HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1974-09-24 41 CIT`Y C~iT~CIL ~~~`~~1~JBE:R 249 ~.9~4 ARR~~'0 G~1VD~, CP,L~~ORNIA ~'T~~ C~t~ C~aanc~l m~t ~r~~ r~g~~~.~ ~~~~~~n wi,~~ ~I~;~~~ g~°~~~~~r~~., Up~n ro11 c~.Y~, C~~~~a~~l M~~nb~~~ ~~5~~~~~a~~~~s d~ I.~~n~ S~'~~~~r~~ ~nc~ ~Ia~~1~.~ ~~p~~~~~~~~ ~p~~,~~n~, PLEIDGE ~F AL~~~I.~1lTC~ A~D T~SiP~~~.~I:~D~~ M~~~a~° ~~.1~~~%~~~~~ ~~~~I'~~~~~ rf A~~~~~~rr.~~ t~~ ~~a~ ~nsi ~~~~~.~~~.tely • tk~er~a~~e~, ~~~~~~~znan M~~~~s ~.~1~~~~~~~. ~nv~a~~~~.~~,~ APPR,~~TA~ ~F MI~T~S T~~ a~~n~.t~s c~f, t~~ ~eg~al~~ ~c.~~~~s~g S~p~-e~b~~ ~0, ~~~~y ~r~~~ ~.p~~~~~d a~ pr~g~~~~~. ~ APPI~.OVAL OF G~I~IRRA~~T~ m.~~~~~ ~E Czan~r~.~;~,~an~~~ ~3~~~.y ~€~cc~nc~~r~ ta~ Cc~n~~~~~~~n~n ~~~~~~xn~ ~nd ur~~~i~a~u~lgr~ c~.~r~~c~, ~a~r~a~~ W~.~~°~~~~ ~a~~ ~,609 t~ard~~~ ~e~o ~~~9 ~r~ t1~a~ -toG~1 ~~n€>~nt o~ ~ ~ ~ ~83 . 9~ ~ ~rad G~n~r~~. G~la~~~n~.~ ~T~~ ~ ?.99 ~ ~hr~~~u~h ~T~ ~ 2~~8, in ~~~r~. ~ ~mo~ang of $~~,~~~o~8y ~r~4.ti~ ~~~p~~:~v~.~ ~,;~c~ r~~c~.~~~r~ ~~,~,s~~ PAOC3.AM,~TT~hv~"RU~N PAL'i,D~~i~ DAY'~ S.~P`~EMB~~ ~9~ ~9s'~ M~.~~~ ~~i~~; ~°~~,d ~ ~~~c~,~~~~~~.~~ ~.rr~ ~~~~1~.~~~~ ~~:~:~~:tn~i~~~ 2~, Y9%4~ ~.s ~~R~.th Pa~~d~n~ D~.y~~ ~n ~k~~ C~~y ~f ~.~°~r~~~ ~~~.n~~9 ~.rk ~t~~~~° M~sg P~~xF~i~.n~~s 82nd ~i~~hd~~ c~~. S~pt~~nJ~e~ 30t2~~ ~ar~d. ~,n. ~~g~~~~~~~~~,~y~~ f~::~° t~k~~~ ~°~i~~ ~.rzd l~~r fa~n~Zy h~v~ ~pl~,r~d ~n ~~a~ ~~.i~~c~~~~~ ~f Ca~~t~ ~f Ar~~y~~ ~~a~ci~~ COt~~C~I~ME~I MI~,L~S A~TD S~IER~,~~~ ~~G~~~D `T~~I~~~,V~~ ~`1t(~I~1 ~~9UI~~IT, CHAM~~RS CITI~~ A P~7~S~$~,'~ G~1V~:~.IC'T 0~ ZIV'~~~.~~`~' TI~ TC~~ k°~~~a~~1I'sV~ ~.SG~1~73~ TfiEMy B~Ce~„~S~ OF TH~IR ~MF'~1~lM~NT I~~ ~T~ ~H~ ~~~a'7'R~C~ ~ . L,~ASE RE1~ECn~A~ R~QI~ES~ [J i~ aF L(~~~~ I~I ~C~Q~~ ~fi~T_ CI~"+' PI~OF'~R^!~Y ° LL~'CT~ I~~2 Ada~a~~~~~°~°~.~~~ B~x~c~ r~~.~ ~~~~~r ~~oa~ ~Zc~l~~~°~ M. I~c~~~~~~n~., S~p~rin~~nd~r±t ~f ~h~ Ma,:~ ~.~~~f~i~~ Sc~~~~ D~,~~~~~°t, ~°~e~~~~~~n~ ~~rx~~~~ ~t~a~ ~.~~.s~ Agr~~° ~a~~t b~~~r~~rk tr~~ C~~yY ~.~d. D~~~~~c~ fc~~ ~f C~+~SY pr~~~~°~~ ~.~nc~~as Ben~.~~s G~~~n~tg% P~.~~) ~n ~r~~c~ H~~~ 5~~~~~~. ~,s lac~.~ed ~ ~~i~ i~~~~~ exp~,r~~ M~.y ~C, 1.9~~, ?~~x~ p~r t?~a~: p~cav~.~a~~:-~s r~f t~.~ ~,gtc~~~~~.t, r~~~£a.~~.~~~r± f~r r~~~~~.1 ~~~~~a~_cl ~~~s~r~~l~~~,ec~ ~ix ~n~n~fl~~ p~~.~~° t~ ~~p~~~~i~na 'l~u~ Cc~~,nc~l disc~s:,~d t~~c~. ..~t~~~, ge~~~~~~~ ag~~~;~r~~ ~s~ r~:~~r ~~5~ ~?at~~r t?~~ P~~k.s ~.~c~ R~~~°~a.t~.~r~ C~gc~an~~~ c~anrn~n+~~ ~.nd ~~~r~rr~~a~a~.~~.~n~ o COU~C~~iv~ M~T~~~S A1~TD S~TE~I,~~VG R.]ESLYM~I9 ~H~IIt PI,.AC~S ~,T T~~ COU~3GIL TA.~LE AT 7:42 P~M, 1t~SOZ, FROM STCDCK'I'~s~ ~AS~ W~`~E~ D~S~'.URGING fJ~P(JSITICI.~T_T~ PASSA~E_OF PR~Fe 17 ~kz~ C~axnc~,Y r~~~~~~d. ~ l~tt~r~ ~nd r~~~~~.~.~~,c~n ~~ra~n t~~ S~o~k.t~n Eas~ ~1a.tex° Distr~,ct, urg~.~~ th~ C~~;~~i1 ro d~~~.~~~ i~~ r~pgc~~~~~~~ ~o ~1~~ ~~~~ag~ af ~'roposition T7 r~g~~ding c~n~~~a~~;~ion of kl~~ Mel~sn~~ R~~~rvoir P~~~~c~ on ~1~~ St~nisla~s Riv~~o ~~,s~~g~ of ~?~i~ P~~~pe~~~~~i~n ~r~,~~~d b~~ ccAr~s~~~~~~~r.. c~f ~~i~ px~a~~cto Tl~e C~~ncil g~~~x°~lly ~g~~~d ~~a ~.dl~~~~ it~ p~°~~,i~~~~ pc1~e~ w1~a s m~.t~~r b~r nc~t tal~ing a~t~n.d ~r~ g~~vp~~ati~n~ ;~~~c~ c~c~ ~:~r~eG~.~ af~~;ct; ~~-~is G~,~y. L~'~~~R OF AP~R~C~AT~~l~s RE; ~IAGA~~~~7 ~:~U~~ CI~F~CI~ °~I~P'ERVISQ~R M~.IvyKIN~ ~ A~.~~~i~~~~.~o~° 8~~~~ ~~~.c~ ~ 1~~~~~ f~~~ C~~n~~~ ~S~~S~r~~~c~~° ~I~w~.rd Ma~1~in~ 9 ci~t~n~ ~ga~r~c ~~~~,c~~ ~~ar v~~~?,~:ic~n ~d~a~~~ ~~~~k p~~ag~~~a b~~~r~g p~r~o~~~d by ~1~e Ci~y°~ P~~~.~~ D~~~.