PC R 18-2311 RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-003 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 18-001; APPLIED FOR BY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FOR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY; LOCATION — 184 BRISCO ROAD WHEREAS,,the applicant has filed Tentative Tract Map 18-003 for a nine (9) lot residential subdivision and Planned Unit Development 18-001 to construct eight (8) attached single- 1 family homes for very low income families; and WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Committee of the City of Arroyo Grande considered this project on June 18, 2018 and recommended approval of the project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA), the State CEQA • Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and determined that the project is exempt pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines regarding in-fill development projects; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the project at a duly noticed public hearing on August 21, 2018, and considered all written evidence and oral testimony; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code through the Planned Unit Development permit process; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing,the following circumstances exist: Tentative Tract Map Findings: 1: The proposed tentative tract map is consistent with goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan, as well as any applicable specific plan, and the requirements of this title. The proposed tract map would allow the subdivision of 0.5 acres into nine (9) lots for the development of eight(8) attached single-family residences that is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, plans, programs, intent and requirements of the Arroyo Grande General Plan. The subdivision would allow very low income housing at a density and design that is compatible with the nearby residential neighborhood and is consistent with density bonuses allowed by State Law and the Municipal Code. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 2 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. The site is 0.5 acres of vacant land adjacent to existing high density residential - development, and is physically suitable for the attached single family residential development as a residential infill location. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The site is physically suitable as designed for the density of development with the appropriate density bonus, open space, and modified site development standards allowed through the Planned Unit Development process. 4. The design of the tentative tract map or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The proposed tract map has been reviewed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for implementation of CEQA and no impacts are anticipated due to being categorically exempt from further CEQA review per Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines and pursuant to CCR Section 15194(b) (d). 5. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. The design of the subdivision would result in a development of appropriate density, consistent with the density of adjacent residential uses, and would include all necessary infrastructure, roadway improvements, and parking. 6. The design of the tentative tract map or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public-at-large for access through, or use of, property within the proposed tentative tract map or that alternate easements for access or for use will be provided, and that these alternative easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. The design of the tentative tract map will not conflict with any public or private easements as no such easements exist on the site. 7. The discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system will not result in violation of existing requirements as prescribed in_Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000) of the California Water Code. The proposed discharge of waste into the existing system is conditioned to meet.requirements. 8. Adequate public services and facilities exist or will be provided as the result of the proposed tentative tract map to support project development. There are adequate provisions for public services to serve the project development and no deficiencies exist. The provisions for water, sanitation and public utilities were examined through the environmental review process, and RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE3 it was determined that adequate public services will be available for the proposed project and will not result in adverse impacts. Planned Unit Development Findings: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the goals, objectives and programs of the general plan and any applicable specific plan; The proposedproject is consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Plan by providing eight (8) attached single family residences for very low income families. 2. The site for the proposed development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking area, loading areas, landscaping, and other features required; With the flexibility offered by the Planned Unit Development and the modified development standards for lot size, coverage, FAR, and setbacks, the site is adequate to meet the intent of the Multifamily Apartment (MFA) zoning district. 3. The site for the proposed development has adequate access, meaning that the site design and development plan conditions consider the limitations of existing streets and highways; With one access off of Brisco Road, the project provides adequate access to the new lots for the type and density of development proposed as part of the project. 4. Adequate public services exist, or will be provided in accordance with the conditions of development plan approval, to serve the proposed development; and that the approval of the proposed'development will not result in a reduction of such public services to properties in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare; Adequate public services are available to serve the project and proposed development will not result in a reduction of public services in the vicinity so as to be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare. 5. The proposed development, as conditioned, will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding property, or the permitted use thereof, and will be compatible with the existing and planned land use character of the surrounding area; The proposed development is compatible with the existing land use character of the surrounding area as an infill residential project, and as conditioned will not have a substantial adverse effect on surrounding properties. 6. The improvements required, and the manner of development, adequately address all natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development and the project site, including, but not limited to, flood, seismic, fire and slope hazards; RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 4 Limited improvements are required for the proposed project and all improvements have been conditioned to adequately address all natural and manmade hazards associated with the proposed development. 7. The proposed development carries out the intent of the planned unit development provisions by providing a more efficient use of the land and an excellence of design greater than that which could be achieved through the application of conventional development standards; The planned unit development provides a more efficient use of the land by allowing modifications to the development standards for lot dimensions and setbacks, __allowing for increased densities desired in the MFA zoning district. 8. The proposed development complies with all applicable performance standards listed in Section 16.32.050(E). The proposed development meets open space requirements applicable to Planned Unit Developments and all Planned Unit Development performance standards. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Tentative Tract Map 18-003 and Planned Unit Development 18- 001 as set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Commissioner George, seconded by Commissioner Fowler-Payne, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: George, Fowler-Payne, Mack, Martin NOES: None ABSENT: Schiro the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 21st day of August, 2018. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 5 GLENN MARTIN CHAIR ATTEST: MATTHEW DOWNING SECRETARY TO THE C e ISSION AS TO CONTENT: TER M LISH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 6 EXHIBIT 'A' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 18-003 AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 18-001 184 BRISCO ROAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION GENERAL CONDITIONS -----1. Thisapprovalauthorizes the subdivision and construction of eight (8) single-family attached residences in the Multi-Family Apartment (MFA) district. 2. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all Federal, State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 3. This application shall automatically expire on August 21, 2020 unless a Final Map is recorded. Thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant may apply for an extension of one (1) year from the original date of expiration. 