R 1891 � ,� `� RESOLLTTION NO. 1891 A RESOLLTI'ION OF THE CTl'Y CAUNCIL OF T'F3E CTtY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY 'DEEDED BY RUDI H. LOKKART AND I:INDA J. IAKKART AND AUI'HORIZING THE MAl'OR TO EXfiCUTE A CERTIFICATE' OF ' ACCEPI'ANCE (GOVERNMENT fADE SEGTION 27281) WHEREAS, the City has enteced into an Agceemart to purchase a portion of a parcd of ceal �operty fc� Rudi H. Lokkart and Linda J. Lokkart, and; WHEREAS,it is necessacy for the C'ity to ezecute a Certificate of Acceptance befoce tha deed may be recotded. NOW,THBREFORH,it is hereby cesolved by the City Councilof the city of Arnyo Grandc as follows: 1. 'Ihe Mayoc is hereby aushorized to esecute on behalf of the City a Ce=tificate of Acceptana of teal property from Rudi H. Lokkazt and Linda J. Lokkart. in substantially the fomi and content shown on E�ubit "A" attached hctew, and thc Certificate of Acceptance may be recocded simultaneoualy with the rtcocdation of the Grant Deed. On motioa of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Membet Moots, and on the following coll call vote, to wit: ` , AYES: Council Membets Gallagher and Moou and Mayor �ith NOES: Council N,embers jotmSon and Portec A BSENT: None the fotegoing Resolution was pasaed and adopted tk�is lOth day of September, 1985. � , ' MAYOR A'I'I'ESI': �_�I�� Q• A7� CITY CLERK ; I , NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, St�a'te of Californja, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No.1891 is a true, full and corKect copy, of said Resolution passed and adopted ab a reguTar meeting of said Council on t�e tOth day�of?September, 19$5. WITNESS my h�nd and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day of �Sef�tember,, 1985. l, � �� % � ' � ,• -� .�,Y... � ._ '_ �_�, � „ . _." '�:.�, .W,.. ,__ . . ..r� ' � RECUHUINGREQUESTEDBY • �) �. �' ' TIGOR TITLE � INSURANCE C0. � � i �.� ', �� .. AND WHEN RECORDED MAII TO I,� !I i;; � ;-� �,l . . � � , r CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , OEiJ'2^'"' Nema pOST OFFICE BOX 550 �C. NO. ARROYO GRANDE CA 93420 OFFICIAL RECORDS st,..t e SAN LUIS 081SP0 CO.,CA Atldron NOV 8 1985 si:ie& L J FRANCIS M. COONEY Counry Clerk-Recorder MAII TAX STATEMENTS TO TIME 8U0 AM r � "°^1e SAME AS ABOVE Streat p��'p �p��p �T � Addren � ' citv a L J � seem SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE CAT.NO. NN00582 Individual Grant Deed TO1923CAI2-83) TMIBFORMFVRNIBHEDBYTICORTITLEINBURERB APN NO• O7 492 07 OOO The undersigned grantor(s) declaze(s): J F Documentary transfer tax is $ ] O1 . 20 Q a ( XX) computed on full value of property conveyed, or � ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: (gX) City of ARROVO CRANDE , and o FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RUDI H. LOKKART AND LINDA J. LOKKART, HUSBAND AND WIFE O hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE� A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION the following described real property in the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE County of SAN LUIS OBISPO , State of California: LOT 4 IN BLOCK 6 OF THE SUBDIVISION OF W. N. SHORT, C. J. MASON AND W. WHITELEY, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, Q STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED IN BOOK A, PAGE 48 OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. � THIS DEED IS GIVEN IN FULL SATISFACTION AND AS A COMPLETE PERFORMANCE OF AN OPTION FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY EXECUTED BY RUDI H. Q, LOKKART AND LINDA J. LOKKART TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, DATED APRIL 17 , 1985. h Dated: OCTnRF.R 4�1985 � � UDI H. L ART STATE OF CALI RNIA • ) COU Y OF ' }SS. "��� ��.