Minutes 1966-06-20 C~~~ C~unc~l Arr~yo Grande, Calif. ~une 2~th, 1966 The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Wood pre- s~:~i~~. Upon roll ca11, Gouneilwroman Thompson, C~uncilmen Levine, Schlegel and Bu~t repo~ted present. ~OTIC~ OF WINNTNG ENT~Y BY CITY FOR 1966 MUNICIPAL AGCOUNTING AWARD ~he City Council received copies ~f a letter notifying that the City of Arroyo Grande submitted ~he winning entry for the 1966 Municipal Accounting Award Competition, Councilwoman Thompson suggested, and the Council agreed, that the Ci~y A~d~toxs be sent a letter of appreciation for their fine assist- ance ~n making the ~ward ~~ssible, DISCU~S~O~ BUDGET ITEM ~~iUASNA RD, vs. DRA.INAGE ON W. GRAND AVE. , E~ g~°er~~t c1~a1 ~f ~~~~~~~~~~z~n on the merits of drainage on west Grand Av~:, vsa ~,~eg~ovem~n°t of I~tx~~~~, R~~.~ from San Luis Road to City Limits, a motian w?~,s ~n~cle ~~r ~ou.nc~.lman Sc~Zle~~i, :~~,onded by Councilman Levine, that the City proceed ~i°~~ ~-Itaasraa Road as ~ 1966m57 brxdgeted item and any balance to be used f~r eng~~r~~~r~ng studies andjor uction on west Grand Ave. drainage. On the following ~co11 call. vote, to-wit: AY~~: Ca~a~.cil.~r~man 'i`hompson, Gouncilmen Levine,Schlegel and Bu~t, NOES: Mayor Wood AB~ENT~ Nane the f~regoi,ng mo~ioz~ ~rc~s ad~p°ked. A mot~on was mad~ by ~~uncilvaomax~'Thamgson, seconded by Mayor Wood, that $5,000 ~e b~.~g~ted for Engi.neering Studies, Appraisals, Land Acquisitions on t~e tia~~°~ Grc~~nd A~eo dr~xa.ana.ge pzoblem, On the following roll call vote, to-wit: `~.YES, Gounci.l.woman Thompson,Counc~lmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayc~r Wood . :`~~~5: None ~B~EN°I' o None the ~orego~ng motion vaas~adoptede Tt was also ord~~ed that a l~t~ex be ~vritten to the County Board of Super- v~sors requesting a Drainage Study be made in the west Grand Avee area. 1966-67 MERIT' SALARY PLoAN The Council called for an executive study session for consideration of varzous salary increasese The Council informed the City Administrator that they d~d approve of the recommended 1~66-67 Merit Salary Plane 'The Council thsn i.nformed °the City Administrator of their proposed sal- ary r~commendat~ons for the posita.on of City Administrator. An in~rease of $SOo00 per month along vait~ a$50,00 per month expense account to be paid every mon°t~ above and beyond League Dues, Ghannel M~etings, League Convent- ions and C~.vic ~lub Dues, 'The City Ca~a,nca~l also approved the inform~xl c4ntract wi~rh the Oceano Sanitar~ Dis°~~~.c~k ~the G.~ty Adminisltrators serv,ic~s at a fee of $50.00 per ~.~r~~~'~i, sa~,d vaages be ~ai,d mox~itlaly from City funds which ~the District ~~e~mi~~,~°se an a quarterly ox +~z~.nual basisn by ~'c~u.n.c~lma~ Levine, secon.ded by Council~aoman Thompson and _ r_a.~~a~ed ~*~ie meeting ad jou:r.ned at 10. 00 P.IuI. A7CT~~'C ° _ a Dep C i ty C 1. er ~ Mayar