4. The applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 18-003 and Planned Unit Development 18-001. 5. Development shall conform to the MFA zoning requirements except as otherwise approved. 6. Development shall occur in substantial conformance with the plans presented to the Planning Commission at the meeting of August 21, 2018 and marked Exhibit "B", except as otherwise modified by these conditions. 7. The applicant shall, as a condition of approval of this tentative map application, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande, its present or former agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its past or present agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul'City's approval of this subdivision, which action is brought within the time period provided for by law. This condition is subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 66474.9, which are incorporated by reference herein as though set forth in full. 8. A copy of these conditions shall be incorporated into all construction documents. 9. At the time of application for construction permits, plans submitted shall show all development consistent with the approved project plans and as conditioned. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 7 DEVELOPMENT CODE 10. Development shall comply with Development Code Sections 16.48.070, Fences, Walls and Hedges"; 16.48.120, "Performance Standards"; and 16.48.130, "Screening Requirements" except as otherwise required through this entitlement. 11. Setbacks, lot coverage, and floor area ratios shall be as shown on the development plans including those specifically modified by these conditions. 12. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.56, "Parking and Loading Requirements" except as otherwise required through this entitlement. All parking spaces adjacent to a wall,fence, or property line shall have a minimum width of 11 feet. 13. Trash enclosures shall be screened from public view with landscaping or other appropriate screening materials, and' shall be made of an exterior finish that complements the architectural features of the main building. The trash enclosure area shall accommodate recycling container(s). 14. Final design and location of the trash enclosure(s) shall be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee and approved by the Community Development Director. 15. Noise resulting from construction and operational activities shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.16 of the Municipal Code. Construction activities shall be restricted to the hours of 7 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday, and from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays. No construction shall occur on Sundays or City observed holidays. 16. At the time of application for construction permits, the applicant shall provide details on any proposed exterior lighting, if applicable. The lighting plan shall include the height, location, and intensity of all exterior lighting consistent with Section 16.48.090 of the Development Code. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so that neither the lamp nor the related reflector interior surface is visible from adjacent properties. All lighting for the site shall be downward directed and shall not create spill or glare to adjacent properties. All lighting shall be energy efficient (e.g. LED). 17. All new construction shall utilize fixtures and designs that minimize water and energy usage. Such fixtures shall include, but are not limited to, low flow showerheads, water saving toilets, instant water heaters and hot water recirculating systems. Water conserving designs and fixtures shall be installed prior to final occupancy. 18. Landscaping shall be installed or bonded for before . final building inspection/establishment of use. The landscape and irrigation plan shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect subject to review and approval by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. The landscape plan shall be in conformance with Development Code Chapter 16.84 (Water Efficient RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 8 Landscape Requirements) and the State Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). 19. For projects approved with specific exterior building colors, the developer shall paint a test patch on the building including all colors. The remainder of the building may not be painted until inspected by the Community Development Department to verify that colors are consistent with the approved color board. A 48-hour notice is required for this inspection. 20. All Fire Department Connections(FDC)shall be located near a fire hydrant, adjacent to a fire access roadway, and screened to the maximum extent feasible. 21. Double detector check valve assemblies shall be located directly adjacent to or within the respective building to which they serve. 22. All ducts, meters, air conditioning equipment and all other mechanical equipment, whether on the ground, on the structure or elsewhere, shall be screened from public view with materials architecturally compatible with the main structure. It is especially important that gas and electric meters, electric transformers, and large water piping systems be completely screened from public view. All roof-mounted equipment which generates noise, solid particles, odors, etc., shall cause the objectionable material to be directed away from residential properties. 23. All conditions of this approval run with the land and shall be strictly adhered to,within the time frames specified, and in an on-going manner for the life of the project. Failure to comply with these conditions of approval may result in an immediate enforcement action. If it is determined that violation(s) of these conditions of approval have occurred, or are occurring, this approval may be revoked pursuant to Development Code Section 16.08.100. SUBDIVISION CONDITIONS 24. The developer shall . comply with Development Code Chapter 16.20,, "Land Divisions". 25. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.64, "Dedications, Fees and Reservations." . • 26. The developer shall comply with Development Code Chapter 16.68 "Improvements". All above ground utilities shall be placed underground. 27. Lots shall be numbered in sequence. 28. The applicant shall submit Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) that are administered by a subdivision homeowners'association, formed by the applicant for the area within the subdivision. The CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved, by the City Attorney and recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. At a RESOLUTION NO. 18.2311 PAGE 9 minimum, the CC&R's shall: a. Provide for maintenance of the driveways, common areas, sewer lines and other facilities; b. Prohibit additions to the units; c. Require garages to be kept clear for parking cars at all times; and d. Inform residents of the water conservation requirements placed on this project. 29. A joint maintenance agreement for the common driveway, open space, sewer, and drainage systems shall be submitted for review and approval of the City Attorney. The joint maintenance agreement shall be recorded prior to or concurrently with the final map. 30. An operations and maintenance agreement shall be submitted for all drainage facilities. 31. The applicant shall remove all structures in conflict with new lot lines. 32. A building permit will not be issued until all drainage facilities are functional to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY DIVISION AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS BUILDING CODES 33. The project shall comply with the most recent editions of the California Building Standards Code, as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. FIRE LANES 34. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall post designated fire lanes, per Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. 35. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced, per Police Department and Fire Department guidelines. FIRE FLOW/FIRE HYDRANTS 36. Project shall have fire flow in accordance with the California Fire Code. 37. Prior to final of subdivision improvements, fire hydrants shall be installed, per Fire Department and Public Works Department standards, and per the California Fire Code. SECURITY KEY BOX 38. The applicant must provide an approved "security key vault," per Building and Fire Department guidelines and per the California Fire Code. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 10 FIRE SPRINKLER. 39. _ All buildings must be fully sprinklered per Building and Fire Department guidelines and per the California Fire Code. 40. Provide Fire Department approved access or sprinkler-system per National Fire Protection Association Standards. ABANDONMENT/NON-CONFORMING 41. