HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1965-02-09 City C~uncil A~ROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 9, 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor ~'acobs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Tho~npson~ Councilmen WQOd, McNeil and Burt reported present. M~NUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meet~ng of January 26, 1965, and t~e minutes of the adjourned meeting of Febx°uary la 1965~ were apgroved as prepared. A~PROVAL F WARRANTS A mo~°ion was made by Councilwoman Thompsona seconded by C~uncilman Wood, that Gener°al Warrants No. 625 to and including N4. 674 in the tota'1 amount o~ $16,14.~.40a and Payroll Warrants Np. 762 to and including No. 814 in the total amount of $7,532.02, b~ authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION - BOY SCOUT WEEK Mayor Jacobs proclaimed the week of February 7th through 13tYa, 1965 as Boy Scout Week, in celebration of the 55th Annivcrsary of the founding of the Boy Scouts of America. TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer°s Report for the month of January, 1965 was received by the Council and ordered filed. TIME DEPOSITS The City Administrator recommended that the Budget Priority Capital Funcls amounting to $30,000 be placed in time deposits. After the Council°s discussion, a,motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman McNei1, that the Budget Priority Capital Funds in the amount of $25,000.00 from the General Fund be placed in Time Deposit for ninety (90) days, and that the Bud- get Priority Capital Funds in the amaunt of $5,000.00 from th~ Sewer Rental Fund be placed in Time Deposit for one hundred eighty (180) days. Motion carried. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS The Departmental Monthly Report for the month of January, 1965, was received by the Council and ordered filed. PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 383 .ALDER ST. - HENRY N. FULBRIGHT The City Administrator presented additional information concerning this matter; and after discussion, a motion was made . by Councilman Wood, and seconded by Councilman McNeil, that the building and/or buildings located on the property at 383 Alder Street, in the City of Arroyo Grande. California, be condemned as a public nuisance and that said nuisance 'be abated by razing or removing; and if said conditions have nvt been rectified within thirty (30) days from February 9, 1965~ t'he City wi11 have sai.d nuisance abated and the cost thereo£ Wi11 'be a lien against the p~op~r~y. Motion carried. P~'°`"~TBLE CREEK CLEARTNG OF ARROYO GRANDE CR~EK T~ . Councilman Wood, Committee Chairman o£ the Creek Clearing ~'.~~~ect, and the City Administrator presented a resume of the committee meeting held on February 3, 1965. Councilman Wcaod recommended that the City consider this possible creek clearing wi~hin the boundaries of the City of Arroya Grande, spreading the actual work and the cost thereof over a two year period; and that the City promote a Zone 3 Pilot Project for the coming year. -1- 7~ city c~uncil ARROYO GRA~DE, CAL~FO~~dIA -2- FEBRUARY 9, 1965 He further recommended that the City meet with the Councils of Grover City and ~ismo Beach to continue this study for possible benefit and cost to each city as established by the ground water usage of each area. After Council discussion, Mayor Jacobs in- structed the City Administrator to arrange a meeting with two council members of each of the cities of Pismo Beach and Grover City, and our Council representatives, Councilmen McNeil and Wood, who were appointed by r~ayor Jacobs, to further promote thi s. s~udy . REFUSE RA`~ES - RESOLU'~ION TO ADOPT I~"lAXI1'~IUM REFUSE RATES A Resolution of the City of Arroyo Grande establishing the maximum refuse rates for the City of Arroyo Grande was read through the title; thereupon, a motion was made by Councilman r~cNei1, s~conded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading ~ the balance o~ the Resolution. ~~dotion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 645 RESOLUTION OF TF3E CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF ARROYO G~',ANDE ADO~TIIVG REFU~E I2ATES IN TFIE CI'T'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wito AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen 1`~cNeil, Burt, Wood, and Mayor ;Tacobs, NOES : I~7one , ~ , AB~EN~' c I~Tone, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of February, 1965. LEAGUE REPOR'I' OT7 GOVERN(~Fi' S BUDGET This report was presented to the Council for their review and information, and thereafter placed on file. , STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZA~IOI~], ANNUAL REPOR~ ~ This report was presented to the Council by the City Admin- ~ i strator and t1-iereafter, P~dayor Jacobs appointed C'auncilwoman Thompson, City Administrator Butch and himself to commence inquiry, by lette~r, to the ~oard af S~z~~erv~_sors as to the matter of equitable distribution of sales tax nior~e~,~ ~,etween the communi- ties of San Luis Obispo County. ~ COND. USE PERr~IT REQUEaT - Certi~i..ed ~'re:i.~l~t. Y~ines ( 230 W. Branch St. ) TY~~ City Administrator rev~.ewecl ±:1~eVrecomrn.endation of the Plaz~ring Commission that the C:onditi_onal Use '~~erznit request of E~F.;=~n Nelson be appraved. P~irs. BarF~ara T~lelson spoke in favor of ~:t-~~ u.se being allowed. A motion was made k~y Councilman Burt, ~~conded by Councilman r-?cNeil, that the Gonditional Use Request of E~1win Nelson for Certified Freight Lines to permit the building on a portion of Lot 30 of Steele's resubdivision at 230 W. Branch Street to be used for an office for Certified Freight Lines in a R-1 Zone be approved under Section C of Ordinance No. 196 as long as the parcel remains the property of ~ertified Freight Lines, as recommended by the Planniang Commission. P~lotion carried. -2- City Council AF~ROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA -3- FEBRU~Y 9B 1,9C5 TRACT NO. 259 - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF° '~"TME COUNCILl~lAN McNEIL VJAS EXCUSED FROM THE MEE~'ING A'~ 8m0~ P,M. BY MAYOR JACOBS. A mo°tion v~ras macle b~r Councilman V~Toocla seconcled ~y Gounci~woman T1lompson ~ha~t the °time limi~ ~or ~Yie filing o~ the Fina1 1"~tap o~ Trac~ No. 259 be extended fo~ one year to Februa~yy 4a Y96~s a~ recommencled by the Plann~ng Commission. Motion ca~~iecl. COUNCILMAN MeNEIL ~S NOW PRESENT AT 8m08 Pr M. OAK PARK ROAD - 18TEi STREE'I'e NAM~ RECOMMENDAZ'ION Af~e~ c~iseussiona a mo~~on was made by Councilman Tni~~cle second~d ]ay Councilwoman Tlzompsone app~oving the name o~ Ce~tra~ Boulevarcl for Oak Pax°k Roac~-18°t~ Stree~9 as ~°ecommended by ~he Plann~ng Commission wi°~h correspondence ~o be written ~h~ C~ty o~ Pismo Beach, the C~ty of G~°ove~° Ci°~y and t°he Cou:n~y of San Luis Obi spo, advi sing ~hem o~ ~he accep~ance of ~thi s~°enaminc~g and requesting their approva~ before fu~°°~hex° action is ~.~~~~ne 1~ia~ion car~iedo JOIN~" MEETING - CI'~Y COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION '~he City Council con~irmecl the da°~e of Ma~ch 30, 1965 a~ 7~30 P.M. in the Arroyo Grande City Ha11 ~or the jo~n~t discussior~ mee~ing wit°h the Planning Commission. GENERZ~L MAS'I'ER PLAN M.~. La~ry Wise d~scussed the terms of ~he contract lze has wit~h ~h~ City ancl outlinec~. °t`he p~ocedure °his firm woulcT follow in cleve~oping a Master P1an fo~° the Ci~y. He also advised h~s firm vroulcl submit wr~t~en reports if t~he request were made in ~uf~icient time for s~udy and recominendation~ and that Mr. G~l.lopa ~he projec~t rr~anager fox° ~he master plan, could be reached in Lompoce and thafi. Mr. William Zion would conduct the economic developmen~ studyo DANGEROUS AND DEADLY WEAPONS ORDZNANCE DISCUSSION Tk~e Ci°ty Adminis~rator out~ined the need for a dangerous and deadly weapons orclinance as`recommended by the Chief of Police. After discussion, the Ci~y ~~ttorney was authorized and directed to prepare an ordinance. ~ ELM STREET STORM DRAIN - ACCEPTANCE The City Administrator° read a recommenclation from the Director of Public Works regarding Project 90-64-2 which stated in part: "I~ is my recomm:endation thatz 1) July 21st, 1964 considered the first working day and 2) that September 2~s~ be considerecl completion of ~he Storm Dxain Ins~alla- ~~can. This results in 19 c~lendar days overrun of the cc.