R 1871 . . . . RBSOLU'l10N NO. 1m A RBSOLU'l1ON OF 1HB C2'1Y OOUNaL OF 1HB C2'1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING 1HB GENERAL PLAN 'lEXTAND MAP~ 1fBEREAS, the PIannIJ:f; CamUsion has held (QbIic hearings to consider a series of Bmendlaents to. the Qty's CWpoehensive General I1an; and 1fBEREAS, as a part of saki (QbIic hearings, an envJrotmental review of all relative fact<rs \\'lIS IncJuded In the (rOCeE!dIngs, f~ the ~ set fcrth In the OIlif<a'llla EnWonrmntal Quality Act; and 1fBEREAS, the PIannIJ:f; Oxmission has adopted resolutions finding that Negative DecJarations are In crder; and 1fBEREAS, the PJamIng 0mIissi0n has adopted resoJutions J'eCOI"'''''1dIng that the aty CouncIl adopt the f~ 8ll1eI.dm.uts to the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the aty Councll, following public hearings on the be1owrefereooed General Plan all1eoomesrt:., has found them to be consistent with the goeIs, object!ws and current ~ policy of the aty of Arroyo Grande, and 1fBEREAS, folJowlng review of the PJamIng CamUsion's recaJI)""Jdatlons OIl the Negative DecJaration of' EnvIronrental IiqJacts lftP81'ed In acccrdancewlth the OIlif<a'llla Env1r<..lleIltal Quality Act (CEQA), the aty CouncIl has concurred In the adoption of the Negative DecJaratlons; and 1fBEREAS, f~ public hearings befeft the aty CbuncJI, the CouncIl has tentativeJy 8p!rOVed the below referenced General Plan mOOumlellts. NOW, 'J1lRRR11()RE, 1HB C2'1Y OOUNaL OF 1HB C2'1Y OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HRRRRy RBSOLVEAS FOLOOWSr' 1. That the General Plan Text and Map shall be amended as folJoM: B. ~ the Land Use designation tran Low DensIty RESidential to Medium HIgh DensIty Residential (not to exceed 14 W1its per acre), and creating an area of pEI'IIm1ent open spece, and with the I'E!IpOlISiWity fer lllllintenance, liability and taxes l'eIIIIinfng with the ~ty 01III1er on 1and described as foIloM: "ParceJs 1 and 2 as shown on Parcel Map No. AG-73-163In the aty of Arroyo Grande as per IDBpreccrdedJune 12, 1974 In Book 14, Page 77 of Parcel Maps In the Office of the Qlunty Recc:rder, OJunty of San LuIs Obispo, except therefrom that pcrtIon of sakl1and described In the deed to c. Arthur Grieb and 1. Quol Grieb, trIBtees, reccrded MBroh 18, 1976 In Book 1885, Page 937 of Official Rec<rds. Also identified by OJunty Ass_Dr's Parcel No. 6-391-42 and 6-391-43." b. ~ the text of the General Plan by adding a categ<ry to the Legend titled "GIaraln...._.M1- ", and adding a peragraph to the text of the General Plan Vitdch reads: "'Ibe GIaral 0.-.---", _~....... far a .....Clfrebdl ~ 8Dd..............-dal.dMC:) ......1f1lM 1IIItb tile dlDrDlllldl Clftlle peap1e m tile ..._-...-.~. 'D8e p.'" rebdl ... ....... _ II1II w"",-_ II! . ".wi .. ......,..MlodMtlt. ..1o~ food.... "'II1II ftICIfu"tIt1n.. "D* -..,.., CIf I8Dd _.~~ fGIIIII alIqr<ftldA--. 'INf1Ic W.,8Ddlntlle_ClfOeklWk BcJuJev.d 8Dd We ~ stzeet-, and ~ the General Plan Map In aCClX'dance with the attached IDBp Ja1><>J1ed "Exhibit A". c. ~ the General Plan Map by eJImInating the categ<ry "BfgIa DeaIity ~....&.....I"'J" (21 1IIIItII IB' 81ft), 8Dd tile ~ _... BfgIa Dt:uIIt" 1l~d"'1- (1'11. ....1IIIItII1B'8Ift),1IIII~.Jo.'CtlBa1llltbaflllll1e~ tItJed _... BJgb DIIniIItJ B ~ "'dLo1- DOt to.,. If~ 14 J ~ .1IIIItII1B' 81!1'e", and ~ the "Medflm Low DensIty RESidential" text; .- . - , .. "MBDIUM LOW DENSITY 1Im:Qn'8N'l1AIA Not to..... ntl U... (IEI'--. 'IUs " -y...&n....._ ...Utabie fer .... tadIJ, ~ aad ~ db. 1 '1""+"'_ ......IIII-CItu8~ ...1III1be188ft4fer ....._....110.""_-.... 1reDdII, ........ ,................IIJ, toIm I... . patio I... ! . ZB'O Jot JIne db. 1,..-.f., aad otber .ba.o..dkwl In tile ........ fte1d. 'lbe __ at --'~,y. .. .,,,, &.. e1 'II".~d _In ~ 1IIitb _......IIC( B>4 to ~_.-eiI1_ aad to .......1CNeCB, 1IIitb .....r...~..-............ to..,. tile .... dtutII;) at .. elf t........ "IIBDIUII mOB DENSITY RESIDEN'lUIA Not to .... e !~14 1IIIiIB (lEI' 8I!n. 'IUs" ~,...tf..... been~ to .....A<! ... at tile atJ, ~ p :It Joeef5lw-~ ~".A.~ ......'._.I~.... -t totleOlllrllJ. RIo"". " DWkJut, aad otB JIi-.'L- ~ fer _......... Dftet __ to ~~..iBa... >1 fertlliBiBnd-._ totleJllle-...attr8ffte Cl'eatod by ...dI... ... cIt...dit) . -1.-,...1.... As 1IIW1 tie otber II of ,.,... 1101.' .""""'........ ...dI...... dtutII;) J .....1bDII1d be tB'8fu1IJ I..........., to~ tie --.I~ at 1[8'8 ... cPet- A -an... dtuil,y at 14 ... (lEI' eeN ... been~"''''''''''''' to~ ........at.......iB6 db. J v_d 1IIieh could i1o-. ~ tie ....;b...........1 <P"'.... at tie atJ"; and ~ the map to Indicate a ~ land \lie category COI'f~ to Mediun HIgh DensIty Resident1al- not to exceed 14 wrlts per acre,!n acc<rdance with the attBched map titled "Exhit>>t B". On mtion by Council MenDer Gallagher, seconded by Council MenDer Moots, and on the following ron call vote, to wit! AYESI Council Meubers Gallagher, Jolnlon, l'a'ter, Moots and Mayor SmIth NOm None ABSBNTI None the foregoing Resolution WIIS passed and adopted this 27th day of .Augt.l;t 1985. I!Y~J~ MAYOR A'f'l'&STI = a. ~ CITY I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1871 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 27th day of August, 1985. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 29th day of August, 1985. ~a,~ CITY CLER ----- -