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall show proof of properly abandoning all non-conforming items such as septic tanks, wells, underground piping and other undesirable conditions. DEMOLITION PERMIT 42. A demolition permit must be applied for, approved and issued. All asbestos and lead shall be verified if present and abated prior to permit issuance. ENGINEERING DIVISION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS All Engineering Division and Public Works Department conditions of approval as listed below are to be complied with prior to recording the Final Map, unless specifically noted otherwise. POST CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, STORMWATER CONTROL PLAN, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN, AND ANNUAL STORMWATER CONTROL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 43. The Applicant shall develop, implement and provide the City a: a. Prior to a building or grading permit a Stormwater Control Plan that clearly provides engineering analysis of all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section-5.2.2. b. Prior to final acceptance an Operations and Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Agreements that clearly establish responsibility for all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls complying with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.2.3. c. Annual Maintenance Notification indicating that all Water Quality Treatment, Runoff Retention, and Peak Flow Management controls are being maintained and are functioning as designed. d. All reports must be completed by either a Registered Civil Engineer or Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer (QSD). GENERAL CONDITIONS 44. The developer shall sweep streets in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 13-4.03F. 45. The working hours for work requiring engineering inspections shall comply with Standard Specification Section 5-1.01. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 11 46. Provide trash enclosure in compliance with Engineering Standard 9060 with solid/rain-deflecting roof. Drain of trash enclosure to tie into the sewer interceptor or the onsite water quality BMP. 47. Trash enclosure area(s) shall be screened from public view with landscaping or other appropriate screening materials, and shall be reserved exclusively for dumpster and recycling container storage. Interior vehicle travel ways shall be designed to be capable of withstanding loads imposed by trash trucks 48. All project improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the most recent version of the City of Arroyo Grande Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 49. Record Drawings ("as-built" plans) are required to be submitted prior to release of the Faithful Performance Bond. 50. Submit as-built plans at the completion of the project or improvements as directed by the Community Development Director in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 9.3 E. Provide One (1) set of paper prints and electronic documents on CD or flash drive in both AutoCAD and PDF format. 51. Submit three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) electronic PDF file of approved improvement plans for inspection purposes during construction. 52. Preserve existing survey monuments and vertical control benchmarks in compliance with Standard Specifications Section 5-1.26A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 53. The project shall retain and infiltrate 100% of the 100-year event due to the site being located within Storm Water Drainage Zone A in accordance with Appendix I of the City Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 54. The project shall comply with Tier 1, 2, and 3 Post Construction Requirements per the City Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards due to the project creating over 15,000 sq. ft. of impervious surfaces. 55. The developer shall install a drive approach on Brisco Road for access into the complex per City Standard 2110. 56. The developer shall coordinate with the adjacent property owner at 196 Brisco Road regarding the drive approach to their driveway and replace the existing drive approach located on the project site with standard curb, gutter, and sidewalk per City Standards. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 12 IMPROVEMENT PLANS 57. Public Improvement Plans, Site Civil Plans, and Maps shall be submitted to the Community Development Department Engineering Division as a separate submittal from any vertical construction/structures building improvement plans. 58. Improvement plans must comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 1 and shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or qualified specialist licensed in the State of California and approved by the Public Works Department and/or Community Development Department. The following plan sheet shall be provided: a. Site Plan i. The location and size of all existing and proposed water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities within the project site and abutting streets or alleys. ii. The location, size and orientation of all trash enclosures. iii. All existing and proposed parcel lines and easements crossing the property. iv. The location and dimension of all existing and proposed paved areas. v. The location of all existing and proposed public or private utilities. vi. Location of 100-year flood plain and any areas of inundation within project area. b. Grading Plan with Cross Sections c. Retaining Wall Plan and Profiles d. Roadway Improvements Plan and Profiles e. Storm Drainage Plan and Profile f. Utilities - Water and Sewer Plan and Profile g. Utilities— Composite Utility h. Signing and Striping i. Erosion Control j. Landscape and Irrigation Plans for Public Right-of-Way k. Tree Protection Plan I. Details m. Notes n. Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Measures o. Other improvements as required by the Community Development Director. (NOTE: All plan sheets must include City standard title blocks) p. Engineers estimate for construction cost based on County of San Luis Obispo unit cost. 59. Submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Community Development Director including any referenced geotechnical report. 60. Prior to approval of an improvement plan the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for inspection of the required improvements. 61: Applicant shall fund outsourced plan and map check services, as required. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 13 62. -Upon approval of the improvement plans, the applicant shall provide a reproducible mylar set and 3 sets of prints of the improvements for inspection purposes. Prior to acceptance of the improvements, the applicant shall provide reproducible mylars, and 2 sets of prints of the approved record drawings (as-builts). 63. If applicable, submit all retaining wall calculations for review and approval by the Community Development Director including any referenced geotechnical report. 64. The developer shall be responsible for obtaining an encroachment permit for all work within a public right-of-way. DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 65. The property owner shall offer dedication to the public any additional right-of-way for Brisco Road as needed for street improvements being constructed along the frontage, but limited to curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 66. A Public Utility Easement shall be provided for sewer, water, electrical, cable, and telephone for all lots. 67. A Private Drainage Easement shall be provided for all lots. 68. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from the map shall be prepared by the applicant on 81/2 X 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing fees. 69. Abandonment of public streets and public easements shall be listed on the final map or parcel map, in accordance with Section 66499.20% of the Subdivision Map Act. 70. The subdivider shall enter into a subdivision agreement for the completion and guarantee of improvements required. The subdivision agreement shall be on a form acceptable to the City. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK 71. Install new concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk as directed by the Community Development Director and Public Works Director. 72. Install ADA compliant facilities wherenecessary or verify that existing facilities are compliant with State and City Standards. 73. Install tree wells with root barriers for all trees planted adjacent to curb, gutter and sidewalk to prevent damage due to root growth. 74. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter& sidewalk or driveway approach shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 14 DEDICATIONS AND EASEMENTS 75. A drainage, sewer main and/or water main easement(s) shall be dedicated to the public on the map. 76. All easements, abandonments, or similar documents to be recorded as a document separate from a map, shall be prepared by the applicant on 8 1/2 x 11 City standard forms, and shall include legal descriptions, sketches, closure calculations, and a current preliminary title report. The applicant shall be responsible for all required fees, including any additional required City processing. GRADING AND DRAINAGE 77. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A GRADING PERMIT, the developer shall submit two (2) copies of the final project-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or a Water Quality Control Plan (WQCP) consistent with the San Luis Obispo Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWCB) requirements. 78. All grading shall be performed in accordance with the City Grading Ordinance and Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards. 79. Drainage facilities shall be designed in compliance with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 5.1.2. 