt attention by foreman and supervisors. All safety suggestions shall be immediately forwarded to the Safety Committee. The Safety committee shall make recommendations 6 309 on any actions within 30 days of receipt of the suggestion. Safety Committee recommendations shall be forwarded to supervisors and/or foremen and actions shall be initiated within 10 days of receipt. 3. Employee Responsibility , Every employee shall follow all established safety rules and practices. Employees shall report all unsafe working conditions to the foreman or supervisor. B. Accident ReportinR ~ InvestiRation CITY INVESTIGATION POLICY. Investigation is required for, but not limited to, the identification of human errors, condition defects, managerial oversights and other reasons for accidents involving: . Any employee of the City sustaining a tr_aumatic injury, occupational disease, or death in connection with the authorized performance of his/her work. . All known public injuries, fatalities and property damages in connection with the City operations or facilities when there is any reasonable possibility of a tort claim sction against the City. . Any fire, regardless of cost, involving City equipment, City structures or its contents. . Any motor vehicle involved in any accident. Accident Defined: An accident, for reporting purposes, is defined as an undesired event that results in City financial loss usually manifested by an operational failure or a City employee, structure, or equipment that results in a work injury, property damage or both. INVESTIGATIVE RESPONSIBILITY. Investigation of accidents is the immediate supervisor's responsibility. All accidents will be investigated accurately, reported completely, end filod promptly. l. ,Vehicular Accidents . " 7 I --~ -_.._~ -~..._-_..--------:--._-------_._-_..~--~-_._. -----....-.--.- ,- --- ----_.._----._-,....~_. .---......-... ..---.-----.. 10 -'" a. If an employee is involved in a traffic collision while operating a vehicle for the City, including collisions occurring outside the City limits, the employee must immediately notify his/her supervisor and the Police '. Department with jurisdiction in the area of the . accident. b. The driver should preserve as much evidence of the accident as possible. If a ,serious accident, do not move any evidence before the City Police Department can photograph and document the conditions. c. The driver should provide all involved persons with his/her name and department phone number but not discuss the accident. d. The driver should obtain the names and addresses of all available ~itnesses. e. In all instances the department must complete and forward to the Safety Officer a completed " Property and Vehicle Accident Report" without delay. (See Form # ) Property and Vehicle Accident Report forms shall be kept within all City vehicles. f. An employee shall under no circumstances . Admit fault or liability; . Commit the City to pay for damages; or . Give statements to anyone not identified as a police officer or authorized City personnel. ~- 2. Bodily Injury - Third Party a. If any employee is involved in any type of accident while working for the City which involves bodily injury to another person, the employee must summon emergency medical aid if such aid is necessary. b. The employee shall immediately notify his/her supervisor and the Police Department in the 8 311 event of an injury. Pictures and/or police reports shall be made in the event of a serious injury. c. The employee shall preserve as much evidence of the accident as possible. If a serious accident, do not move any evidence before a policeman can photograph and document the conditions. d. In all instances the employee must complete and forward to. the Safety Officer a completed -Property and Vehicle Report" without delay. (See Form If ) e. An employee shall under no circumstances; i . Admit liability . Commit the City to pay damages; or " . Give statements to anyone not identified as a Police Officer or authorized City personnel. 3. Property Damage a. If an employee is involved in any accident while working for the City which results in damage to OTHER person's property, NOT City property, the employee must notify his/her supervisor and the Police Department immediately. The employee shall not leave the accident scene until their supervisor has arrived. b. The employee shall determine the owner of the property aud if possible notify them of the accident. c. The employee shall supply the owner of the property with the name and sddress of his/her department, If the owner of the property cannot be located, the employee shall leave his/her name and department phone number on the damaged property. I d. The emploYee ahall obtain the names and addresaesof all available witnesses. 9 I I .------"- -. _.e.. --.- ,,-------_.. . .------------- ~,-----_._._------~._.. - -.-- ---,- _.--'-- .---.-.-.- ._~_._-_." ---' ------- --_..-- 312 .--. e. The employee shall provide all parties with his/her name and department phone number but not discuss the accident. f. If there is major damage the department shall immediately notify the City Police Department so the damage can be inspected and documented before it is altered. g. The employee shall complete a "Property and Vehicle Accident Report" and forward it to the Safety Officer without delay. (See Form # ) h. A City employee shall under no circumstances: . Admit fault or liability; . Commit the City to pay for damages; or . Give statements to anyone not identified as a Police Officer or City authorized personnel. 