ARC 2018-05-07_08a Flora ADU CUP MEMORANDUM TO: ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FROM: MATTHEW DOWNING, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001; CONSTRUCTION OF A 1,784 SQUARE FOOT ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT IN THE GENERAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING DISTRICT; LOCATION – 1212 FLORA ROAD; APPLICANT – MURAT & NANCY AKALIN; ARCHITECT – BILL ISAMAN, ISAMAN DESIGN DATE: MAY 7, 2018 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Recommendation for future action by the Planning Commission will result in a new accessory dwelling unit on a developed parcel in the Agricultural zoning district. IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) consider the proposed project and make a recommendation for approval to the Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: The subject property is a 5.08 acre parcel located at 1212 Flora Road (Attachment 1). The property is zoned Agriculture (AG), is currently developed with an approximately 1,860 sq. ft. single family home, and not currently being used for agricultural operations. The property is surrounded by other Agricultural properties to the north, west and east and shares a property line with two Single-Family zoned properties. The site is generally flat and is accessed from a private driveway at the terminus of Flora Road, which is shared with two (2) adjacent properties ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: Project Description The proposed project consists of the construction of a new, custom built, 1,784 sq. ft. accessory dwelling unit (ADU). A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for any ADU on an AG zoned property. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001 MAY 7, 2018 PAGE 2 General Plan The General Plan designates the subject property for Agricultural land uses. Development of an ADU on AG zoned property presents the potential to impact long - term agricultural operations supported by the General Plan Agriculture, Conservation, and Open Space (A/C/OS) Element. The policies of the A/C/OS call for the preservation of agriculturally-viable land and low maximum densities. However, the property is smaller than the standard lot size of the AG zoning district, the proposed ADU provides an additional housing opportunity in the City for aging relatives and other families in the future, and is designed and located in such a fashion to avoid negatively impacting the agricultural potential of the property to the greatest extent feasible. Development Standards As discussed previously, the subject property is zoned AG. The intent of the AG Zoning District is to “provide for and protect lands for agricultural crop production, grazing, limited sales of agricultural products, and limited agricultural support industries and services. This district is intended primarily as an area for the production of food and fiber, but also permits single-family detached residential dwellings at a maximum density of 1.0 dwelling unit per 10.0 gross acres, as well as temporary housing for farm workers.” The proposed project does not negatively impact the property’s ability to be a viable agricultural resource due to the proposed location of the ADU along the perimeter of the parcel, adjacent to the roadway, but does not contribute towards an agricultura l use either. The proposed ADU meets all development standards of the AG zoning district. Note that some typical development standards or residential zoning districts, including lot coverage and floor-area-ratio, are not required standards of the AG zoning district. Table 1: Site Development Standards for the AG Zoning District Development Standards AG District Proposed Notes Front Yard Setback 50 ft. ~138 ft. Code Met Rear Yard Setback 50 ft. ~310 ft. Code Met Side Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Code Met Street Side Yard Setback 30 ft. N/A Not Applicable due to private drive Max Height 30 ft. ~ 21 ft. Code Met Maximum Size The Municipal Code does not have limitations on maximum size of an ADU for the AG district. The proposed ADU is 1,784 sq. ft., which is larger than the typical 1,200 sq. ft. maximum applied in residential zoning districts, where smaller lot sizes are located. Additionally, the ADU is larger than 50% of the main structure, another standard for ADUs in typical residential properties. The Conditional Use Permit process allows ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 18-001 MAY 7, 2018 PAGE 3 flexibility with Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Standards. In light of the scale of the property, standards that are typically applied to properties ranging between 5,000 and 50,000 sq. ft. are not necessarily appropriate for a property totaling over 220,000 sq. ft. The proposed ADU will provide an additional housing opportunity in the City for aging relatives on a property that is large enough to support two residential units, and is located in such a way as to minimize, if not eliminate, any potential impacts that may prevent the property from being utilized for agricultural purposes in the future. Architecture The structure is designed in a farmhouse style, with high pitched roofs and standing seam metal porches and dormers. The proposed structure is designed wi th all four elevations in mind by including detailing on all four planes. The garage door is front facing, albeit only visible from the shared driveway, and emulates traditional carriage doors. A 439 sq. ft. covered deck is accessed through the rear of the structure, wrapping around the north and east frontages. The roofing, when not constructed with the standing seam metal, will be a composition shingle roof. Color elevations have not been included with the proposal; however, the applicant indicates that structure will be painted white with charcoal roof, windows and trim. Trees and Landscaping Landscaping is shown on the proposed plans but is not identified. However, the landscaping depicted appears to include densely planted shrubbery and four (4) new trees. It is recommended that if the ARC in supportive of the proposed project, review of the final landscape plan by the ARC be conditioned. ADVANTAGES: The proposed project will add an additional housing unit in the City that will provide an opportunity for the ability for a family member to live on -site with the applicant. DISADVANTAGES: The proposed ADU will create additional housing stock on an agricultural property, a Zoning District not identified for additional density by the General Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The project was reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determined to be categorically exempt per Section 15 303(a) of the Guidelines regarding new construction of an accessory dwelling unit. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENT: The Agenda was posted at City Hall and on the City’s website in accordance with Government Code Section 54954.2. No comments have been received. Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Project Plans ATTACHMENT 1 Subject Property Existing Residence ATTACHMENT 2