80. Submit a soils report for the project shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and supported by adequate test borings. All earthwork design and grading shall be performed in accordance with the approved soils report. The date of the soils report shall be less than 3 years old at the time of submittal. 81. The applicant shall dedicate a pedestrian access easement(s) for the ADA sidewalk extension. 82. Infiltration basins shall be designed based on soil percolation tests. Infiltration test shall include adequate borings depth and frequency to support design recommendations. SEWER 83. All sewer laterals shall comply with Engineering Standard 6810. PUBLIC UTILITIES 84. Prior to approving any building permit within the project for occupancy, all conditions of approval for project shall be satisfied. 85. Street lighting shall comply with Engineering Standard 1010 Section 3.1.2.Q. PUBLIC SAFETY 86. Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant shall submit exterior lighting RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 15 plan for Police Department approval. 87. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall post accessible parking signage, per California Building Code Section 11A and other applicable standards. FEES AND BONDS The applicant shall pay all applicable City fees, including the following: 88. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO PLAN SUBMITTAL a. Map check fee for tract map. b. Plan check for grading plans. (Based on an approved earthwork estimate) c. Plan check for improvement plans. (Based on an approved construction cost estimate) d. Permit Fee for grading plans. (Based on an approved earthwork estimate) e. Inspection Fee of subdivision or public works construction plans. (Based on an approved,construction cost estimate) f. Plan Review Fee (Based on the current Building Division fee schedule) 89. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP a. Park Development fee, the developer shall pay the current park development fee, and/or donate land in-lieu of, for each lot approved, in accordance with City Ordinance 313 C.S. b. Park Dedication, the developer shall dedicate, in accordance with City Ordinance 313 C.S., land for park purposes. c. Park Improvement fee, the developer shall pay the current park improvement fee, for each lot approved, in accordance with City Ordinance 313 C.S. 90. FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT a. Water Neutralization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance, involving water connection or enlargement of an existing connection. b. Water Distribution fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. c. Water Meter charge to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. d. Water Availability charge, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. e. Traffic Impact fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. f. Traffic Signalization fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. g. Sewer Connection fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. h. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Connection fee in accordance with Municipal Code Section 13.12.180. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 16 i. Drainage fee, as required by the area drainage plan for the area being developed. j. Park Development fee, the developer shall pay the current parks development fee for each unit approved for construction (credit shall be provided for existing houses), to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. k. Construction Tax, the applicant shall pay a construction tax. I. Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of development in accordance with State mandate. m. Building Permit Fee, to be based on codes and rates in effect at the time of development. BONDING SURETY 91. Prior to issuance of the grading or building permit, all new residential construction requires posting of a $1,200.00 performance bond for erosion control and damage to the public right-of-way. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses incurred by the City in maintaining and/or restoring the site. 92. The applicant shall provide bonds or other financial security as listed in this condition. All bonds or securities shall be in a form acceptable to the City, and shall be provided prior to recording of the map, unless noted otherwise. The minimum term for Improvement securities shall be equal to the term of the subdivision agreement. a. Faithful Performance, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. b. Erosion Control and Landscape, 100% of the approved estimated cost of all erosion control work during construction and the estimated cost of all final landscaping after construction is complete. This bond is refundable upon successful completion of the work, less expenses incurred by the City in maintaining and/or restoring the site. c. Labor and Materials, 50% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. d: One Year Guarantee, 10% of the approved estimated cost of all subdivision improvements. This bond is required prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements. e. Monumentation, 100% of the estimated cost of setting survey monuments. f. Tax Certificate, In accordance with Section 9-15.130 of the Development Code, the applicant shall furnish a certificate from the tax collector's office indicating that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the property. RESOLUTION NO. 18-2311 PAGE 17 PLANNING COMMISSION 93. Perimeter retaining walls shall include waterproofing measures to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 94. The applicant shall have South County Sanitary reevaluate the trash pickup options to facilitate dumpsters, if feasible. 95. The applicant shall stripe one (1) parking space or provide other space to allow for vehicular turnaround and additional access. • EX B" Amm IS WC.MT II. onatmal BBREVIATIcOOSNSa HABITAT FOR HUMANITY FOR SLO COUNTY VICINITY MAP �anBa Dista IMADOM 184 BRISCO ROAD,ARROYO GRANDE 0 MI � , ROAM r 1311 WO WIWI LAY I 23211 PLEMIT TM EC IWO IM POMO MG MOW WM 1 r kiA ?4 .«w' 1mro'�' a3y�,TY 4`�,a� Y 'ab ey-x c* I iwac,mm� Ell BEM MO 1,101021 F44114'..V1111.'11*. ON IILIMOSE t10 MOVIE IOLT MBM MOM R MAPcrO°iwaB 1 cy C, OMICRON un e -,. 0, t.: L,4 , . �b ♦��0��5 TEN OVER CJ am�,laa,mom MI 4 .kr: "— �� 47„ ., � y zq.,gq ° J M STUOIO,INC OA CM a[uMm°sMun 11604 ITWORAMIRM MU wir l � I ._ �+._."1� •.I r'� r ��t,ls +S► � I en eeserat Sim bObisDn.G OM TALMO MR NM MOW d rt , , • ' I a I / wsvuma CO MOW CES 015.11. 1.___'.'f6` ' h I .1 I ^I ... O wwwInfdattonawstuaiomm CMS! CIONTRUCTIM 300 ORM PROM RR CUM CC ..0f'i ._ "� - .._.r..T..�._j a ( 3 _ w. . ,y�'- SHEET INOIX c, n ri _COM COMM. 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FLOOR FILIELMMI3 IT,M EM wBno..nn w B1w.UnnaOTT MUM EL =CM ' nInT .. a .nmaM SIM Boaarm . .rfla ,' MC fuFa°W SR coni -..e._....,: �:... ... ..�_..:.._-....':5i___ _ _._......_._ �... ._...x._._.....__,.�..�J EMOTTOMMICOO MO > ' MY 'MORO. OTTO MAIM . EMU=ODOM OWE P3 11.0041 MC FON MINTATION SST n.ma n DRAWING SYMBOLS PROJECT DATA PROJECT DIRECTORY nae uwmOGDd".o'° �BaFF OMR. TM MOOT �, 11112016 a�,aWmB M PO RIM MY LEL 61121 �,wmm MBII ratunnarann no SWARD OTTO a,.nro, B�e°E5 as FYI ROM TM TOM WO m0av1 TOMMETWOUT PK 145 MIMI II =mum MOM!MOM M`EELE COBr"OODWON WE 2 FPM TREmar ws®,: ,W,maaw B.mai r.n ..0 G FL TS WM °FP FERMACE ® cma. a MOO 11,E°0"°11111.40 a�a.LTTOa'om '" 01.1 11611 MI 01015111003 re 401141 _ L. o 6.1101T1111101/1 .manMa.,w a°. 1w�waaB PAWS 0011P0 K.Ptlme Z FT MOT TOP TO IF F001410 FTC TOO. TOW TOCII.4 411 TOS ICIIT we _ CD MOCIVRATIMOOM Ll GAVLE TY TOMO. Buscot mm MOO. T =o CD MORO 12.414 UM maan �> m°51M TOMO TS,w.22010 nma on°SOano.o..B1 w..011 FECLATTIMAT PIT B.,_..,�.a.�M3 092110 G CJ o MY GOMM TV rwraa 0 0. 411110 VCT VIM GO LOOM VERT MARCO BCa rt VADDIDONE IMO TIMM MEMO ne Ka NB TIT RING 11.11 rn'NC 11011PPC011 VP 1.1 O 4,unreaxn STILMOeC IMMO.umrwcir.n OTOS. 1MMwwvmou.aLIL c'cc WOOD=WIMMID�� Eau 1111121110 IMMO SPACI 2110 60171 a nue° 6dl,rDllPf�' xS,u1m,E Bo¢sr eaa,B � IT [O M. 110161011 M MITA MOD 10.1202 OD DOM i D 101011241. 0223 XI neon an WAMPUMlona - I ..Bu°wmuBa.m I om unaam wm.um iumm AMMO. (/) O WIC WIMP 10 WOW i r G/ °1 TAI 1 w,mnmmaunai .us MYTYWN ..� /��RTC WM STREET M LW ell S309 V MT amen ro rum CO CO eO con 1.4.6. 0022 21 I'MOOT 0:1.11114111111. i WM N W Q CO �xF11'171 lr R000 N CC V CALIFORNIACODE REFERENCES e0�. uoan 1EAROM°'B'a ma °P I MOO Ow1B CA MOT C . �0 ti WO = O OM ON 33.11 CT) ���BBB,,, ru,.w,.M .MEEMOF wm�°1MO OniBronr eaoeoerBi.ro.M5Mw0,mmacmE OBnmuuxn5 E0 nEv.rolu.B.m �atrxmvs- a.aa uwsomml n .sown rro. unmua°1pi. COMM. Z^"' .wm wovowoE unmammavml EM. TMmcoar. m 3018 CMCSOMMODIMI am caunanannuona con LOOM CODE <') '"; -_- Mro AGENCIES&UTILITIESm� r�M man 0.01,0 LA E SWUM '�"•� — �'- '� PARKING REQUIREMENTS rr. 3010 MOIL.P.M COTE ME LAMM ISTROT R.g. RCP.,mwm wuranxmnOETOM 24.200ITEORLYISCIE umwac!a C.0 OM a MM. COMM uaan°P1aauu.n �GA°,5 MIROMMITEMSTIMIll °naE wamwo.MaBar OAST MIME 1 WPM B>oBn, TOTICOMMORRE COM 303 WARTIM SMUT 301ITOMPOW MOTTO IMMO OM �+ nna,raEwmxPuwm Bwwoaum.0 e.ru.m.aBso.Manr P1100513 Bao 10111 was TO SUERS,nema�, wm.n,nmmuaam EOM COMM OMMOMMORTITTORDS COO TOM ammo mamaSTMDMmwDE n TOOT TT. BUILDING CODE DATA R O WOO..nn MOM CALM cCOOM CIO Of TAXITOMARDI MIT .M1M„ M DM ITT OW BB a' RITMO OR w .5 C TITLE SHEET MD MAMMA' BwOmcnama fm,' ROOM B.wnar,w CI TOM o a Ba COC,,MO OCCOMCa. n, Al.... T1.0 • • .y ------ _r----______ ---- .-_—__-- g ...