4. Job Related Illness or Injury If an employee sustains a work related injury, an occupational illness, or should die in connection with performance of his/her work, the incident will be reported immediately to the employee's supervisor. '. Please refer to section C of this manual for further details. C. .Q.!!. !h.!!. Job Illness ~ Iniuries 1. Workers Compensation ~- a. Employees of the City of Arroyo Grande arc covered under the Workers' Compensation laws of the State of California. b. Benefits prescribed by law include but are not limi ted to the following; . Medical treatment . Temporary disability payments 10 313 . Permanent disability payments . Rehabilitation c. Personal injuries on the job, however slight, must be reported to a foreman or superv~sor immediately. " 2. Medical Services a. The City will provide all medical care necessary to treat an employee for the effects of an industrial injury as provided under the Labor Code of the State of California. b. If employee refuses treatment, release must be signed. c. An employee shall not be returned to his/her present position nor be placed in a new position until medically approvea for duty. 3. Transporting Injured Employees a. If medical treatment is necessary or requested, a foreman or supervisor will see that the injured employee is provided prompt transporta- tion for treatment to an appropriate medical facility. 4. Reporting of Injuries a. All injuries shall be immediately reported to the supervisor. b. Employee shall complete all forms. c. The forms shall be routed to the Safety Committee for recommendation. 5. Recovery and Rehabilitation Services a. The City shall endeavor to return a disabled employee to regular duty ss soon as possible after a job-related illness or injury. I b. The City shall endeavor to place full-time employees who have become handicapped by illness I 11 I I I .-,. .- ~ --"---,,,-,-~-,--'---' ------------...---....--- ....-.-..-----.-. .-.. -..,. _h.__'____ ------------ . u_.___________ _._~_ n. .- --.' ---... ---- -- .. --------- ---- ------. -- ~ ~- ---- 14 {.-~ , or injury into jobs for which they may qualify hy previous training or experience. c. If it is determined by the attending physician that an injured employee is capable of performing duties other than his/her regular work during the period of recuperation. the employee may be given a modified work assignment. , d. Modified work assignments will be for a "pecific period of time as determined by the attending physician. e. Employees performing in modified work assignments wi t1 be paid at their regular compensation rate until it is determined by the attending ph)'Hician that they cannot return to their regular classification becauae of physical limitations. D. Corrective Action Procedures 1. Safety Rules and Regulations must he distributed to all employees who shatl sign and certify that they have received, rend and understood all rules and regulations. 2. A review board composed of 5 Safety Committee members will be appointed to determine violations of safety rules and regulations, and to recommend corrective action to the Department Heads. 3. The Review Board will be convened in closed session, at the discretion of the Safety Officer. 4. In general, the Review Board will be convened when an employee is involved in an accident/incident and causes injury to himself or others. 5. Any employee who fails to report an on the job injury or injuries may be subject to disciplinary Rction as determined by the Department Head. 6. Disciplinary action shall range from written reprimand, for minor infractions, to employee termination for major infractions as determined by the Department Head. 12 ---- -~---<_..--"- <--- 315 E. Safety TraininSl The training of employees in safe work practices and methods is an esssntial element in en effective Safety/Loss Control Program. It is also required by State Law. If necessary to assist the various departments in meeting their training responaibilities, various resources will be made available through the City's Safety Committee. 1. Department Head Responsibility a. The ultimate responsibility for safety training must lie with Department Head. Departments must provide an atmosphere conducive to safety consciousness. 2. Safety Committee Members Responsibility a. The Safety Committee member shall act as the Department Heads agent for conducting and coordinating the departmental safety program. Departments shall develop a training program designed to instruct employees in general safe work practices as well as specific instructions with regard to hazards unique to any job assignment. The intent of such training is to insure proficiency in safe operation and procedures in all work classifications in compliance with California Occupational Safety and Health Act (Cel-OSHA) . b. Departments shall maintain a record of all training sessions conducted. Such records shall be available for review by a Cal-OSHA Compliance Officer. c. It is the responsibility of the department to see that appropriate motor equipment operation training is given and qualifying tests are taken to ensure compliance with all State codes. 3. Supervisors Responsibility I I 1 13 I I --- -- ---- ----- --------- ---,. .--.-- ...--.- .-- .'