R 1872
-- - .. -. ,,--------.. BESOLU110N NO. 1812 1 0 9
WHEREAS, Sec.10-3.06 of the Municipal Qx!e of the aty of Arroyo Grande !I'Ovides fer the
preservation and !I'Otection of certain trees in order to produce a more desirable, pleasing and
beautiful coommity and to maintain and enhance coommity historic, cultural and property values, as
well as to promote the public health, safety, comfort, and weJfare; and
WHEREAS, this tree on lot IlUITber fifteen of the Le Point Addition V to the aty of Arroyo
Grande, and as located and identified on the map attached to this resolution, has been examined by the
Parks and Recreation Director of the a of ArsoYo Grande and has been fotmd to be a live oak; and
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WHEREAS, this tree, due to its age, specles, ConrlgUrlltloO, and historical value meets
criteria for landmark tree designation as determined by the Parks and Recreation Director and
PJBnning ConnDssIon; and
WHEREAS, the PJanning ComnissIon of the aty of Arroyo Grande reccmnends to the aty
Council that this tree should be preserved and !I'Otected and designated as a Landmark tree.
NOW 'IHEREFORE, the aty Council of the aty of Arroyo Grande hereby designates this
tree as a I.andmark 'Iree and directs that it shall be nuwmented as I.andmark 'Iree Nmber 85-1; and
FUR TIiERMORE, this tree shall be protected, preserved and maintained by the tree owner
and sua;equent tree owners and such tree shall not be removed or destroyed by any party \IlUe$
otherwise authorized by Sec. 10-3.06 of the Municipal Oxle of the aty of Arroyo Grande.
On moon of Council Menber-Gallagher, seconded by Cbuncil Member Moots, and on the
foJIDwing roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Mayer Smith, CbWlcU Members Johnson, Moots, Porter, and Gallagher,
NOES: None,
{the feregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 27th day of Augt5t, 1985.
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I, NANCY A. DA VIS,aty ~ of tI'M! my of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo,
State of Oilifomia, do hereby cerpry that the foregoing Resolution No. 1872 is a true, fulland correct
copy of said Resolution passed and adOtlted at a ,regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of
A"""~t, 1985 ;, . ---~ n 7 .' ' }
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WITNESS my haM and~,~1I1 o!, the.:9ty of Arroyo Grande affixed this Sdday of
Septerrber, 1985. , .( I .,',. ; 'J ~ /) n '
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