~~~~~~e R~~~IPT ~~~3~i,~'~ R~o BI[~~ R~1~~S m~~~IC~ DlE~~1R`T~~I`~ ~a~ ~u~n~~l ~°~~~i~v~d. ~rad x°~~r~~~~d b~c~~~~~~ F~~p~.~~e~ G~ty~6~ l~es~.ice D~g~.~ aan~n~ ~~~~t~~c~ °t~p~r~~a.c~~~ fi~~~ I~~f~~m~.~~rsr R~~~~ ~ S~,f~~~r T~p~". `TL~~ P~l~,c~ D~ °~~~m~n~ d~,s#~~i~s~~.~~~ ~~~k~~t~ ~n ~~nj~r~~t~~.~ a~ri~~ ~ p~°ogr~rn ~ p~~~~~~~~~e~ ~p~bl~c ~~d ~a~~,v~~~ ~~~r~~a~~ in g~~ ~c~~~fla~r~~,~~-m L~t7~~(~r1~~~~ ~~~.iyP'T'~~'~~`-~~~~ ~IC~~S~ ° ~.Z~T ~S~i~F ~T. B,~RDTL~B?dS Cf~LJR~~-I Qn m~~~t~n af G~~nci~~~.~ d~ s~c~anrl~d C~~.n~~l.r~~n M~11i~ ~.n.d ~ra~ni- m~an~ly ca~°~~.~d, f~e ~x~~~~ ~a~~~i~~~~ ~~~.~i~~.~d ~o tri~ S~. B~.~n~.b~~ C~u~c~ op~~~~~ ~ nc~~~p:~~~~,~ ~'~~~.f~ ~~-~~~a 1~~~~~, ~~~.na1 A~r~na~r~, ~s r~q~.~st~d b~ Mr~. C~l.l~~n Sk~a~~~,9 ~k~°a~~~ ~~.~p l~~a~~;~~v MU~T~, ~(~D~ AME?~Da m 45~D. .AI~(eP`T - IZ~~U~TIf~~T 0~ S~TEfl~S A~D ESTA~T,TSH FEE~ C~~~ A~~o~xx~~ ~~~~p~~~ ~~ad ~'r~~ o~ an ~~di~~,r~~~ ~.m~nding th.~ M~ri~~ip~.l Ccade tsy ~~t~b1~~~.fng r~g~r.~~t~,~r~s fra~ ~t~~ W~s~ c~f f~~~ a~d ~~~~s ~c~~° pc~~li.c s~~rex°s; th~rea~t~r~ ~ a~e~tion ma~~ b~a Ccs~~a~ilrr~~.n 5~~.7.~ 9 s~~o~.d~c~ by Co+an.~:+_l.in~n de b~~ox~ ~~d a~n~.~z,~s?~a~~:~g~ c~.~ri~~g t~ d~.~~~~~~ r~~,~~~ ~~~,~~r~.~ t~~ ~~.~~ar~~e o~ ~:~is ordin~.n~~ o 41~ CITY COiJNCX~, S~~'`~~;~1I3ER 24, 1974 A~AO lO VLL~E'A~~Sldl~ 9 r.s%'l1r.L~V~1V.,9 tr~rt. LCA~~s G . ~~~l~~v~~;~ 1L~ „ AN 0~.2I9I~A~TC~ ~QF `Z'~i~ C~~~ ~4~.~`~~ ~~.~~T~E 9M1 ~I9~~~~ r~~~~'~9 GRAI~D~ I~i~~~ II~AL, G~D~ AM~S~15I~~ C?~F'~~R ~ ~ ~~~i~~~0 ~ REG~3~,TIT~~ ~gE ~JS~ ~~I~~IC 5~~12~ 9 ~a~TD ~~TST~~~.~~~~' ~~IS CON~C°~IQN ~F BT31;~D~1V~ S~W~~~ , TtT.~ D`l;~C~~t~E ~33.~~E~ A~ '~IAS~~S I1~T~~ fi~tIE ~~J~LIC SEi~~ER S~'ST~M A1~dD ~S~r~~~~~I~~~fi~ ~'~E~ L~~D 1~~~5 F~R ~H~ GOIVN~CTT~~ TC~ A1VT~ tTSE F~,~~L~C S~G~EIZ~ ~ O~a ~~ti~r~ of C~~n~i~~~,r~ ~~c~~~~,~d ~by~ C~~a~~.~ls~~n c~~ I,~~~ a~.d th~ fo'lloc,aimg; ~0~1. ~~1~. vot~9 ~~t: A~'~~a C~~nn~il~~~a ~Spierl~n~~ ~I,~a~~ ~~~~1~~~~9 Mil~f~ Ma.~~~ Tall~:~ NOESs i~~~~ ~~S~N~' a N~n~ th~ ~~r~~~ Ord~.nanc~ ~as p~s~~d ~nd ~d.c~~~t~d 2~~~ c~f S~p~~~~b~~A ]_974a DISC, R~o 7°~R~ L~"D, PART~.I~VG II~ V~~I~A.GE AI7F~ ° 1Z~Q~~~T P1D i"CUDY Co~n~il ac~~ie~~~~3 tl~~ ~~~a~~~~ csf ~~~~~~.1 ~~~~irig c~zl S~pt~mb~r Li~ ~9~4 ~,rit~ t;~~ ~~~~Z~n.g & `~r~£~a.~ C~r.~r~,~~~~~ ~~c~ +~,~~~a~ ~r~~~°~~~nts a~d dc~w~~otian or~anizatian~ in ~~t~r~d.anc~9 ~.r~c~ ~1~~ m~.~.~ast~~ a~' G~~ S~g~~~~b~~ 13~h r~~t`1~.~ rn~~~irag of t1~e Pax~k~ng S~ `~x~~.ffic ~~~~s~z~r~a ~t ~a~~ r~~c~~~~~~~. r~~ C~~~ar~c~l t~.at ~~.e tw~-~our li.~i~~d p~~k~n~ ~°~insta~~c~ an B~~.t~~~ ~t~~~t~ b~~r~.~n ~'~s1~y ~.nd Mason Stre~ts~ ~rs.~°~dre~ar p~.rkin.~ 1~,ai~~~t ~~t~bl~,~?~~d. ~,n fr~~rr pc~rt~,u~n c~f Car Corr~.l P~~lzing ~rst; ~:~d p~~i~~.~g lim~~ b~ ~~~~b1.~~1~~~. o~~ ~~x~.g~ $t~~~t from Br~.nch. 5~~~~t to ~~icY~~~ T~i~ Goun~~l d~s~~~.~~~c~ ~~.e~ ~~,t~~r, h,~~.~~ng additi~xaal cc~~?~zi~.~ f~c~~r I?~vx~ Lc~c~~~ c~f Ds~~n~cs~;~n P~~k~ng ~dv~.ss~~y Bo~rd and vi~.Yage l~~a~i~~~~r~~~.~~ a~?d P~gg3° ~c~~~~~~ ca~ A~~c~~o G~~.nd.~ Vi1.~.age M~r~h.~.nts 9ssociagic~n, ~~p~~,~n~~n~; ~z~ ~il~.ag~~ b~~~~i~~~~~~ M~$ ~,a~~rr~~.~ ~.r~d. Mr~, Po~~~~ oppos~d t~a~ lim~.t~d p~.rl~irc~9 sG~t~ng ~~~~.t ~.ic ~c~~.l~~ b~ ~~.t~x~~nl~ t~ ~~fc~~•~~ and ~~zggest2ng ~h.~.~ ~.t ax~y r~.~~, tFa~ ~a~~I~ iss~~ b~ l~~~e~ of~ a~nt~ 1~°econs~ra~ct~on of B~an~~ St~°~~t ~s cornpl~t~c~.. T2x~ ~c~~anc~.7L di~~~a~~~d ~~1~ mat~~r ~~rtta~r, dir~eti~g ~~a~ ~h~ Polic~ D~pa~tm~n~ st~ady tt~~ of ~x~f~~c~~n~nt p~rking l~.rnit~ and rel~.