R 1835
I' .'
WHEREAS, it is desirable to accept on behalf of the public, an offer of
dedication for roadway adjacent to Cross Street, shown on Parcel Map No.
AG 77-105, as recorded in Book 22, of Parcel Maps at Page 77 in the Office of
the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California; and
WHEREAS, said offer to dedicate varies in width from 25 ft. to 31.26 ft.;
WHEREAS, said offer to dedicate was planned for ultimate widening of Cross
Street, adjacent to said Parcel Map, which lies between Ide Street and a
previously improved segment of Cross Street just northerly of Allen Street in
the City of Arroyo Grande, California; and
WHEREAS, an Agreement, copy of which is attached and incorporated as a part
of this Resolution, has been approved by the City Council of the City of Arroyo
Grande for construction improvements and other related matters,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said offer to dedicate is hereby
accepted on behalf of the public for roadway construction and maintenance and
incidental purposes by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande.
On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Moots,
and on the followi ng rol1 call vote, to wi t:
AYES: Council Members Gallagher, Johnson, Moots, Porter and Mayor Smith.
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted the 12th day of March 1985.
I, Virginia L. Culp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Resolution No. 1835 is a true full and correct copy of said Resolution passed
and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 12th day of March 1985.
WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day
of Ma,rch 1985.
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1. Oty agrees to accept Qa;s Street Offer to Dedicate.
2. Oscar Grassle agrees to construct curb, gutter and driveway a(>IrOaches in Qa;s Street on
frontages of Parcel; A, B, C and D at an estimated total CC5t of $3,450 and to pay one-
third the casts, estimated at $1,150.
3. ParceJs A, B, C and D owners agree to:
A. Pay one-third the estimated cmt ($3,450) for the, curb, gutter and driveway ..'
approaches installation. Individual parcel owner costs are estimated to be:
OJrb &. Gutter Driveway i\pIroach TotaJs
Parcel A $ 258.00 $ 0.00 $ 258.00
Parcel B 192.00 150.00 342.00
Parcel C 190.00 150.00 340.00
ParcelD 150.00 60.00 210.00
Total,. One-Third
Estimated emt $ 790.00 $ 360.00 $1,150.00
Payment shan be made directly to Oscar Grassle or to the aty in one year, in the
event (l"operty owner(s) sign a note offered by theOty.
B. Relieve Oscar Grassle and the, Oty of Arroyo Grande of -all responsibility and
liability of conforming existing yarQJ, and property within curb, gutter and driveway
approaches to installed curb, gutter and driveway approaches.
C. O>nfonn their individual properties to installed curb, gutter and driveway awoaches
at own expense and/or labor.
4. Oty agrees to:
A. Pay Oscar Grassle one-third. the cast of curb, gutter and driveway aP(1"OOch
installation, estimated' to be $1,150 for the Oty's share of the installation.
B. Accept notes from Parcel A, B, C &. Downer(s) for payment of their respective
shares of curb, gutter and driveway approach installation casts, payable to the Oty
in one-year, interest free, in lieu of property owners paying Oscar Grassle directly.
C. Pay to Oscar Grassle the one-third share of ParceJs B, C &. D owner(s), estimated to
be $1,150, in the event owner(s) sign note(s) offered by the Oty.
D. Formally recognize that current driveway widths on Parcels At B, C & D are legally
conforming due to cWTent property lot configurations, and that the Qty's acceptance
of Qoss Street Offer to Dedicate shall reconfigure parcel; and lots' so that such
drivewaY'S widths and future curb cuts will be recognized by the Oty as legally non-
--- ._--_..,---~_._-<..----
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E. Pennit cUlTently installed and conforming driveway widths to remain, and driveway
approaches (curb cuts) to be installed on O'CSS street to confonn to Cln'rent
driveway widths, but not to exceed 50' in width for Parce1s B &: C, and 20' in width
cel D, and to pemit such curb cut widths to remain in perpetuity.
Date (
Owner, Parcel A, -$28 Ide $t Date
4a1JL-u1}i~< 3-11.-6~
Owner, eel, O'CSS, St. ' Date
~ ~~:~St.) ~
--L>~:j-( ~-lli
I Own L~ B, O'CSS, St. '~ Date
(ITesently, 526 Ide St.)
Owner, Parce 247 O'oss S ' Date
Ck) Q Qk~~/'r-...~ ~-\;;2~
Owner, Parcel C, , O'oss St. Date
~ (:', J")Q''1\O-\~W-- ') {I:L !g.;
Owije , Parcel D, 243 O'oss St. Date' ,
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l...__,?'. h:~'L_/ '7(.al!~~~ 3/; ")'/p'j
Owner, pftl"cel D, 243 cross St. Date// /
~. . ~/I,/tl's'
a y Manager, aty of Arroyo Grande Date