PC 08.a. PlansSteven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISI PROJECT DESCRIPTION A PROPOSAL FOR A 27,728 SQUARE FOOT 51 ROOM HOTEL PROJECT with 65 PARKING SPACES AND A PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY FROM BRANCH STREET TO LE POINT STREET. DIRECTORY P1.0 TITLE SHEET-PROJECT DATA - OVERALL SITE PLAN C1 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C2 PRELIMINARY SITE GRADING SECTIONS L1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN L2 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN P2.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN and PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN P3.0 FIRST FLOOR PLAN P3.1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN P4.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS P5.0 BUILDING SECTIONS AND DETAIL ELEVATIONS E100 SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN 1 of 1 LOT MERGER AND EASEMENT EXHIBIT MAP 12 TOTAL SHEETS SHEET INDEX PROJECT DATA & STATISTICS GENERAL SITE INFORMATION PROJECT ADDRESS:325 E BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER:007-202-014 007-202-028 007-202-031 LOT SIZE:81,022 square feet (1.86 acres) LAND USE DESIGNATION:Village Core CURRENT SITE(S) USAGE:Vacant Commercial ZONING DESIGNATION:Village Core Downtown (VCD) Village Mixed Use (VMU) ZONING HAZARDS:FH - Flood Hazard BUILDING AREA HOTEL 27,728 square feet TOTAL 27,728 square feet LOT COVEREAGE HOTEL FOOTPRINT 13910 square feet PARKING & DRIVE AISLES 21800 square feet FLATWORK 5110 square feet LANDSCAPING AT PARKING 21780 square feet UNDISTURNED LAND 18422 square feet TOTAL 81022 square feet FLOOR AREA RATIO = 27,728 / 81,022 = 0.34 FAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1 space per hotel room (2 additional spaces for management office) Parking Spaces Required =54 Total Proposed Parking Spaces =65 VICINITY MAP not to scale P1.0TITLE SHEET and OVERALL SITE PLANElevation from E. Branch St. SITE E. BRANCH ST.NOT TO SCALETO SAN LUIS OBISPO101 TO SANTA MARIA LARCHMONT DR.WESLEY ST . WILTON PL. ARROYO GRANDE CREEK NELS O N DR.POOLE ST.SHO R T S T . S . M A SON S T . OLAH A N ALY S T A T ION W A YNE V A D A S T . HART LN LE POINT STN. M A SON S T .CROWN TERRAC ETALLY HO RD .MILLER WAYN SOILS ENGINEER:GSI 524 E Chapel St SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 BIOLOGIST:Sage II 1065 Higuera Street, Suite 301 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805.434.2904 CULTURAL RESOURCE:CRMS 829 Paso Robles Street PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 LAND SURVEYOR:TRIAD HOLMES ASSOCIATES 555 Chorro St. Suite A1 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 TRAFFIC ENGINEER:HATCH, MOTT, MACDONALD 1300-B First St. GILROY, CA 95020 OWNER:NKT COMMERCIAL 684 Higuera, Suite B SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 ARCHITECT:STEVEN PUGLISI ARCHITECTURE 569 Higuera St. Suite A SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 (o) 595-1962 (f) 595-1980 CIVIL ENGINEER:ASHLEY VANCE ENGINEERING 1413 Monterey St. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:FIRMA 187 Tank Farm Rd. Suite 230 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER:ABOVE GRADE 1304 Broad St. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 NOT FORCONSTRUCTIONOVERALL SITE PLAN Scale: 1:20 SSCO NO PARKING APPROXIMATE TOP OF BANKN 28°59'48" W 155.74'SSCO 22'-0 5/8" Lobby Seating up FF 120.8 upPROPOSED BUILDING Not in Project Scope Not in Project Scope Not in Project Scope Not in Project Scope EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING RESIDENCE LE POINT STREET HARDEN ST. EAST BRANCH STREET 10 0 10 20 4052 4 6 8 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" EXISTING BUILDING18'-0"29'-0"18'-0" Ashley www.ashleyvance.com Vance& 1413 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 545-0010 (323) 744-0010 C I V I L S T R U C T U R A L C. Ashley www.ashleyvance.com Vance& 1413 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 545-0010 (323) 744-0010 C I V I L S T R U C T U R A L C. MATCHLINE BOTTOM xt4.741;Lobby xt4.741;Seating xt4.741;Utility xt4.741;Utility / Caterer's Kitchen xt5.689;FF 120.8 125.0 0 125.00120.0 0130.001 2 0 . 0 0 1 1 9 . 0 0 1 1 8 . 0 0 1 2 1 . 0 0 1 2 2 . 0 0 12 4 . 0 T C H N D L V L 12 3 . 0 T C H N D L V L 12 2 . 0 T C H N D L V L MATCHLINE Preliminary Plant Materials List Undisturbed Riparian Vegetation Riparian Edge Remove exotics Platanus racemosa Populus fremontii Sambucus mexicana Leymus condensatus Rhamnus californica Rosa californica Rubus ursinus Xeriscape Buffer / Native Slope Planting (irrigation plant factor 0.2-0.3 very low to low) Quercus agrifolia Platanus racemosa Aesculus californicus Archtostaphylos 'Hookeri' Archtostaphylos 'Howard McMinn' Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks' Ceanothus 'Concha' Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' Heteromeles arbutifolia Myrica californica Rhamnus californica "Native Meadow" / Bioswale (irrigation plant factor 0.35 low) Achillea millifolium Calamagrostis foliosa Carex tumulicola Deschampsia caespitosa Eschscholzia California Festuca californica Muhlenbergia rigens Drought Tolerant Ornamental Landscape (irrigation plant factor 0.3-0.4 low to med) Canopy Broad-leaf Evergreen Trees Quercus agrifolia Ulmus parvifolia Small Broad-leaf Evergreen Trees Arbutus 'Marina' Tristania laurina Flowering Tree Jacaranda acutifoloa Metrisideros excelsa Tall, Narrow Broad-leaf Evergreen Trees Podocarpus gracilior Eucalyptus citriodora Shrubs and Groundcovers Callistemon 'Little John' Cistus 'Sunset' Cotoneaster lacteus Dietes vegeta Hemerocallis sp. Photinia fraseri Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Raphiolepis indica Rosmarinus officinalis Salvia leucantha Trachelospermum jasminoides Vines Distictis bucinatoria Wisteria sinensi 05'10'20'20' 40' 60' Scale: 1" = 20'-0" Average 35' Riparian Setback Line Top of Bank Riparian Edge Planting to top of bank Xeriscape Buffer / Native Slope Planting Xeriscape Buffer / Native Slope Planting "Native Meadow" / Bioswale A R R O Y O G R A N D E C R E E KB R A N C H S T R E E T Existing Riparian Canopy L E P O I N T E S T Multi use path connection to Le Pointe Street Existing Pistache Trees Pool fence: Iron picket with brick pilasters Spa with wood trellis Existing Slope Landscape Existing Parking Lot Bench Bench Bench Multi-purpose path Pool Conceptual Landscape Plan Branch Street Hotel The Village of Arroyo Grande June 5, 21015 North File Name: Firma_21531_BranchPrelim Last Date Modified: 6/5/15 firma l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t s p l a n n i n g • e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t u d i e s 187 Tank Farm Road, Suite 230, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 phone: 805.781.9800 fax: 805.781.9803 L-1 Conceptual Landscape Plan Branch Street Hotel The Village of Arroyo Grande June 5, 21015 North File Name: Firma_21531_BranchPrelim Last Date Modified: 6/1/15 firma l a n d s c a p e a r c h i t e c t s p l a n n i n g • e n v i r o n m e n t a l s t u d i e s 187 Tank Farm Road, Suite 230, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 phone: 805.781.9800 fax: 805.781.9803 Water Conservation Notes Planting and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water. the following factors have been incorporated to aid in the success of the project landscape: 1. Irrigation system to be a fully automatic underground system utilizing either low-precipitation spray heads, bubblers, or drip emitters, or a combination thereof. Irrigation hydrozones shall be separated with control valves and controller stations into appropriate and compatible zones. 