~~c~ ~~s~~ ~~~r~ ~ ~~por~ tc~ t:~~ Crs~nca.l.o PUBLI~ ~~ny~.I~TG ° VAL3~EY I~~JaL A~~i~~;~.~T~~i~ iv~ ~~°]?ENI~~ A~.~ir~~.~~x~~,~or B~.~c1~ r~:v~~~r~~ p~:~tin~r~~ i~~c~rra~~t~~n ~~c~~xt ~h~ p~oposed Val~i~g~ ~t~ad Ann~~~~i.~n ivc~e 3, a~.~ ind.~c~t~d 20-F ~cz~~~ ma~. Upon being assur~d by Cz.t~r Cl~rk ~.~1 Ca~npo t~.~t a,Yl r~q~z~r~~~nts ~.s ~~ovfded by law h~.~re b~en co~p~.ied with, M~y~r T~.l~ey d~~l~r°~d t~~~ l~e~,x~ing ~.r~d all persons ~rould now be h~~,~d far a~° ag~ins~ the p~~g~os~d anrn~x~.t~.an. C~.~.~l~s B~ke~a ~00 All~n~ ~,~g~~~~,~~ ~or ~k~~ ann~x~.~~,s~~, s~o"~~ in favor of it ~nd ~xpl~.~ned ~ta~ d~v~log~~n~ p~c~~~t~~~di fe~r ~h.a~ a~~a9 s~~.~ing kh~.t anlg~ a , minbrnurn of t1h~ tr~~~ ~a~ll bE r~~~a~~c~e Tk~e ~allc~r~i~n~ ~~~~ons tia~r~ p~~~~~t a~dl cc~~n~n~~d c~r~ t~~~ ~~tt~~, maznly in r~~ard to tl~~ parapos~d d~~~lop~n~n~ ~f*~~ ~.nn~z~ation.~ ~.~d ~s~.ing tF~~ Cottnc~.l tq con~ id~r ~1~~ ~.~~~~~.~ion o A~.~,~n~ i 1 W'~~~1a~~. D~~~~ A T~*~i l~un~'~s , 586 Vall~y R~~d.; Jcsh.x~ T~.~%lor, 50~°~ ~~m H~~i~~a~n R~~d, 8~~~, G~~itk~.m~9 231 Soo Alpi~.e; ~Jahn G°~~~la~$ 4~1 T~~odl~.nd. D~~~~e; Da~~s~1~~ B~~1_-~~N 1~~0 P~l~ Co~n~t, J~m' Fi~~din9 ~o~tt~ Z; Box 6~b, ~t~ve G~~.tonp a21 ~~~~i~~c~ A~~~a~~; Cl~rk M~~~~, 1180 A~"~~~ ~~.d D~.~~c~ I~o~nis, 1120 Flo~~ R~~,d, ~c. '.~;~~~r.atar B~z~ch re~d a let~~r f~o~n M~~~ M~1c3.~~d P~~.~c~~ pr~s~~?~ o~an~r of t~~;: ~~r~p~x°t~ ~nder d~.~c~.s;a~~n~ ~rhicl~ cited t~~ c~~~~ ancl probl~ans af t~~ pro~~~~~ in it~ px~e~ent state~ ~.nd t~.~ r~s~.l~~.~.g r~~~d te~ fa.nd ~~o~~ :p~of~~~b~e ~s~ f€~~ tY~~ ~andn Gar~ Gr~~b~ ~BO Vall~~ Rc~~,d, s~i~ af Mr~m M~.Ydr~d ~r~~.nce, ~as pr~s~nt ~.nd r~it~r~ted t~e re~sons fn~ 5el~.~n~ ~-~e pro~~~°t~ f~~ d~v~l~pm~n~~ , ci~~ng ~;~s~~ ~.nd t~~~~ v~r~us ~r~~~~?~ ~~cr~ c~f th~ ~~~p~~t~, ~rk~ick~ m~ke it an ~an~f~~~d~bl~ p~,~c~ n~ 1~.nd ~~~p i~~ p~~~~n~r s~~~~ ~f ~e~~.ln~a~ ~rc~~~. Tl~e fal~o~ring ~~~~~n~ c~~r~ pr~~~r~t ~~d ~p~~.~ in o~pc~~~,~i~n to ~}~~e ~.nx~~x~.~~.on, in vi~~,~ af ~~og~~~d d~~,~lop~~~.~: af~ #:1~~ ?.~.nd: ~~n~ ~cahnsan, Y279 Poplar; M~~ M. H~,tn.~.Y~c~~, B~~ ~~~-~3, 1z~+a~~~ 2; Rc,x~r~~~ S~~~~ffe~~, R~~.te 3, Box 235~F s~nd C~.ris ?i~~~a~.rt 9 47S M~rcur~ Dx~ive A Nipoma, 41 ~j CTTY COUNCI~ SL~~TE1~E~ 2~~ i974 ARIt0Y0 ~RANDE , CAI,IFORIVTA p~,~;~ 3 ~~~,~g n~a f~a~~~e~ d~~~~;~~~~n fa~ ~,~a~~~~ ~g~~s m~~~~~~ M~.y~~° ~ai1~y declax~~d t~~ Y~seax°ing ei~s~d. Tk~~ Cc~~,~.~,i~. ~is~~~~~~d ~r~~~~er ~,t le~~t~e motiora w~,s rm~,de b~ Cc+~xnci~.man Sp~~~°lin~9 s~ca~d~d b~ C~~.nc~~.~n~r~ Sc~Y~g~:~ ~.nd ~n th.e fo~~c~rai~~ vo~~o ~,ro f~~ ~~d ~.g~.~n.~t~ ~;c~~~c~~ ~r~~ d.~~~~.~~d r~ ~.olc~ off ~,c~a~e~n. o~ m~.~~t~~ ~m ~ta~ c~~~~.~~ ~.nc~ d~~-~~~~,~~ nf tl~~ progos~d. Vall~~ Rssad Anr~~xat~.o~ Nw. 3~i~n~ c~~~id~~ ~he Gc~~r?~iYa~ f~:~1~.n~~ ~~a ~Y~e m~tter ar~d d~~~,de ~h.~t~e~ ~Gh~g~ wish t~ p~°~~~~ct ~:~.~::a t~~ ~~qh~~~~~c~ ~rz~e~~~ioaLo Nt~g~o~° ~a~~.~y ~~~.~~ct ~~u~t in v~,~x~i of n~az~b~~ ~~~~~~~~b:~c~ c~~s,~~r~s pres~nt, ~~~~,on ~~~suld be ta~:.~n ~c~r,~a ~n~;~:~~r~ of C~a~~a~~Y.~m~n M~11is s s~c~nd~d by Counc~l~an Spi~~~ing and. ~~1 tY~~ fo:~~c~~~.~~; ~~~.I. ca17. ~,~t~, Go z~z,t: AYESa C~~.nc~.lcn.~~ S~i~~~~n~~ 5~~~~~~~:1~ Ma.:~.~.~.~ ~.nc~ ~~r~s~ Tall~;~ lVOES : N~nz ~BSE~ITo Non~ ~~~~?'~.I?~~Do C~~.ncil•man d~ ; the m~~ic~n r~~.s p~ss~d denyi~.g t~.e anr~~~~.~ric~n c+f ~O-I- ac~°~~ ~djac~nt~ ~to Va11~y Road, knor~n ~~V~.3.l~y~ Ro~.d Ann~xatfon N~, 3" ~ PZTB. HEA,12. REZ~N~ CASE i4-~4~ "PC" T~ "PM",B~CK~'~T-GR~~nll~ H~LI., ADTD~a~°ORD~IST ItEAD. Tk~e C~~nnc~.