--' ...u_ -- ------- 316 a. All foremen and supervisors shall hold "tailgste" discussions periodically or before proceeding on a new job or project. b. No employee shall be assigned or authorized to operate any piece of equipment, or perform any tasks, or to participate in on-the-job training until they have been properly instructed in the potential hazarda associated with the equip- ment. The department shall maintain certifi- cation that personnel are "qualified". F. TnspI!ctions 1. Safety Committee Member Responsibility Each department shall schedule periodic inspections to identify and correct any unsafe condition and work practices which may be found. Such inspections shall be conducted not less than once per quarter. Each department shall prepare and maintain a "Safety Checksheet" form for each major operational area within their jurisdiction. Such Checksheet shall contain 8 simple statement of the safety status of a location, piece of equipment, housekeeping. etc. , with a space to note the safety status as satisfactory or needing correction. There shall be filed with each inspection report a schedule for correction of any items considered not satisfactory and also a completion notice. Copies of inspection reports shall be available for rl!view by a Ca1-0SHA Compliance Engineer or the Safety Officer. G. Protective C10thin~ ~ Equipment h Supervisors Responsibility All foremen and supervisors shall be responsible for the proper use and maintenance of safety clothinn and equipment to comply with State safety orders or departmental aafety rules. Employee Responsibility 14 _.._____d_"_______ 317 Appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn by all personnel who are engaged in hazardous work. 1. Head protection (Reference: Section 3381, General Industry Safety Orders) Employees, volunteers and visitors shall be required to wear approved head protection at all times: a. While in areas of construction, remodeling and/or repair. b. When exposed to flying or falling objects'and/or electric shock and burna. c. When departmental policy requires it. Exceptions: a. While in an enclosed cab or under a solid metal canopy of a vehicle. b. While on lunch or other break, providing the employee is removed from any associated hazard of head injury. c. While in an office or similar enclosed space unless posted as a head protection area. d. While travelling or walking within the corporation yard, except for travel through designated head protection areas. e. As expressly permitted by department policy or an employee's immediate supervisor in those specific situations where conditions warrant. Where there is a risk of injury from hair entanglement in moving parts of machinery employees shall confine their hair to eliminate the hazard. 2. ~ ~ ~ Protection (Reference: Section 3382, General Industry Safaty Orders) IApproved eye and face protection devices shall be worn in accordance with the above referenced General Industry Safety Order as well as with the following: I 15 ..'-'- ..__..~~- -'~- --,------_.~--...---- ~-_._"---_._" .-.... ..--. .._"--,-.,. "..-.. -......---- . -- ,- - --.----- ..._-~---- ._,_.--.~- ----- --.-"- ---.~,._._.- .. ---- ,.__....________,.._______._ _~.._ ._.n._ __._..~..._.__ 318 ~- a. All employees, volunteers, and visitors shall wear eye and face protection at all times when machines or operations present potential eye or face injury from hazards due to flying particles, hazardous substances or injurious 11gh trays. Suitable screens or shields isolating the hazardous exposure may be considered adequate safeguarding for nearby employees, volunteers, and visitors. Where exposed to injurious light rays (welding operations) the shsde of lens to use will be in accordanco with those listed in the General Industry Safety Orders. b. Approved impact goggles or face shields are required, but not limited to the following exposures: (Safety glasses may be allowed in certain situations if prior approval is obtained). . When operating jack hammers, chippers, grinders, root cutters, edgers, impact devices, powder activated tools. . Welding operations, dusty operations or operations where flying material may present eye injury.. . Certain work locations, as identified by departmental authority, where eye protection is required will be so posted. 3. Hearing Protection (Reference Article lOb, Sections 5095-5099, General Industry Safety Orders) Approved hearing protection devices shall be worn by - employees exposed to noise levels exceeding the prescribed level established in the General Industry Safety Orders (90db). Employees shall be informed of the locations and situations where wearing of ear protectors is required and shall be instructed in the use of such , protectors. The City will provide and replace as needed approved protectors. It shall be the duty of the employee to 16 ~-~..-- 319 properly use such equipment provided for him/her and to exercise due care to keep same in efficient and sanitary condition. 4. Respiratory Protection (Reference: Article 108, Sections 5156-5159, General Industry Safety Orders) All personnel exposed to harmful dusts, smoke, fumes, mists, vapor, gases, or oxygen deficiency must be protected by adherence to the following standards, the State of California Safety orders (Ca1-0SHA), and the Federal Safety Standards. Definitions Confined Space - shall mean the interior of storm drains, sewers, vaults. manholes, and any other structure which is similarly surrounded by confining surfaces so as to permit the accumulation of dangerous gases or vapors or where low oxygen levels may be present. Closed Vessel - Any vessel (tank or pump pit, etc.) which has one opening. a. Atmosphere Testing Prior to employee entry, the atmosphere within any closed vessel or confined space must be tested with an approved testing device to establish the presence or lack of presen"e of explosive or toxic gases and lack of prop-.er oxygen level. b. Required Utilization of Approved Breathing Devices and Special Requirements Approved breathing devices are required at ~ times unde~ the following conditions when mechanical ventilation is not available or effective: . When any hazardous gas is detected or the preaenco of a foreian odor or :l.rritat:l.on of the eyes occura. I . When low oxygen (below 19.5% by volume) levels are present. 