2. Plant materials proposed are selected for their compatibility to climatic and site conditions, resistance to wind, and drought tolerance. 3. All planters shall be mulched with a 2” minimum layer of organic mulch throughout. 4. Plant materials proposed shall be grouped into distinct hydrozones utilizing plants with similar water needs. 5. Water needs of plant material proposed have been evaluated utilizing the WUCOLS Project (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) prepared by the University of California Cooperative extension, February 1992. All plant materials proposed are selected for low to moderate water needs in this climate. Low Impact Development (LID) for Stormwater Management. LID Goals: 1. Conserve natural areas, soil and vegetation. 2. Preserve natural drainage patterns. 3. Minimize grading and ground disturbance. 4. Minimize soil compaction. 5. Minimize and disconnect impervious surfaces. 6. Direct runoff to pervious areas. The Landscape Plan will incorporate the following LID Planning Principles as applicable in coordination with the CIvil Engineer's Stormwater Plan. 1. Treat Stormwater Runoff 2. Reduce and infiltrate Stormwater Runoff. Best Management Practices (BMPs) Some or all of the following BMPs may be incorporated into the final project design: Vegetated Bioswale, Street Trees and Shade Trees, Foundation Planting, Xeriscape Landscaping, Rain Gutters, Mulch & Soil Preparation, Permeable (Porous) Paving, and Low-Volume, Low-Flow Irrigation Design L-2 Table 1: annual To Calculate MAWA- Maximum Applied Water Allowance ETo (annual)40.0 LA 26,292 SLA 0 MAWA ( gallons/year)456,429 MAWA (inches per sq. ft)27.85 MAWA ( inches per DAY )0.08 ETo is not adjusted for seasonal rainfall MAWA = (Eto)(0.62)[(0.7xLA)+(0.3xSLA)] Table 2a: annual To Calculate ETWU- Estimated Total Water Use Eto (annual)40.0 PFxHA (see table 2b)8,476 HA (see table 2b)26,292 IE ( see Table 3)0.85 SLA 0 ETWU ( gallons/season)247,301 ETWU ( inches per sq. ft.)15.09 ETWU (per DAY)0.04 ETo is not adjusted for seasonal rainfall ETWU = (Eto)(0.62){[(PFxHA)/IE]+SLA} Table 2b To Determine Plant Factor with Mutiple Hydro Zones H.Z Water Use Type P.F.**H.A (s.f.)Weighted P.F. 1 V LOW 0.25 3,934 984 2 LOW 0.3 13,302 3,991 3 LOW 0.35 2,409 843 4 LOW-MED 0.4 6,647 2,659 5 0 6 0 Totals 26,292 8,476 **Plant Factor from WUCOLS, August 2000 ETWU IS 54% MAWA ETWU÷MAWA 0.54 H.Z Water Use Type Sprinkler HA "IE" Weighted Area 1 V LOW-LOW DRIP 17,236 0.85 14,651 2 LOW DRIP 2,409 0.85 2,048 3 LOW MED DRIP 6,647 0.85 5,650 4 0 5 0 6 0 Totals 26,292 22,348 IE is 0.85 **Plant Factor from WUCOLS, August 2000 Table 3: hydrozone (H.Z.) information To Determine Average System "IE" exceeds .71 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE COMPLIANCE At 54% of MAWU, the projects exceeds the target CALGreen non-mandatory Outdoor Water use threshold of 65% of MAWA CATVJPJPJPJP JP CATVTEL PGECO CO S FH SSCO SSCO SSCO NO PARKING HB HB HB SSCO SSCO SSMH RIM 152.62' INV 146.48' S S EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING RESIDENCE 2" PALM EXISTING BUILDING 12" PALM E X I S T IN