// � /�u.c.� �lr�bs:� me, the undersigned, a N ry Public i and r 'b St te, v LINDA J ��� OKKART � pers ylly appearep i �i� �. ' �� �J� J -'�- - ---- , � � personally known o me or proved to e on the basia of sat- isfactory evidrnce to be the person�vhose name ��---�-�- -- subscr�ib�d to)the within instrument and ack owledged � '' OFFicia�SEnt that�/exewted the same. � � �� � A. CLARK WIT�lESS�ny hand and fldalSeaL � � NOTARV PUBIIGCAUFORNIA � PRINCIPAL OFFICF IN ( ��� [/�J � � �, SAN LUIS OHISPO COUNTY Signature \ �(1/iTA�---�� My Commission Expires Juty 1, 1986 (This area for otficial notarial seaq Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. ESCROW N0. 150394 AC MAIL TAX STAtEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE VOi PAGE . - . ' RS90LUTION NO, 1891 A RESOLVTION OF THH CITY CAUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDH ACCBPI'II�1G C&RTAIN REAL PROPSRTY DB&DSD BY RUDI H. IAKKART AND I;llVDA J. IAKKART AND AiIfHORTZING THE MAYOR TO EXSGYTI'S A CfiRTIFICAT& OE ACCEPTANCS (GOVERNMENT fJOD6 SEGTION 27281) WE�REAS, the City has cnteced into an Agceement to p�uchase a portion of a pacccl of ceal pcopccty fcom Rudi H. Lokkart and Linda J. Lokkart, and; WHSREAS,it is neceasacy foc the C'ity to e:ecute a Cettificate of Acceptance bcfoce the deed may be recorded. NOW,THfiRSFORS,it is heceby reaolved by the City Council of the city of Accoyo Grande as followa: 1. 'Ihe Mayor is hereby autborized to taecute on behalf of the City a Cectificate of Acceptance oE ceal propecty f:am Rudi H. Lokkact and Linda ). Lokkact, in substantially the fom� acd content ahown on H�ibit "A" attached hcceto, and the Cectificate of Acceptance may be cecocded aimulteneowly with the cecocdation of the G[ant Decd. On motion of Council Membec Gallaghec, seconded by Council Memba Moota, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Mrnd�as Gellagher and Moots and Mayor 9unth NOES: Council Membets Jokuuon and Foctec ABSHNT: None the foregoiog Reeolution was �ased and adopted this lOth day of Septembec, 1985. _=�1 , MAYOR ATTBSI': I��� , CITY CLHRK .- . �t '�'�4 ,tti. ` �,..•MA CY��A, DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, St�te of Califo�nia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No.1891 is a true, full , �Lhd �o�-�YRf1t�,�flpy pf, said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council I.�oti��� 'lOth,d'at�bS� September, 1985. ' ' ' WIT}�5'S•.�y �$nd and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 13th day `.,Qf,�f �,�,e���49$�.. ' �•� .�: .iP .� �1 I � /� ♦ ,. � �•y . � �. . Y7fitYY1J , � r�.... .���;i�� � K/w.. .� V6l � 1 f O PAGE��O ! t n y��.,. . � • . � . R � � CfiRTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCfi OF REAL PROPERTY BY A PUBLIC AGENCY (GOVERNMENT CODE SEGTION 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Grant Deed dated ���'" , 1985,fro�n Rudi Lokkart and Linda Lokkact to the Cit of Arro Grande Y Yo , a political corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande,pursuant to authority conferred by R esolution No. 1891 of said City Council adopted on Septembe r 10,1985,and the City consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: September 13, 1985 gy. � B'ANN SMTTH MAYOR ,J� t� 4l.+? �,, � ` •,4 �. � ~ ..�:��C 1 R c C�4 � ';� ���A.�-� . A'�'gS'F'Fl,., � � • , O �� . �..'�3R,.��_. � '. f : :t..�r r.o, t G 4` Ci iy cLBx x n• «. ���'�-F•... .. .t�\�� cn .