~ ~~c~i~~d. a r~~o~y~t~.~~ f~~~n t;~~~ Pba~~y~~g C~~mn~s~~.c~r~ ~e~ommending the rezaning ~f P~rc;el~ 10, ~1$ 12, 1.3 ~nd 14 ~f ~~~c~ 3~ c~f :~~~i~~~t'~ C~~r~~. I~ill Add~tio~, ~.~.d a p~rtian ~f t1a~ ol,d. P~c~f~.c C~~.~~ Ra3lxa~c£ R~g~~~ t~f W~.~ ~b~.ndon~d, w~st~rl~ an~ ~.djdc~nt to t~ae far~g~ing, fram 11P-C" 1'x~a~~~~~~,~nal Co~?~rci~.l D3,strie~, t~ '~1~_M~~ Pl~nned ~~nc~~~t~~al Dr~i~~°~~ts a~ x~~~gt~.~~;~~~ bg~ E~.C~ L~~m~,s & Son. Up~n be~ng a~~~.r~d b~ Citg~ C~~~~Z d~1 C~.?~~~~ ~~-~~t ~.1~. r~qaa~,r~~~~n~a as ~rov~d~d bgr l~~r ~ad ~~en. c~p~.~.~d cai~1~~ NI~.g~Qa~ 'fi~.l.~.~~ dc~c1~.~~~ t'~~ ta~~.~~~~ ~p~n ~.:~.d ~.11 pe~sons ~Toul~ r~~~a b~ ~.ea~°d f~~ c+~ a~~,ins t tls~ p~~~o~~~ ~~~~~~~.~o Dav~cY L~a~~.s ~ 11~0 ~'lc~r~. ~~~.d ~ s~~~~ ir. f~~=:rc~r o~ t~~ ~~:zz~r,~.ng ~.nd explai~ed the plag~~ec~ ~s~~ Th~r~ be~~g n~ £~.rt~~~~ dis~~~sa~c~~. fc~~ ~ga~.nst g~is ~~.~t~~, Mag~or T~.ll~y~ ~~cl~red the ~.~~ring ~~.c~~~~., t~ft~r C~~.x~ci~ d~~c~s~ic~~; C~.ty Attorney Sl~aps~;g~ ~°~~d: fo~ i~s~ fir~t ~°~adi~i~~ ~itl~ v~ ~,n r~rdin~.r~c~ ~.m~xic?.ing ti~e Munic~p~,~ Co~.~ a~ tz~ ~~=W~on~ f°~o~ "g-C~~ ~a ~vP°M~v ~cc~~~i~. gr~g~~ty withir~ tF~~ City; t~~~~°~~fter, ~ r.~~~i.~sr ~T~,s m~.d~ t~y Ca~..rc;~L`l_man M~.Y.1is, ~~cdr~cie~ by Caun~ilznan d.e L~U~ ~nd ~.nan~~ri~~s T~r c:~~-ei~d a tc~ c~~,p~ns~ cJ~.~?~ r~ad.in~ ~1~~ b~.l.~nce o.f t?~is ordin~nc~, REPOR~ RE ~ AGRICULT[,pRE PRESERVE ~R~GR.~1M RE:~ER ~ PLAI~NING CQMMISSIUN ~ Th~ Co~ncil revie~reci a d~t~il~d r~pox°t pr~p~r~d by Acimin~stratnr Butch which ga~=e a revxec~r ~.nd recom~nend~~.tio~s on t~~ ~s~ of t~e Land C~nserv~.tY.on Act of 1965 (Agric;~lture Fxe~erv~ Pro~rarn.) wi~~~n ttze City Li~i~s o 'I`~e Caun~il b~ieflg d~.~ca~s~ed t~.e r~pa~t, A~~~r Cc~~nc~,l ~.:~s~ussi~n~ in~~ion ~r~s made by Cauncil~~n Sgferlin~, s~~cand.~d b~ C~~r~cilm~.n M~l?~s ~.nd ~u.nanim~~sly c~~ri~d9 to ref~~° th~ m~,tt~~° to ~~e ~'I~nn~r~g C~zm~s~.ssion far cc~ns~~.~ratian af ~h~ co~~~p~ c~f Agri~talt~~e Pres~~v~s in. d~vc~lop~r~~ ~he G~n~ral P1an far th~ Citys REGEIPT 0~ Q~AR.TERT~Y REP~RT RF C~ML~J'~I~Y B~J:~~DIN~ 17SE `T~~ Cou~n~il re~~iv~~ ~nc~ x°~~i~~r~~d ~ r~pr~rt ~~c~rct ~1~~ Ccs~n~nity Bt~i;~d.in~ Ccmmitt~~ ~how~.n~ a.t~~nd~.nc~ at .th~ C~r~a~n~,t3~ ~€n~~,~ c~~~~ing th; s~ccand r~i~.rt~~ of 19749 ~ra.~ti a t~t~.l c~f 1,54Q p~rson~ f~~.virng used t~~ ~~ail~in~ anci a t~t~1 of $110.00 r~nt~.l ~ev~nu~ r~c~ived ~his y~~r ~o d~t~e SET ~~~~:IC I~EAIZIP3G = REZO1~tL CA~E B~ VAL~LEY ROAD ~~A~~ ~~R._ ° CAI~TCE3.,LEI2 -~7~ ?.6~ r~c~unended and t1~e Co~n~fl ag~~~d tc~ ~~nc~l ~~a~ s~t~in~ o£ ~ public h~ax°~~~~ ~~~~~d~.ng t~.e reco~m~~d~.tiean of t~.e P~~,nr~~ng Cc~rn~nission ta p~~zon~ 20± a~r~~ V'~.l~~~r lZ~~.rfl frc~ ~s~~~ Agx°i~v.l~~.r~l Df~ ~~~~t t,c~ ,~R°~ Sin~Y~ Fa?~i:~y R~~ic~c~rxti~l Dis~r~ct, as t~~s t~~ ~~~ne px~~~,~~r~y~ G`~~ p~b~i~ ~~~ring ~,r~,~ ta~ld on earli~r in ~he m~e~~,ng fa~ ~,~ar~~x~~ion c~r~s3_ci~r~.~~~n, ~.rsd i~ r~~~ ~:~d~: c1e~.~ by Mr. BaYcer ~h~.~ th~ rez~ning ~ca~alcd no~ n~~~~~~.~y~ ra~ti~d~a~t t~e ~.~in~~~.tic~n. RECEIPT OF ~EG~1VI~ QUARTER SAI~~S °Tt~ AI~TD C~~ARE~T~ T~ R.~PfJRT ~1~~ G~~nci~ r~vi~~a~~ °~~po~t orc Sal~s R~v~n~a~; ~~~~z~~Pd fc~r t~e second ~~.~~°t~~° of 197~ ~.~d C~g~.x~tte T~.x r~v~n.~e r~~k ~.v~d far J~xr~~~ J~I~ and A~.g~s t 9 1974. ~ 41 czTY coUrrez~ 1974 ARROYO GRAI~E, cA~~:F~~~z~ x~POR~ m R~c~~~ x~srri~~ x~~~~~~T~ c~~z~~~~~v r~~°rz~t~ L~~ Cc~~xncil~nan d~ ~eo~. ~~g~~~~~ ~r~ t~~ ~~c~~xt~ a~c~ta.ng ~~~r~~,n R~~a~i~r~~ Comm.zssion ~ahi~~ h~ci at~-~nd~d~ s~~.