G AWN IN G SIGNAL VAULT SIGNAL POLE STEPSSTEPSBU I L D IN G GM PATH12" DI@TG 115.29' INV 113.90' RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALLS RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALLS LE POINT STREET N 28°55'33" W 236.60'N 28°59'48" W 155.74'N 61°13'00" E 126.48' N 61°14'01" E 237.88'N 28°49'07" W 149.60'N 61°00'11" E 41.63' N 61°00'11" E 124.72' N 61°00'11" E 104.67' 185.64'115.39' HARDEN ST. WMWM WM WM WM WM WM 30'30'PPPPPP 14" DI@TG 116.7' INV 115.4' EAST BRANCH STREET TALLYCREEKSSCO SSCO SSCO N 61°00'00" E 75.00'N 29°00'00" W 156.00'S 29°00'00" E 237.50'S 61°00'00" W 185.46'N 29° W 181.50'120120125130 125 130130 125115 135140 135(E) Parking to Remain (E) Parking to Remain SSCO SSCO SSCO NO PARKING S 61° W 19.00' HB HB HB SSCO SSCO SSMH RIM 152.62' INV 146.48' S S EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING RESIDENCE 2" PALM EXISTING BUILDING 12" PALM E X I S T IN G AWN IN G SIGNAL VAULT SIGNAL POLE STEPSSTEPSBU I L D IN G GM PATH12" DI@TG 115.29' INV 113.90' RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALLS RAILROAD TIE RETAINING WALLS LE POINT STREET N 28°55'33" W 236.60'N 28°59'48" W 155.74'N 61°13'00" E 126.48' N 61°14'01" E 237.88'N 28°49'07" W 149.60'N 61°00'11" E 41.63' N 61°00'11" E 124.72' N 61°00'11" E 104.67' 185.64'115.39' HARDEN ST. WMWM WM WM WM WM WM 30'30'PPPPPP 14" DI@TG 116.7' INV 115.4' EAST BRANCH STREET TALLYCREEKSSCO SSCO SSCO N 61°00'00" E 75.00'N 29°00'00" W 156.00'S 29°00'00" E 237.50'S 61°00'00" W 185.46'N 29° W 181.50'1201201 15 120125 125130130 125 130130 125115 135140 135(E) Parking to Remain (E) Parking to Remain 115 18'-0"29'-0"18'-0"22'-0 5/8" up Up Up UpUp70'-0"Le Point Street Right of Way WMWM 15 Parking Stalls 3 Parking Stalls6' High Wall Pool Terrace 39.5' of Ramp (E) Trash Enclosure (E) Transformer To Be Replaced LIMIT OF ENCROACHMENT INTO 100 YEAR STORMLIMIT WITH NO INCREASE IN 100 YR WSELTALLYHOCREEKRiparian 35' SetbackAPPROXIMATE TOP OF BANKArea of Existing Curb and Parking Improvement (N) 42" Tall Landscape Sign 1 ft wide x 8 ft long (N) Hammerhead Turn-a-round (N) Path Extends to Le Pointe. See Landscape Dwgs (N) Hotel 27, 728 sf 120.8 FF 12 Parking Stalls 10 spaces Total Parking Stalls = 65 18'-0"20'-0" 18' - 0 " 21'-5" 20' - 0 "15'-0"Street Setback15'-0"Rear Setback10 0 10 20 4052 4 6 8 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" 2 P5.0 2 P5.02P5.02P5.0Refer to 3/P5.0 for Pool Fence Elevation (E) 36" Palm To Remain (E) 9 spaces Provide Pool Cover during times of vacancy Possible Location for Electric Vehicle Stub-out (E) Fire Hydrant Investigate (E) Fire Line Prior to Grading Proposed Location for (N) Fire Hydrant. Connection from Mason Ex. 24" Dia. Oak To Remain Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 P2.0ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANH C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISINOT FORCONSTRUCTIONARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN Scale: 1:20 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1.See Sheet E100 for site lighting and proposed utility plan design and locations. 2.All lot lines under building to be merged and all remaining lots will have reciprocal access easements over them. Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISINOT FORCONSTRUCTIONSPACE INDICATORS: 1 Reception Desk 2 Lobby 3 Main Seating 4 Caterer Kitchen 5 Elevator 6 Unisex Public Bathroom 7 Unisex Public Restroom 8 Night Auditor Station 9 General Management Office 10 Boiler Room 11 Laundry Room 12 Laundry Unisex Bathroom 13 Utility Storage 14 Vending 15 Linen / Maid's Closet 16 Engineering Room 17 Employee Break Room 18 Employee Unisex Bathroom 19 Entry Up Up UpUpLOWER FLOOR PLANP3.0LOWER FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/8" 12 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 19 Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISINOT FORCONSTRUCTIONSPACE INDICATORS: 1 Reception Desk 2 Lobby 3 Main Seating 4 Caterer Kitchen 5 Elevator 6 Unisex Public Bathroom 7 Unisex Public Restroom 8 Night Auditor Station 9 General Management Office 10 Boiler Room 11 Laundry Room 12 Laundry Unisex Bathroom 13 Utility Storage 14 Vending 15 Linen / Maid's Closet 16 Engineering Room 17 Employee Break Room 18 Employee Unisex Bathroom 19 Entry UPPER FLOOR PLANP3.1UPPER FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1/8" Utility Dn DnDn14 16 17 17 5 15 Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISINOT FORCONSTRUCTIONFRONT ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" FRONT-RIGHT ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" RIGHT ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" LEFT ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" REAR-RIGHT ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" REAR ELEVATION Scale: 1/8" P4.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS1st FF 120.8 Top of Landing 117.5' 2nd FF 13'-0" FF to FF9'-7" 2nd Flr PH11'-1" PL36'-0" Max Allowable Building Height33'-4" Building Ht from Ave Nat GradeMaximum Allowable Building Height 153.75' Average Natural Grade 117.75' 1st FF 120.8 2nd FF 13'-0" FF to FF9'-7" 2nd Flr PH11'-1" PL36'-0" Max Allowable Building HeightMax Height of BuildingFrom Average Natural GradeMaximum Allowable Building Height 153.75' Average Natural Grade 117.75' 1st FF 2nd FF 11'-6" FF to FF9'-7" 2nd Flr PH9'-7" PL36'-0" Max Allowable Building Height33'-4" Bldg Ht From Avg Nat GradeMaximum Allowable Building Height 153.75' Average Natural Grade 117.75' SMOOTH STEEL-TROWED STUCCO, OFF-WHITE WOOD TRIM BOARD, PAINTED OFF-WHITE WOOD KICKERS, PAINTED OFF-WHITE STONE TRIM, NATURAL COLOR TONE BOARDFORM CONCRETE BASE, STAIN CONCRETE TO MATCH YELLOW INDIGENOUS SANDSTONE WROUGHT-IRON BALCONY OIL-RUBBED BRONZE SMOOTH STEEL-TROWELED STUCCO, OFF-WHITE SPLIT POST WOOD COLUMN W/ STONE BASE WOOD RAIL & POSTS, PAINTED OFF-WHITE COMPOSITE ROOFING WOOD SHUTTERS, PAINTED LANTERN LIGHT FIXTURE, OIL-RUBBED BRONZE COMPOSITE WOOD SIDING WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE, OIL-RUBBED BRONZEOFF-WHITE WINDOW w/ WOOD TRIM,MATERIAL TBD 2'-0" TALL X 10'-0" WIDE HOTEL SIGN12'-1" BOTT OF SIGNWROUGHT-IRON FAUX BALCONY, OIL-RUBBED BRONZE FINISH WOOD SILL, PAINTED WHITE STONE VENEER AT BASE Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISI P5.0BUILDING SECTIONSDETAIL ELEVATIONSNOT FORCONSTRUCTIONSITE SECTION Scale: 1/8"1 SITE SECTION Scale: 1/8"2 POOL FENCE ELEVATION Scale: 1/4"3 FULL SITE SECTION Scale: 1/16"4 FULL SITE SECTION Scale: 1/16"5 1st FF 120.8 2nd FF 13'-0" FF to FF9'-7" 2nd Flr PH11'-1" PL36'-0" Max Allowable Building HeightMax Height of BuildingFrom Average Natural GradeMaximum Allowable Building Height 153.75' Average Natural Grade 117.75' E. BRANCH ST Guest Room Guest RoomHall Reception Lobby EntryPool DeckRear Parking Front Parking Line of Natural Grade Line of Natural Grade Line of Finish Grade 1st FF 120.8 2nd FF 13'-0" FF to FF9'-7" 2nd Flr PH11'-1" PL36'-0" Max Allowable Building Height30'-9 1/2" Max Building Height From FinisMaximum Allowable Building Height 153.75' Average Natural Grade 117.75' Line of Natural Grade Line of Finish Grade Line of Natural Grade Guest Room Guest Room Guest Room Guest Room Guest Room Guest Room Guest Room Hall HallGuest Room Guest Room Guest RoomBathroom BathroomReception Lobby 148.50' 148.50'4'-0"6'-4"Stone Cap Wrought Iron Rail/Picket Stone Sill Smooth Steel-Troweled Stucco, Painted White. 