Minutes 1964-05-26 ~ Arroyo Grande, Calffornia May 26, 1964 - 7:30 P,M, The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon Roll Cal1,,Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNei.l and Bur~ ~e- pnrted present. MINU'1'E APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of May 12, 1964, were approved as prepared, AUTHORIZATION TO PAY BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson that general warrants 1122 through 1151 in the amoun~t of $9,522,89 and payroll warrants No, 5~7 th~ough 570 in the a~nount of $5,507070, be authorized and ordered paid, Motion carried, LETTER FROM GROVER CITY RE LOCATION OF DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IN SOUTH COUNTY AREA TheCity Administrator read a letter from the City of Grover City with reference to the location of a depu~ty Dis~rict Attorney's office in t~.e South County area. After discussion, Mayor Jacobs appoi.nted Councilman Wood and the City Administrator to look into the bnatter and give ~their recommenda- tions at the next regular Council meetingo REQUEST FOR REAPPRAISAL OF ZONING ON ELM STR.EET The City Administrator presented a request from Ralph G. Bailey that rezoning of South Elm Street near the proposed Williams Bros, shopping center be considered by the Council. Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to forward the request to the P1ann~.ng Comm~ssion for their review and recommendation. REPORT ON CITY PROPOSAL TO WIDEN HALCYON ROAD Councilman McNeil reported to the Council that of the 39 property owners involved in the granting of deeds necessary for widening Halcyon Road, 18 have signed deeds, 12 will probably sig~,6 have ind~cated they will not sign and 3 have not been contacted as yeta Councilman McNeil recommended th.at a deaclline date for c~ntacting and s~gning of deeds be set by the Council, After Council disc~assion, Mayor Jacobs set June 5, 1964, as the deadline for property owners -to sign the deeds granting righ~ of way for widening of Halcyon Road and stated that at the next regular - Council meeting a decision would be made as to final action on the projecto PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF PORTiON OF MC KINLEY STREET Mayor Jacobs called for a motion to approve or disapprove the aban- donment of a portion of McKinley Streeto A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Burt, tha~ the proposed abandonment of a portion of McKi~ley Street be drnpped at °~his -~ime as -the final review of the area by the Council indicated a possible future need for a City street in that area. Motion carried on the f ollowing roll call voteo AYES. Councilwoman Thompson, Courzcilmen Wood and Burt an.d Mayor Jacobs NOES: Couneilman McNei1 ABSENT: None FIRST READING - ORDZNANCE AUTHORIZING CONTRACT BE'1WEEN CITY AND `I'HE CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM The City Clerk read the ordinance entbtled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE II~IPLOYEES` RETIREMENT SYST'EM for the first readi.ngo PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY FISCAL BUDGET FOR 1964-65 The City Administrator presented the Council with the Preliminary FiscaZ Budget for 1964-65, Mayor Jacobs commended the City Administrator and City staff on the preparation and presen+atio~. of the budget and recommended that the Council meeti.ng adjourn ~o a date the first week a.n , June for a budget study session. fi 8 Arroyo Grande, California, - May 26, 1964 m Page 2 ORDINANCE N0. 192 - AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 157 AS T'0 DE~INITION OF HOME OC~UPATION An Ordinanee of the Ci~y of Ar~°oyo Grande amend~ng Ordi~ance No. 157 as to definition of home occupa~tion was read ~hrough the ~i~le, thereupon a motion was made by Couneilman Bur~, seconded by Councilman Wood, to dispense with reading the balance of ~he Ordinaneeo Mot~on unanianously carried. ORDINANCE NOe 192 AN ORDINANCE OR 7HE CI `I'X OF ARROYO GRANDE AME[~tDING ORDINANCE N0. 