PC Minutes 2018-05-15ACTION MINUTES MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2018 ARROYO GRANDE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Martin called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Commissioners Frank Schiro, John Mack, Terry Fowler -Payne, Lan George and Glenn Martin were present. Staff Present: Community Development Director Teresa McClish, Planning Manager Matt Downing and Senior Office Assistant Patrick Holub were present. 3. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Schiro led the flag salute. 4. AGENDA REVIEW None. 5. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Commission received the following material after preparation of the agenda: 1. Letter from Vivian Krug -Cotton signed by residents neighborhood regarding Agenda item 8.a. 7. CONSENT AGENDA 7.a. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of May 1, 2018 as submitted. Action: Vice Chair George moved to approve the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of May 1, 2018. Commissioner Schiro seconded, and the motion passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: George, Schiro, Fowler -Payne, Mack, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: None 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.a. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001; CONSTRUCTION OF A 1,784 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT IN THE GENERAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT; LOCATION — 1212 FLORA ROAD; APPLICANT — MURAT & NANCY AKALIN; ARCHITECT — BILL ISAMAN, ISAMAN DESIGN Planning Manager Downing presented the staff report and recommended the Commission adopt a Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 18-001. Planning Manager Downing responded to Commission questions regarding density, legally non -conforming lot size, and prime agricultural designation. Bill Isaman, architect, spoke in support of the project and responded to Commission questions regarding siting, agricultural impacts, and viewsheds. PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 MINUTES MAY 15, 2018 Chair Martin opened the meeting for public comment. Sam Cotton, Greenwood Drive, thanked staff for their work on this project and expressed concern about future developments on Agricultural zoned properties. Vivian Krug -Cotton, Greenwood Drive, stated that this is a unique case and could have impacts on future development of Agricultural zoned properties. Gene Blanchard, Greenwood Drive, expressed his concerns with changing existing policies related to Agricultural zoned properties. Kristen, Flora Road, spoke in favor of the project, stating that it is the appropriate scale, size, and orientation to complement the existing neighborhood. James Stava, Flora Road, supported the Architectural Review Committee's decision to recommend approval of the project and stated that he was opposed to the proposed bike trail. Jason Tealander, Flora Road, suggested widening the existing shared, private driveway. Terri Ikeda, Branch Mill Road, spoke in support of the project. Vard Ikeda, Branch Mill Road, spoke in support of the project and mentioned how respectful and conscientious the applicant has been to the neighbors. Hearing no further public comment, Chair Martin closed the public comment period. Action: Commissioner Schiro moved to adopt a resolution entitled 'A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001; LOCATED AT 1212 FLORA ROAD; APPLIED FOR BY MURAT AKALIN" as submitted. Chair Martin seconded the motion. The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Schiro, Martin NOES: Fowler -Payne, Mack, and George ABSENT: None Director McClish indicated that due to the Commission not passing a motion of approval, staff would return with an appropriate resolution for denial of the project at the next meeting. 9. NON-PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS SINCE MAY 1, 2018 None. 11. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Chair Martin spoke of his responsibility as Planning Commission Chair and spoke about the decision- making process of the Commissioners. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 15, 2018 PAGE 3 Director McClish informed the Commission that the public comment period on the environmental documents for the Brisco Interchange Project closed May 12th. Director McClish gave an update on the Central Coast Blue project and informed the Commission that the ribbon cutting ceremony for the demonstration facility was earlier that day. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. /s/ Glenn Martin, Chair ATTEST: /s/ Patrick Holub, Senior Office Assistant (Approved at PC Mtg 6-05-18)