PC Minutes 2016-09-20 ACTION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 ARROYO GRANDE WOMAN'S CLUB AND COMMUNITY CENTER 211 VERNON STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair George called the Regular Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Terry Fowler-Payne, John Keen, John Mack, Glenn Martin, and Lan George were present. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing, Utilities Manager Shane Taylor, Contract Planner John Rickenbach, Traffic Consultant Nate Stong, and Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Mack led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW II None 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS Ken Miles, Executive Director of Camp Fire Central Coast, spoke in support of saving the Methodist Campground and asked the Commission not to rezone the Campground. Bill Hart, Member of Historical Resources Committee, speaking on behalf of himself, spoke in support of saving the Methodist Campground and asked the Commission to help the community save the camp. Shirley Gibson, Halcyon, spoke in support of saving the Methodist Campground and asked the City to take a leadership role. Mike McCombs, read and presented a letter to the Commission regarding water policies and practices now and in the future that the City will be placing on the shoulders of residents. Patty Welsh, Arroyo Grande, questioned where water will come from for the new development located at the east end of the City. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Two memos from Community Development Director McClish dated September 20, 2016 regarding additional correspondence for Agenda Item 8.a. 2. Handout dated 06 September 2016 received from Carol Florence, Principal Planner, Oasis, ,ii regarding Agenda Item 8.a. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Commissioner George moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 6, 2016, as submitted. Commissioner Keen seconded, and the motion passed on a 5-0 voice vote. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a. CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF THE EAST CHERRY AVENUE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT (GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 15-001; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 15-001; SPECIFIC PLAN 15-001; VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 15-001; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 15-004; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 16-001) AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; LOCATION — EAST CHERRY AVENUE AND TRAFFIC WAY; APPLICANTS — SRK HOTELS, MANGANO HOMES, INC., AND ARROYO GRANDE VALLEY JAPANESE WELFARE ASSOCIATION Community Development Director McClish stated that this item is a continuation from the September 6th Commission meeting and introduced Consultant John Rickenbach. John Rickenbach, Contract Planner, addressed public input from the September 6, 2016 hearing on the proposed project including traffic, water, scale of hotel and restaurant, ag land; and recommended the Commission adopt the resolution and forward the project onto City Council. Nate Stong, consultant, Omni-Means, gave an overview of the project traffic analysis and responded to Commission questions, including collision history; vehicle speed; queuing at Traffic Way and Fair Oaks Avenue; if contact has been made to Caltrans; mitigation for traffic impact; and roundabouts. Community Development Director McClish responded to questions from the Commission on the proposed project, including traffic and funding. Carol Florence, Principal Planner, Oasis, asked that the Commission support staff's recommendation; said the applicant is deferring CUP 16-001 to allow additional analysis; addressed water; park land; modified collector road; and comments from the Commission, including the Circulation Element, traffic signal, funding, and parking. Margaret Ikeda, AG Valley Japanese Welfare Association, presented the Subarea 3 project and stated explained why Subarea 3 is part of the Specific Plan. Chair George called for a break at 8:00 pm and reconvened at 8:08 pm. Chair George opened the public hearing: Deborah Love, stated she is concerned with the proposed project, including air quality, water, traffic, roundabouts, and quality of life. She stated there are too many houses too close together. Paris Johnson, spoke against the hotel and suggested a grocery store. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 Brian Pedrotti, Village Court, expressed concern with collector road "A"; water; traffic; is in support of AG Valley Japanese Welfare Association project; and suggested the Commission recommend to the City Council that the stub street be provided in another location. Trish Avery Caldwell stated she is concerned with water, traffic, compatibility; and suggested a grocery store or park instead of the restaurant and hotel. Shirley Gibson, Halcyon, supports the removal of the hotel and restaurant; the City should have a discussion of three story buildings; in support of the AG Valley Japanese Welfare Association project; and overall happy with the project now that restaurant and hotel is deferred and can support as is. Don Gullickson, Cherry lane, spoke in support of the project and said that the well water could be treated and put into the City's water system. Linda Keating, Myrtle Drive, expressed concern with the private driveway in the development stating the police department would be unable to enforce parking issues; asked who will maintain private driveway, and said selling houses on a private drive can be a challenge. Robert Johnson, E. Cherry Street, stated the development should be consistent with the Clean Air Plan and suggested to make the project smaller. Patty Welsh, asked if there will be an HOA; said public notification is insufficient; would like to see 111 the top soil brought back; concern with water; suggested a