Minutes 1962-06-12 Arroyo Grand.e, California June 12, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt pre- sid.ing. Present were Councilmen Wood., Jacobs and. M~Neil. Absent was Councilman Lee. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 8th, 1962 and. the special meetings of May 18th and June lst, 1962 were approved as prepared.. The heading of the ordinance adopting the Uniform Housing ~~de, 1961 Edition was read for the second reading. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil to dispense with ~eading the balance of the Ordinance. All members present voted "Aye". ORDIATANCE NO. 161 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, LIMB, HEALTH, PROPER~'Y, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND THE OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND i~DOPTING THE "UNIFORM HOUSING CODE, 1961 EDITION~' AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. On motion of Councilma.n McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood, Jacobs and McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this l2th day of June, 1962. The Council was advised Murl Sloan was vacating the city house on Elm Street. Approval was given for Billy J. Allison to occupy the city house on Elm Street on a rental basis of $45.00 per month. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Cauncil- man Jacobs, that the plans, specifi~ations an~. wage scale, for improving Valley Raad, as presented by Mr. McLennan, be approved and call fe~r bids to be opened at 8:00 p.m. June 26th, 1962. All members present voted "A~e". Bids were opened for the Grand Avenue Project and the total bids were as follows: A. J. Diani Construction Company - $28,913.50; M. J. Hermreck, Inc. -$19,996.25; Madonna Construction Company -$23,142.40; Ted Watkins Construction Company - $23,095.00; Valley Paving & Construction Company - $21,659.05. All bids were taken under advisement at this time. The hearing to consider the amendments to City Zoning Ordi- nance No. 157 for the three zoning changes as recommended by the Planning Commission was opened. There were no protests made to the proposed changes. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that the hearing be closed. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, that the City Attorney be requested to prepare an ordinance approving the changes in Ordi- nance No. 157. All members present voted "Aye". RESOLUTION NO. 533 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING FOR SEALED BIDS ON BONDS TO BE ISSUED TO REPRE- SENT UNPAID ASSESSMENTS UPON LANDS IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 70-61-1 OF SAID CITY 334 . On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood, Jacobs and McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of June, 1962. The Council agreed the City would advance the amount neces- sary for the Arroyo Grande Union High School District assa~ss- ment for the Huasna Road Project:and a letter be written to the School District requesting the funds be replaced as soon as possible if the School District had any other means of gaining funds. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Council- man Jacobs, that the Sewer and Drain Construction Company proceed with the contract for the Huasna Sewer Assessment District and that they be notified to that effect. All members present voted "Aye". Councilman Wood introduced Mr. I~emble and Mr. Henry Clark and they discussed methods of determining a location for a well site in the southeasterly area of the City, and they out- lined a proposal to make a study for the City for possible well Tocations in the Arroyo Grande Valley, the study to cost $500.00 for services and approximately $500.00 in testing. Mr. Kemble was to submit a letter stating his fee and the ser- vice to be rendered. The ordinance for the fire department was discussed and Mr. ~ Harris was to prepare copies of the ordinance for the Council ~ with his opinions stated thereon. Mr. Whitlock s~as advised the requirements to operate a second hand store would consist of posting a$500.00 ~urety bond and keeping records accordi~sg to City Ordinance No. 102. The Council approved sewer connections in the newly anne~ed Fair Oaks Area, where main extensions were not necessary. Approval was given to Mr. David Bowen to connect his prop- erty on Wood Place to the City Sewer System. It was agreed the Council would review all sewer ma.in extensions before installation. Mr. Robert Folkerts was advised by Mr. McLennan, that traffic on Grand Avenue would probably not be stopped while ~the im- proving of the street was in progress. RESOLUTION NO. 534 A RESOLUTION URGING THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO RECONSIDER ITS PREVIOUSLY STATED INTENTION OF APPLYING THE COUNTY'S SHARE OF MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU TAXES FOR ROAD PURPOSES. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES~ Mayor Burt, Gouncilmen Wood, Jacobs, and McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th da~ of June, 1962. Fi~e Chief Marsalek was granted permission to leave the City for a two week period. ' ' A petition was received requesting a road running in a northerly direction from Huasna Road to designated as State Coach Road. The request was referred to Mr. Harris for a recommendation to be made at the next meeting. The Purchase of a public address system was discussed but as no representatives from the companies contacted came to the meeting, no action was taken. Councilman Wood read a letter received from Mr. & Mr~. Fred Grieb stating their proposal for a road to cross the creek from Ha.lcyon R~ad to Valley Road. Mayor Burt designated Councilmen Wood and McNei1 to contact Mr. Grieb and ~larify the requirements and conditions €or the proposed road easements. A letter was read from Mr. Earl Denton, representing the Arroyo Grande Union High School outlining the advantages to the school syst~m if a road would be constructed l~etween Halcyon Road and Valley Road. Petitions with approximately 424 signatures were received , stating it was felt a street connecting Halcyon Road to Valley Road was necessary, the schools and children would benefit from such a road, and that all signers were in favor of such a road. The petitions and letter from Mr. Denton were to be pre- . sented to the City Planning