~~.~g t~~~ ~1~~ Cc~rn~.s~a~~r~ ~~~~r~,~ ~o~n~ g~~dance from th~ City ~n rega~d to gc~~.15 ~.nd p~°o~~~t5 A~,n p~~~~,c~.~.~r ~~~~~r c~.~iz~n l~ousing. It w~.~ f~lt t~~.t perl~ap~ eno~,~~h p~c~pl~ ~re no~ ~.r~ar~ of ~h~ ~~~,~t~,n~e af tt~~,s C~mmis~ion, a e~rit~-~p on w~~.~ b~ ~nc~~;~.~d ~.n ~~,t~ra~ n~x~ N~~~~l~t~er4 ItEPORT ° MEETI~G OF S~TBC~N~TIT~E~ RE~Pi sM~ ~iEA~I~ S~'AT~_ PA~tI~. i3S~ ° SCHT.,E~~L Cs~azncilman Schlegel repa~°t~d on ~1~.~ S~p~egnb~~ 13t~ xn~~ting ~af t~~ sa~b° co~ri~t~~e of ~he Pisznc~ 5~~.~~ T~~~~nic~.l ~la~~~.~g C~~~~~~~, s~~.~~~g ~~~t a11 items d~sc~.ss~d. p~e~fo~sl.~ ~a~~~ r~~vi~e~r~d ~r.~. ~~afi co~p~o~n~,~~ e~n ~~.e b~ach camping is~~u~ ~.~.d be~~ r~~c~ed,A s,ri~~ c~~:p~r~~ ~~a b~ p~~~~d c~~~~ th~ n~xt ~o yeax~s ~an~.~ss al~ernativ~ ~i~~~ fn tl~~ d~ir~~~ a.~°~ ~~v~l~p~d; ~~.~.t c~~.~ ~.s~ not b~ ~°h~.x°g~d9 ~~.at nr~n~ of. tl~~ g~~~~n~ acc~~s raznps ia~ c~c~s€~ci; ~.nd that only ~.~b,~.,°ad ~~rv~,c~s (~a~, to~in~, fo~ad) Yr~ ~ff~~:~d in ~h~~ *are~,o Th~ 5~~.~w~ D~part- ~n~nt I~ ~.r~~ ~.nd. Recr~ati~n is b~~.~~ ec~ *~r cc~n~iz~~~ ~~~~~:~~.nc~~ti~n~ of tk~~~ S~w::.a. Gca~.ntya REPOIt~ ° R~CENT MAYOIZS' ME~~I~G - Tt~~I~E~i M~yor Talley ~~pc~x°t~d t~.a~ a~ tk~~ r~c~n~ l~Ip°~y~~~ B M~~~i~:~9 5~~~~~rvis~°~ Rupper had been pr~sent and ~xplain~~ t'~~ p~c.~pos~:d ~11r~c~.t~on of tYa~ G~~~.ty B~ F~der~.l Rev~nue Sl~a.~ing F~sn~s ~,r~ci ~~e1~~~o ~h~ citi~;~ ° coo~~r~.~~c~n i~ d~~r~~.c~px~~n~ ~f praject~ fo~ t~~ g~aci of t~e pa~bl~c a ~~gges ta,~ns ~aci b~~n ~n~c~,: ~~~.t t~~ caunty ~pon~or ~.11 soc~~,l p~~+g~~.~„~ ~1~~.~ ~r~ ~~~an~.y-~~~r~d,~ in s~c~p~, ~.nd funds b~ used to salve th~ c~ur~t;ye~ v~~.tcr p~c~l~l~ana~ Nc~ c~~t~nite pi~.ns w~~~ m~d~ ~n~ anothex° me~~ing ~ili be 1~~1d in nc~~,x f~~~r~ ~e~ ~st~.~lisia p~i~~~~~,~~. PROGRESS REPORT ~~RA~TGH 5T R~C~NST - A.iJ~°H~RT~E C~iV~;~ O1tD~RS N~ 1& N0~ 4 Th~ C~a~ncil re~i~w~d neias r~l~a~e x~eg~.rr~vng t~.~ p~o~r~~s o~ t1~~ Branch Streei: R~cdnstr~~ti~n P~c~jec~; ~.nci ~~ep~~t frara P~abl~.c CnTc~xk~ Di~~ctar And.erson reque~ting ~ppr~va~ of ~ro c~~n~:~ o~~~r~ ~.nd p~.y~ann~nt to D~~~~t~r.~n~. of Trans° por~ation, ;ah~ch zs to b~ a.ppti€~~' tQ con~~,~g~nci~:s anc~n~~ on px°uj~ect, as follo~as e C~ang~ C~r~F~:~ 1 ~a~~r~s & L~a~fi~ ~.~n~~a~ G~.~~ pdr.~i~n of c~~,~rr~.n $ 800Q00 C~ange O~d~r 1V~~ 4°~ Ru~f c~~~.i~ns C~~y po~~ic~n of av~r~~an $1,Oa0.p0 C1ass 2 B~.~e und~r sid~~~ll~~ - c~v~rr~.~. 30~a87 Con~~.nge~cy ~'un.c~ 5% of work retnaining ~o b~ ~c~o:nplisl~ed($33,OOt~) ~I.6~(3~00 ~~?b ~~~t~l $3,7.~a,87 Cur~~n.t B~,lanct ~1~Ol.~a$4 I~et ~~ficit $~,7!+OFl03 F~f~~r Cc~~anc~1 disc~.~~ic~~, s~ mc~t~~n c~f' C~a~r~cil~ra~n d~ ~,~o~~ s~~a~d.ed. by Co~xncilma~ Spi~rling anc~ ~a~~.nim~~.s~~ c~.rri~c~, th~ ~.~~ve G~ang~ Or~.~~~, LV~o 1 and Noo 4, in a.~our?t af $2,~40,03 wer~ ~.pprc~v~~, EL~^~ '~~.TItE~T TMPROV~ME~TT P1tOJ~C~ i~0.: 90-'~4°4: IZECEIVE BIDS & AWARI? C~~TTI2AG`~ ° CO1VG~ G~Nw EN~. C0~`TRP.~.CT~R Z''~. .^~>~.nc11 revie~~d a r~pn~t b}~ Admin~.~~rat~ar ~r~~ch r~g~.~ding financ~.ng ~f t~:~; ~~~~~t Itnpr~v~rnen~ P~'oject' ~as~:~ ~~e hig~~~ t~~.n t~~~ ~m~~cznt b~clg~~°E;d~ A r~:par~ from P~t~1.~,c W~sr~s Dir~ctc~~ And~r~c~n csr~s ~.ls~ ~~.~r~,~~~ci, ~eg~r~~~g the bid~ rer.~iv~:d ~n~ op~,n~d fc~~ 1;~.~ projec~ o~ S~pt~.!~sb~~ 19, 1974 a~ 2:00 P~Mm , as fc~ilo~as w ~~IDD~R TOTAL AMOt7:`7'T OF BID 3te BURKE C~RPORATZ(~1V P.O. Box 95~, S~n La~is O~ispcap CA 93~Q~ $239,226.00 M. J. HERMR~CK, iNC. P,O. Box 21~, Nipozno, CA 93~~+4 $22~,$95~1U RODOl~, INC . 