PC Minutes 2018-03-20 ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 2018 1 ARROYO GRANDE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Martin called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Frank Schiro, John Mack, Terry Fowler-Payne, and Glenn Martin were present. Commissioner Lan George was absent. Staff Present: Planning Manager Matt Downing and Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Schiro led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW Commissioner Mack requested Item 7.b. be pulled. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 7. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Mack moved, and Commissioner Schiro seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item 7.a. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Mack, Schiro, Fowler-Payne, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: George 7.a. Consideration of Approval of Minutes Action: Approved the minutes of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of March 6, 2018 as submitted. ITEM PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 7.b. Consideration of Certificate of Compliance 18-001; Location — 529 Crown Hill; Appticant Benjamin Hall; Representative—Jenny Emrick, Garing, Taylor & Associates Recommended Action: Adopt a Resolution approving Certificate of Compliance 18-001 Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and recommended the Commission adopt a Resolution approving Certificate of Compliance 18-001. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES MARCH 20, 2018 Commissioner Fowler-Payne provided the following comments: the map submitted is inadequate; { said the lots are land locked; the exhibit is not what the State requires; feels that not all of the legal descriptions for parcels are correct; and requested this item come back with corrections. Commissioner Mack provided the following comments: expressed concern with this item being consent and not a public hearing; stated the map is not legible; don't know what easements are on the site; there should be two ways in and out; should have access to other lots for safety reasons; and would like the applicant present. Chair Martin said the quality and thoroughness is incomplete and suggested to table this item to a date uncertain. Planning Manager Downing provided the entitlement history of the project and stated that the City Engineer and the Staff Advisory Committee recommended approval of the project. Action: Commissioner Mack made a motion that Certificate of Compliance 18-001 be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting as a Non-Public Hearing Item; a 24" x 36" of the original subdivision map be provided; additional information from the file be provided; and the exhibit be properly labeled. Commissioner Fowler-Payne seconded the motion. The motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Mack, Fowler-Payne, Martin NOES: Schiro ABSENT: George 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 9.a. CONSIDERATION OF 2017 GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and recommended the Commission receive and file the 2017 General Plan Annual Report for final acceptance by the City Council. Planning Manager Downing responded to Commission questions regarding the Bridge Street Bridge project; affordable housing; housing in-lieu fees; developer incentives to include affordable housing; the Housing Element; and vacation homes. It was the consensus of the Commission that the 2017 General Plan Annual Report be received and filed. 9.b. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner Schiro nominated Glenn Martin as Chair. Commissioner Fowler-Payne nominated John Mack as Chair. On motion by Commissioner Schiro, seconded by Commission Mack, and unanimously carried by a voice vote, the nominations were closed. Planning Manager Downing called for a vote for Glenn Martin to serve as Chair. The vote died upon the following roll call vote: AYES: Schiro, Martin NOES: Fowler- Payne, Mack ABSENT: George PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 - MINUTES MARCH 20, 2018 Planning Manager Downing called for a vote for John Mack to serve as Chair. The vote died upon the following roll call vote: - AYES: Fowler- Payne, Mack NOES: Schiro, Martin ABSENT: George On motion by Chair Martin, seconded by Commissioner Fowler-Payne, and unanimously carried, the item was continued to the next meeting when there is a full Commission. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE MARCH 6, 2018 •- This is a notice of administrative decision for Minor Use Permits, including any approvals, denials or referrals by the Community Development Director. An administrative decision must be appealed or called up for review by the Planning Commission by a ma:ority vote. Case No. - Applicant Address - Description Action Planner PPR 18-005 Laureen 176 Pine New homestay in an A C. Turner Wallravin Street existing single family residence In response to Commissioner Fowler-Payne's question, Planning Manager Downing stated that the applicant does not need to post a notice of the homestay on the property. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS In response to Commissioner Mack, Mr. Downing said water resources are typically handled as part of the Water Master Plans or similar documents. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Planning Manager Downing reported on the following: the April 3, 2018 Commission meeting will be cancelled due to lack of a quorum; Planning Technician Anderson will be leaving the City; and provided an update on the Halcyon Complete Streets project. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. ATTEST: DEBBIE WEICHINGER; d GLENN MARTIN, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION (Approved at PC Meeting April 17, 2018)