Minutes 1962-10-30 3f1'?
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
October 30, 1962
The City Council met in an adjaurned session with Mayor Burt presidin~.
Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood and McNeil. Absent was Councilman Jacob~~
The minutes of the regular meeting of October 9th, 1962 and the adjourned
meeting of October 16th, 1962 were approved as prepared.
A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Lee, that
the present members of the Arroyo Grande Planning Commission be reappointed
and these appointments be retroaetive to July 1, 1962, as follows: Leo Brisco,
Newell Strothers, W. M. Smith and a new member for two year terms, Oliver
Talley, Don Shaffer, Winslow Evans and Orville Schultz for four year terms, with
all following appointments being for a four year term; and that the Planning
Commission Ch~~rman be rotated annually, said chairman to be chosen by the
members of the Planning Commission, as recommended by Councilman McNeil, All
members present voted "Aye".
Mr. C~ossman regorted the Health Insurance Plan for City Employees was
acceptable and the Council requested a representative from the company be present
at the next regular meeting to explain the various methods of participation for
employer and employee, before accepting the plan.
Mr. Anderson reviewed tt~e installation of the Elm Street Sewer installation
with the Council. Councilman Jacobs joined the Council. Approval was grante~;
in accordance with the map and assessment charges as presented. Refunds to be
made in accordance with agreement approved on May 18th, 1962. A11 assessments
` pazd`after January 2, 1963 will bear a 20% cost of bookkeeping inexease.
The hearing to rezone the property within the Fair Oaks-Arroyo Grande
Annexation was opened. No discussion followed and the hearing was declared closed.
Don Shaffer recommended the ordinance to adopt the proposed zoning be an emergency
ordinance and the attorney was instructed to prepare same.
The ordinance to rezone the property within the Fair Oaks-Arroyo Grande
Annsxation was read for the first reading.
Grace Thompson advised the Council that she had been told she would receive
no tax bill for the Huasna Sewer Assessment District u~til 1963, and would like
to know at this time if it would be possible to pay either the interest or prix~.cipal
payment individually. Mrs. Miller was to contact 0'Melveny and Myers for an
opinion regarding the paym.ent for the Assessment District.
A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, to
accept the Huasna Sewer Installation completed by Sewer and Drain Construction
Co. All members present voted "Aye",
Pacific Land and Homes request for annexation of 239 acres of land lying
• adjacent to the City's South and Southeast boundries was presented to the Council
by Mr. Anderson, who introduced Mr. Morris Henske, who introduced Mr. Burdette A.
Shannon, their program Director, who related to the Council the outline of the
plans they had for developing the area, mainly as a Senior Citi~ens residence.
Mr. Anderson was requested by the Council to write a letter indicating the City
Council and Planning Commission would be interested in the project, and that the
acceptance of the proposals presented was likely.
The installation of fire hydrants in the newly annexed Fair Oaks. area was
discussed and approval was granted to prepare plans and specifications and obtain
bids for installation. _ >
The Council was advised, the final payment for the improvement on Grand
Ave. had been withheld as some of the improvements had not been completed and
the contractor had been notified.
Correspondence from Judge Dana was read requesting the City Gouneil
authorize changing of all locks le ading to the Justice Court. After discussion
it was decided the request could not be granted at this time, and the Police
Department was asked to see that the do~rrs were kept locked leading to the Court.
The Council approved holding the next regular Council meeting of November
13, 1962 at the Arroyo Grande Elementary Orchard Street School, in the Multi-use
room, as requested by letter from the school board, in conjunction with November
12th to 16th being American Education Week.
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
October 30, 1962 - Page 2 -
Notification from A. E. Mallagh, Seeretary of the County Boundary Commission
was received, advising that Pismo Beach is annexing an area adjacent to Arroyt~
Grande City Limits. The Council instrueted Mrs. Miller to write to the boundary
commission indicating Arroyo Grande had no objections to the annexation.
Mr. Williazn Angel submitted his resignation as the Director of Civil Defense,
discussed the reasons for the resignation with the Council, then left the meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Lee, that the Mayor be empowered to offer the
Councilrs apologies to Mr. Angel, that the City would be willing to pay for the
~~pense for Civil Defense that Mr. Angel had already incurred upon a bill being
submitted and request him to submit an itemized budget. After discussion Council-
man Lee withdrew his motion, After discussion it was agreed that Mayor Burt
discuss the Civil Defense program with Mr, Angel and perhaps work out a satis-
factory agreement to all.
Mr. Anderson advised the Cauncil no company would install a Public Ac~dress
System on a trial basis and an offer had been received from Mr. Les Hacker to
install a system for $548.66.
The Arroyo Grande Union Elementary School District requested the need
and desire for a Civil Defense alerting system be established between the s~haols
and the City Police Department, under a one operation call from the police alerting
all schools in the city. No action was taken at this time.
The petition for annexation from Lyndon D. and Mathilda V. Burton was read
and referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Mr. Hal Peterson asked Attorney Crossman to read the correspondence from
David and Gould, his attorney's, regarding a garbage contract with the City. Mr.