157 OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AS TO DEFINITION FOR HOME OCGUPATION On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thomp- son, and on the following roll call vote, ~o-wi~o AYES: Councilwoman Thompsoa~, Councilmen Woo~, McNebl, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoin,g Ordinance was adopted this 26tk~ day of May, 1964. APPOIN'Lfi4ENT OF GOMMISSIONERS TO PARKS & RECREATI~t COMMISSION Mayor Jacobs stated -that due to the fact tha~ he had beerc unable to contact certain of the prospec~ive commission members, he will with- hold appointment of inembers of the Parks & Recreation Commission until the next regular Gouncil meetingo ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY NIGHT - JITNE 17 - DODGER STADIU.NI The City. Administrator reported on ~he planaaed Community Night, June 17, 1964, at D odger Stadium and stated that tickets were available at the-City Clerk's Offiee or the Herald-Recorder. SET HEARING TO REZONE PORTION OF LOT 104 OF TEiE RANCHO CORRAL DE PIEDRA- BEN DOHI PROPERTY A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, that a hearing be set for 8:00 P_M., June 9, 1964 for the pro- posed rezon:ing from RA-B3 1to R-1 of a por~ion of Lot 104 of the Rancho Gorral de Piedra as recommended by the Planning Commission. Motion carried, REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL TO PASS INTERIM GRADING RESOLUTION The City Administra~or presented a recommendation from the Planning Commission th at the City Gouncil pass an interim grading resolutioa~ which is Chapter 7Q of the 1964 edit~on of the Uniform Building Code, Gommissioner Schultz, Planning Commission representative to the City Gouncil, outlined ~the Commission's reasons for thefr recommendatr.on. After Council discussion it was agreed that ~the recommendatian not be adopted at this time, as the Council felt the restrictions contained in the interim resolution were too rest~ictive f or our area. The Council re- quested that the Planning Commission eomplete the grading and excavating requ~,rements they now have ~n progress even though ~t may be several months before completion. However, if -the Planning Commission felt there is an immediate need for the adoption of an interim grading and excavating , resolution, if they would prepare a report for the Council clarifyi.ng and justifying their recommendation, the Council will at that ~time reconsider the Commission's recommenda°tion, FIRST READING - ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 167 BY CHANGING THE MAKE- UP OF MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION AND REGULATING ATT'ENDANGE ' 'I'tie City Administrator outlined the recommended changes that had been incorporated into this Ordinance. After Council discussion, ~he Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 167 OF 'THE CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE BY CHANGING THE MAKE~UP OF MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND REGULATING ATTENDANCE 'I'HEREOF was read 9 Arroyo Grande, Cali.for~ifa - May ~6, 1964 - Page 3 through the title f~r the fi~°st ~°eadi~g9 °thereupo~. a mo~~on wa~ made by Councilman McNei1, seconded by ~rnxncilmaa~ Burt, tha°t read~~g ~~.e balance : of the Ordinance be di.spen~ed w~~h, Mo~ion unan~mo~sly ~arried. REQUEST OF VISTA DEL MAR. UNION SCHOOL TO SEZL FI.REWORKS IN CI~'Y The City Administrator ~°ead a le-~~er from ~he Vista Del Mar Union School requesting a fee exemp~ license ~o sell fir.ewo~k~ in ~he Ca.°~y af Arroyo Grande. After Coun~il discussion, a mo~ion was Enade by Councilman McNeil , seconded by Councilman Wood, °~~iat th.e Vis°~a Del Mar Unio~ School be issued a fee exempt license to sell fireworks in the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande. Motion carried. RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND SUBMI'I"I'ING A BUDGE'~' FOR EXPENDI`~"URE OF STA'~E ALLOCAT'ED (ENGINEERING) ~[3NDS RESOLUTION N0. 623 RESOLUTION OF '1'~IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ARL~OYO GRANDE ADOPTING AlVD St7BMI°STING A BUDGET` FOR EXPENDITURE OF STA'I'E ALLOCATED ~ENGINEERING) FUNDS Qn moti.on of Councilwom~n Thompson., seconded by Couneilman McNei1 and on the following roll call vo+e, to-wit: AYES. Councilwoman 'Thompsos~, Cou~.~ilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES o Nane ABSENTo None the foregoi~.g Resolution was adopted t~.is 26th day of May 1964. RESOLU'I'ION ADOF'TING AND SUBMI7CTING ,P, BUDGET F'OR EXPENDITiJRE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES RESOLUTION N0. 624 RESOLUTION OF T'HE CI TY COUNCIL OF THE CI'I"Y OF .ARROYO G13ANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMTTTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITUBE OF FUNDS ALLOCAT'ED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CIT'IES On motion of Councilwoman Thompsom, seconded by Couneil~nan McNei1 and on the following roll call vote, to-wite AY~S. Councilwoman Thompson, Councilme~n Wood, McNei.1, Burt and Mayor Jacobs ' NOES e None ABSENT: None the foregoi.ng resolution was adopted this 26th day of May 1964. REGONII~IEiVDATION OF GITY ATTORNEY RE RETMBURSEMENT F'OR OFFSI'I'E IMPRO~TEMEN'TS OF TRACT 283 The-Gity Attorney presen°ted his recommendation that t~.e proposed com- promise of the developer of Tract 283 be accepted aa~d -that ~he City pay one- half of the claim submitted. After Gouncil diseussion, a motion was inade by Gouncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood ~that ~he Ci~y accept a compromise of the claim of James Norman, developer of Tra~t 2839 to pay the amount of $854,56, as full settlement of his claim of $1,709,12 for reim- bursement of offsite improvemen~s. Mo~ion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES. Councilwoman Thompson, Councilme~. Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jaeobs NOES: None ABSENT: None Arroyo Grande, Californa.a m~Iay 26, 196~ m Page 4 REQUEST FOR PAYMENfi FOR WA`I'EI2 I~INE EASEMFN'~' - COACH ROAD The City Admi~.istra-tor pre~en.ted a reques~ fo~° paymexc~ fox° Co~~kx Road water line easement from Gabe DeLeo~., Af~er C~uncil d~~~uss~ax~, a mo~io~. was made by Councilman McNei1 , se~o~ded by Councilw~m~~ 7Ckaompson., tha~ the Coach Road water line easement from Gabe DeLeon be a~cepted and that payment in the amount of $337060 be made °~o Mr. DeLeon f~r ~~.e easementa Motion carried on the followin~ roll call vo~eo . AYES: Councilwoman 'Thompson, Coun~ilbnen Wood, McNe~l, B~rt and Mayor Jacobs NOESe None ABSENT: None PROGLAMATION OF WEEK OF JUNE 1-6 AS "pPOPPY WEEK'" Mayor Jacobs proclaimed ~the week of June 1-6, 19649 aS pQPoppy Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande. LEAGUE OF GALIFORNIA CITIES CHANNEL COUNTIES DIVISION ~'IEETIN G The City Admin.~strator reminded -the Gouncil of the League of Cali~ fornia Cities Channel Couri~ties D~v~sion qu.arterly dgn~er meeting to be held in Ventura on Thursday, June 25, 1964. AFtR0Y0 GRANDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CI.T°IZENS COMMI7.'TEE Mayor Jacobs appointed Couricilman-McNeil to repse~en~ ~he City Council on the Citizens Commi~~ee ~o evalua~e future growt,h and need~ of the Arroyo Grande Eleanen~ary Sc1~oo1 s o ELK'S RODEO PARADE Mayor Jaeobs informed the Council of ~h.e ia~v~~a~io~. ~o par~ic~.pa~e in the.Elk's Rodeo Parade in San~ta Mari,a on June 6~h, EXTENSION FOR WATER STUDY REPORT . Councilman Wood requested a-two mon~h extension on beh.alf of the Water Study Gommittee for completion of their reporta .Extension was granted by Mayor Jacobs, SOUTH SAN LUI3 OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATZON DISTRICT REPORT The City Admi~.istrator reported that word had been received on this date that the applica~ion of the South San Luis Qbispo County Sanitation District for a Federal Grant in the amou~~ of $493,200 had been approved by the Federal Gove~rament. SELEGTION OF CI'I'Y ATTORNEY Mayor Jacobs repor~ed tha~ the eommit~ee would present ~their recommend- ations for City Attorney at the next regular Coux~cil meeting. ADJOURNMENT On motfon of Councilman N~cNeil, seconded by Cou~ci.lman Bur~, the meeting - adjourned at 8:50 P,M, until 7e30 P.,M., Jua~e 4, 1964o Motion carriedo ~ ~ ~ ~ ° MAY R ATTEST: I'I'Y CLER