1265 C~mm~rcial A~r~A, C~xnard, CA 9303Q $210,Q26.1Q CONCO GEN~I~I. EI°IG ~NEEIZ.IlVG CONT~CTORS P.O. Box ~lY, San L~is (~bispu, CA 9~4(~~ $195,062e75 ~~~p CITY COUIVCIL ~~P~E~BER 24, 1974 ARROYQ G1Z..A~TI~E , CAI,ZFORN7~. PAG~ Pa~bla~c Wo~ks I~ir~c~ca~ Anc~,~~~on ~~p~z~~d kk~~~ p~°~a~~s~,l of Canco ~~n~ral Engi~.ee~ing G~n~~°actors, th~ l~w b°~dc3~rs ~r~.~ ~,n ~~c~..~x~ ~ne~ r~c~~r.~~d~~i ~r,~a~c~~,~g of ~the ca~.~ract t~ f~~m. H~ ~u~r~ta~;~° ~nd~~~.~~~ ~~a~ C~~c°c~ 1~~.~ ~t~.~~d. ~~a~~ ~~azld start tl~~ pr~j~~~ ~n Oc~ob~r 15~y 19~~. Aft~~ CounciT disc~~~:~c~x~~ oc~ a~~tion o~ Cc~~~c:~?~~n I,~o~~ ~~~ortd~ci by Council~~n Sp~~r~~ng an.d ~n~n.~~~~,sT.y car~ic~~.9 t~~ ~~c~ f~~k~ G~nc~ G~x~~r~l Er~gin~er° ing Con~ractox°~ , in ~1~~ a~no~rat of fi~~062 75 ,~a~~ ~c~~pt~c~ anc~ ~h~ contract awarded. ~o ~~aa~ f~~m f~~ t~~ E1m 5~~~~~ S~~~~a I~~~~~~ ~~~~;~~~c~n ar~ci St~°~~~ R~con- struction P~~j~c~ No, 90-74°40 2) F[31~DI1VG 6F PR(~JECT ° A~TTHORIZE DIVE1g,.STOILT ~F F~JIVDS Ada~i~i~~r~.~c~r Bu~c~ ~°~~a~~s~~d d.~~~~~i~n f~~~ Ccs~:~ncil r~g~.rd~.ng his r~.<~~~~nd~rl tr~.n~fex°~ fro~ ot~i~~ f~n~.d~ ~~v~~ ~~~~s ~f the E~~ ~~r~~~ Pr~~~ct, ~ ~ ~ ~t~~ a ~x~~U~~:~,ng fu~ds b~adge~~d ~162,O~D ~pda~~d Project c~st 2365~3~D0 A~no~xtt~ n~ed~d a ~0~ ~ R~~omtzAencl~d t~ansf~~°s ~or ~Ya~ E1a~ S~~~~t Prc~j~ct Balance T~ft frc~~ Clg~rr~~ 7A000 I~a 1~y~n (F~ix ~~1cs /TI~e P ik~ ) ~:i , OQO 1~~r,a~a~:? Spr~ngs Road Inte~secg~a~n 29500 Drainage F`aznd (G~n~ra.l F~ar~d~ 23n~00 TQ'~AZ, 7~, 000 ~"~ie Co~.n~il ~i~c~zss~d ~k~~ ma~~~~, ~~~x°E~si~.g pax°~icul~.r c~ncex°n t~ua~ the ~Tewsogn Springs R~ad projec~ ~ra~.ld be pu.t aff agai~ and fe~T.ing tha~ i~ ~hould be placed in a~op gri~rit~ p~~i~i~s~ w~~n to fi~~ ~~a~ ~~p~.~al i~prav~ment road projec~ g~a~d is d~v~1~~a~~ ~b~ P~blic W~x°ks Di~~c~ca~ And~rs~~.o A~~er Coun~.i3 discus~ic~n., on xn~tion af Cc~t~.ncilm~n Sp~~~l~.ng, ~~~Un~~d b~ Co~ra~~,lman d~ L~on and um~.~i~a~sYgr ca.r~r~d, ~h~ d~.ve~s~,c~r~ of f~~dl~ as o~.tl~n~d ~bcav~ ~c~r ~he E1.~? Street Pro~~a9~ was ~~p~c~~r~r~o ~ Ae~~~nist~a~o~ ~ut~~ as~~~d~ C~~~~il ~o co~s~d~x° ~~izrg tYl~ ~Dr~inag~ Funds s~t a~id~ frr~m ~"~ri~r~.l R~ven~ne Shar~ng, r~~~a~~ than ~he G~n~r~l IDrainage F~nd as s~~t ~~r~h above. Af~er Co~.~czl dis~~s~i~+~9 on mo~ion of Cn~nc~,l~.~a Mi11is, sec~ncl~d b~ Co~ncila:a~.n Spi~rZing and azn~niar~o~sl~ ~arx°iea, it was au~horiz~d that $29,500 b~ taYcen fre~~n th~ F~~~ral R~v~n~~ SY~~~ing D~ain~g~ ~nds ~°ath~r than from the General Draircag~ Fund. 3) ACCEPTAI~CE OF DEEDS EI~M SfiR~~T PR9PER`TY ACQU~SITION Th~ Cc~unci~ r~vi~wed r~gor~ fro~r P~a~l~,~ W~x°1z~ Di~~c~o~ Aa~d~rson, Y~-hich cited ~~nat t~wo ~r~or~ d~~d:~ ~~v~ b~~n r~~~~~r~d £~r p~o~~~~~ n~c~s~a~~ ~n conjv.nction wit~a the Sc~~k~a Ela~ Stx~~t Proj~c~. Aft~r Cc~t~ncil ciisc~~~~ic~n, dn rrioti~n af Co~xncil- man Schl~geY, s~~ond.~d b~ Co~nca~lmar~ Millis anri ~.~.an.~.~o~.;~l;~ carr~ed, tl~e following d~~ds ~r~~~ ~c~.~p~t~~ an~. p~~p~r~g~ p~ycn~n~~ app~ov~cl: P1Z.~P~RT`Y PAYMENi Y~+SS ~RANTOR PYMT. QFFER IM~'R.OVE~IENTS An~~ Ce Sco~t Pc~~~~~°a~~n of Lot 46 0~ Tr~.c~ N~a ~~10 $8,~~8000 $7,530.62 La~ar~..~.~~ °x~~ & ~Elzzabeth_Aa ~~rl~~ ~ Por~~,~.~~.:. c+f ~,ot 50 in Tr~ct No. 1U $1,OdC~.00 $ 439.~+7 ~.n~ M~.~or ar~d City Cl~r~. ~~r~ a~.t~~r1z~~ ~o ~~.gn th.~ ~~~~~,fica~~~ of ~ Acc~ptanc~ on b~half of ~~ae City~ APPRO~IA~ OF F'I1~1AT MAF ~Jk `~RAC~ ~°~0 "GAR~IELD ~~~~HTS1° t~1~I~ 2 C~AS~AL CO1~~ST C~~y ~r~gin~~~ G~r~a~ ~~~~~~;ed wi~~ ~he: C~a~ncfl ~~a~: ~~nal. M~.p of Tra~t No. 540, "Garfa,~~cl H~2~?