--77-="5--- --, _ • ^ —' - ._— -`T �3• mw oM,® l -_ --\-k _ _ _ _-�Y=, »t.;-71 V y—fNM 0344 - 33.11, ^x — . `,- I W "=— _ _ f.� I j-j r II RCM 1,4101 •�' .3 / ..✓// ,i K" � I -It Lor 1j �h, zf UII . U 1 1:4 j�iS 'P "f-....__.._„`.- E -_ —. —r - � 1 �r r ._ / L�kfi - 'i 1• i' L �I§ 1 III 1 .,tea. _ _ �.�45� t __ Al '" - <' - a ..-A.---_,.....,1 — :1' ,� h-r_ fi 3— -- , _ - . \ ! 1\ ‘\ ' I '• t"Y - -- 1.111811W . COTE g ( ai�4 "�i i �' i ce_=� �4c r,'.__ 7. —11-4°1.7 ae` 7 r -Ii i I S—�` m r a vs ,' I{ \ ' aa00aw 00.010 ----�--- — -- �•i ' ! ik a+� hi .�'�, II ti--.E ' I -'-- ( s t t • q I }} 1 �Rb-ag.. ...�.. ( f �� LOTS`, —� 1 i LOT T'� j LOTS I.' .i.1., y i L- \ I / } _ I Ir• J i l/ �. •-1 i _ B `I' lOT6_. —0'411 i' t '� 11 I4 - �'�-_ CJI �� l — — — SSS ,3 trap,)... \ 1 / /,i/ 0000----_—.._____ —_._ /� ( / __I i `� \ 4...;/-, l_// ----.-_- - _ - - SITE INFORMATION PROPOSED EASEMENTS ' C MOO rn"roi.aa 0100 a.M60ow,.0010 W DOM�ralm�� I SOAPCO Mr MOO W 0000 t C00000 MOM Mr Or MCM MOM dUN w0CCM 0e USE =AIM MM.. 830.e=WOOm,.a w www u ams L rn'o weal u ars 6 CM SOME MOM COMFOM 0106 ICC 16 MP.at a< •tmr 0.r SLOPEMO SAMS IA 0 Sr I!� 'w"�"az :::3: MON9M0lvreu30or.ns k� U1 IU SI RamIII MAL I;>i = o Min(M C7 O av 1.2st v Cr _C. OO V GENERAL NOTES a0d I. ovana OM m w a v0 a M ne COMM= a9 19 0mr z anew om NO 111.0611=RS we Orr Om NUMF.�". Ed 6 .o� 0.u.001(00,0>K CM Or MOM wr¢nr,am 0 o 4.Aft 0wumn w.0rnran..a am,. omn00a w a u Wad 1.0.mr tow= 0x,aamr=nmasaan eW ma arnw ...7 Cil 02 2 D- 3.44,13,4412KOMV 11W 0 COMMA 1011 00,00 atia.0 Ammo, loo a0 SUMO. ocC 03+ m IL 10 MD COOmw Meswmv M we®0.mraa - = O N r'a 0ouau wp1400.6.960.40114,07:=ro 0Ore..'ert sm0 WOO s asaVIA MUM LWOW a lwiM.r.a vows 0o®Is,m MIODOME 'J0 muc0 85 55'ow w8 a0 MAY 04,2078 OM 0.0260 tµr man ROPM0 SURVEY NOTES 1,9 C. 4. I.swa COMM In COM0=CN•oa. AM 0744241 L aw 0,0 cr EENOMM n 4010ew w M MO M wIMM MO 0w OR=NW CIM MY MING IX SZORSCI OM Mt s 7,72424014 rc r a scup, rrae •0a nar no raw a000m r aww,m Or SUMO nOAn„666.mMOM momimm Mama.ono.IMO `rS VESTING 4.s YOWL owO:WPM TY �i-� TENTATIVE a 141/7 COMM MOM,von EHALSH MAP UNIVJAMILAn (B05)319-94948 cV.O I - ------ ------ -------- --- ------Ja • _< _< - - _ -• — — - — r ` •— -2222... -'- ---- ` -- - - — - ". - - _--- ------ _ -;;;-,,,3,-:=1,..13-0 2222.:., RO • Q, • •�;� ,��„ b i '(• a •i.- IB,, „ ' I . ry .-... oirar,•. "1 •�- L'I 1 • ' Rio ' ° - h P .i I " .i; .. . -= , 9 L o— _ . s �, om .1 - �y3CkII) �diGFifG�d; I ,, �j3E!>7L�;I ��3GY7fG7 I b \ :h 4 I .'••�:nm'• o1 ,, :1.227aim ' is g7a JC7' eNa 8Fj67 I' CAIi110 /' ...2...\. 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S REPORT MOO v9RO.PIM ARE 1.PEW RJRPOSES eiL rt b ____ 0 O t) II.. Cala Only w wo am non=cum no ovum 2,.1609.OM.rnes .� Z 'PROM==cam P"`oierrA'"eos'j°2 GRADING KEY NOTES: 00tl`0f= RAM s CC j O 1 I PROPOSED AWRY DO CAErt WWII swam.VIDE MOM APPROACH n.cm O I I PROPOSED CR.. 0 e cum PER cm swOw /OM II,u POO O CJ 2 I I PROPOSED roman 0000 r Q amt.mourE cc N 0 M.D.>.0R 1.4100. B.M.N.' RLY °'`""°"BEFORE - o GRADING LEGEND O r raar.P. 2.Rw sr E Huvr .'mSwus OD au u•ow 5-3 P ---Pl0000 acPx 0 0 sc.rt.PSM Som Rm[M mummer mu PER C)RIO RETENTION AREA CROSS SECTION ` 5 O —..—� -uwn ar u,Po.n Rmn(oryru 00) 0 smoro sum xrs f= Z Cil -.o CO..S.O. f®RO41a)000 Q N oo ..Pa CO 0404 r = o 0 Mr. (11.11 umanA ,n. T4,:,, 0..a 00 mora+ ?, • .O. R SCA, ` :MI GRADING AND 811• _. WALSH aill DRAINAGE PLAN ��� Aro CNOINCCII•N0 uRe,..e.belew' Calletiedoer41da" "'''''.`�o''' Cl.0 • rn05)•di9. da I ' o:aa . ,.•a o o:,a,•..e . °;o �, yv a2..m .I'',', r ...., ... , ., ,_ 11.21., J , +C Ii...: _'' - ® I Ov, e 1 °• o:,w. AV"!,u.v . : I ';-7-. „L •• ' a• o•;a. •:uel -. II ..m.•mom \ LW 1.220.111 :� 1 ' mWo 1 ®�/'' /� "I (' ®' ' ' V — 1iL111 -='1_•�oe J- _ d eL _•=1=, o Fe .,»r<_.�a,.. - - �_,- • ll. Q � '. r � B.P. n. 'I — - .On -• --- aJ X10 - R •` •• `�ia+� :_ _ __ em;.ae —_— _TSI r, 1- _ – - - .m..m T— i I- .. ' - t___—___— _ __ _—______:. .._._ ____ - __ to _ - I v.,r.`fi pJ � .L P� '.(gib -�I .: - , °',I I ,� .:.L t...�loir,MI�I I° � o,'.�t :3 0) '-la3—rAEM I.10 1 I - to • La u I. CIAMM•t1KKII . �9:IeiCE:I) r lloiTa11EF1Q.1 q !.1,143L-A:e) / !ti 1 �� Lp-• •11 - wp —_.) ' l ;13 I '1-%.1 IN — I s < < • �. • O to nut a O'on,.t m e1 v 4.722. O.`w.,•an ""• 2m O:vx, .1'........... O:•,,v TOP OF 1101.4 nre..IMO s mrm a sma on. ,v.N • ,.a .e.w I B . .. . I, • • GENERAL LEGEND SANITARY SEWER LEGEND: DRY UTILITY KEY NOTES -- mMm tv64oi me,n¢n599 NO 99,M. O aSaa"T FM°n ACCtntnent ta.4112?.2f SKa9•.ICII.C43ACIuvm 9 ante.m ,i ' m—SWoxe anx tdnrsm. oMv —--—owes Room ow(o.11 m wawa swM.wu.maM 01ma a on ova come.m cans 4Pm,a[ _ - _ _ _ . . _ a9 RI .. straw,snot auox to Dasa(szo) ac an WW1'ews moons ____---- I - .V t 1----.—,.- itil . = —1.2-NO MM. SANITARY SEWER KEY NOTES -� .- - - (:.-...:=•-,-.---...7.=-.-. ' Q p a MO M.P.e'Ma sw sou u,. ..»...... - _ _ Station • 9.9000 10400 00 11.0000 12400.00 13.0000 134)900 ' i i I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i I I-- --1 000— I PROPOSED 0.13x 33" -0.40x 0.89x1 w�b6 ORO I WAS 0.35' ?)x s�9x _ -2---- 1 I�wvvao 1 PROMO)24.. ° �-� I s, nrnra .. pp,pr,.m"�;, cap°w°�oovma 3.a9x 1972 o ss� MI wowx I • . TOm.PIRPOSIO 11 Of • Station PARS Station ARCIVIICRIPAL9.9000 10.00.00 11.00.90 9.90.00 10.0000 • 11.0000 1 i t 1 1 I 1 i t 1 1 I Q ,900— —1505 ,500-- , E ,900 lL ----jr.u.''7111.1...''''''' n— C.9 rl 0 ,,,,,,,,/� z 7 I 1 1 RbROQ I a o Q wnm FL= N 2 4444����Oil -� 5 O 030 133.0 1330 1 1330 ii -'1 U M 9.50.00 10.0000 11.00.00 9.5000 10.0000 11.00.00 Cy ¢CO QQ N CO, = o Q • 1 GENERAL NOTES ''�R m9.14 w9rw11 ORealiti MICR SR WIT u m5,. ��3 „�) crs:re 4 MRCS SNOV111 FOR SSW.ONLY 1•011 WADING 1•01415FinX All. w 011.0 wnw u,macnaw AND wmrtcwxx rwn m `Afi SITE CROSS WALSH SECRONS C040114C1 RING • • • 0 — r i —WI D iSso 'Iài -- /- .., ,. ., s:=1 iT0 I I OFF 1.11.11111411111pr ajoiglig r oil r �, _�_' r I I d o I SI-IRRIGATION a _ I jjl�]' ry� I 1 � Jill tL MAINLINE i L .. U'1 p y1 I — •,,)_11 _I i NIL— – 1___ • R IRRIGATION POINT-OF-CONNECTION TO WATER METER PER CIVIL ENG'S PLAN Irrigation Schedule SYMBOL DESCRIPTITES EMITTER DN TORO MIB0.0000JOLAII0006 MCOEL 000010]LJ JIM • N TORO TURBOSC DPA&A(2 OPR) DI I OL0) 0110 QAER WA411ATINKKT1PERPlAN 00.¶3.W BURROWS T O RP BACILFLOLV WIL%N5STEEL•1- 0011.1-3 IO2=W00m[SUIT . e ELECTRIC CONTROL IRR11R01 TOO SERIES ULTRAFL0W, 0010.13 VALVE IDRP) slzs pr Men f PRESSURE REGULATOR WIL% SOME SR SERIES DS 20.1.3 l FRTER(DRP) AO PRODUCTS SIE,Mut to match so. DR 20.LS 0 HOSE 6155 CHAMPION HEM171.221.3Irrigation Plan SHUTOFF VALVE 81610 T•500 BALL VALVE 0021,13 RUSH VALVE AO PRODUCTS SIRE BALL VALVE 002].13 I' PRESSURE UNE SCHEDULE IO PVC.IVOmp DS 12.1.4 Passe 0,0.10,v an0/or 0s LATERAL LME CLASS 200 PVC.17 O5M 0002,13 - accompanying e M:em Nvireppromny ci 1-� N ] ORP SONE RAMIRO MU POLYETHYLENE 0!]0fm Snows LTO.WR NrNIM 3].1] and their use tl publi- cation HOSE MIS LD. cation Nen I.restricted In ms _= I vita tae Mich May — WC SLEEVE PVC 6CH 10,2s LINE 612E sen Rrga.;Ca'r.7" Oathod>p et'anp^^T 00030. m op w H.is pro LAe0 except M 100se BRIER SCHEDULE pmrvmbn from Architect&men, Landscape ArpMted Ram Stn 1DMAGM N:MerPK FOR G IGPM[NAM —SHEET D1iWPf10N SO 2GPHETIRTER 25G 2GPM DOTER 21.000 2GPM EMATER 40600 2GPII DARTER 15.60% 2GRI DARTER NOTES; ¢ 1351040 DIS I. SLEEVE UNDER AU-PAVING PER SPECMICATE]NS. I- 2 CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL APPROPRIATE RAMIRO MPR SERIES NOZZLE AT EACH DESIGN DEVELOPMENT_NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION W DRAWNM POPAIP HEAD FOR AREA TO BE COVERED,I E.IB"AREA USC IB NOZZLE:17 AREA CO Guam USE 12 NOZZLE UT AREA USE 10 NOZZLE 1B A CCTRAL}OR TO ADD UP TO(31 RAMIRO IEU.ARB HEADS AT NO E COST, AND0ONLY AT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DIRECTION,TO ACCOMMODATE UNFORESEEN DATE JOB CONDITIONS. OS0616 • 1. CONTRACTOR TO Mind.RAINERUPCS SCREENS ON ALL PASSIM 1020 SERIES PROJECT: OWNER: DATE REVISION 0.. 100 N0. NO2ZLE5 TO REDUCE MY,AB NEEDED. - 7/2167 S. LATERAL S MAINLINE LOCATIONS ARE SCHEMATIC,LOCATE PIPING IN PUNTER —, CAD FILE ADJACENT TO PAVING EDGE. 0 8 NEW HOMES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY D V ALLOUT 500001FOR RAN 8T 0&OPO COUNTY SHEET NUMBER _ 't �- SCALE: 1"=10'-0' eo NNHCO ROAD IBD CROBD QRRffET o � /� ARI NUUBER �,, SGS OP SALVE ARROYO GRANDE CA BIN LEI8030810 CA L-1 • ...�D 00*.APER MME Ur LANDSCAPE PLANS I - CINLfuRRm� NORTH o tD zD SLD 10 © a Of T 5111110 l J Ell • • 4"--/ - -- : u ..... itimpsr:0 0 0.M/z!,le 0 D 4,..._,.....,,q, .. t0�00��` �� vimr ag;� O • '� O.O'o: rr. 1� e. OO:O:V? OD T Ali 0°T. `,aLi pe• to, lvpee r• . .111 1 1� a • -. ,�T 00 o�.4 011 - -- i �e► .,.. o°_ .At000� =o, otAo -. - .e..e fit► •• I a :I `midi: I . a \ iirO,� I ,oma i ��O'O'00�11�J• 11 I Io �, a 1► ir J •yi • ��'J�L • g!-11: I 00000' D_� _ - --J - --� ' 0 '1101111111,.' 