1st FF 120.8 36'-0" Max Allowable Building HeightE. BRANCH ST Guest Room Guest RoomHall Reception Lobby EntryPool DeckRear Parking Front Parking Line of Natural Grade Line of Natural Grade Line of Finish Grade 121.75 Line of Natural Grade Existing Residence LE POINT 36'-0" Max Allowable Building HeightLine of Natural Grade Line of Finish Grade Line of Natural Grade TALLY HO CREEK MASON EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING PROPOSED HOTEL Steven Puglisi SHEET NO.:PROJECT: All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or represented by the drawings are owned by, and the property of, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and were created and developed for use, and in conjunction with, the specific project described herein. None of these ideas, designs and arrangements or plans shall be used by, or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose without permission of Steven Puglisi, Architect. Filing these drawings with a public agency is not a publication of same, and no copying, reproduction or use thereof is permissible without the consent of Steven Puglisi, Architect. DATE: JOB: DRAWN: REV.: mtd 11-19-2015 x Tompkins Hotel - Branch St.for NKT Commercial325 E Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CaliforniaA R C H I T E C T S, INC.SHEET TITLE:569 Higuera Street Suite A San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Ph: 805.595.1962 Fx: 805.595.1980 H C 1 2 9 3 8 08.31.15 VETS L G UP REN. DATE I NE AT C ETICRADESNECIL S TATE OF C A L I F O R N ISINOT FORCONSTRUCTIONCMCOLOR AND MATERIALS BOARDBRANCH ST. COLOR AND MATERIALS VERTICAL COMPOSITE BOARD SIDING HARDIBOARD WHITE COMPOSITE ROOFING SHINGLES OWENS CORNING WOODMOOR - CARBON SMOOTH STEEL-TROWELED STUCCO MERLEX NAJAVO WHITE WOOD SHUTTERS FRAZEE PAINT RACOON CL - 3176N WINDOW & DOOR FRAMES WOOD RAILINGS FRAZEE PAINT FOSSIL DUST CLW - 1043W DECORATIVE BALCONY WROUGHT-IRON SATIN BLACK FINISH STONE BASE AT FRONT BORAL STONE COBBLESTONE BOARDFORM CONCRETE YELLOW SANDSTONE STAIN LobbySeatingLaundryUtilityUtility /Caterer'sKitchenFF 120.8up(N) HOTEL2-Story27,728 SF120.8 1ST FLR FFPool Terrace1222233333333333333333333344444EXISTING PG&E XFMR. TO BE REPLACED PER PG&E RULE 16 DRAWINGS.EXISTING SITE LIGHTING TO REMAIN.PROPOSED POLE MOUNTED SITE AREA LIGHTING FIXTURE.PROPOSED BOLLARD WALKWAY LIGHTING FIXTURE.1234SITE POWER PLAN REFERENCE NOTES43PROPOSED LIGHTING FIXTURESSCALE: 1" = 20'-0"SITE ELECTRICAL PLANSITE ELECTRICAL PLANSHEET NO.:PROJECT:All ideas, designs, arrangements andplans indicated or represented by thedrawings are owned by, and the propertyof, Steven Puglisi, Architect, and werecreated and developed for use, and inconjunction with, the specific projectdescribed herein. None of these ideas,designs and arrangements or plans shallbe used by, or disclosed to any person,firm, or corporation for any purposewithout permission of Steven Puglisi,Architect. Filing these drawings with apublic agency is not a publication ofsame, and no copying, reproduction oruse thereof is permissible without theconsent ofSteven Puglisi, Architect.DATE:JOB:DRAWN:REV.:MB06-6-201515087Tompkins Hotel - Branch St. for NKT Commercial Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California SHEET TITLE:E100Steven PuglisiA R C H I T E C T S,INC.569 Higuera StreetSuite ASan Luis ObispoCA 93401Ph: 805.595.1962Fx: 805.595.1980