R 2179 187 RESOL(ITlON NO. 21'19 A RESOL(ITlON OF THE CITY OOUNcn. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REQumfuftG AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE URBAN SERVO AREA BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION OOMlOSSION (LAPO)) FOR A PARCEL OF PROPERTY IN OAK PARK ADm; WIJRRRo\S, a parcel of property of approximately 155 acres, identified by Cbunty Asiessor's Parcel No. '19-261-06, was placed within the Sphere of 1nfluence of the City of Arroyo Grande by LAFCb; and, WIJRRRo\S, on October 15,1987, said LAFCb comnenced public hearing to detennine if said parcel shall be I'elJX)Ved fran the City of Arroyo Grande Sphere of 1nfluence and placed within the Urban Service Area of the City of Pism Beach; and, WIJRRRI\S, as a part of said LAFCo public hearing, LAFCo stated its desire to detennine if the City of Arroyo Grande City CbwIcil was prepared to request the subject property be placed within the City of Arroyo Grande Sphere of Service, prior to LAFCo's tennination of the public hearing. NOW, 'DIEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED THAT THE aTY OOUNcn. OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE responds to LAfCb in the f~ manner: 1. The subject property should be placed within the Urban Service Area of the City of Arroyo Grande. 2. The City of Arroyo Grande is prepared to serve development of the property after legal and appropriate reviews of development plans and amexation by: A. pro~ sanitary sewer service tlrough the South San Luis Obispo Cbunty Sanitary Sewer District, which is ~ adequate facilities to serve the subject property, and which has stated its intent to serve the subject property. B. providir€ water to the subject property, fran grmmdwater located upon the subject property, by the property owners. c. providir€ adequate circulation to serve the subject property and development. D. addressing the needs of Lucia Mar Unified School District for pa!SibIe aClJlisition of a ten-acre elementary scrooI site upon the subject property. On motion of Cbuncil MenDer Moots, seconded by Cbuncil MenDer Porter, and on the f~ roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council MenDers Moots, Porter, Johnson and Mayor Mankins NOES: CbwIcil MenDer Millis ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 10th day of November, 1987. ).l~;: " . .L -=A. ~~.....Av : ..~ MAYOR A'lTEST: ~ a. ~'4.J C CL I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County , of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty I of purjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2179 is a true, full and I correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting ! of said Council on the 10th day of November, 1987, i WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 12th day of November, 1987. . 1J::ur a. f)o..f1.tI..J CITY CLERK ---~- _____.___~_______ - .... _.un , I --- ----...-