17 ~__ u_, __ ___ ~~ ___ -.-- - -~-- . -- - - ...--- . u_.___.__, ..... ~..._._--- ,._.~~., ....,..,-.-..-..-.-.- .~~-_._-_.- ..__.u 320 - . When smoke or other gases make work hazardous. In any confined space where it is suspected tho t harmful gas may be generated or accumulated over the period of time work is performed. Specifi- cally but not limited to: . Sewer manholes which are not constantly mechanically vented. I . Water and sewer plant manholes which are not constantly mechanically vented. . Storm sewer pump pits which are not constantly mechanically vented. . When condit~ons so indicate that a hazard exists. . Whenever working in any closed vessel, breathing devices are always required without cxception. c. Special Precautions When required to use respiratory equipment at least threc men shall be present: . A atand-by employee reaponaible for securing emergency equipment if necessary and handling safety line. . Respirator equipped second employee out of work atmosphere. . Respirator equipped workman performing the activity. When it is necessary to enter a sanitary or storm sewer manhole at least two employees will remain above ground to man the safety line. When a hoist or other similar mechanical device is available to provide an effective meane of retrieving an employee from a manhole, on above-ground employee will be deemed adequate. 18 --.---- ---.-----..-. 321 In all other situations working in confined spaces no entry shall be made or work done without a trained second man available for emergencies. d. Training Each department is responsible for insuring that employees receive adequate training in the use of testing equipment, respiratory protective equipment and the implementation of this !)olicy. f. Policy Summary All confined spaces or closed vessels shall be tested with testing equipment for such use prior to entry or work. If dangerous gas, vapor Or low oxygen content is found prior to entry, the atmosphere will be made safe by mechanical venting or approved respiratory protection equipment shall be worn as required by the policy. The atmosphere of any confined space shall be constantly monitored by approved testing devices except in the case of utilization of respiratory protection equipment unless the atmosphere is found to contain potentially explosive mixture of gases, in which case the exception is void. 5. Hand Protection (Reference: Section 3384, General Industry Safety Orders) Approved hand protection shall be worn by a 1.1 employees when exposed to hazardous substances, burns, cuts, punctures, or ot.her hazards in t.he course of the:Lr duties. Loose cuff-t.ype gloves will not be permitted around machinery. Mechanical safeguard shall be provided on all equipment as per Cal-OSHA standards which expose employees to pinch point or traumat.ic injuries. H. Early WarninR ~ Visual Protection I . Warning Vests - Any work that is performed in areas 19 ---<_..-- ----,-~-_.._-_.- ----....------ .-...--- --- _._-~- . 322 subject to vehicular traffic or any activity exposing an employee to vehicular traffic will _..' require that an approved warning vest or an approved orange shirt or jacket be worn. . Barricading - All work in the public right-of-way shall conform with the barricading rules set forth in the State of California Manual of Traffic Control. . Traffic Cones- Whenever a service vehicle is parked at the curb, prior to performing any work, the operator will set out a minimum of two traffic ones. They will be placed on the traffic side, at the front and rear of the vehicle. The cones will remain in place until just prior to leaving the work site. A service vehicle is defined as any vehicle which is used to haul tools, materials, or any items necessary to perform one's purpose in being at any certain location. It is a vehicle whose function is more than that of providing transportation to a given location and is considered to provide support to the work function. I ., .c. 20 "--...- ,.--..--.- _._-----~-----_.- 323 r. EMPLOYEE SAFWry RULES Written safety rules shall be provided all employees. Safe working practices applicable to special department operations shall be the responsibility of each department. Efforts ",ill be ~ude to see that all employees thoroughly understand such rules ~I,d are adequat1ey instructed in the safest method of performing their duties. . Refer to the Central Coast Cities Safety Manual for rules ~o.erning the following: GENERAL SAFETY RULES Supervisors 1100. Employees 1150. ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES 1200. BOAT OPHRA'l'ION 1300. CHEMICALS 1400. ELECTRICITY 1500. EXCAVATIONS, STREET Rf:PAIRS SUB-SURFACE OPERATIONS, AND CONFINED SPACES 1600. f'UE PREVENTION 1700. GAS CYLII-lDERS 1800. HAND TOOLS 1900. HANDLING MATERIALS 2000. HOUSEKEEPING 2100. LADDERS, STAIRS, SCAFFOLDS AND STAGING 2200.- MACHINf~R Y 2300. MOTOR VEHICLES 2400. OHICE SAFETY 2500. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND SAFEn OEVICES 2600. STREET WORK AREA 2700 'fREES 2800. I I i I 22 ... ._" _.___..'___."".._______.______ _<____ ." .'. __ ...._. __n_~._________._._..__. ..----'.