R 1875 RESOLU1ION NO. 1875 'tl :J A RESOLU110N OF 1BE CI'IY COUNCIL OP 'l1IE C1'1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNA'I1NG A LANDMARK "lREE 85-4 WHEREAS, See.l0--3.06 of the Municipal Code of the aty of Arroyo Grande Irovides for the preservation and protection of certllin trees in order to produce a more desirable, p1essing and beautiful coommity and to maintllin and enhance coommity historic, cultural and property values, as well as to tr<JII1Ote the public health, safety, cOOJfort, and welfare; and WHEREAS, this tree on1ot nuniJer sixteen of the Le Point Addition V to the aty of Arroyo Grande, and as located and identified on the map attached to this resolution, has been eJmlllined by the Parks and Recreation Director of the a of Arro Grande and has been found to be a live oak; and ~/'f,. ;"'/'f; ~"" ' "'1>.," ~:...,~~..: .'. .. I . ..-.:~ . ~:"i4.,~':,""#IiI.,,",-~' l ~-_.~ . .. ,'.' .... ,. >. 'AI .' .... .. r ~~ . .U~...''; . , ~ . _ r ~' AJ .....A~. >",,~: " ~J;\~, :,' "\it.. . 1~~ '. ~" _~ ...... ,..:rt ~;;,; . -:>-7"})t'" ;--. -" - ~_' . t', ~u..'~ ,,_J'_ ___:>-.Jt:iz..~.j"6r ;;...,. , WHEREAS, this tree, due to its age, species, configuration, and blstorical va1ue meets criteria for .LandnIU'k tree designation as detemUne<l by the Parks and Recreation Director and Planning Oxrmission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Coomission of the aty of Arroyo Grande recool~ielJ(~ to the aty O>uncil that this tree should be ~ and protected and designated as a Lminark tree. NOW THEREFORE, the aty O>uncilof the aty of Arroyo Grande hereby designates this tree as a .LandnIU'k 'Iree and directs that it shaD. be roonumented as .LandnIU'k 'Iree NmDer 85-4; and FURTHERMORE, this tree shall be protected, ~ed and maintained by the tree owner and subsequent tree owners and such tree shaD. not be rerooved or destroyed by any party unless otherwise authorized by See. 10--3.06 of the Municipal Code of the aty of Arroyo Grande. On rootion of O>uncil Menber Gallagher, seconded by O>uncil Member Moots, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Mayor Smith, Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter, and Gallagher, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, { the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted i!327th day of Augt5t, 19~5. . 'OA1A1.~ ~ , ATTEST: ~a, ~JH~ ,\ 'J ~~y~. CI CLE P Recreation irector , , , I, NANCY A. DAVIS, qty aerk,of the aty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis OI:8spo, State of Oilifornia, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1875 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adogte<\ at a ,regu18r meeting of said Council on the 27th day of August, 1985. .' : I ~ " , WITNESS my hand and < Yte ~ of ,the ~ty of Arroyo Grande affixed this 5'd. day of Septellber, 1985. ,) . , .,' ~ ,( I, I' ' '7WJAAJ'tl a. A..J ) aty aerk ':.~k~~t;':):'::. ~~..~....... ~. ..-:-- . ..... .",... , .. \. ~ '. :..... ,,-~ . J ~~ ~. ~ -............. r-.... ' " t:>~" 0, 0 .... Or ..~ (.,,,, "0 ...., _ e"l' ""- -~ ~ ..... ~, '% . ",,' . '" Or ) "'~ . - ,-' ~ '. - Q . " ,... .. - HQ:-'- -- -- .- - - - - ." " r; - - Jb . 0- ;. - - I ' - 0 .., -rT _____ " l - _ _ r; ~ ~I - , . ., - .... -... ...... ,.... ..... , " - ~-- , ~flaM.~ ""OC\- _ oO.fIIa ~.t ,- ~~ Puct) I'" . ,,--., . ....,l~ - - _1- - a"v J>>d II D/)\ ~ ,-""f!:),! . "." r IN I'\) " b ..... -G"'... o~' ~ - --. l ',"" -- -' . J 0- -- - --' ~. . . ..... ...... . ---. r- . . ~ '.. >r-o ~ ~ . . ~ ~ : ' .... . ..... ; '" ..... 3: · - · ~ ..... ....... " 0> : ~ r ........ ..... " C>~ 0 ,.. 0 ' - A o;\) ~... ~ ;d _' ._ . _. . _" ___ ; 0 ... "- t::1 tr1 - . - "', . tr1 tr1 0 NJ ~-I r ". .z : ~, ~ " r ::u~ · gj 0 rrtz "- ; rrr CJ --', . :.. ~3:" 1: .. U1 UJ ....... " : '" ,: Ot ...... " ~ m o. I ::0 .... : r 0 I\.. 0'" · ~---- f ....?' ; ~ ,~ -- ,_ ..1_ '\ . ..