0 1^....,-.II\:17 Plant List JIM BURROWS 'WuCOLs ABBREV SITE BOTANICAL NAME I COMMON NAME RATING afJ°ei �c ARS UNE 160 ARBUTUS UNEDD/STRAWBERRY TREE L °w�� .01 a. CAB LEP IMG CASSIA LEP TOPHYLLA/GOLDEN MEDA UON TREE L MET EXC 16G METROSIDEROS EXCELSAL NEW ZEALAND CHRISTMAS TREE I =UM AN60 ANIGOZANTHOS'BIO RED'/RED KANGAROO PAW L ANIBR2 60 ANIGOZAHTHOS'BUSH RANGER'?RED KANGAROO PAW L Planting Plan CAL U 60 CALLISTEMON WILE JOHN'/DWARF BOTTLEBRUSII L CAR TUM 6G CAREX TUMUUCOLAI BERKELEY SEDGE L HEL SEM 60 HEUCTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS/BLUE OAT GRASS L LOR CHI 60 LOROPETALUM CHINENSIS I CHINESE FRINGE FLOWER RHA COL EC 60 RHAMNUS CALIFORNICA'EVE CASE'I COFFEEBERRY L ROS OFF TO 60 ROSMARINUS OFFICINAUS'TUSCAN BLUE I ROSEMARY L GROUND COVER TheaU�ro•inq.EARN m• A GT OC 10 CEANOTNUS YANKEE POINT/CARMEL CEANOTHUS L nue w.lonee opa Nahroputy o/ ane,nw..1•,eamw EVE- C 431 OC 10 SERECIO ATENS/MANDEADSCAE/BRLUE L and OI V useNn111 C 181OC FLATS SENECIO MANDFAUSCAE/BLUE CHALK STICKS L cotton shall x which m Ina odginel a e Al'la,•pith!Ery ORAAME% dupllenr arat0 m.L7 vary HEL SEM 60 HEUCTOTRICHON SEMPERVIRENS/BLUE OAT GRASS L method.in whole or owl b prohibited except by*Nen per alon from Jun Marone. ERIKRICHSVIALE SHRUBS A GROUND COVER Londacape Archltecl CAR TUM 1O CARES TUMUUCOLA/BERKELEY SEDGE L WELCH —SHOT DESCRIPTION MULCH ALL GROUND COVER AND PLANTER AREAS WITH 4'MINIMUM LAYER WALK-ON'BARK. a.Yei DWARF TALL FESCUE.50NBAI'OR APPROVED EQUAL — NOTE:PLANT LIST IS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY:IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE PLAN THE –1 DEEM/ III ANO EOCXEDULE.THE PLAN SHALL PREVAIL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT-NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION W DRAWN M LEOEKD CO OQCIDO AD VL•VERY LOW WATERUSE L•LOW WATER USE DATE 6510 M•MEDIUM WATER USE PROJECT: OWNER: DATE REVISION d JOB N0. H•NIGH WATER USE 7/T467 CI•GALLONS CAD RD O B•BOX 8 NEW HOMES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SHEET NUMBER O FOR CAN LAPS OBISPO COUNTY `., 'WATER.116EEYALUATONOFPLANTMATERIALB SCALE: 1°=1O-O" m 610500ROAD EMCRoeemRE I 0 d'] �.� WATER USE OF PROPOSED PLANTS HAVE BEEN EVALUATED US/NO THE'WATER USE CLAB3GlCATION ARROYO GRANDE q CAN WIC OBIBPO CA U L-2 Call� � OF LOSESCA➢E SPECIES°EW000LS N.UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION? LANDSCAPE PLANS OF 3 STBETS NORTH o 10 20 30 40 — I _ I • • RP DEVICE NASAL ALVES PUSTICVALVE BOX CONTROLLER COMPACT n_.uRSCx uDO¢N re.tne GREEN EENREmEENT .GAUGE DIRECT BURIAL RARE WtTExP EXPANSION $�I ..Da =a.Wa aCDIR « DNr.�I+, �.1.�_ �° CONNECTORS DuoDeiDenaa,aDR ® _ F xaox R. FD � I � �i�DRErR EDoGs tt 1 { Pa m�a J �' IziT e� WREB = Mn • uR�HEDLE DUBB�awD "Lwrrg ILA IT INTO ID ir, BDHAPVC TYPICAL � �w CONTROL ARES =a-noeroD CONTROL ; ® DDxDR o : R ,ELA03 PVC SLEEK OMOR ENTERPRISES sETNe r ,r ENTERPRISES TAPE VA":TOPREaSSLme UNE D POC wWEsaLwDNLIWITHOTR�KR wEeOv PRESSURE LINE LOC O. v.U+ ..LEL 11- SEPARATED BY AT VALVES I.� ,w, VDTA'' LruR.x IS PeEuoLxNPRESS RUNE ST THE LOCAL DEPARTMENT Oe MANI SEANCES ANDMATER AGENCY. CCONTROLLER (12) TRENCHING (I 1) REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW DEVICE (10) ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE PLASTIC VALVE SOX ROSE uxwR 1419E.1313wEENuxsox l.In.I-BGE.x FOFO GaGAPB PRESSURE LINE 122 x:D,,,c,,�,,,,n uERAMHE 1. 111 �ILDPP�rrv�ND Pmg;TREATED • DOUG FIR PRESSURE � -®= DIMENBBDFBDA /ANON TYPICAL Ter SAE LATERAL LINE DIeOTiou SHUTOFF SZE DIDENSONS OF BG EMEND te BEYOND BOTTOM ' DINENaION9 DF OFF VALVE (23) FLUSH VALVE (22) HOSE BIBB (1) SHUT-OFF VALVE (20) FILTER 8 REGULATOR •.•- .. � —11+1II •_" e• PLAT ! ' zn iff JIM ::—PRas.... •D ` r � 4:--4. I 4 "4 :� PLAN 1GAL.SUE 6GAL.SIZE 19DSDE PRESSURE PVC BURROWS 1 BURIEDAryUBeawmD (AND ER LAMAW AAw .cA aLE(e..e. uacocOm Roor�xl Roorwu BoorEFlw,rEmEOPHoor BALL vlveSEVINA DN . -. �INDANDuALPum CENTER OF - � EMIS .l ::. , . I e e c: DNIP.zoxe sauN A,EvrEOR Eu ........ •......_..� 11......PAS= o ..<...e.-0.TIARA i`LjPOLE TUBING MAMMY 1 T I. — __=ITu=-- O EXCEED 1501 ADAPTS' _ .D 11,11CRI 'I IvoL rvaE ■I•D6NEwwcPAVING iATEAAI Dwc SLEEV vEr vu m+D nAx SEE Dm�xmelETT_ PLAN R1EW AT II nn xmP,Are nmPA EMITTER ` � SPACE RISERS iPwNTS C _ PLAN NEW e,A,FwITER TRUNzer,MART SOIL SECTIONAiP�?.=Eoae'uu ICAC • 1101E3 ...q. PVC . Rw... SECTION L NS axBuxEDlr-sslewnuxDERaRwxa ,,iPT Dui E�.uBDSGVE narnAmnwmPxs_ BAwo lanAcepe. AAA A.A. wooer a (33) DRIP ZONE SCHEMATIC 32 DRIP TUBING LAYOUT SCHEMATIC (31) DRIP EMITTER PLACEMENT l) DRIP RISER B TUBING SCHEMATIC Ayr...,..,..I'.xn.uFia el. '.'i. ,•. TOSUPPORT UPP RTTREs ATTACH TO POSTMANPROMO.LCCATIONS IF.CESSART ,� w �P,Pr.BmI OALVAN ED C..-- T CAA lOWEPaE PINE STAKE SET GOWN INT ABOVE ORAD -.A_ PRESSURE v LNotx TREATED SHEET DESCR�TION 6, EV LENGTH ON 50 Irrigation reusiBDDnD If ;:::',==......... 'ARBOR ouARp ORAL mEEs DESIGNED 5"-11 MLR HLY 411111 • JIM .— OROFOsta TABLET APPPUGNDND CHART , A _. r mEEPARORE FlaSAGRADE G F DRAWN .� 1 � RAPPLIGTIDN CHANT T wP. SEE iR�EEmsRNue PLANTED DETAIL DATE ED _ RI.GRAN co JLS �Dt.wElm on uJ,LopOOT x[clmN o�P III a DATE yA�,te O�OWe SPREAD _� `LOCATINSERTE ATLOA47PA ATS u PROJECT, OWNER: DATE REVISION O_ JOB NO 742467 S 4 III 1In 1 RAW EE RATE TRUNK TO ox — CAD RLE L NH BOX BDA .4 CUPS a a RECTION I A '" REMOVE NR ER ST INSTALL w�ON�SEB D. a NEW HOMES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY C3(11FOR SAN LUI90BI9P0 COUNTY n SHEET NUMBER //// ..M.--> T—> 159 BPI9C0 ROAD 1�CROSS 9570 L, Nox.uBEs ni THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S DIRECTION B P„ m ARROYO GRANDE CA SAN LUG OBISPO CA V I —3 EUILvmv wIRF.LV.I..,DL.P LANDSCAPE PLANS (1) TREE.SHRUB&GROUND COVER PLANTING (40) TREE PLANTING AA.a 4 OF a SHEETS 11111 MI GENERAL NOTES mm®rom"`°P "° SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN LEGEND PE rwmo-smlKEYNOTES . 1 0 ..111100,15.15005=5.5U041,1e.ammla , .m.rwla,..,Em.m..m.mmE"5m56m,m 55,m,.,mmA...mm. I` .. I nem�mrtm pawww«xme�ar�,,.E.m�wF.mu ..a1.15m®.15mm0..aem.LueE Wall.m,u.,mr,mM11143 WALED x w.rtE„E,.mFmx.a,,.mxE.arE°...1„mmw.,a 11510,513217.10.011.5 - m.mn.n O r,m.IIIMI..l,r., 18 1 °° am7orar T 151515.a.a artP.a m a x mm52712KEmm'0° 1V10iMHO 11618119210°12035me 11.1111,1770P2 c0111117.11,12,17= OmawaAR7,61ullwn 0s:mvi1ues. QOM muulw.o .2515.112411123.1.12.065111,117561106151C1143. „ °ww1} °`mufO `mO 07128.107128.1523.6111.. ro mwT8.1. W. .11, �e w"Lwu .a,mF.11.17K .m° ' ILL e .20" 4111.11017fl314.b°n : WIeIlIMMOSIMal u„n,wmm51611.swcmr- rm.art.. p 5,,..1101 .r.,,ml°,1°..rrz°uLmxe,aw,wmrcun°m.x,w 5mnmw mu1E0x15,0 nx10n. ,mm 61172..5 LYNAM! o MILS L59.V. t TV0.1Aalm.L.. mw.ma.wl,.11.ro°0.2545 ,n,rwa°mr.m,,,°LL.°..mN,s p LH..,.aL.x,wm,l. I,v.ra5n .A 2V. w..nm.w.,.a..rtl..lra.rrLEFxr.°, M31 m,l.m.16101.° SIT0"110fk1AIA IM .5,1515 „ aa , L O mSE.mEEe.ma.ES..AN TE Am...0125. m.,m.m .� CF °K " � l O E.w rtwaL <; 3. 0 5 oEASE W ; Fa . « ° ° m6 `;a : X133C1111211,611.5[2115141.11.331031411405111.310 H0° .� .,lmrl.mamlF,a..,ra R 1111 ° I ° 5rc5,;NIE05 ° .�w,ma.am C. l.0m,.l,.I MI/DIAxlIn�,mm I,m�03S VIM.1:6101411001131.711141 � ,o a IF waas.lm 5 n1.°�.��r°E=OCUWI., a�r,aCOWER ^ Frt°E.,�r66.,lolrawr55°.F..LU,rm rfl�Fm�.5,15..m,�rtrt,,.....°°�..amF.am,rmm.INNOPErm, o r r ,�. TEN OVER � vaa ,.E,mme. .O�.xm.m,e.rt16eL5AErtO m°°`7" ,w..arcm„m:LN� Ioa.�,am,.mnnrly. vea.0,ree�ON0071°°�Lo o0.°awaxrt�E.an.mam STUOIO,INC " " 15 �a...mmNx,m.1MV..a11E1°.°I,15MS/.m.l>,E.,rt... COMM821.11=5,4130.110111100 =WW1. m14„a°..1. 011515081.,ma.mNFrme.xr°°m,.60er el WW21,e,.a1..a,1.mm,mEw.mE�m° o mm,w,0l,11;AR IN WI ml 152., I �,..IO.ln 017.15me. �,NEM WAILmI �` rz. m/AMU, Ilif Li 51 ,e„m1.,ae.,l.mmne,rNmmTAIR o I.an.rm°.rlE,ma<..r.,, Sen umom,po.CA .1.1,101S.1.1.... xl .M..ns aA.N050mT.lm".rte.5E01.7.0 V110.1vm,elW1 90534110I0 111155305,513 OWES I.I.3 61574452.61175 5)53239.0511CTOSIX.111151.1-00/36,52,1131,6 ,.aamrtao-.56E,mmae:T.M..502 Pwwe..mnmm,c UMW' SI °,.uua,mmouw.wunva,"o Q¢IFIEawml10.1025,15 worwlanoex,WEinam 15ar.&NO01Ilo,l` DWA.AT of c.m,rcmf,m m...lrm.e,.wanmm MITT APPADVAL flr612111(.20.1115 MGM 555,016,10, a,n.11me9orc+m mlm.,,.rm.FTO.o-.Ema,'mL,A my°, O mso-Ae.m,am.A.IAm.ra.nm.,,m.m,mmmr+Om .w..l,°muueawer,ua,Enua.r..c,m 5".10. °. ,m..s.,1E.e.lx.,.m� 11VIMI°..,u.am170,60ws.olc 043531121. 205,..15 e w0lwmwT.lwaE.m.,A,mmm m .11rcmm:.1011150.56..Eo-ar.�Awaa,..Imu1.Er.Pw,l,u m°O"`P.;e,,,1°w"a Ww,.we..4110.2 COM IERICPaIC 1 ,117 MUMx¢s viw1aw1PAnsms.° .5mrt0r5x.11m,eE x. wm.OwUE.TSR.IT m.eE5a55ra.nWORK MINK MCA ow „ NOi Pofl mSwml N leo.mvw BE 70110.6.1515.5134.6.1003.1801111I/111100.3121.5 P1.Oo1.mw¢n,"O.en.W55a.n.Ev"Alwamm0exmin.,OOE FEW CCNS�N,CONON 51111.5013 5110160116.111M53.1111,60101.31:011415/1011101.116/511.11 1031"310 ,1515 „ Au 0161.,..MEA5A615m BE Ma.Ow1,MOIO "A 7.3,21115 is w.1251ues,amwoAria`1TICOML40000��'a 115 WOWSrom�u'O= n .1.51861..uEu,wAroOm„uxon.mu.EL.m.u.mme oA•rt.mmE.nlifj Elin B. A ,.urA. 077102707Em0.57.1FOeUMW OE 5,712. n lo-m,.,wu em5u1.n615meSMARM uDE mmwe",.e.s.ewmm 0,170,17, V M.0711¢,5151516.,0.1 u5w.mrumlmau,ImSOPmEc,..mn7 2/166010,03.3.531.512.1.611 uOmlLw.rtO.mw,n5E0amAu oE.a15L° Pww12 �.vwm,rcw.3751.mw.vS,uA.xv. Ewa 61vvwlmwnmmm.m,56A.lmse°.mlurt„w G313611.470,1.6412.0mEu,ww,umeT nmsv.EFam,ET IRMA mn " 1m . m"` •" ,e m °f N5,5,71.+mu.x,mmanurtwmmsrrte.l.Aaurzer S IIEm¢s± ± :: mmm,m,m",EOrmluusFm0.53 IL. �a" 10 uo16a maTa.Tmm.aw"m°O°m'aansE , A 3m .m10u APPCH11...CAMLLC7011517.41,0,107 61.9111.110 MO MAW 0171,70,70.111171110oao•.a 5,...aSOMIWWI CLOWXT,T.ums.sasTa,a.m F22.9.1101 .15155,5,51 e .lw5aeoman05w.u,5ma1,5w5rtomEman swaxl ravmme,A,iom .1,,' . .m5mnwn 105wrtlmmnmemrtmlmwl.meam,m,me,a.m. A.m,mOmemm°Amm51Emn0.mmwmmw ar,m0 `"u0'rz5u rm®E..Tm,.s515mw15m",m.m,rtammTO A W.DM..0163131.27701.0.,011MAIIM AF121777.1070LI 7074A0 MAMA RELD MVO DOM=I 717.42.10 MUMMA MOM MY 0.1011170111.=mums A. m 7561071515.1 mSw.Emmcmm,AlOmS.MTMr 0.7771110717FAUCKIAJNOWRMAIMICELOArt,0721.777171.071311.10 7/711. 1.51015 W565a.M1." `°°� `" °IE11.6 111111 °"' """ AlII 2.6`.313114175111111[51 ..SPECACIMISYNaliMARSIINECESSAR110 UM .7,7 ,•;a 41511 "° 1 2 I f CAR PORT SECTION ralm al 71179119 I I. d. 111 MIT+Elk .,10011.. .. 