Minutes 1968-03-18 9 • CITY COUIVCIL MARCH 18th, 1968 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF°ORNIA The Ci~y Cou~c~l me°~ in regu~ar adjourned sessi~n wsth Mayor Wood presid~ng, Upon ~oll ca,ll, Gou.nc~lwc~man °Th~mpson, Gou.ncilman Lev~ne~ Schlegel and Bixr°~ repo~ted presen°ta STCTDY OF DRAIN~I.GE PROBLEMS WEST° O~' ELM S°TREET° The Gotznc~.l rev~ewed °the drainage problem on Grand Ave, at Jun~.per Street and the Sou°therly prolongation of 20°th S°tree°t, if said s°treet were extended to Grand Aveo, and a~°~e~ da.scussion, the D~rector of Public Works was ins°tructed to make a study and prepare a report on the feasi- bility of extend~.ng 20°kh Street from Grand Avee to Ash Street; and the possiba.li°ty of acqu~.ring land south o~ Grand Ave, ~n the v~cini°ty of 20th Streeto ~ STUDY O~ DRAINAGE PROBLEMS IN F°AIR OAKS AREA The drainage problems in the vicinity of ~air Oaks Ave~ and Farrell ~ Road were reviewed and the Direc°tor o~ Pia.blic Works v~as instructed to prepare a more precise drainage s°tudy for Council cons~dera°tion, TENTATIVE DA°I"E FOR ANOZ'HER S°TUDY SESSION ON DRAINAGE The Counc~.l agreed °that Apr~l 15th, 1968~ be se°t as a-tentative date to mee°t in study sess~on to furtl~er ~eview dra~.nage problems in the Grand Aveo and Fair Oaks areaso ADJOURNMENT' Un mot~on o£ Counc~.lwcznan °Thompson, seconded by Corxncilman Levine, and unan~mously carrieda the meeting was adjourned at 10v00 P.M. f ~ AT°TES'T. -~~~r.:. t=' - EPU°TY `~Y CLER ~ MAYOR ,