Crossman advised the Council the court had rendered a decision in favor of Mr. -
Peterson's contract with the City, but he had understood an appeal would be
filed, and he wasn't familar enough with the case to advise them at this time,
Mr. Crossman was requested to contact Mr. Harris by telephone in Europe to deter-
mine if the City should sign a contract with Mr. Peterson, when his approximate
starting date as sole collector should be and the City's position if an appeal
shauld be filed, and advise the Council at an adjourned meeting on November 2,1962.
Mr. Anderson outlined the boundaries of an annexation to be designated as
the Tabb Ranch annexation, to the Council and approval was granted for the area
to be annexed to the City.
A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that
Polly S. MillEr be appointed as temporary City Clerk, effective November 1, 1962,
at a salary of $550.00 per month. All members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, that
the wages of Anna Marsalek and Dona Dayton be increased to $325,00 per month
effective November 1, 1462. All members present voted "Aye".
Councilman Jacobs presented to the Council for review the possibility of
obtaining State Disability Insurance as a salary guarantee for the employees. .
Chief Richardson was asked to investigate the possibility of the coverage.
y A 1~GQr from Muller and Woolpert, Attorney's, was read regarding a sewer
lateral to Dale and Ruth Bowers property on Huasna Road. After discussion Mr.
Anderson was to contact the property owners on the north side of Huasna Road,
that were involved in the or~inaT assessment and report to the Council at the
adjourned meeting of November 2, 1962 if an agreeable stopp~:ng point for lateral
installation participation by the City could be reached.
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee, that
warrants against the General Fund for $6,079.62 be approved and ordered paid.
Al1 members present vbted "Ay~".
On motion of Couneilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee, Vouchers No.
21 thru 27 were approved and ordered transferred. A~l members present vot~d "Aye".
Couneilman McNeil stated the County had repaired some of the roads in the
annexed Fair Oaks area and he felt Mr. Anderson should be complimented on his
efforts in the City's behalf in getting this street work done.
Wayne Mize, chairman of the Harvest Festival Committee expressed his
appreciation to the Council and City Employees for the assistance given during
the Harvest Festival, Councilman McNeil congratulated Mr. Mize on a very well
organized festival.
Arroyo Grande, Calif. . ~tj~
October 30, 1962 - Page 3
On Motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Wood the meeting
was adjourned at 10;10 P,M, to 7:30 P.M. November 2, 1962. All members present
voted "Ay~",
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
November 2, 1962
7:30 P,M.
The City Council met in adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding.
Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood and McNeil. Absent was Councilman Jacobs.
Attorney Crossman repprted he was unable to contact Mr, Harris in regard
to the Garbage contract, but his office expected him to call in at any time.
Mayor Burt then asked the attorn~~s for the two garbage companies if they
wished to make statements at tY~s time. Attorney Wood stated Mr. Johns had served
a notice.for motion for a new trial, and that judgement not final until decision
has been reached by Appellate Court or the time limit for appeal expires. Attorney
David stated the SuperiQr Go~rrt has upheld the decision in favor,of Mr, Peterson
and therefore no moxe time should elapse before the City sign the contract with
Mr. Peterson. Councilman Lee asked Attorney Crossman to read findin~s of Judge
0'Reilly and Mr. David read same. After discussion Mayor Burt advised the Council
could not make a decision until they could contact Mr. Harris. Attorney Crossman
is to continue to try to contact Mr. Harris and report at the adjourned meeting
of November 5, 1962.
Maq~xt Burt asked about the laterals on the north side of the Huasna Sewer
Line. Mr. Anderson reported he was unable to contact all the property owners but
hoped to have the report ready for the adjourned meeting November 5, 1962.
~ The City Clerk reported she had contacted Mr. Schrein+er, of 0'Melveny and
Myers Attorneys for the Huasna Sewer Assessment District, and he stated it would
be between the property owners and the bond holder if payment of either the interest
ar principal due could go unpaid by the date specified and the pra~erty owners
would be taking the risk of the bond holder foreclosing on their property after
a six month laps in either payment, and also that City Funds could not be used to
pay the assessments for the property owners.
No further business, the meeting adjourned until 5:30 P,M. Monday, November 5,1962.
Arroyo Grande, Californi2
November 5, 1962
5:30 P.M.
The City Council met in adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present
were Councilman Lee, Wood and McNeil, Absent was Councilman Jacobs.
Attorney Cross~p,an reported to Mayor Burt he had contacted Mr. Harris regarding
the garbage problem and Mr. Harris advised that the City Council not sign any contract
at this time, and that he expected to attend the next regular Council Meeting of the
13th of November to advise them.
Mayor Burt advised Mr. Hal Peterson that the regular meeting of November 13, 19fi2
would be held at the Arroyo Grande Union Elementary School at the Orchard Street
campus in the Multi-use room.
No further business, the meeting adjourned.