R 1823 .~,:.'~.'::';"-;.:.~-':; :- ",.~'i~ 1"': ;,. " . ... ~~. "'-::;.'~i~';l.~~" ~ II \ . t.' .. II RESOLUTION NO. 1823 'I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY \ OF ARROYO GRANOE HO,VORING /.lARK M. MILLIS FOR i HIS OUrSrANOING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF ARROYO i GRANPE, CALIFORNIA. I i (~HEREAS, MARK MILLIS 11M AeJtved the. CLtg 06 AMoya 'GJutnde. (Uul tlte COI7I111C.uu.ty A.lnc.e. 1972; and WHEREAS, MARK MILLIS 6.uu..t l>eJLVeD. on the. CLtIJ Coundt,{n 1912. and dwUng the., en6tU.ng twelve YeaJrl> made A.lgM6.{.c.a.d: c.on;tMJI(,Iot"-o1'lo6 .to f~66ec:t cJumgM and .lmplLOveme.!'1.t4 .to the CLty On Aluwyo G>ul.nde; antI (QII'EREAS, he. hied .tIte pol>lih1n 06 J,hyOIl. 6ILan 1978 .tI~h 198Q;. and WHEREAS, he ~ the "fayOJl. PIU1 Tem {1r.om 1974 ~ 1978; t1Wd WHEREAS, he AeJtVeD. a.6 Pltui.de.nt, ChAnnel. CQJJJIt.:ti.u 1J~on 06.tJi\e ,- l.eo.gue. 06 Ca.U60Jr.nJ.a Ci..ti.u; aA BoaJul MeJJbeJt, SoJJitJr. San LLiiIA Ob.iApo Cfoun.ty , SanLta:ti.on 1J.u.~; a.6 Cha.l.JtnwJ, undeJr.g.tOwtd U:tii/:){.;t;y COO":ilillaUng au.rm&UtR.e; anda.6 BoaJul MembVt, Zone 3 Adtd.4OJr.y Collllli.:ttee; aHIId . WHEREAS, MARK MI1.LI~ di.d ~tJLive .to pu.6Vtve.the. u.n.l.qu~:n~c.qi U6e. .w AMayo GlUtnde. by woJrJUng 6011. /J..ow, weU. pla.nneil gll.ow:th ii1rJ1 the. pJeflMJLva.- :ti.o n 06 p1t.ime agM.c.uLtuIral..t.and.6; and; WHEREAS, MARK MILLIS CJteJd:Jl.d It Pa1t.h.6 a:nd Rtt.lle.a.tion PlU1gldU1t ..Lnkmoyo G1u:tnde. Aec.ond .to none; and ., WHEREAS, MARK MILLIS ha.6 been ..LnvolVf.d ..Ln Va6U./JLI.6 o.theJt 'LIC-tlvLtir/i. hav.ing .to do IUU:h. the pltogJtu~ and wel.6aJr.f..o6 the. CLty 06 ANu~'fo G1toJ1I;k] NOW, THEREFORE.. BE IT RESCl.IlfI) THAT THE CITY COU,VClL OF lWilE CITY GJF ARROYO GRANDE dOe4 1I.e.c.ogn.lze. and c.omme.ncL MARK M. "lLLIS 60Jc..hi& ac.c.~h- men.ts and eo rlbLWu.t.i.o 1'106 .to the Cil:y 06 AJvw yo G1Iit1tde and .tile Ja1>.i.den;u I' 6 the c.ommunLty and the CoWLty 06 San Luh. Ob.iApO] 4J'1d 6011. h.i.I. c4e.votedlM''r.v.i.c.e , and cUU.gen.t e660Jr.t6 .to 6W1.t1lVt AtJr.engthen. and -in]pIU1ve. the mrnrnuni4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEV :tha:t ,the C.i.;ty Council. 06 the CiIl!B 0 d ANw..lJl GlUlttde t!J.i.l..hu eon-tinu.ed hea.l.th, 6UCc.e46 and c.on-ten.tmen.t .in dt 06 .tilli; 6uJ:UIl.e endeo.vo"" 0 6 OWl. e4te.emeD. a.660cUa.te IlYId e.i..ti.zen, J,fAm( f.{. MrLu:a... On mot.i.on 06 COWlcll. MembeJt GaUagheIL, 6e.c.onded by OnClllc.U. Memb&'ti. Moot.6, and 0 n .tite 60Uowing 1U1il. c.a.U vo.te, .to' w.i.:t:: AYES: Councll. MembeJrA GaUa.gheJt, John6on, I,(oath, PoJt.tVt and t.\fagOIl. SmUt),. NOES: None /,Gs:-,Irr: Ijatt~ .tile 1.000ego.iHg Re4otu.t.i.clYl 111M pa.66ed a.nd a.dopted the 22nd dt:ty od Ja.nl.lLVr.Y 1985. ~ I',.;, trMR <..// l &?./ _a' I, Virginia L. Cvlp, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1823 is a true, full and correct copy of said Reso ed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 2 j)n y f985:~ l- I 0< ' /, \J~ IJJ~.)'i>1f9.1 ..-J d/,d t:li,.Sl',-t} I.){' thf' Ci ty ul Ar'royo Crdilde affiA1...d tili~ ( . ',"'~' ' ! i ""l " + ~- \ 1 ~,p, ! ~'~ ,t . \ .' ." if). tf:...", ,.. . ' ~:~ . .\~.-',: \~~ '-~;'l ~7''/ .__.....-;..,..., ('\ t. .~.'" ...~ / /; ,..:. I-? . -'J"-;"/"'/ .,....;7 .'_ . .I.,. . " . " ~ -~ -,:~ ,# P;"'ftfJ.' .-; .....:. ~ - . '"".L,_.' ;...., .:",-'