~~~, Td~~,~ a propos~d. ~~mla~ ~~.bc~i~r~~~~ie~n. ~.djac~n~ to So~x'~h El~ S~r~~t an~. ~.or~~.~~°l~ of 1~a~t~ 456 ~.rad ~98, b~faag sa~bani~ttd. ~S~ Coa~~a1 Con° stx~ction. H~ f~~,rtl~er s~at~;d tl~a~ a~.I izn~,~ov~znent~ e ~aat~~, sew~x~, gas, under- ground u~flit~.~s and d~ai~.~~~ hav~ been groposed, andt tn~ ~~q~.i~ed fees in the amav.nt of $13,3 a~a97 will l~~ p~.~d pria~ ~o the C~~.ax~~.1's n~.xg m~e~ting. 42~ CITY CC~~1N~~~ 4 SEP~EN~,~:~ 193~~ ARROYO ~1~ANDE , CALI~ORI~IA ~A~~ ~ Aft~r C~9~ncil di~c~~~~~sr~y on ~m~~°~,ora of C~a~r~~~~~~r~ 5~~,~:~~~r~~e s~.~ran~~c~ b~ Co~nc~lm~.n Milli~ ~.nd ~r~~ Ma.~ ~~~.~~s ~o. ~4>~0 ~r~.~ approve~, ~~abj~c~ tc~ th~ fol~c~r~.~g: 10 ~ Sub~.~vis io~. Bond~ ~r I~~~a~°~~~~~r~t A~~~.~:~~~~ ofi S~.~d~~r3.~ ~~rx $1~0,000 (1.QQ%) ~°~.~tk~f1~1 P~~~'c~~,.~~.~~~ ~~r~~~~~n~. ~r~.~~: ~th~ G~~~ of $ 7~g~00 (50%a) ~~b~~ ~a~d M~~~~:~°~~.~~ ,~~~s~~c~ G~~~ra~~o TREAS~TRE~t~S R~P~iR~ FOR Tk3E M~~~ 0~ yJ~:[~,~' ~:~xi~ A~~~~?~T~ ~ 3~~ T~S~ Z"r~~~~.~~r"~ R~po~~ fc~~ ~on~~~ c~f ~T~1~ ~r~~ A~u~~st, 19s~, c~e~°~ review~cl t~~ tk~e Ccaa~ncil r~~~~~ D~~~~~s~~' R~~~~~~'~~, ~ncfl o~°d~.~,~°~c~ f~.lecfl9 REC~IP~ OF "ACCIDENTS 0?v CIT~ STREE'TS" 1tEP0~i °~'O~ICE C~~.IEF CT~,RK ~he C~t~ G~ux~ci,1 r~c~i~~d.F r~v~.~:ba~d ~.r~~ ~~e~~r~r~ f~,l.~c~ a r~pc~~~ f~~~E Pc~lic~ C~~~ C~,~,r1~ ~l~ich ga~~ ir~fo~~~~ic~x~ ~.c~~~il~~. ~~c~rr ~~~id.~ ~z~,v~~tiga~~,c~n~ cc~~duet~d be~~~~r~ T~~~~a~ry l~`~~-~~ ~~a J7~.~.~;~ 3., ~~7~~~ ~~~1~,~ ~~.~g~ ~~~~~t~9 ~*~Lal~i~ng o~~s~n tl~e ~ tS'Pe e~f ~r~W~iea~la~ c~a bi.e~y~l,;~ ~.cci~.,bni~~ ~~f I~ x~~~~~~~c~ i,m ~ f~~a~.i~~, zrcjur~ or non- injur~9 ~.nc£ ~k~~ ~a~ a~d ti~r~~ o~ ~~,~~r~~c..~g ~.ra~ APPROV~ FI~AZ PAYMEr~T TO COI~TtA(:~(~~2. B~~~t.K:E CT~~R~Z~' A~T~~;E _~~1~~VE'ME;I~`~" PROJECT T~,e Cv~xncil ~°~vi~w~dl f~c~:~ C~~y Eng? rc~~r ~~.r~ia, ~,~t~~c~ ~°ecc~~nendec~ approval o~ f~nal gay~ent ~r~ t~a~ ~~~~.n~ of $~~,~~~-~2 fa~ t~~ a~p~ove~rten~ of Cherry A~~n~e, ~t~~icl~ c~ra~ c~~apl~~~d. cr~ S~~p~~~°Y~~r 13, 19~'~; ~.nd. al~z~ ~p~rov~.1 of C~aar~ge ~J~rie~ Nr,. 2, :~~a.cE~ ~a.~ m~c~~~~.~y lb~~~.~.~~ c~f ar~ ~.g~~~ox~nr~.~~ nne-foot diffe~°~n~~ a.n e1ev~.~ion bet~~~~n ~1~~: aId and n~~ ~~~~e~, a~ an ~.d~.~d. c:~st af ~PProx~.~at~l~r $1,500.QOb Af~~~ Ceanx~~il d.isc~ss~~n9 on mo~ion of C:a~.~.~~.l~~an d~ i,~on9 s~cc~nd~d. by~ Ceu~~:f1.~~an M~,1.li~ ~.ncl un~r~~~n~~~.sl~ ~~.~~~.~d, Cl~ar:~~ Ord~r No a 2 w~~ ~pprav~d ~nc~ Fir~~.l Pa~a.rde~~; ~ ~ ~1~~. ~~~c~~.nt of $:34, ~5~ . ~J2 ~o R. B~ar1~e C~~poragi~r~9 fc~~ tl~~ i~grow~~r?~~.~ a~ ~:1~~~~y ~,~~~~z~ ~a~ a.~t~or~~~~. APPROVAL, C~F FINAL NL4P OF T12ACT ~3T,"WAL.1~T C1tEEK ~ERRACE'.'4~OSB~R.I~TE & FOSTER~ Ci~y E~g~n~~~ ~~v~.~~r~~ ~r~.~~~ tt~~ Coun~i~ t'~~ F~r~~l M~,~ of Traet ~31, ~~Wa1n~.t Gx°~~k Ter~°ac~~"9 a propo~~d 8°~.c~~ ~~sici~~t~.a3 sa.bdYV~~ic~n ~.c~~at~d o~ th~ e~~~ ~a~d~: nf Halcyc~n R~ac~ b~~w~~n ~iiiv~ Ave~~.e ~.nd. W~l~~~r ~,an~, ~i~ :~tat~~. t~.at ~alx ~::;:~p~c~v~°~uents ° wa~~r~ ~e~r~r, ga~, d.rain~g~, will p~ova~d~d and fe~s i~. ~he ai~o~.~~ c~~ .,£~1~4.30 ~ia~re been paida Af~~~r C~uncil d~s~~as~~.on, on m~tion o~ Co~~.c~~z~~.r°~ ~,~or~, s~condedl by C~~snc~l~n~.n Spi~rl~.ng an.d ~~.a~~~a;ousl~ cax~i~d„ the Fir~~l ~p af T~act Noa ~~1, s~.lbm~~~e~l by d~vela~er~ J~~~y l7sbo~nL and. Jax7,e~ Faster, ~ra~ ~~~~oveci ~ub j~c~ 1~o the fo1lo~,rirag: 1. Sub~ivision Bonds ox Tm~xos~~srd~~~ ~1~~~~~r~~~~~ 2d Ex~~~~ior~ of a Sa~bd~vision $2Fi,000 (Y.00°1~) Faithf~ul P~r~~~~rdn~~ A~re~ea~~~.t wi~h t~e C~,ty of $ l~ , On0 (50°la) I~.br,r a~c~ N~.