Commission. The Council discussed establishing plan lines for the pro- posed routes on Ash Street and Fair 0a.ks Avenue, for the pro- posed roads to connect Halcyon Road to Valley Road. Mr. Anderson was to provide Mr. Ha.rris with a map for the plan lines on both routes. A motion was"made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Wood, that a hearing be held regarding the plan lines for the extension of Ash Street and Fair Oaks Avenue, on July lOth, 1962, at 8:00 p.m. at the City Hall, and all property owners concerned be notified. Al1 members present voted "Aye". A resolution was to be prepared by Mr. Harris, when descrip- tions were made available by Mr. Anderson, to enable the City to sell property not needed for road purposes, on the southerly portion of Traffic Way. Councilman Jacobs recommended the Council meeting be ad- journed to Monday, June 18, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussi~g the labor portion of the budget for 1962-63 and the department heads be present and that the final approva-1 of the , budgets be set for the regular meeting of July lOth, 1962. It was also recommended the operating portions of the budgets be reduced by 10%. Correspondence received from the Division of Highways re- garding the City maintaining portions of the freewa.y system was referred to Councilman McNeil. . The installation of water ma.in exten:~:ions of Tally Ho Road and Huasna Road was discussed and it was agreed that no decision could be given at this time as the property to be served was not inside the City. Mr. Pete Wilson who requested the water on Tally Ho Road said he would have no objection to annexating his property to the City. The Council approved a 360 foot extension of the twd inch line on Clarence Avenue to serve the Murray Property at $1.50 per foot. ~t was agreed not to continue the line to serve the Thompson property at this time. Approval was given for the improvement of the Park in Tract 131, at an estimated cost of $400.00 for a sprinkler system and $100.00 for seed and fertilizer. Mr. Harris was to prepare the petitions for the proposed Tally Ho Road Sewer Project. ~~s Mr. Harris advised any action regarding lot splits or variances ~he City would take in the recently annexed Fair Oaks area would not be valid until the annexation had re- ' ceived final approval. Mr. Anderson explained the proposed Valley Road No. 2 had been returned by the Boundary commission for re-submittal with the suggestion arid recommendation that the description and map be changed to take in:a11 of Parcel No. 25 to avoid a property division. Mr. Colburn who owns the property in ~ question requested the land not be included in the annexation. A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by`Councilman McNeil that the description be returned to the Boundary Commis- . sion and a copy of the letter from Mr. Colburn stating his desires in the matter, with a letter directing them to pro- cess the matter. All members present voted "Aye". RESOLUTION NO. 535 RESOLUTIC?N 4IVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED AS "VALLEY ROAD NO. 2", AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood, Jacobs, and McNeil NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution ~vas adopted this 12th day of June, 1962. Mr. Anderson was to conte~ct owners of the property north of Pike Street between Grover City and Arroyo Grande, to ~determine if they still desired to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande. 'I~he installation of a sewer line on Grand Avenue before the improvement of the street was discussed and it was decided not to lay the sewer at this time. The Clerk wa.s instructed . to notify Pacific Gas and Electric Company poles would have to be moved on Grand Avenue where the street will be improved. The~City Council set as a canvassing board to canvass the results of the election held May 22, 1962 fo~ the "Fair Oaks- Arroyo Grande Annexation." The Election results were de- clared as follows: Special Election: Precinct 1 Yes 296 No 160 Votes Cast 456 Absentee Yes 4 No 0 Votes Cast 4 . Total Total Votes Yes 300 No 1~i0 Votes Cast 460 Arroyo Grande Special Municipal: Ball:ot not Voted Precinct 2 Yes 265 No 35 1 Votes Cast 301 Precinct 3 Yes 257 No 13 Votes Cast '270 Absentee Yes 7 No 0 Votes Cast ` 7 Total Votes Yes 529 No 48 1 Votes Cast 578 The Ordinance approving the results of the F~.ir Oaks- Arroyo Grande Annexation was read for the first reading. ` 33? RESOLUTION NO. 536 A RESOLUTION URGING THE GOVERNOR AND LEGI~- LATURE TO MAKE CHANGES IN SECTIONS 188.8 1~.1~11~ ~ 188.9 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE, RELATING TO STATE HIGHWAYS. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Woad, Jacobs and McNeil NOES: None ABSENT:; Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was ado~ted this 12th day of June, 1962. The City Clerk was instructed to obtain the necessary infor- mation and procedure for a Special Census to be taken when the Fair Oa.ks-Arroyo Grande Annexation is final. The Council approved not charging the businesses in the newly annexed Fair 0aks area for a City License until such time as their County License had expired. Permission was granted for Councilman Jacobs to be absent from the meeting of June 26, 1962, and to leave the state for two weeks. A motion was made by Councilma.n McNeil, seconded by'Council- man Wood, that the contract for the Grand Avenue Project be awarded to M. J. Hermreck Inc. for $19,996.25. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man McNeil, that Warrants against the General Fund for $5,030.53, for the May 22, 1962 meeting, be approved and ordered paid. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Wood, that Warrants against the General Fund for $9,049.04, the Water Fund for $2,777.64, the Water Deposit Fund for $32.00 ~ and the Rena Street Assessment District Redemption Fund for $2,016.52 be approved and ordered paid. All members present ° voted "Aye". A motion was made by,Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Wood that Vouchers No. 62 thru No. 66 be approved and ordered transferred. All members present voted "Aye". On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, the meeting was.adjourned at 12:15 a.m. to ?:OO p.m. June 18th, 1962. Al1 members present voted "Aye". Mayor ATTESTs . City Clerk