grocery store; big rigs will not be able to drive on roundabout; Traffic Way/Fair Oaks intersection is dangerous; and would like to know what the percentage is of the developers fair share of cost for the roundabouts. April, said it is a disservice to the public to not get to hear all the Commission's questions. LeAnn Akins, Cornwall, presented a petition against the project; and expressed concern with water, traffic, and roundabouts. Cindy Hansen, concern with the project being removed now and piecemealed at a later date. Camay Arad, Allen Street, supports the hotel removed from the project; agrees that this is a piecemeal solution; disappointed that the Japanese Welfare Association did not contact Cal Poly students for help; concern with big rigs going through the Village with roundabouts; asked that the project with the hotel be denied. Colleen Martin, concern with the Traffic Commission not agreeing to the right turn only onto Traffic Way; in support of the AG Valley Japanese Welfare Association project; undo the Specific Plan; in support of the one story homes; encouraged adding a small driveway to the alley homes as most families will have three vehicles. Raymond Diepenbrock, Farmhouse Place, expressed concern with traffic on Traffic Way and Fair Oaks, and East Grand and East Branch; and is concerned that the Fair Oaks signal will cause excessive southbound traffic merging onto the freeway in the fast lane at Traffic Way -- suggested a traffic study be performed. Joel Shennum, stated the sewage/wastewater from the proposed project will need to be addressed. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 Speaker, expressed concern with the traffic study being done for only two days. Upon hearing no further comments, Chair George closed the public hearing. Community Development Director McClish, Contract Planner Rickenbach, EIR Project Manager Rita Bright, Utilities Manager Shane Taylor addressed individual Commissioners questions and concerns regarding the proposed project including, approval process; piece mealing; lot line adjustment; water availability; moratorium; grey water; impacts to farm land; historical water use; water sources; minimum lot sizes for subdivision; residential guest parking; street improvements by applicant; CEQA findings; Circulation Study; enforcement of water efficient appliances; water from the watershed coming down the hill; and mitigations for subareas. Robert Camacho, Civil Engineer, RRM Design Group, explained the watershed and drainage and responded to questions from the Commission. Commissioner Keen made a motion to continue deliberations past 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm in accordance with the By-laws. Commissioner Martin seconded, and the motion was passed upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Keen, Martin, Fowler-Payne, Mack, George NOES: None ABSENT: None Consultant Rickenbach, Community Development Director McClish, Consultant Bright, Planning Manager Downing, Traffic Consultant Stong, Applicant Carol Florence, Ms. Ikeda, continued to address Commission questions/concerns regarding the proposed project, including bus transit; public/private park; responsibility of maintaining park/funding; 100' ag buffer; electrical vehicle charging stations; alley parking and towing of vehicles; zoning in the Specific Plan; process in removing the hotel and restaurant from the project relating to the Specific Plan; and senior and guest housing. Commissioner Keen commented that the resolution should be modified for Condition of Approvals 141, 153, and 147 "to be prior to the Issuance of Building Permit". Commissioner Keen made a motion to continue deliberations past 10:30 pm. Commissioner George seconded, and the motion was passed upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Keen, George, Fowler-Payne NOES: Martin, Mack ABSENT: None Action: After discussion, Commissioner Mack moved that 8.a. be continued to allow more deliberations to a date certain of October 4, 2016 and directed staff to address the following issues: water, Caltrans review/position of Traffic Way/East Cherry; and impacts of portions of the EIR. Commissioner Martin seconded the motion. AYES: Mack, Martin, Fowler-Payne, George NOES: Keen ABSENT: None PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 Chair George called for a break at 10:46 pm and reconvened at 10:50 pm. 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM None. 10. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must be appealed or called up for review by the Planning Commission by a majority vote. Case No.. Applicant Address Description Action Planner PPR 16-013 Claudia 502 Le Point New Vacation Rental in an A S. Gilbert _ existing existing residence. Anderson TUP 16-017 Saint Patrick 900W. Branch 54th annual BBQ and A P. Holub Catholic Street Auction on Saturday and School Sunday, September 17th and 18th from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Martin said he attended one of the Halcyon Road Complete Streets community meetings and reported that the charrette worked well. Commissioner Mack suggested the Methodist Camp issue should be placed on the Commission Agenda for discussion. Ms. McClish stated said item will be on the City Council agenda in the future and responded to Commission questions regarding historic site and zoning. Planning Manager Downing said the City Council directed staff to hire a consultant to prepare the parking study. In answer to Commissioner Mack, Planning Manager said the Commission can review the scope of work prior to it being released. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 13. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Chair George, seconded by Commissioner Keen and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:57 p.m. ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHI GE' LAN G E, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Approved at PC Meeting October 4, 2016)