R 1839 . ., RESOLunON NO. 1839 A RESOLU'I1ON OF 11m a'lY OOUNaL OF 11m aTY OF ARROYO GRAMDB, CALJllORNIA, RBOOGNIZING 11m SBPARA110N OF 9OU'IH OOUN1Y HUMAN RBLA110NS <X>IIImi8ION IIRIIRRRB FROM 11m (X)MMTSRION AIm IIIPIBMENTING MEASURES ro OVRRRRR POBLIC FUNDS. 1fRRRRA..<I, the aty of Arroyo Grande did execute 8I1d become a psrty to the creation of the South O:>mty Human ReJations O:xmission on September 27, 1973; 8I1d 1fRRRRAA, the menbers of the South County HIIII8I1 ReJatiolB Coomis3ion, on M~ 13, 1985, "ap(1'Oved separation from the cities after acquisition of (rivate, non-lX'Ofit statlll"; 8I1d WHEREAS, the aty of Arroyo Gr8l1de is appointed Treasurer 8I1d Auditor of OxiJIi!6ion fund!!; 8I1d 1fRRRRA~ the aty of Arroyo Grande wishes to _ure that South County Human ReJations O:>imission (XIbIic !lSSets 8l'e properly adninistered 8I1d that proper 8I1d legitimate South County HIIII8I1 ReJatiOIB Connission financial obligatiOJl! 8l'e attended to in 811 orderly 11III1Iler; NOW, '}'RRR.RIlORE, the aty O:>uncil of the aty of Arroyo Grande does hereby recognize the "separation" of all current South O:>unty Human ReJations Coonission members from the Connission, effective upon adoption of this Resolution; 8I1d FUR'J"RRMORB, estab1ilhes and appoints a Financial Qxlmittee to oversee the !lSSets 8I1d liabilities of the South County Human ReJations O:xmission. The Financial Qxlmittee shall 00n0r all proper 8I1d legitimate cJaiJm upon the treasury of the conmission to the extent funds 8l'e available 8I1d coordinate all financial traIIIIictions with the aty of Grover aty 8I1d the aty of Pisrm Beach. No!lSSets of the South O:>unty Human ReJations Coonission shall be reJeased by the Finance Director of the aty of Arroyo Grande without \\ritten authorization of the Financial Conni.ttee. Financial Qxlmittee appointees shall be Robert Mack, aty Manager, 8I1d Dave Bacon, Finance Director; 8I1d FUR'J"RRIIORE, declares the name "South County Htmm ReJatiolB Coomis3ion" 8I1d all deviations thereof to be the exclU!live property of the signatories to the obint fu\W!l'S Agreement crea~ sam!. On mtion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by O:>uncil Member furter, 8I1d on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: O:>uncil MenDers Gallagher, Porter 8I1d Mayor fmth. NOES: None. ABSENT: O:>uncil MenDers obhnson and Moots. the foregoing Resolution W!IS passed 8I1d adopted on the 26th day of March, 1985. /j'~~ MAYOR I, Virginia OIlp,DelQty aty Oerk of the aty of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Otispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing REsolution No. 1138 is a true, full 8I1d correct copy of said Resolution passed 8I1d adopted at a regular mee~ of said Council on the 26th day of March, 1985. WI1NESS my hand 8I1d the Seal of the aty of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of March, 1985. ~~~~ -~._-- --- --_._~.---_._-