~~~~.~ ls ~rx°oy~ ~r~.r~d~ o APPOII~T7'MENT QF VOT~IVG DE~EGATE .4T ~~A~~;~ CC~~3VEIVTT(~N °~ALY~EY ,__DE LE~1~3' AS ALT. On aar~~t~,on of Car~e~.c~,l~.~~a Sp~.~~°l~:r~~, ~~~o~d~~ by~ Cc~~~cilm~~ M~.l~.is and ~.reani~r?o~.~~.~ c~~~°i~d, M~yc~~ '~a~1~~ ~r~.~ ~,~s~~~.rit~~ ~h~. ~i~y°s ~;~a~~~.~ d~legat~ at th~ L.;~g~.e of Califm~~~a C~t~,~~ C~m~ca^~~i~n in :Lo~ AngeY~~; a~.d Councilm~n d.~ Leon raa~ a~po~~ted. a~t~~r~~~~:a REPORT R~~II~? QF 1374~ 75 Tl~ 12~TE i R~G~T~II~'IEi~D~D_~°R~M A3JI9I7°Cl~ TC~ SF~"PERVISORS Z'he Co~~cil r~cei~~d a~~pQ~~ fro~ Ad~n?ni~~~a~o~ ~~atc~~~, ~~~?~.~~a ~~ts a. r~viec~ of ~h~ 19~4~75 tax ~at~~ r~com~~nd~d fro~ t~~ A~d~~ormCon~roll~~°~ off~.c~ ~h~ B~~,~.;~ of ~~xp~~visor~~ t~a~ fig~.~~~ gi~v~~ b~in~; ~~r~:~~erf:~~~~~,1 ~n~ ~'h~~~~~.~ ~a ~~ta1 ~f only $019 c~~ t~h~ o~r~~~?~~ NOTICE 3~:WSUIT F~L~~ AG~TI~ST C:C~`~ RE~ WA~EEt CHAR~~S Citg~ A~~~~n~g~ S~.ip~~~ m~tif~,~d Gc~~r~c~.~ ~~~.t la~,~~.~t ~1~~.~ be~~ filed agains~ t~i~ Clt~y ~n ref~x~~~~c~ i~~ +~~.~~r c~~.~~g~~ ~i~. 1~~~~n~5~:~sm ADJO~JR.NNIEII~'~` TO EX~CT7TTVE S~;SSI(5I~ On ~~tiQn of Coa~racfl~~n Mi~~~,~, s~~~rtc~~d. b~ C~.~~ne~lr~~~.n cY~ L,~~n and ~nanim mo~~l~ c~r~f~~, the Co~~ic~~. ~.~~~~~~~e~ ~o ~.n ~~~~~.t~~~ ~~~~i~~x a~ 10:~'+0 P.M. to ~ d~scu~~ personn~~ ~a~~~r~o 1tEC~1~1Ei~l~T T~.~ Co~ancil r~cUnv~n~d. ll.:tl2 Po~I. ~ait?~ ~.~.1 ~r~mb~r~ p~~.~~nt a.s shown on ro~l callm 42~ CITY CO~Ji~CII. SEPTEIKBER 2~, 1974 ARROYO GRAIVDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 ADJOURNM~PdT 0~. motion of Go~nc~.lr~.~.r~ IaeonS s~concYeci b~ Co~~a~~,1~.n Mi11is and ~araani° mous ly carr~.~d, th~ ane~L~ing ad jou~n~d ~.t 11. o~3 P~M~ ~.r~~~,l C a~0 P.M~ , Sep~ei~~l~er 30, 1974. ATTES T • ` ~ \ CITS~ CLEItK MAY~R CITY CO~YI~C1L SEP~EMBER 30A 1974 AR~tOYO G~A1V'DE a CA~IF+ORI~TIA 7:30 P.M. 'Tk~~ City Coaxncil met in ad.~~~t~xi~d regula.r se~sion ~,ri~h Mayor T~.lley presid~~.~o ~pon ro11 ca11, Coa~ncil M~7rabers Spi~rl~.ng~ de I,~ort, Sc~l~gel ~nd Millz~ r~pox°t~d. present, DISG~;S. RE. PURCHASE OF PAR~ ~,Al~D O~I FAIR C~AKS ° PARI~ & RECa COMM~ RECOAZMENDo Ti~e Counci~. disc~~as~~c~ at 1eng~h tt~~ ~e~ornmenda~io~ o~ ~~z~ Pa~ks ~nd R~creat~.on Co~rcnniss~on ta p~rcha.s~ parkland a~ Fai~° Oalc~ Av~n~~ and. ~a~~ of Arroyo Grande Cr~~ko Af~~r Coa~x~~ci~ di~c~,ss~an, it Taas t1~e general con~ensu~ of the Council t~at a fir~ s~atian sik~ is a fir~t priority, and that d.r~e to tYae lacle of f~nds, the Ca~.n~~~. ~elt that r~~ ac~ion ~ho~zYd b~ ~a~~n on th~ p~x°k puxchase at this ti~ne. T~a~ C~unci~ d~.c~ req~~st ~:h~ P~,~ks ~.~d R~cr~ation Com~issyon's M~.st~r Pl.a~. for S~rotr~e~ Cor~,~ra~ar~~.~Gy P~x°~ b~ d~v~lop~d in such a manner tha~ vari~~.s gro~zp~ ~rith~n ~~g~ communa.~ty c~n b~co~z?~ ~~~no 1~~d in th~ irnprov~rnent of ~h~ park~ DISCUSS I01~ RE o LOPEZ CONTRACT & S~~RPL~7~ WATEIZ Admini~trat~r B~atc~ r~v~ew~d raith th~ Co~rcc.il a~~ga~°t bri~fly sumrznarizing ~he Lopez Contract and C~~an~il cliscuss~d th~,s and a px°opo~~~ program of su~°plus water. The Council r,~a~ ~1~o ad.vis~d that lr.~ncheon meeting ha~ been ca1Z~;~. Count~r S~zp~rvisar M~nki~~ fc~~ October 117, 1974 at Tr~.d~r Nick's, to furt~l::.~ ~~,scuss t~?e W~.~t~x° Assoc~i~.~ion ~.de~., ADJOUR1Vfi2E1VT On mo~ian of Cc»nc~l?nan Sp~.~rling~ s~conded b~ Ca~~nca.lman c~e L~on and ranani~o~xsly car~°i~d., the ~s~e~in~ ~.cl~o~trned a~t 9:10 P.M~ ATTES~: ~ ~ ~ ~ C DEPtT~Y CITY CI~ERK MAYOR