~~~~ract and liquidating damages of $950.00. T feel that ~=,a°~~se damages are due ~he C,it~ for extra engineering expenses, ~~tra street sweeping and clean-up and inconvenience to property owners ad~acent to this work." A~~er discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, ~ecarzc~~c1 by Councilman Burt9 that the improvements on the Elm S~~°ee~ Storm Draina t~ro~ect No. 90-64-2 be accepted and the over- r~n pena~ty of $950.~0 be withheld f~°om final payment to M. J. H~~°mreck, Inc. Motion carried. -3- +G City C~uncil ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA -4- FEBRUARY 9, 1965 WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COr!INIIT'~"EE The Council was advised that the January 4tlz, 1965 minutes of the Wa°~er Resources Advisory Committee hacl been received and placed on fi1e. Councilman Wood gave a progress repor~ on the Comzni~tee~ and the City Administrator was ins~ructed to obtain membersY~ip ~i~°~u, committees, policies, etc. of any organization connected ~rith Water Resources in the South County, and repo,~t his findings to the Council. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs reported on the Sanitation Distric~ meetings and advised the sale of bonds would be March 15th, 1965, and the bids for the treatment planta ocean ou~fall and trunk line instal- lation would be opened P~iarch 1, 1965. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Burt, t°hat encroachment permi~s be gx°anted to install the sewe~ ~runk l~ne on necessary streets within the City. Motion carried. FEDERATED ANZERICAN INDIANS The City Administrator advised tlze Council that a letter had been received f'rom this organ~zation, asking for permission to solici~ flood damage relief materials, througlz radio and nevrspaper media only. Such permission was granted. MORRO BAY ROCK The City Administrator advised the Council that a hearing on the Morro Bay Rocx had been set £or Tuesday, March 9, 1965, at 10 A.I~I. in the City of Morro Bay, at Morro Bay Elementary School. HAT,CYON ROAD PROJECT The Council was advised by the City Administrator that they would be regularly advised of the progress and developments of this project; the actual work operation commenced February 8, 1965: POPLAR STREE'I" The City Administrator advised the Council that the City had received correspondence signed by 18 citizens residing on Poplar Street, in which they presented a grievance because of the City's refusal to pave such street. Mr. Karl. Hogan had spoke on behalf of himself and this group of citizens a~ the Council Meeting of ,Tanuary 26, 1965, and at that time ~.he Gouncil advised him that such paving could not be accomplis~hed at this ~ime because of the ext~°emely severe drainage problem, which would be further aggra- vated if the street were paved. The City Administrator was directed to personally contact the citizens on Poplar Street and explain in detail why their wishes could not be fulfilled. P. {°`m, ~ND E. - NIPOMO MESA PLANT ~ Councilman Wood gave the Council a status report on the ~~.rrent stages of this proposed plant. After a general discussion by the Council, the City Administrator was directed to forward a le~t~r to the Governor of the State o~ California, advising him that the City profoundly endorsed the proposed plant in this area. ADJOURNMENT On Motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, t`mee ing adjo at 9:35 P. M. ~ : AT'I'EST . ~d ~ ~ r' r C~, y Cler yo