48-6VQ it10 4 4 - 5,l 1 2 Z 11 I i I':., ...'1 I gazir: '''''sj 1; Iii TO 1 V. I . 0 � 1 s,0 ED Olw m - 1'^I 1 -`1� TV 1, 1 '-1 1 - _ Q o o ..1.1.1..1. - - -- 1.;.-1. ., �__:..L: 1 '=+=-rli ,,`:':!, _ - o LL LL _ .4,x,1 \UUWIV/// M z7'(53 rn °,r r 1° _ -- 1 li 146:411 _ i. _�11 ��� „ � - r_ � 7 r - i L _r) 1,1;1;'' -Lo -� 1I. I P„ il{ = o . ...- )0111 � g °l' [1 1 : 1■ I _ a_ i■ 1 ,,q 1p ll : j __1! �' _ - T114 9.77.7 iii o 1501510,715 4 4 - ,o m o �� m L, m m (cjfl• .. .. - .. .. _ ' .. - (.. SITE PLAN LL- C SITE PLAN. """" �. Al.0 A FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 0 1. 161311106156619.1111/33.64056611015001,1111/011111 0.11.6601310/61611311.06 606/MM.5010. ° 0 © �/ v.i a14 1/ P� O r W�m061139.1616.1066400114510119.10133663343111110m0 0.6160011111 666 .eo61wle6�. o-• 61611, 1�r,! rx _.-1®, x �® e. x _ A�: 1? I 41 114—�hyo "® ® C , ti- & BF�0�0M ® ®Q '- MAS,FN , % GmOMs sGE4RGq —� " _ —°., 61.6wa5rtnNrw�mau6nrt6.0e011106 1 G>sew:n mast xa. i I— BEDROOM - ra n . 4 OO,l00.EA �If�l�'�l�l - r .. toys r L. 0111991/616116344,410091611611611115/11013616911135043"' 063161460.E ,6x«,mo>uv661416r6631 mra°as'Sre,.m�re,smawrnM • www a Li--%a j ® ® i1i0 � M�6*�6 66 90� 1�6�:1 AGGo.l��90 NAU.W. a �"":aA.®� rl rV u p 0 o I .. aK ® of .,owl■ — 'e Mns.41 e0�6..6,1.R6.�666�m. :r61r11.xe0.�r ',, ar Ng I `Imr ! 3/9 �� 3 /161116661.135 o _ R.:I! 1! itj I _ _._-- i„," I FLOOR PLAN LEGENO.,'arrmxa m,r�.�,wersl,<6n x.l 31.060 I o- P xx `� x®1 r ,,r , x� .. ,' s x� er 0„6 66661 BE0100 Se 9.56 � 4 O1-ISECOND FLOOR PLAN W�F� J 1�1 rrt6A )" T efr ® 0 0 z cc I. 14{ IS.. r, ,l. n „n/.M : = C' m t— STORAGE O �.- �. �� .. 0 CD>- geaFN L. gRHEN ® `® LLO U Q O_ _ ® I cn 4 �' _�'__.S, m p Cr)2 AI 31/ d —�� 1ai_______ Sz II r•• ROOM �Y C� v �. RUM OOM .q p (n m S 9MGF 4 _ _ - co c.,. cto, 1 IQ G �• __�_ STORAGE 1 _ 0.,„ „o 1._ !._,. _ 001964. 10 cO—-"--•—��— -- , c ? POWDER -T--- C.vi DUE 5/06111 I_ r„5/ WI u ®m �1 x.6 l� 1.. PP s____0, cm I1.. y I1.. 11.16 C0 y _ _ /!E 12: FLOOR PLAN C" BUILDING ONE P!... I ' I FIRST FLOOR PLAN LrL� O t= A2 A 2.1 1 FLOOR PLAN NOTES I 0 Mo m Q Q ; PM ; uw 0 M It E0 14.23. amE ; Gmu m . MUS 4.3•117. 5 ° ,�� a� , ", ��_ , „� � � � anmrmmw w OMIT � � u® - - Li s D.67 it61.016116.1141.41.9•16 FINER 701746113E6.111 a nLL,a ,® .® ® . Em,Sww,w.nro,m,rm5mV6.71113.33633.140M,mw,N BEDROOM / ® � TEN 0 V . E S 610r10 - I. R® _ ,INCO— h MESH uBEDROOM s` -— ' mv " �%; Nwz1oa omwmwV7620111741.070116.1.601.11.6eEo�oM � uauSnm� uMwwcwnMo®awoE,msac�mawoancumwnww Besssnwsw"1.r� r°JxoNromvu¢.Be° OM San LObispo.CA 4 /// Ehp °. '�. �o za fir arI� t ,z um,uvwwo,mcl vaw,woaria°muwiursrn.419311114111inldnoreammnwm mo �L�LJqJ ®xnr® ® ® i fgl�Ufi ���... U Sm.m, W0Fws�mm09mt°nreraubmm ° Ww.uc5mw�mrdonwmo ®xAw ® � ❑ p 14 EMS,a„Iomwm10m.561m,�n wa5maa„SwP=-� +`° '"°�,® of ®o I M r. u —� g ®L.® �� �as ,roum � a ❑• I ' ° Sm�51��mr:m,amwan�wro�,Kw. �w� g4® I eoom �'® •' �_ ----' $S BEDROOM , u Oa 11/39467710113T7943 rol:«171saK1®an003aulww5cu15° .09f " ` a.. • \® J�- — --- Ot \\\ FLOOR PLAN LEGEND O---_4,__ — 0 6 (BENou• —,B0. l ill C "u1.... ^— ZIMELL n 3.3••• a.>; JW 2.6••• .„42„. 1 ,.. , , , ,,., ®541' , 15.16- 15.1r 2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN LhL � 634.0.73 6,40 1 0 o 0 © T B 5z Sn. , ter Er Sv n�. 1. em" i..iM w _, 51�, ar � ". V 6.113. r z �r I ® mrex�Ex ---,-,----..--Tra 1 y: O U E cc O_ _ _,A , MSNFN N Q L� 1 VV r B.1 ` m OQ 1 L� Q O 9-1 1' , ` (n Y 0 C —• ` S.0 - �� Ir r J U ® n C 7,• 1PRNO ROON �1.i r I yr,. z.z r-zl x.z �_i_� zs LIVING I — n • CCI !¢Z En Ra m �7 • Nen- IIL q v W = BL 1 r .,...nE .___. .t.___, __. _.....,„„, 6 m _---— 1 IQ CZ IV O_ B01aaEB N`—`•-1 I —‘POWDER ___.I.___- '- 1 —iiiE1 _— , 050414 n me, Er % 6IlEr w n" ,,2.3• a1� . a 1a. or ••- � FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 0 1 125511110.2.232220.10.3.3022.1.251 2 122212.OW.TM 11.0 37 it 2021222.3 330.12.0.12 O. O ec ;Q �e.M . .'.00 .., e.n 0 ,:. 0 , Bx. 1.04exn33 �5m,w.,Bwlm,.x032220 '« .323 2.62 NM.2113120.1 2.501 e.,M Err _ .. „H � —1. �,. , >.a 1 4.31. N .m.ux a,exmm�mm,m �w—�an.,..n.m�o 12. . �^x .—B.I a5.�.mwu5esma.n,m..—.,w.5.a 0 KM 2032.5x.0 0-5.--..-2. —~ 2323 h - �_ - - I /:..,1 . ••. 1 �01a1 LFI ��..� —♦--C.1 xmnSoBi,lmmgs.mu�nm�RW 'a.umx uvuuwn,am. 0— ❑ 1��IF^J 11 =__ o J e 2.5.122•5155131/11224 21141122.03111.152122.22.5.121 TEN OVER MAMA MO 2035 aFB�oN — � BoM -El "_: !� �..8 0 - F 4 ...�,e31253 ex12 � 12na,s 121.11.520211011. STUOIU.INC s ` F / ----- — --- nmamswclwn..205111.2212.1011653.11.3616.501.112R,r, San lans Masao.CA M � m o — j § °°°1121.1"0251122551112.rom,m.mmBxu,nunul,wnw0211,., mon `/ \;,/ PAI •� ..q vrc x,»w,w MOO oueomrm 5,555 wuus,n.u.a ux.n1 805.541.1010 639 Ma,sB sl,B.l, ®�� on 0 El \b:♦ xuwn)rtnnnacsw,esw,i, Inkro,maNEl..rnm ` .IanwersFWbc.m 15 212220 le f, S. S. I `♦ O di ttv O.iv O —' O "0 1„IEl -o ♦ —• ♦d 'a War.en,muua emu,w.vrtmawusvm,me x.20,5,112.1¢2011E25203 242122.2.20221. 62C.5231 a. ` 3 11.55255.23.533112.212.002212.00.6.1111331.1117.0112.1.110.3 m115,w11.2w,m221.,...,23n„,.1m —77:1 h♦ BEDROOM ♦ 62.2 __a iusme7swmmrnmowie,uc,mwmmm vn,uao 2O _ � BF➢ N - 2011 27, ®I FABEDROOM ® FLOOR PLAN LEGEND 2 Y. ® ❑ ,/��i • e m �Li 2. � , , , ---.1__. ♦--1A O_♦—•—:— i,ii. 01 , , , ,. ---®sm saw 3.2 f , i 3512. ® 32111125 ' 2. 3.2 le — g.,. • 2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN W„J � O m,.nmx IH MX Q o.,� cc e. .� ,� ,. „� 5 Laa CD I 10 0 LC :D f 1 — aam IWEll r�l r �• m o 0 O I ■ l Cf)CC gur lur - p _ 1 1�En•F %IV iMPI! --- 1-- � �■ •IIT- �� a ao .�� — ImeB I m J o Eh y t. ■ p d CC CC N CC Fn cc s,c Q —— -- ® ' I'I 'I ®I et o 4 = o 6 SWAGE05~ ® I ♦I 12 e =on n 1.- co1 = 3512 211.121 El , triA ';,. 03 05 63 250,12. M • C., 22 FLOOR PLAN ® 0 BUILDING THREE 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN OM i MN FLOOR PLAN NOTES I 0 I. 1011.24333432.1.1121122 12312 0242271.111101014 0 . 2 64241, TO.11.4120411117221.11111113 43.02210,31110311.1110 L0.033112.111.14a22S23aB�02]23�ma�,tlm„5�Wtltl.l. w,.�a 4. sow � 4.124. = 3.24. _a=„ x_ 'tl ` " .. a5Y i_e_.s_.�_ S —= n SLI x , .tl MIDI lwmu , ®I ® l�: t" J1 , W 11120123]Wmv,]mW4umn]nuom12nn,w,uu«u — ♦ ♦ .— O—♦—�♦— 1. WLLu1m1nwW,.0„],]m,,,2.wm„�em11ero.]tla12.T Ba DBmJ Buv11.13111.424312430.9031111.11112120410132211112031-40444 0---- _-— ❑ 4� \ Bnr om. mo ♦ Ii , wnmmm,w]wwomam34.361mnE.o,2u12 TEN OVER __ mM ��� m,B� ,o nn 30223.412001231223 LL,w3,mm5.m�1,mm..2212, nn 12 ♦ BOm .__ H� 4 _ \ ®�.___. BED�om = II 111031210/302011.22210134014143P3101111243.14,30.1312.120421 3 0.412.1101. STUDIO.INC ^ \ T ♦ 072113 ARMCO 32113113144 42/23110 MO on.mvmirtnmb0.umimwuortctmm 1 I 10422141932133.11,14113223,13 San IW,Obispo. AI a —® n � 0I 12 m�Raw� ,wmnl,Wa 4�, 805.5411010 QV - a wowmw,lwlwowa„23,WM ,o001504 mroBlmmaamwLLanm Onm ea j;iE1® „ 1LL E �♦ ,C t ® ® > p ® N m w .manenPnw LL, n,23,.m m! ,...,0•• ` o1 LNcy/ ` II • - 111 ,,‘I'' -1-41,,.:B BEO�Om FLOOR PLAN LEGEND `a` 4 0 S ❑ a . G ��AT _ 0— .— _ ® ® rt1=1 _ _ , 2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1.$1.. O ,kw4Ww 11) m z `/ Bbl.a 11., cc unv v+ m. ,..i. 0.„,.. . w {{ I( Z O— r el. as , r� 5.n .--'=1®e_� „ �®5�u , RUQ O \N♦ — r ♦POWDER � _ _ —0 /,IN 2 U _ I POWDER 0 Ii �n Sof F.. m Q _ -_ = _ _ I Q o0 ,IrINO b CC b MIA Ir II xa rw 1 01 1 �r U I!, • J _ �_ x ,fix, C1.-1.. .. CO 4( nil O__ 1 _ EN KITCBIICHEN @J e `— k{ < HEl — . weer n _ 1 ►111 0b11 343;,” 2 L _19 t_A_1_- ' ----z-._ d I ICI 22 COC.0:::' a: FLOOR PLAN '�4 BUILDING ONE !A- ril FIRST FLOOR PLAN LI.1 .11 O A2.4 q.A • . ROOF PLAN LEGEND 1 0 • C== aa,marmwmumuanm A. VIM MAXI Q Q B " Q Lama rmmwc Hasa mammy tauarz run I g I own 0— — Is— —0.1 __ 0 TEN OVER 0-— II = STUOIO.INC r---s —11- ✓ ZI II Bfl Mann Strad. San mis Bo1°p°,u II 605511101en°r°anwm°mm II 0--r): mal H s“' "°" H - a. I I i I mmu+ :t '—B I I .o. Oe:{o nen 11 I �f—f B.1 O— II 11 L JIm L J1 11 aam� ..,.�� II g 11 . A ua A 1L V RI III RINE.R1 2 BUILDING THREE AND FOUR LI-►--jam O AMMO I 3 a Z a w . Q— — rcm I I I = > —r .. —_—at CJ II D I— n A 0 8 1! r } V— y ¢ B /1—LI`I d. II El! ii iII i IJ CI O II fifi COW Q N I I 3� 4 m ,, cm II II I I"� I -" wrn ' WO =On n L J II 0-I LATE O 11 L m ae ,.D..,O 0 ---8.1 p ': ROOF PLANS BUILDING Al KEYNOTES {gy p 1...(1aaaamnam„a.mmmRma.K.14aama l C)am ma?ammo ammo ueauratua namovars 1...' ITT BUILDING ONE AND TWO W_uC O 0.... °ten A4.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LEGEND I 0 AMR RAV.11101XIIi/l 60,14. Millen emxo.wvmxs..s MSS..sm..,:I.x.es /�� /� /� /-� TEN OVER (� i5) a ] (� (� Oo o.t Gt B.t a., STUOIO,INC 7 Y 7 T SSB Muth Strut. Sin luta Obispo.G I 0 i SSs.56 110Po I I o 0 0 0 o o o i o Io o 4 �Qlex I tudbtom u u U U QU U U Yr U U U U 'lei ' `$ u o u u u u u u v u u u u u NMI Ii `I�-I��; _—.L I ----_,• „r,_,......„.....„.„,3„ w,, 1 — oMow : 1" ' I 1 . . 0.� I f M I°I NORTH EAST ELEVATION Ltt�-� IT'SOUTH EAST ELEVATION 4LL—i_J SQ ENT-LEAST suu u. ,a E O O 3 n T Q O O O O §-' ZLI 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 ® I 0 0 1 CC cD 0 0 1 x 0 1 rill0 0 10 ' cDz o ca - $ I I I u- 8 Q � uuuuu t= uuuu u uuu "" � H Jo U U U U U U U U U U U U U U '2_1— m ¢a � m Liaki— L_B _ __ _ . _ __. _. c...... _,—.......,43 ,_ [MP . - . B . L.c 05 WM RIORFIAT I lilal ' ° lel I ® i 0 KEYNOTES>oxwsoa+o.Ml ao.s16et,..a,t.sx.x..e« • p Hxeo��e,xxsx.o..xae.� xu x. ..Mx - ... _I M." . .. ._ p WI.MO ELEVATIONS 0 IX.xe10N.xoUaoaomo `+ BUILDING ONE 0 vES..ex4.1.<mxmM R,s SOUTH WEST ELEVATION o a1.....F4it f l e CI��.I I�NORTH WEST ELEVATION LIeLJ--�� o M_W C? l � _ .� o.,�x,���xx.�.�x..�x.u„Eo,ow�a. � A5.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LEGEND I 0 MN CI1.1116601tiL 6021.6 I .aw.amaAla..,neUa . Mtn A.n«u„�ars O O a O 0.) TEN OVER T Cis STUDIO,INC 619 Yarst,Street. San ms oeiaeo,u I I 5.541.)010 0 0 I OO 0 0 O 0 0 I I O I O O , O 80 I Infoetanovantaacom nnenktanonorstudlo.com U U U U u J U U U U U U U U1IIxau I I _I i an.'y U U U U U U U U L— U U U U U 11,� Ir, =a In • .....47.*--F4F • mill L___ ..... W — ,..aa�� • PL.n � I � z 3 I NORTH EAST ELEVATION L?LJ--. [j SOUTH EAST ELEVATION [ Q ..I ,ao �.o u„ .. �o = LL, //l1��;JJ ��[�J OIO o 9 a Q o O� O� Z o o o 0 0 0 01 o ® L 0 1 0 0 Ion p CD g u- gQ A aDv,2 , . i—, u u c_., _..._ Bu u U U` U U U U U U U 0 "a ,'°?P _ lcci J 0 U U o UUUUUHUUUUUck, • rk-: = E'cc' 4 110 �Ia _ oft �� 4. MOR A s 1 0 . NEM,' ll1 O KEYNOTESw:oon n �aE�maE�aCZ mama 0Re°$ 0. anecuaa�umeunusmaowma A1104.�uemm „a,1 Ce." ... ......... -. I "°' _, .. ...... - - 0 Irsa134.oNe CC ELEVATIONS 0,,,a,n,avnMUSED MT= Cz BUILDING TWO 0 0100M0 HMI II I I SOUTH WEST ELEVATION L�Li-- J II F I NORTH WEST ELEVATION trL�J 0 a-ate- .w�a 4, 0 011164.-1.7.,mUm� .. AC,��„ ,ow,a40, A5,2 • OM NM • EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LEGEND I 0 MD 11141111110010M.SlY4 tan....V101.,MOUS ///'''��� /-� ///---��� ///---��� (T�TEN OVER lB) ,57 1 12' (11 Op 0.1 Gt B.I Al STUI]I0,INC 7 I �I/ �I/ WS Marsh Street 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 l0 0 0 I 0 I B�OSLIMIp P°.G I I II no 1te avers ud otvm worn tenae¢rstudlet°m U U U U U U U u $ U U U U UI I 7r$ e0 eH I U J U U U U Di Il $ U U J 1 - .. _ I B RI re J __,__ I _ _n 7.,. ■ H :'I: Ei .-_ . r -1 z I°1 NORTH EAST ELEVATION W�i_1 SOUTH EAST ELEVATION W Je-e-�_� CQ "I° I I" Wit „r Ir G w ° 4 Q ` e Q 4 oa o 0 z =CC z� 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 O I 0 ® 1 I ' 0 0 0 ' 0 ' _ } O o0 "`"'":41!' HI I " °` 1- o¢ QQR 1 II u U U U II U U U U U ll t`• U °"',,,,.413 I .Y ~ =c�.� U U U U U I U U U U U U U U •_ z�n IR ITN . . . . . Lcp_ o. k...„... .. _, 7+ e, JD PdlItidall.,40 -_I 0 --- - R 1' r-11 1 Ld I I L._ — I I - 0 _ - KEYNOTE LAPS nwrsv.rnn :®el EEMENE.a.vrvEe ""6ME0"00Pno - • - � 0 YMCA e°ua.x°a.mxcmvmvnnlrse.ry 5171M ININ INI. . _... .. El I -"-'' ' 0Inrrt.K.rm Ea ELEVATIONS 0 E.em.==nevem cr. BUILDING THREE 0 E.a..EI.tumxut . 4u. f T SOUTH WEST ELEVATION I — �I IT NORTH WEST ELEVATION L►i_�J p Qe Ea ' E°.° w roI �r e. Ia 0 rfl�E,.,.I rtTW.n, E.°II�..UIIEar°M.O. A5.3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS LEGEND Ma CE111111116MITAISOINO . i.0 . I I 1 .xnnoi Kunoumumnaornc CMS..e.eu.amae TEN OVER Q O ( a9aoSTuuI D, Ifl C N9hush Street San Lois Ob!spo.CA ' 60514L1010O 0 ° O7 OOO O , O . o O O I • nroee m :mimw .w.. .rsmmmmw oo,, ,., ,, ... U L' U U U U 11; U — 0 0 0 U U it01"---: :" :1. R011,14 R. o, . ___.i, I _.1. 9 9 9 Ed i • .....,........„ .... —/ '4.45 mimmmommlimo [---- LIo �I— a • I I NORTH EAST ELEVATION LhL(--�J I SOUTH EAST ELEVATION WJ--L_J a �°I ab�e (e� _ I" m. ,�n ems �. �b = LL, T T 9 a I 7 o° o 0 Q" z o O O 0 0 O O I 0 0 I O 0 O i O D o0 U 2 do cn z 1 N U U U U U U U U U U U r U ' ^-..-7.:4, _ 1— =c, uuuuul J U U B U U U D U 0 — CO �m IBJ I I _ I .__,, e r Cj, 1 Fyr �- 1I a mm„ MIM. —1 I I 0 KEYNOTES p»em�,n.LO„ama.„m.s,amwwm+Fne,me.®.n C. pI 17 AB. p.11[1.11/1".X0..nnemmeummums mue mmnmm. Y -... .. .. .. .� p owlam mum ' ELEVATIONS p a.mmuanmCAM MEMO CI BUILDING FOUR p n.v.•MPu..mmwla Lt.. I I SOUTH WEST ELEVATION LhLF-�, i I NOH WEST ELEVATION L�LI--L— I p ana,mwmma e,mm n I` RTm.o„ �. ,,. ,a ®.n�a.,ma. Mn.. u.wwn3 a.,wnom..00n� A5.4 MI Q o 00 0 0 00 o 01 0 O 0 o a4, .. MMM , m ..M $ — TEN O V E R - li . ...-. t ° STUUIO,INC wdMwbmDM4 enov mm ortevcam BEDROOM BEBEDROOM -HALLWAY ' ,iii,SLIM Q ° 0 o m OI 01 P 0 _/M.20PLT$ mom° 7$ G W d P 4 7.1 :x: ti : 'SSIDOT il 11.0 ve E.Mo�i. MHOO CD. • BLLBE r MaOM O rrr ° O 2 I TRANSVERSE SECTION 1.14— �� pi TRANSVERSE SECTION4LI—I_ 1H DECK OPTION P J u o- Z 0 0 00 0 0 Q o 0 1 = w µM .°.nT''T • _ g mA , ' M)I� & r I I ° O Ii urtMim, O BEDRSLOPEOOM MuoM mT O ','i ....1, .I.uuu uuu..uJI ...TAT .O U 2 I8a r V7 OU mm0 BEDROOMM BATHROOM ` OZ En •.....u...IIIR •• UU ;' ... LIMO ROOMo , 'I B�PE '77k::: ®i O ice; LIMOM-0 °MMOMon� KEYNOTES = o I" oE fZ OM = cr. moEnwonwE • - p BBl@WRIT WEMEM S.MMOMMM M.MM MUM CO p DMO MUMS P VIE 2.4.1...mEo M p ama.000EM1111E:E 0 MIMP°mmsnPEBSmucnmu - p MMmor.EOMEEEAMIMAMMA KMM = SECTIONS 0°MSWOEM.m;EBmemMEOLEwS 0 BUILDING pxODOCOMMIS°uL1flQcwrI°°mumw,OnmC (I., ONE AND TWO • 0 ORM+EOM INDIPMm,�M .EE.wE,E.aE,mmMMI.M.MOD i''''. A6.0H' LONuU°DINAL SECTION L.I 0•=M«M,mMa �+ oWM.MEM.MM 00 0 0 00 0 0 ® (-1) wMM.rt 1 0 © , 7.:curt © I o 4M dna • '' TEN OVER o STUOIO,INC AMSTEfl539 Marsh BEDROOM BEDROOM HALLWAY BEDROOM I �' San WISOBIsspo.CA A e0554003 1 Y rtR•"'"TRMMT U I Inver Rtenoy ntU�`o,Y MR.nII 0 �MMAaRB. m/ o o el? An.�! !lioF o o TmaM 1 STOKE " 0 O 11Ilial o l PE t.E;r&vo Ram 0, • .. n� 1' rt. ,. 2 TRANSVERSE SECTION 1.1.1-1-113 TRANSVERSE SECTION GLS—I.� I I DECK OPTION I® T B a 0 0 Z ,,.. (i).... eb = o ® �. P = g , z 4,wzy Ryer J—t 0r MAMA O U = MISTER TI iR. BATHROOM HALLWAY BEDROOM "gear HALLWAY BATHROOM0 LL Tn Q J owm rcw. ©—� r o- 0' ) I . Ct.p Y p j p Q c.,,,:c2 s,.--,� [ I,I I I I I I I I , r ===il I is I � m ¢E, zEn ° >1. ---- Q Tn • maaaunoM0 ) ROOM STORAGE` ----- H UrnAo- O . 9 =m0 W UM -� S%E I— ROOM rr�� H • YAM oT L .1---I .IIy. (,.� , I.,1 RM r{0.41... i, i,, ,, KEYNOTES p.n.IRMMRII'TAM SIMS RIM TO SIIIICITSISLEDIMUM4 CO O A 5RAM.neMPEAnRT:R.MM p MSRAAMIPM MU 24 p POlAMIORrU.MMRSWIM. r...? p 900 09LA9Y.HAfl0 05900980A8 CC SECTIONS 0 CM[MMP.0,MMRM.RKRN.WAS i BUILDING 0Aom[MUM,En,no,n,MIAL.O.0..0,.,.,,MM,,... S,g_, THREE MD FOUR p.,.... � E RE.MMnM M .MMM IaI ONDINAL SECTION LL�J I ,.-, =77,T. A6.1oMM.M�M..MBRu ME • 0 I] DOOR SCHEDULE BUILDING ONE Q WINDOW SCHEDULE BUILDING ONE DOOR b WINDOW NOTES 1 21.2.012W.0000013 DM 621460501.10402.104201.1052071110 0 027.346 RED n0 MIN W.«r m! MI RI a1, GRlb 2 ALL NOMOS361121.2 62 01221141.27113.4R0.115,2 TAO B,.mRRW.wn 3w! SUM.YAP I • MRS 1121 wRem9ae::'0"°°a 001.0.2411/41121213.wm HAULM...01�Lnk�as PIC. Oa Sd ea . D 170 4 .I 0a b0 3a Wk R IMMO°All MR uo 'e3�mnxN¢�42 wwGlioKnvsu 3 4111,01.10.420W3 .¢ wLl.n.m m: xa ed t .A PM PM P1D 14 - --- - OM 20 00T 0 xe WA 12 5 l e.Rnw.100.6uu.0Rmml:m.uumlR Ra10221141um26141¢0k TWO. Bm Ya 0 0 C F1 PM WO PA 2 14141,02111102112220L010.1012000201301C65C711214200.0201COMPUCTIOCILL4332100250216. _ - - 0 ra W11 R 00002200241261310/4222.02011011123 n0k1GW1maw.kR3R00420.0RewRl 004 4 2 110 WO _- 1°°e'n.e"e30r0.rnkrRwI' a m d ed e R PTD 9 v 11 �w6Rwu.eev..DE OM 3 0. . 1. M1,111300110012706121.1.00W90007 05120114011.242I2 MATO 214101111}TORIMILL BE ; ;: PM a o 2151261202111010110210 sa: e =aIro3OOP¢[![w1m,I. 00 Sd 100 2 . PE.Rrm31.AkM9ROnro, m, : o „ . 1 W Rwu �¢ ; TEN OVER 007 30R- OM 20 0 I WO PM WO PM 2 039 ,a e.n wromSemweon n.110 0 ND.W003 ',M.N.. aaaWwLW1w,m�m3M191nN�ma9wnikaaG..IRI¢aGDIDIR� STUUIOIINC -- COLamu¢1PMInNI510lav0¢IIO 21000°nem! 6]B Marsh Sonet. 0ow.umnnms IT.2.207012,2101 WO.1,000 un-Wm 6.0.60m,�31SSa In L¢SR n San Ms OEI3pSCA El DOOR SCHEDULE BUILDING TWO Q WINDOW SCHEDULE BUILDING TWO p0pWt13m" 1t 80551LN10 ¢cnrnor Inefatenlrverstualamm F0612/12002601wslm w uvmSI 2munein 0,3960rra"w1A RV CoRO l .I....ULiarom 2CM RCM IOW 9 v.G� w0DI WSn mb MT fly Wr r11 • rolls 01210. amwGaa MOON muk wm 3 Wrss3aR. no0omavUOS'Rn3mray.¢Imnle¢wlowenvn¢lrtennn¢enenal MI 3 1 R 3m V. .m SODOM em eo ea c 3d 103 OM d ea 2 P40 1112 NO PM " m1Mmk Ee1 032 xr ea W R RPM 11331¢wII ,Rn4nwe 4 e5 ')R,!0 MS 34 00 1, FP FM ND PIO 0 - F0111114101000,1..111502211.210111115212F011601144221.22100125.22 M.=000213 OM 441 150 0 PO PTO NIT PIO 2 eisnre:::=47. OM 20 00 1 WD 120 IND PM 2 WIMOW021121521.23 R.2401111TFORM PM.1020113 13 200.22201.0121111321110C2901113PROW3211MR2700123210 SPAM 0.222.0222120.3 61121.122.10 LE 013 P. 0 0 0 WO' PM WO 110 0 21100.21102123 611.41.2112.0270220. 6201012 1104031. • DOOR SCHEDULEBUILDINGTHREE ®n n.rW1.3R�1 .R_31GmG W0-MO MR.1.12221. O WINDOW SCHEDULE BUILDING THREE 34 DR 11.IIAM wrlwv�l,RGRAU DOOM COMMIX e 404210 q".��YroeL¢Rae3swanol.Rrrn,mSr 01100 C0101406a 0. RIPW 011/103 711010 SU VA EON ROAR 1.2 WNW MAW 006131OVITTP A 1015015/1037210121 CRIME AMMO!01111.4301 GO .0111 2E01 M1 Sur RI MO m b MIN MGR MI RlWnoli 41r fW • MAP 11 anRM3.ro¢lM,d ¢Celoaa1113. 10 11t111005142,01.0012316110,51.210011101110“40208,111011220125° .Iok.n .I 30 10 . R 1. IVO PM 4 11Ws.11.21Y[roLµnelB.MnORIBurxOrlMWMkIS.LL3c120.4.0110 ed 3A VA P20 Om ed 30 nk¢e3e[m3,Ie3. 1013wn4331X41H11Wm91g1333nuM1e.Bvd 012.22002 032 2.0 On 322 20 0 10 WO IP 1 00032004.12 To mums°Ku oR eo e: 0 no rA 3w 3 - om ea 0. so • ' "� " - -W.nro..ml3aAn.,Wm, SAFETY GLAZING NOTESu,p�mBnO,�u..A3,. Y1OS1°m'Rm 60 I 007 00 114 0 ND P1D VA .110712 ak eo OM 24 • 1 vn rm . - DOT 30 xS 03 LT wk n _ amnro.lP10 2 moRrwemwmk R_ �.11vm Wa 0113 80-1121321.1040"RR IR 1.12110:412.21122/2202137211013.2.404 02220.m l`0munman:m320 IC 08 0 NO PIO WO PM 2 OD SIMKO w Lo I] DOOR SCHEDULE BUILDING FOUR_ 00210.6210012013 R.rW,On,reml .m-memo WO.2460 O, WINDOW SCHEDULE BUILDING FOUR Y ILI,M.wRARMu31mnR,1a3.1a1"�0°1 2'1K 3eN1�R'�' !' Z o<RW MWR6Q Doan wu! I31me 0111014 Pa MOON Rule 3 ¢13emw[nmmAO..l.W00.0 ® = Q UG MIDI PESO 1we MAT m, un 3m • Mort° - . 0003 =CCD rW MA1R WOO tan mllmmr U11 RI ' Bwaw'°"v111ilar al¢m.O131.100.URa R.nuk¢Ra.0uan1W.I.w3ualR =CD > AI .a O _ -__ ' OS 0. 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